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[FE10] Mega Awesome NM Draft (The ninth one)


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Fenrir, you should be completely fine with Aran and Titania at the Greil route. Ultimately, I would recommend you to send Nealuchi there. You just need to know the position planning well.

What strategy did you use?

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Nolan is nigh useless in the Desert, so you should have him go to another team (Greil could always use more manpower for 4-4). Your other units should be able to handle the Silver Route well enough.

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3-10: 10

3-11: 13

3-12: 10

3-13: 3

3-E: 6

20/20/01 Nolan rapes everything in sight, even Ike. Best draftee ever! Except that he was very annoying in 3-E...Anyway!

Part 3 total: 146 turns

Micaiah      7  32   8 27  20  14  29  11  27
Sothe        8  39  20  4  26  24  18  15  10
Ike          1  54  29  7  32  29  15  25  14
Nolan        4  59  24 10  30  32  28  26  14
Mia          4  46  29 14  33  34  24  21  15
Shinon   	5  51  26 14  35  30  20  28  15
Brom     	5  52  29  8  27  26  30  36  16
Ranulf      31  60  15  6  20  18  25  13  10  
Tanith   	2  40  26 14  27  28  23  25  27
Kieran   	2  50  28 12  26  27  18  25  18 

Here is how I divided my team

Silver Team:







Greil Team:





Hawk Team:




Thoughts on my team? Did I divide them well?

4-P: 11

4-1: 11

Be Sure to send VAlaura to convoy in 4-2, so Mic can use it to do the middle, there are some 45 HP halberdiers that 30 Mag Micaiah does 22x2 damage to with thani/light forge. So she can't kill them. Valaura helps by killing them the next turn. The weight cuts her avo a bit, but it shouldn't be much of a problem.

^ Yes, I found that out the hard way, and I hated 4-2.

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Be Sure to send VAlaura to convoy in 4-2, so Mic can use it to do the middle, there are some 45 HP halberdiers that 30 Mag Micaiah does 22x2 damage to with thani/light forge. So she can't kill them. Valaura helps by killing them the next turn. The weight cuts her avo a bit, but it shouldn't be much of a problem.

^ Yes, I found that out the hard way, and I hated 4-2.

I highly doubt Micaiah will have the rank for Valaura. Mine didn't even have B rank until after the first turn of 4-P.

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I always gave her discipline until she had access to resolve. I've only given her scrolls for Staff and light after her second promotion, she never staffs for me actually. =/ Well, 3-6 for sothe.

And if you've hardly ever used it, here is a practical use for it. Well, imo at least.

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Er, the one where Ike runs around and kills 70% of the map... I suck at P4.

Be more specific, please. 8[

RD, if your Micaiah sees combat often under the influence of Resolve while using Thani, she might get far. In my latest drafts, I've had Micaiah reach S-rank Light by Part 3. I use an Arms scroll to get her to SS-rank, although it never really becomes useful. If anything, you could train her a bit before 4-E-5 so she's a decent Turn 1 chipper and a fantastic healer later on.

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I did 4-4 last nite in 17 turns... I fucking hate that mansion.

Lilmik, your teams look good. Only thing I'd consider tweaking is Nolan > Hawk army. But that kinda depends how competent your miccy/sothe are.

If you're Ike has even okay Res (like 14) he ought to be able to tank the Sleep staff with Pure Water starting on turn 2 and head up to the top area. If Aran handles the west chest room and then immediately heads north while Titania handles the south area, you can probably get everything done within about 9 turns. You should be able to recruit Oliver, too. Just ferry Rafiel with Nailah.

I highly doubt Micaiah will have the rank for Valaura. Mine didn't even have B rank until after the first turn of 4-P.

In this draft mine had A after 1-9 :awesome: .

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Really? I need to use Micaiah more, apparently.

I should also note that this is the first time I've ever gotten her rank so high so fast. Usually I have her with a C or B by promotion, but I used her a lot in this one, particularly after Resolve came.

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If you're Ike has even okay Res (like 14) he ought to be able to tank the Sleep staff with Pure Water starting on turn 2 and head up to the top area. If Aran handles the west chest room and then immediately heads north while Titania handles the south area, you can probably get everything done within about 9 turns. You should be able to recruit Oliver, too. Just ferry Rafiel with Nailah.

This is actually exactly what i did. Ike had the boss room done at turn 10. But Titan/Aran couldn't get to the Northeast chest rooms in time to stop the reinforcements. I probly could have done it in 10 after another try... But i don't have a save to fall back on, and now 4-5 is proving to be very difficult with only Janaff/ulki/reyson and 1 laguz stone use left.

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This is actually exactly what i did. Ike had the boss room done at turn 10. But Titan/Aran couldn't get to the Northeast chest rooms in time to stop the reinforcements. I probly could have done it in 10 after another try... But i don't have a save to fall back on, and now 4-5 is proving to be very difficult with only Janaff/ulki/reyson and 1 laguz stone use left.

Oh. I thought you were still on the map. Oh well. As for 4-5, I've never done it with only Laguz, so can't really help you there. Only thing that I can think of that might work is if one of Ulki and Janaff can do 0 damage to enemies untransformed and get enough gauge that way by the time turn 2 rolls around. Or both, actually, because then Reyson can use the Laguz Stone and you might be able to find a way to have one Hawk clear a path and the other kill Izuka.

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Oh. I thought you were still on the map. Oh well. As for 4-5, I've never done it with only Laguz, so can't really help you there. Only thing that I can think of that might work is if one of Ulki and Janaff can do 0 damage to enemies untransformed and get enough gauge that way by the time turn 2 rolls around. Or both, actually, because then Reyson can use the Laguz Stone and you might be able to find a way to have one Hawk clear a path and the other kill Izuka.

The problem is that you only gain extra laguz points when the enemy attacks from 2-range. @underline, that is the goal.

Edited by Fenrir
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The problem is that you only gain extra laguz points when the enemy attacks from 2-range. @underline, that is the goal.

If you attack back and do 0 damage it works the same. Interceptor used to point out how he used this trick on 1-8 to transform Vika quickly.

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The problem is that you only gain extra laguz points when the enemy attacks from 2-range. @underline, that is the goal.

It also works when you do 0 damage. ;) So the information was correct.


Edited by Vicious Sal
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Even Tigers don't have 32 Def, do they?

Um...maybe one of them will miss?

Not even in HM =/

doubt that haha.

I'm sure I'll find a way, thanks for all the help though! =]

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