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Is there any kind of patch that turns on enemy range toggle in hard mode?

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All the changes are in main.dol and involve changing one instruction, to 28000003, at different places

For range on:

at these three addresses in main.dol:




OR these three addresses in RAM:




weapon triangle:




map affinity:






Ok I don't know anything about GCTs and it looked kind of confusing, but GPFs apparently work just like IPSs, so I was able to do that pretty easily and run it on my Wii.

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Thank you so much for these codes! Hopefully, I can get them to work without too much trouble. Quick and probably silly question: did you double-check to make sure that the codes only do what they say they do, and not say, turn HM into NM with red saves

Once I get back into this game, I might have a go at converting them to GCT if no one has done it already.

Edited by Athe
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Thank you so much for these codes! Hopefully, I can get them to work without too much trouble. Quick and probably silly question: did you double-check to make sure that the codes only do what they say they do, and not say, turn HM into NM with red saves

Once I get back into this game, I might have a go at converting them to GCT if no one has done it already.

Codetypes with Gecko OS:

CST2: 32bits Write

04______ XXXXXXXX : 32bits ram write (ba) writes XXXXXXXX at ba+address

14______ XXXXXXXX : 32bits ram write (po) writes XXXXXXXX at po+address

So basically:

Enable Range on Hard Mode

04191AC8 28000003

04052C98 28000003

04067C5C 28000003

Enable Weapon Triangle on Hard Mode

0402A8A8 28000003

Enable Map Affinity on Hard Mode

040F97D0 28000003

04119440 28000003

Edited by shadowofkitty
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Weapon Triangle doesn't add any sort of fake difficulty to the game at all. In fact it makes things a bit harder, genuinely. Battle Saves/no enemy movement are just... "fake" difficulty so to speak, it would make more sense to just keep those two turned on as opposed to adding weapon triangle on top of it.

I don't know if it really makes things harder. Usually, the player has a lot more control over what weapon they use than the enemy units (who are often in big homogenous blocks that makes it easier to counter with an appropriate weapon). Certainly, it would be nice to make Edward a bit more reliable against enemy Fighters, Nolan better against enemy Soldiers (he sucks against Myrmidons no matter what you do ;/).

If having no Battle Saves is fake difficulty, every Fire Emblem has fake difficulty. I would like them myself, just because I hate having to restart chapters over silly mistakes.

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I don't know if it really makes things harder. Usually, the player has a lot more control over what weapon they use than the enemy units (who are often in big homogenous blocks that makes it easier to counter with an appropriate weapon). Certainly, it would be nice to make Edward a bit more reliable against enemy Fighters, Nolan better against enemy Soldiers (he sucks against Myrmidons no matter what you do ;/).
The purpose was to take that luxury away, though, which is my point. It's not affecting THAT much in the grand scheme of things, to be fair, but it does make the early parts of Part 1 somewhat difficult.
If having no Battle Saves is fake difficulty, every Fire Emblem has fake difficulty. I would like them myself, just because I hate having to restart chapters over silly mistakes.
FE has tons of fake difficulty but it also has tons of real difficulty at points (FE5 and Cog of Destiny come to mind, as well as trying to S Rank HHM). Battle Saves are a good failsafe against that random 31% hit/1% critical that hits you and kills Geoffrey (true story). Edited by Mercenary Raven
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I have a question about these codes. Do they work with all US versions of Radiant Dawn? I know that there are at least two different US versions, I have the early one where Muarim has Mist's description and the game won't read PoR easy mode files. Although I haven't tried any of the codes posted in this thread, I did try this code to get perfect level ups:

088C359A 00000064

016500FC 00000000

088C359B 00000064

016500FC 00000000

088C359C 64646464

016500FC 00000000

088C35A0 00000064

016500FC 00000000

088C35A1 00000064

016500FC 00000000

And it hasn't been working for me. Is it because the code is wrong or that it doesn't work with the earlier versions of the game?


Never mind, I have found the correct code. I also had to set my Wii to 16:9 widescreen format. If you're wondering where I got the code, the website is


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I don't know of any different versions, but I'm using the NTSC version. RFEE01. Muarim is Ike's sister.

Is there a code to turn on battle saves for hard mode?

as far as I know, not yet

but I plan to make one

ok kinda half done but functional

When you save it works just like a battle save, but when you resume it, it says suspended data and deletes the save after loading it, so you have to re-save if you want to resume again.

may fix later

04025DBC 2C000003

0404B664 28000003

04025468 28000003

04025720 28000003

04025814 2C000003

Edited by Reikken
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