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Build My Endgame Team.

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Fenrir, are you getting Lehran?

I do not think i have a proper save file available atm.

Who thinks i should use Nasir/Gareth?

Edited by Fenrir
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i know its possible, but I've used her in drafts and it takes to much resources and isnt fun. Pick again please please pleasse

You forgot to read the text below that. 8[

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I agree with this. Even in Easy I find Lyre just annoying to use.

With the possible exception of her first few maps, Ilyana is never a very good character, no matter which team she's on. As far as "incentive" goes, she's quite lacking.

Rexbolt as a tome is not that special, so the only real reason for this would be if the player wanted to bless all the SS weapons.

To be fair, she's probably a tad better on Micaiah's team. Soren is locked to Ike, Bastian comes late, Tormod is Tormod, and Calill has less availability and time to be improved. Sanaki is also a lot less durable than Ilyana, even if it's not much. But I'd rather have Ilyana who also has Shade than Sanaki who can easily get one shotted or rounded thanks to her non existent strength slowing her down.

Both her and Bastian can WTA against the Laguz I guess, but that's really just Elincia + Tibarn skip so she's not as much use there. And if you are taking her to Endgame, it's either Rexbolt or Bolting for her, and Bolting is harder to get even if it's possible. Plus Staff bot I guess.

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Brolug and Zihark. >8] And support them together. And have them kill Ike. Great success.

There's one slot left though.

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With the possible exception of her first few maps, Ilyana is never a very good character, no matter which team she's on. As far as "incentive" goes, she's quite lacking.

She can be good actually, just like Soren and Callil (without doubling towards he end like Callil). Plus her Rexbolt is just so awesome :awesome:

Edited by Jhen Mohran
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Because I didn't think you would want two bow users for Endgame. Then I remember Lughnasad's +5 Spd might get Leo to double Auras without the help of Nasir.

So, okay, go for Shinon.

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I just beat 1-7 and this is alot of fun, Fiona got a level up and is near another. =]

Ilyana is lv 16 with 57 in change.

Jill is lv 15 with 57exp as well.

zihark/volug are C support after 2 stages :D they stood next to each other at every possible time.

I accidently Leonardo...

Fiona at lv 20: 29hp, 10 str, 8 mag, 10 skill, 18 speed, 14 luck, 14 def, 10 res. from 10-20 I bexp'd her

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