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ITT: Integrity tells you which FE character you are.

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Because the numerous votes for Sakusa as Ethlin finally irked me enough to do this.

Okay, here's the problem with this 16-page monster below me: people simply get their favorite characters most of the time, regardless of who they actually resemble in personality. Lumi will nominate herself for Ayra/Lakche every time, even though in action they're absolutely nothing alike. What do Sakusa and Ethlin have in common? That signature picture. I could go on and on, but I stopped following that debacle mostly. It's the same story in the Theme Song Thread; people miss the point and then you just get Lu nominating himself for "any queen song lol". Here's the thing: I'm not Laura and my theme song is not Kanon Wakeshima's Princess Charleston or Sixpence None the Richer's Kiss Me. I'm nothing like a girlcleric and, despite being my favorite two songs ever, they have nothing to do with me.

What's my remedy for all this?

Integrity tells YOU which FE character YOU are.

To avoid stepping on any toes (jk jk lol im just lazy) I'm only doing people who are nominated.

So let's do this right.

Excellen: Shinon

Sirius: Duessel

Spectakitty: Tana

Soul: Chad

Darros: Xane

crashman_alpha: Louise

Proto: Merric

Generic Officer: Eliwood

Niharu: Mia

JBCWK: Johalva

Fenrir: Kieran

Raven: Dieck

Acacia: Stefan

Ein: Forde

ASL: Skrimir

Clipsety: Rebecca

Haze: Skasaher

Rothene: Azel

RFoF: Sigrun

Cam: Largo

Lu: Oujay

Psych: Dew

Brad: Ranulf

Lux: Franz

Dio: Homeros

Furet: Bastian

Mirron: Lowen

Strawman: Shanan

Sakusa: Lalam

Kaoz: Innes

Nina: Norne (courtesy Eclipse)

Ike-Mike: Soren

soc: Edward

88 jiggawatts:

Joey, Amelia, Hippoman, Ian, Sask, FB, seph


whase, Nightmaer, Josef, Ether, CPP, Donna, Jack, Kevs, Elmer, Erk, Kai, SWD, Ptolemy, Raymond, Fia, frat_tastic

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whase: I don't really know you, so give me a bit to think about it.

Llen: You're cheeky. You're sarcastic. You swear a lot. You're Shinon.

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Gonna be fun, isn't it?

EDIT: Srs, you're helpful and stern and rather commanding. You get to be Duessel.

Musashi: Tangerine is forcing me to call you Latooni for some reason.

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Funny, you didn't do yourself.

Funny, I won't do myself. Remember how I was just bitching that people just nominate themselves for their favorites? I know I'm not objective when I'm the subject, so I abstain. I've also never tiered myself.

Why am I Chad? Not that I mind.

Because you think you're snarky and angry and tough but you're really just soft at heart.

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Funny, I won't do myself. Remember how I was just bitching that people just nominate themselves for their favorites?

It was getting nominated a character that was in no way like me on Jimbo's thread that was my complainant.
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It was getting nominated a character that was in no way like me on Jimbo's thread that was my complainant.

Yes but you didn't nominate yourself/ask people to nominate you for that. And if you asked those people why you got that nomination, they'd probably flounder. That's what this thread is for.

And Darros, you get to be Xane. You're loud and cheeky, but you're also remarkably friendly unlike Shinon.

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Yes but you didn't nominate yourself/ask people to nominate you for that. And if you asked those people why you got that nomination, they'd probably flounder. That's what this thread is for.

And by "flounder", you mean give lame excuses. Right?
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And by "flounder", you mean give lame excuses. Right?

If they could even come up with lame excuses rather than just internet-stuttering or trying to subvert the question. Or coming up with a single, tertiary characteristic.

Nightmare, you are Zealot because you are older, yet still hunky.

Not really, though. You're going to be very difficult. You're crass, yet cultured. Serious, yet playful. Stern, yet lenient. You would be Bastian if Bastian swore and made dick jokes in between flowery verses. Let me dwell on this.

EDIT: Due to all these things, as I continue to dwell, you may tentatively be Tibarn.

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