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Critique my first two splices?


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I've only done to splices so far, but I'd like a little feedback so I can adjust my methods now before I make too many.

First one...


Pretty simple, only used like 3 or 4 characters.

Now this next one I went way too far. I could use some help too, especially with the eyes (Douglas')(And I can't wait to recolor this one...)


I appreciate any feedback :)

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First one: The face's angle doesn't match the body's. In addition, it looks like the face is about to slide of his head and there's no shading underneath the head either.

Second one: A large head on a not so large body. The hair colors look like they've been inverted and there isn't a whole lot of contrast between the colors.

Those are the basics. Someone more experienced can point out the specifics.

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I don't see what's wrong with the angle of the head, but I definitely see what you mean by it looking ready to fall off.

For the second guy.. yeah. One possibility I thought of after doing that was maybe if I shifted the body back (to the right) the collar would make it look more natural? Again I was too eager with that one I think; I don't have any experience.

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I don't see what's wrong with the angle of the head, but I definitely see what you mean by it looking ready to fall off.

Poor phrasing on my part. I meant the angle's wrong because it's ready to fall off (It's facing kind of upwards whereas the rest of the body is looking straight out).

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Another issue I see with the first is that the jawline is screwy. There's a point where there's a random indent and then the jaw takes a new angle. Also, the chin's shading is off. You don't need all of the fourth shade there. You can use some of the third and second skin shades.

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(I am a newbie to splicing and spriting in general, so if I use wrong terms or say something wrong, please understand.)

In addition to the second one, it looks as though you used FE6 (or 7) colours for the head and FE8 colours for the body, try to stick to one FE's colours.

Like the previous poster said, some more experienced person will get to you and help you out in no time!

Edited by Maji
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In addition to the second one, it looks as though you used FE6 (or 7) colours for the head and FE8 colours for the body, try to stick to one FE's colours.

Wire and Damian both have the problem of their armor color looking more saturated than other FE7 colors, but the colors on that armor appear to be Wire's colors.

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So for the first one, I need to get rid of that "outline" look on the right of his chin? And possibly move the head to the right/ get a different one?

And yeah, I haven't even recolored the second one's armor in the slightest (that's well over 16 colors on him).

Oh, and any tips on making a knight/general/heavily armored unit? Which pieces of armor should and shouldn't go together, that kind of thing?

Edited by bigmac909
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I wouldn't get a new head, even moving it isn't necessary. I'd just redraw the jawline. It's not too taxing custom-wise. Just use the fifth skin shade to draw the line and use the fourth and third skin shades to surround it.

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Okay, so I tried to touch up the first one, and make the head to neck transition smoother. Still needs work though.


And I made one more, my first armored splice. It's alright, but there are still quite a few awkward places.


Any tips here, especially where the neck meets the armor?

EDIT: Looking at that from here... I think I made that first one worse. For some reason I didn't understand what "redraw the jaw line" meant until it just hit me now...

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Ah that's it, thanks Seph. I thought I'd replaced all of the FE8 colors, but I missed a couple. I think that's what's making those awkward outlines, such as at the neckplate/skin transition.

As for the neck... yeah. I guess I'll have to rearrange some things so the chin can overlap the neck plate.

Any thoughts on my second one? Or is it kind of too early since I haven't recolored him or anything?

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I like the face. Your faces are kinda interesting.

Oh, thanks Seph. Now if I can just learn how to attatch them to bodies.

Here's two updates:



I think I got rid of the FE8 colors. I never noticed that FE7 outlines with dark purple until I saw it compared with FE8's pure black outlines.

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Oh, thanks Seph. Now if I can just learn how to attatch them to bodies.

Here's two updates:



I think I got rid of the FE8 colors. I never noticed that FE7 outlines with dark purple until I saw it compared with FE8's pure black outlines.

It's actually dark purple. Just sayin'

The first one looks fine so far.

But the second one's neck is still too long. You should move it down like 2~3 pixels or so.

You also missed some borderline and were a bit careless right here:


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A bit off-topic, but do any GBA FE mugs have eyepatches? For some reason I thought Garret did, but nope... I don't think it would be THAT hard to custom, but I'd like to avoid that sort of stuff until I get more experience.

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If anyone's still there, I could REALLY use some help with this one. It's seriously a mess:


The hair is really messing me up. I used a combo of Geese and Sonia's. My biggest issue, amongst many, is the shading where the hair meets the face. At the moment, it's way too outlined. I've tried looking at how Geese's portrait handles it, but it's hard to tell if the outline is used differently because Geese's hair is already purple. And of course I haven't even gotten to shading any skin, because I'd like to know where the hair's going to be when I shade. Again, anything is appreciated.

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