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[FE8] KP FE8 HM Draft

KP 2010

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Prologue: 3 Turns (3)

Standard w/o Seth. Eirika criticals the first fighter, 2RKOs the second and then takes out O'Neill on Enemy Phase 3. She gains Str and Spd so I'm happy.

Eirika   2.77  |17| 5| 8|10| 6| 3| 1|

Chapter 1: 5 Turns (8)

Eirika solo, trololololololololol. Eirika rushes Breguet and KOs him on Turn 4. She then seizes. Only burnt through a single vulnerary.

Eirika   5.07  |20| 7|10|12| 7| 6| 1|

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Chapter 2: 6 Turns (14)

Finally got some new characters. Ross and Garcia! I basically tried to get all the bandits to the center of the map and used Eirika's amazing skills to KO like... most of them. Ross gained a level in the process and bought a Steel Axe for Garcia.

Eirika   6.98  |21| 7|11|12| 8| 6| 1|
Ross     2.27  |16| 6| 2| 3| 9| 3| 0|
Garcia   4.52  |28| 8| 7| 7| 3| 5| 1|

Chapter 3: 7 Turns (21)

When pushing through 2 walls with only Ross and Garcia to help, 7 turns suddenly doesn't seem so bad. My goal here was to feed as much Exp to Ross as possible. Eirika wore Bazba down and Garcia got the kill to shave a turn (39 Hit on Bazba with the Hand-Axe).

Eirika   7.91  |22| 8|11|13| 8| 7| 1|
Ross     5.04  |19| 7| 4| 6| 9| 4| 0|
Garcia   6.23  |30|10| 9| 7| 3| 7| 1|

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Mounted healer that will never promote? Yes please.

Hey, if I got L'Arachel to while reaching low turncounts, Moulder can be pretty easy to obtain by Lategam.

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Chapter 2: 6

Chapter 3: 8

Had to leave Moulder behind because I left a bandit alive lol.

Chapter 4: 9

Just finished chapter 4. Did not realize you get Lute even if you don't visit the house. Franz is turning out really good, he wasn't doubling at the start of this chapter but he luckily gained a point of spd and managed to double the skeletons at the end.

Eirika Lv 10

Franz Lv 10

Moulder Lv 4

Total: 31

On to Ch5. Getting to the villages will be cost turns. D:

Edited by KP 2010
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Prologue 3/3

Eirika got Strength, Defense, and Skill.

Chapter 1 5/8

Eirika gets a lucky crit and lets me seize on turn 5. Gilliam also got a level.

Chapter 2 8/16

Eh. At least Eirika got more strength and I got the Red Gem.

And why can't we Map Shop exactly? That's really...inconvenient.

Edited by Psykitty
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Chapter 5: 11 turns

Sent Franz down to get the Dracoshield which I'll probably use later. Eirika got a string of good level ups with str (which she was previously lacking) allowing her to 2HKO the archers and the fighters towards the end. Moulder got a poor level up though. Alongside the Dracoshield, Franz also picked up the Armourslayer which let him ORKO the boss. The two other villages got destroyed unfortunately.

No map shopping just to force you to plan ahead and to cost turns.

Edited by KP 2010
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I like the idea of no map shopping it makes the game more challenging ^^' anyways I got the first 5 chapters done

Prologue: 3 turns

Eirika was hurt by one of the enemies and I remember she had 7hp but I still rushed towards the boss to kill him, she avoided everything thankfully.

Unit    Lvl   HP STR SKL SPD LCK DEF RES  Support

Eirika  2.77  17   5   9   9   5   3   2

Chapter 1: 5 turns

The one soldier near the place where Gilliam/Franz start was annoying me, he kept on attacking Seth and I didn't want that to happen, so I made Eirika attack him on turn 2 and from there on she had to dodge alot of hits or else she was dead meat. I restarted a few times because of this but everything went well afterwards.

