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Mapping Voting

Chocolate Kitty


23 members have voted

  1. 1. What map looks the best but still retains the base of the original mape the best?

    • [img]http://i.imgur.com/o3M8U.png[/img] - Aura Wolf
    • [img]http://i132.photobucket.com/albums/q30/Feaw_2007/FeawMapContest07.png[/img] - Feaw
    • [img]http://dl.dropbox.com/u/29863231/week10%20%281%29.png[/img] - Hero
    • [img]http://www.majhost.com/gallery/Neo-SL/Maps/competition_map_10.png[/img] - SuperLuigi
    • [img]http://i165.photobucket.com/albums/u67/anouleth/fffortscrn-1.png[/img] - Anouleth
    • [img]http://i.imgur.com/oGs6G.png[/img] - Primefusion

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The most common issue between all of them was how the upper right was handled. Some of the maps make it very difficult to access that area of the map. A lot of them also use broken walls but using just one tile of broken walls creates a height issue. Overall, I think Anouleth handled that part the best but his stairs to nowhere elsewhere really detract from the overall map. Superluigi also handled it well but the room itself doesn't really serve too much of a purpose unless an important person were in that room and the player needed to rescue them.

Gripes aside, this is a pretty tough choice. Going with Feaw though everyone else is literally right behind him.

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Anouleth's is my favorite because there are many areas to engage in, and there are many breakable walls to open up more paths to attack from. Though, Feaw's snowtile theme looks nice.

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Well, since Eric hasn't visited yet I threw in my vote.

Voted for SuperLuigi, that map looks fun! ^^

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Overall, I think Anouleth handled that part the best but his stairs to nowhere elsewhere really detract from the overall map.

I wasn't really sure how to handle those stairs, but I though that the stairs leading up and ending in a staircase that goes down looked ridiculous.

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