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Transformers: Dark of the Moon


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Well, I watched it last Wednesday and was meant to make a thread for it since nobody else did, but only now I've had time to.

Anyway, this film. I was very satisfied with the result (even though it was slightly ruined by my need to piss from halfway through it), and with how the film ended, although I think they could have worked less on the start and more on the ending since the end of the film is almost as soon as the battle is ended.

Spoiler bit:

This is my favourite film in terms of how awesome Optimus is, despite getting himself tangled in cables and needed help getting out of them. He's pretty pissed at everything right form the start, and I like this.

Really, I wasn't expecting Sentinel to turn against the Autobots. I hated him from the moment he killed Ironhide and was more than happy to see him dead by the end of the film.

Humans killed Starscream. I suppose they had to give them something relatively important to do aside from running around in tilted towers and shooting at other humans. I was hoping he would have been given a more impressive death, though. Shot from the sky in an epic dogfight, or something to that extent, would have satisfied me greatly.

I was expecting Optimus to get injured, and he did. He got his right arm cut off by Sentinel; Optimus was on the verge of getting killed until the damaged Megatron came along and fucked Sentinel's shit sideways. Then Optimus killed both Megatron and the severely damaged Sentinel, ending the battle and the movie.

I didn't intend to include such details in this manner, but I wanted to bring up some parts of the movie that interested me in some way.

If I had to score it, I'd probably give it about 90%. The first film is probably still my favourite of the three, with this very close behind.

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Sorry, I cant say that this film is good at all. Megatron has one of the most humiliated dead with a very stupid reason. The fighting scenes are poorly done, short+simple fighting, like a wrestling match. Still, this is the best of the three movies because the first two arent impressive at all. Michael Bay should stop making this kind of film.

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I also liked the movie, though I feel disappointed Michael Bay decided to kill Ironhide like that. Personally, the Megatron scene seemed really anti-climatic, it ended quite fast, but has slight sense if you try to analyze it some way. The battle scenes were good, but they could have been even better if they had put more effort in it.

On a different note, it is until the last movie that they decidedt to give Optimus his real weapon, if I'm not wrong.

Edited by Light Lord
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