Unit    Lvl   HP STR SKL SPD LCK DEF RES  Support

Eirika  5.36  20   7  11  11   7   4   3

Chapter 2: 6 turns

I have Vanessa rescue Ross and Eirika visit the red gem village on turn 1. On turn 2 Vanessa drops him near the armory where Eirika moves her full move to talk to him, he then joins the other undrafted units. I only recruited him for the axes Garcia has, its worth a little bit of gold but still gold. Vanessa then moves full move to be attacked on enemy phase, she then gets pure water on turn 3. Eirika weakens one of the foolish bandits to the left, and the bandit who attacked Vanessa suicides into Eirika. Vanessa played safe on turn 4 while Eirika fought. On turn 5 Vanessa picks up scraps on played phase and enemy phase iirc. Eirika moves near the boss, she manages to take out his friend. On turn 6 Vanessa claims the boss kill. Garcia helped a bit with 2 enemies ^^', I wanted him to help more but thats good enough for an NPC. :lol:

Unit    Lvl   HP STR SKL SPD LCK DEF RES  Support

Eirika  6.98  21   7  12  11   7   4   3
Vanessa 2.28  17   6   8  12   4   6   5

Chapter 3: 8 turns

Eirika with Steel Sword and Neimi break the wall, Vanessa then trades Eirika to wield iron sword on enemy phase, that enemy goes to Neimi on turn 2. Eirika then moves to break the 2nd wall and I can't remember exactly step by step what happened afterwards I just remember playing tic tac toe with the enemy, Vanessa killed the thief and Neimi killed the archer that she hurt on a turn before. Eirika made her way to the boss and claimed the kill. I know Neimi was playing with the very dangerous hand axe user, he would move max move and throw hand axe at her and she'd counter and heal on the next turn, but in the end Vanessa ended up claiming the kill since he ended up attacking Neimi at 1 range. Neimi also got to chip the boss :^_^:. Colm was completely ignored but he joins at the end! (I didn't know that)

Unit    Lvl   HP STR SKL SPD LCK DEF RES  Support

Eirika  8.92  23   8  13  12   8   6   4
Vanessa 3.19  17   6   9  12   5   7   5
Neimi   2.42  18   5   5   6   5   3   3

Chapter 4: 8 turns

This is my favorite chapter so far, I had to play with careful strategy and planning becuase I had 3 characters, one who is very useful, fast yet fragile and one who can't double and counter and is even more fragile, and the other being my powerhouse but was still not to be freely exposed. Vanessa moves down to attack the skeleton above the village, and Neimi claimed the kill, Eirika was positioned on a tile above Neimi so the enemy monster could suicide on enemy phase. Eirika then made way to the right to chip something for Neimi. Vanessa took care of the Mogalls/eyeballs with a javelin. The girls remained near for a turn or two. Until the reinforcements on the far right were gone. Eirika made her way down and then left to Lute's village which she didn't visit. Vanessa healed herself and moved to a tree to deal with reinforcements on turn 4 on the upper far left. She chipped and killed several of them but I know I fed one or two to Neimi. On the last turn Eirika had her way blocked to the last enemy due to the previous weakened enemy, but Vanessa dealt with him. I think I could of saved a turn if it wasn't for that enemy but i'm not sure.

Unit    Lvl   HP STR SKL SPD LCK DEF RES  Support

Eirika 12.10  25  10  16  14  12   6   6
Vanessa 5.28  19   7  10  13   7   7   6
Neimi   4.68  19   6   6   8   6   3   5

Chapter 5: 8 turns

This chapter was really hard! Vanessa got to the dragonshield on turn 1. On turn 2 Neimi chipped the soldier, and Vanessa killed him Eirika then blocked the chokepoint and killed the two bandits on enemy phase. However the hard part started after recruiting Joshua. Enemies started crowding my units and they were hurt but it worked out in the end, Vanessa who was carrying Natasha and Neimi dealt with the archer and Eirika made her way up. I got all the villages with Vanessa except Amelia's. I bought stuff at the armory, 2 steel bows and 2 steel swords. I thought it was funny that Vanessa who was carrying someone had 82hit on the archer :lol:.

Unit    Lvl   HP STR SKL SPD LCK DEF RES  Support

Eirika 15.00  25  11  18  17  14   7   9
Vanessa 6.71  19   8  10  14   8   8   6
Neimi   5.44  19   7   6   9   7   3   5

Total Turns: 38

Edited by Queen_Kittylincia
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For the next few chapters I forgot to take a look at my turn count at the end so I had to guesstimate them. When I complete the game, I'll write down what they actually are.

Chapter 5x: 9 turns.

Decided to skip the chests (I'll miss that Killer Lance). I didn't rush the chapter as much as I could've because I wanted to give Forde and Ephraim EXP.

Chapter 6: 5 turns (?).

Sent everyone up past the mountains and headed straight for the boss. Moulder is kind of a liability sometimes because enemies target him instead of suiciding on Eirika and Franz. I have to keep him back which means he gets 0 EXP. D: Franz got the boss kill.

