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FE7 Efficiency Playlog

General Horace

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Looks like that should be doable with virtually any level of units then. Good work. I settled for the 8 turn completion with both bottom chests.

Once I get to Chapter 18, I'll be 4 turns behind you. I lost one on 12, one on 14, one on 16 (LM enabled your faster clear), and one on 17 (which it looks like I could have done with more work). Overall, I'm kind of surprised you don't have more on me with LM training. I thought that would have a stronger effect on the turn counts. I'm curious to see how close we are towards the end when the units have more time to effect everything + all LM units are recruited.

Edited by Janissary
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Looks like that should be doable with virtually any level of units then. Good work. I settled for the 8 turn completion with both bottom chests.

Once I get to Chapter 18, I'll be 4 turns behind you. I lost one on 12, one on 14, one on 16 (LM enabled your faster clear), and one on 17 (which it looks like I could have done with more work). Overall, I'm kind of surprised you don't have more on me with LM training. I thought that would have a stronger effect on the turn counts. I'm curious to see how close we are towards the end when the units have more time to effect everything + all LM units are recruited.

Well, 6 turns is the minimum for 11, 4 is the minimum for 12, 4 is the absolute minimum for 13, but I didn't want to abuse for a Marcus crit, 13x is a defence chapter, 4 is the minimum for 14, 15 is another defence chapter, 16 I gained 1 because of LM, and 7 is the minimum for 17. There's only been 2 LM chapters so far, (asides from Dorcas and Erk, but they each only got 1 level in LM IIRC, and aren't difference makers).

And I stated that I could have got both bottom chests if Erk hadn't missed an 80.

And my Marcus is 1 Strength short of 2HKOing Uhai :(

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Post reserved for Chapter 19, completed in 4 turns. This would have been 5 if Marcus had not proc'd strength right before his fight with Uhai. Video won't be up for a bit as i'm uploading something else for a friend right now, and I'm afraid WMM will crash if it tries to do two things at once.

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Post reserved for Chapter 19, completed in 4 turns. This would have been 5 if Marcus had not proc'd strength right before his fight with Uhai. Video won't be up for a bit as i'm uploading something else for a friend right now, and I'm afraid WMM will crash if it tries to do two things at once.

+1 for your RNG.

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19x will be here shortly. It is essentially dondon's Canas drop with an extra rescue drop to get the Silver Card. I missed the Icon, but Silver Card > 4000 Gold.


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Canas drop is what the cool kids do =P

Difference is, I never would have thought of it, haha.


Chapter 20, completed in 6 turns, because Legault can't be recruited (easily) on turn 5. And I wanted/needed the guiding ring, barrier staff, member card, and to a lesser extent, Legault himself.

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Chapter 21, in three turns. I'm lovin' the silver card already. And Marcus's level up was awesome.


Also, opinions on promoting Lucius?

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Chapter 22 completed in 4 turns. Uh, the only real sketchy part was Isadora's last attack, but I could have given it to Marcus if I had decided to attack with a silver lance instead of the silver axe. O.o at Marcus's skill.


UNIT         Level        HP  STR  SKL  SPD  LCK  DEF  RES  WEP                    SUPPORT
Hector       12.87        29   13  10    6    7    14   2   A Axe                  C Eliwood
Av.          12.00        28   13   8    8    6    13   2   

Marcus       11.04        39   18  23   14   11    12* 10   S Lance A Sword A Axe
Av.          11.00        37   18  20   13   11    13  11   

Lowen        11.52        30   11   6   12    8    11   1   C Lance D Sword
Av.          11.00        31    9   7    9    7    11   2 

Serra        06.89        19    5   6   11    9     2   6   B Staff
Av.          06.00        19    4   6   10    9     2   7

Priscilla    06.78        19    9   8   10   10     3   9   B Staff
Av.          06.00        17    7   7    9    8     3   8

Sain         12.54        27   14   5   12    6    10   1   C Lance D Sword
Av.          12.00        27   14   7   10    7     8   2   

Florina      07.02        26*  9    8   11   10     4   7   C Lance
Av.          07.00        26*  7   10   12   11     5   6 

Raven        11.52        33   13  14   16    2     9   2   B Sword
Av.          11.00        34   14  15   17    4     8   2

Lucius       08.58        22   11   7   11    4     2   8   C Light
Av.          08.00        20   10   8   12    3     1   9

Isadora      02.14        29   14  12   17   11     8   6   A Sword B Lance D Axe

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Now that I think about it, why is Priscilla being compared to her level 4 self?

I missed her >_>.

But I do know she's got some awesome level ups, so she's probably blessed nontheless.

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Post reserved for chapter 23. I didn't get the guiding ring off the enemy mage, but I don't think i'll need it. I got the white gem however, so that was nice. I got quite lucky on the last turn, but I knew the RNG (after many failed attempts), so I knew exactly what would happen.


Also, just barely managed to get Rath to level 10. 5 Turns.

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  • 2 weeks later...

It's been a little while, but here's chapter 23x. Chapter 24 is recorded, but I'm too lazy to upload it right now.


6 Turns. Promoted Rath was actually pretty good here, he had decent offence. Nothing compared to Marcus and Hawkeye though. The only treasure that I got was the Berserk Staff.

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Chapter 25 should soon follow Chapter 24, it was done in 3 turns, without a promoted flier.


Chapter 26 is done as well, and here are my unit stats (well, the ones that might actually see combat again anyway) at the Chapter 27 base.

UNIT          LEVEL      HP  STR  SKL  SPD  LCK  DEF  RES  WEP LVL             
Hector        17.08      34   16   12   9    9    18   3   A Axe
Marcus     ??/13.20      41   19   23  14   12    12  10   S Lance A Axe A Sword
Sain       14/03.79      32   16    7  13    7    12   3   B Lance C Sword D Axe
Hawkeye    ??/07.56      52   19   15  12   14    14  10   S Axe
Isadora    ??/04.40      30   15   14  19   12    10   6   A Lance B Sword C Axe
Priscilla  13/01.00      27   13   12  12   15     6  14   A Staff E Anima
Heath      12/01.00      40   17   14  12    9    16   4   A Lance E Sword
Fiora      10/01.00      28   11   12  15    7     8  11   B Lance E Sword
Raven      15/01.00      41   16   18  19    4    12   5   A Sword E Axe
Lucius     13/01.00      27   13   10  13    5     5  12   B Light C Staff
Pent       ??/06.46      33   18   21  17   14    11  16   A Anima A Staff
Serra         09.78      22    7    8  13   10     3   7   A Staff
Rath       10/02.96      32   11   13  14    7    11   6   S Bow E Sword

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This will house chapter 26 in the distant future, and chapter 27 is recorded as well. I skipped out on Harken for now, but I kept a save file there just in case. Chapter 27 was done in 8 turns, but could probably be done in 7, but Hector would have to survive a round of combat versus the silver sword swordmaster, and take a hit/dodge purge from Kenneth, and my Hector isn't doing either, not even with a swordreaver.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Chapter 27, in 8 Turns. I didn't want to push my luck with Hector dodging Purge and two Silver sword strikes from the swordmaster while avoiding being critted, so 8 Turns it is. The Sleep staff at 20 something percent was lulzy.


Also, near then end, Hypercam crapped out, and you missed Heath carrying Hector near the throne, and then dropping him.

Who should get the speedwings?

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