Chapter 7: 9 turns (?).

If only I had a flier to ferry Eirika over to the boss straight away.

Chapter 8: 9 turns.

Franz was Lv18 coming into this map so he soon promoted. I had him charge north and kill all the Armour Knights in the room with an Armourslayer (which took 2 turns cos if I had rushed more, he'd have died). Sword-lock Eirika is annoying because she doesn't have any ranged options to take care of the mages/archers. Ugh.

Forde and Ephraim started out at the bottom left and managed to gain quite a lot of EXP.

Quick character analysis.

Eirika started off weak but in the last few chapters she gained quite a lot of str (unfortunately she still needs the Rapier to ORKO a lot of the enemies). I can't wait till she promotes because she is really lagging behind due to her low movement. My Eirika got a little def-screwed, trailing behind her average.

Franz is awesome. Being promoted he can now ORKO everything. But I need more Javelins.

Moulder is getting RNG screwed (not that it really matters I guess). He's only gained 1 stat for the last 3 level-ups lol.

Ephraim pwns.

Forde kinda sucks. His level ups haven't been that great and he doesn't really double often or do much damage.

I've kept the Dracoshield so far and I'll probably end up giving it to Forde or Tana.

Ephraim Lv 9

Franz Lv 20/3

Moulder Lv 7

Forde Lv 9

How do I make that little yellow box you guys have?

Edited by KP 2010
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Try [.code][./code].

Chapter 4: 6 Turns (27)

Ok. This isn't even fair. Garcia's a brick wall made out of a combination of Jesus and fuck while Ross with the babying of Chapter 3 under his belt is ORKOing Revenants. And Eirika is just... god.

Ross milled around the north part of the area, snagging the Iron Axe and killing the reinforcements while Garcia and Eirika went straight for the boss. Eirika 2RKO'd the Entombed while Garcia was fucking amazing with the Hand Axe and gained some Spd (thank you God). And a 6 turn finish is amazing here.

Eirika   9.75  |24| 9|12|14| 9| 8| 1|
Ross     9.12  |22| 9| 6| 7|10| 6| 1|
Garcia   9.02  |33|12|11| 8| 5| 9| 1|

Chapter 5 is currently pissing me off when I try to 8 turn it but I know I can.

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I'd trade some of my Eirika's res points for str ^^' she's like 3-6 levels higher than your Eirika's but has 11str :lol:..The weird thing is she handles strongest enemies with a steel sword (conserving rapier as much as I can) so right now its not a big deal, maybe it will be if she gains nothing and returns with 11str.

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Rapier doesn't need to be conserved because you get the Armourslayer in Chapter 5... but I don't know if you have someone to use it.

Chapter 5: 9 Turns (36)

Holy fuck. It's not a hard chapter but when you have to recruit Joshua, get to the Armoury and collect the Dragonshield and Armourslayer, it gets a lot tougher. Failed to do this in 8 turns so I took an extra to get the Torch and Secret Book to grab the Guiding Ring for some extra money to sell (especially if I don't need the Secret Book).

Ross grabbed the Dragonshield and hit level 10 while Eirika and Garcia went north. They SOMEHOW managed to kill basically everything in their path without hurting Joshua badly and I got Natasha to recruit him. After that, I rushed people to their respective targets (Ross to Armourslayer, Eirika to Secret Book, Joshua to Armoury and Torch) and had Garcia 2RKO Saar with a plain Iron Axe. Garcia is awesome.

Eirika  11.43  |25| 9|14|15|10| 9| 2|
Ross    10.00  |23|10| 7| 8|10| 6| 1|
Garcia  11.02  |34|14|12| 8| 7|10| 1|
Joshua   7.19  |25| 8|15|15| 7| 6| 2|

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I hate no map shopping. >_>

Chapter 3 12/28

Well...fuck. I got all the chests though, but no one seems to want strength. Or in Gilliam's case, speed.

Chapter 4 6/38 (Vanessa Penalty)

I decide to take a penalty here, since my air dropping method allows me to clear the bottom and things faster. Vanessa takes a Fire tome and another vulneary and visits the village. Lute waits on the forest, and once the corner is clear she takes the things from Vanessa. Lots of shitty misses and level ups, but Gilliam got speed and Lute got some defense.

Chapter 5 6/48 (Vanessa Penalty)

Another Vanessa penalty, but I really need that Ring and the shops. Blitzkrieging and a little rushing gives me a few steel weapons and I get the Ring. Gilliam reaches level 10 for the Crest, and Artur is level 6 so I'm hoping to promote him around Chapter 8 or 9-ish.

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Chapter 5x: 8turns

Orson did all the work or majority of it, he did some ferrying here and there, he got the boss kill. Ephraim gained some levels too :):

Unit    Lvl   HP STR SKL SPD LCK DEF RES  Support

Ephraim 6.07  24  10  10  15   9   8   2
Orson   4.10  35  16  13  12   4  14   8

Chapter 6: 7 turns

Eirika took the right route and ROFLSTOMPed her way to the boss, while Neimi and Vanessa were spoonfeeding each other kills. Theres a forest tree path in the upper left where Vanessa was shielding Neimi but Vanessa was also in a tree so she was avoiding nicely. Eirika killed the boss and clearred a whole lot of enemies. Vanessa took the dracoshield to help herself survive longer, while Neimi ate the secret book to raise her hit with the steel bow.

Unit     Lvl   HP STR SKL SPD LCK DEF RES  Support

Eirika  18.24  28  12  19  20  17   7  11
Vanessa  8.33  20   9  12  15   8  10   6
Neimi    6.22  19   8   8  10   8   3   5 

Chapter 7: 4 turns

Vanessa ferried Eirika and dropped her on turn two, but Vanessa parked herself in a spot where the soldiers would attack her. Vanessa got a few kills thankfully (2 soldiers, an archer, and a mage iirc). Neimi took on the enemies on the bottom side of the map where she would heal herself if hurt. They all gained good levels i'm proud of them :): Vanessa is starting to fight enemies a lot better now. Eirika is a powerhouse, i'm just worried for her str its going to be very low when she comes back.

Unit     Lvl   HP STR SKL SPD LCK DEF RES  Support

Eirika  19.04  29  12  19  20  18   7  12
Vanessa  9.74  20  10  12  15   9  10   6
Neimi    7.47  20   8   9  11   9   3   6 

Edited by Queen_Kittylincia
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Ch. 8: 13 turns

I could of finished alot faster but I wanted the elysian whip which took me like 4 or 5 turns longer resulting in 13 turns. Got every treeasure except the chest next to the whip. Ephraim soloed the entire left side and Eirika helped clear the way to the whip chest. Neimi and Vanessa got all the mages, iirc Neimi killed the mages near the boss due to proper placing.

Unit     Lvl   HP STR SKL SPD LCK DEF RES  Support 

Eirika  20.00  30  13  20  20  19   7  12 
Vanessa 12.76  22  11  14  18  11  11   8 
Neimi   11.43  22  10  11  13  11   3   9
Ephraim 10.49  28  14  13  15  12  10   3

Ch. 9: 18 turns

This map took forever reason being because Vanessa is weak to bows therefore Ephraim was the main fighter but he wasn't good enough to survive many enemies. I didn't recruit Amelia until one of the later turns (15 I think), Amelia kept chipping Neimi and I let her do that until we reached the boss. Neimi of course would heal herself if she was near death. Colm got the middle chest and Ephraim got the boss kill.

Unit     Lvl   HP STR SKL SPD LCK DEF RES  Support 

Ephraim 14.19  31  16  15  15  13  11   4
Vanessa 15.09  24  14  15  20  12  13   9 
Neimi   15.15  25  13  12  16  12   3  11

Ch. 10: 7 turns

Neimi and Vanessa promote (Ranger and FalcoKnight), and Neimi eats a robe. Neimi is pretty weak defense wise so she can't always depend on dodging so I gave her the robe. Vanessa wields nothing but iron swords to build up the rank, and Tana recruits cormag on turn 3. Vanessa cleared out most of the area and Cormag got to eat some kills, Neimi clears the top area so Ephraim could make way to the boss. Neimi visits armory and buys alot of javelins because they run out quick (she also buys a bow or two and some steel swords and lances, and Vulenaries @ the shop) she also visits village for hero crest. Vanessa acts as bait for boss and Ephraim kills him with his Reginleif. Vanessa is near D swords.

Unit     Lvl   HP STR SKL SPD LCK DEF RES  Support 

Ephraim 14.76  31  16  15  15  13  11   4
Vanessa  1.72  29  16  15  22  12  15  11 
Neimi    1.81  34  15  14  17  12   6  14
Cormag  12.00  32  15  12  12   5  14   2

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