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(FE10) Yet another Radiant Dawn Draft

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Oh yeah, I always forge Chuck Norris for Nolan. Although I forgot to mention it was Max Crit as well, allowing him to 1HKO the boss at the RHS of 1-4.

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*4. You know I used Elincia. Well, you do now. Anyway, thanks for pointing that out.

Yeah, good point. I guess I should also point out that I'm getting 32 turns for Part 2, not 31, so you may want to check your math.

Edited by Radiant Kitty
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Hey Soul, why don't you go finish some of your other drafts first?

I almost took Makalol, but decided not to waste the exp on him. I still can't figure out how Astrid went so early...

2-2: 7 (+4)

2-3: 6

2-E: 1 (+4) (special thanks to Xander)

Part 2:

2-P: 8

2-1: 8

2-2: 11

2-3: 6

2-E: 5

Part 2: 38

Current Turn Count:

Part I: 79

Part II: 38

Total: 117

Edited by Ring Wraith
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Hey Soul, why don't you go finish some of your other drafts first?

I almost took Makalol, but decided not to waste the exp on him. I still can't figure out how Astrid went so early...

2-E: 1 (+4) (special thanks to Xander)

Current Turn Count:

Part I: 79

Part II: 38

Total: 117

Oh sh- someone thanked me. I almost didn't see this, you're welcome.

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My cousin was visiting for the weekend, so I'm still on the Prologue. If only I could control Skrimir...

Question: Can undrafted units move ahead to clear Fog of War? So long as they don't attack/rescue/do anything else?

3-P: 8 Turns. Got a lucky Critical with Ike with the Wo Dao against Septimus.

Edited by Ring Wraith
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3-P 7 or 8 turns (one of them)

Units: Ike and Rhys (both at base stats)

I gave Ike provoke (to help out Rhys) and Adept. I must say that Adept + Wo Dao = A lot of enemies dying. I gave Miracle to Rhys, and it was actually quite usefull. It kinda sucks that Rhys gets doubled by everything. I wasnt sure if it was turn 7 or 8 that I finished, cuz I didnt realize that Skrimir was the one seizing.

3-1 12 turns+ 4 (Titania)

 Unit        	Lv 	Hp  	Str 	Mag 	Skll	Spd 	Lck 	Def 	Res       	

Ike       	13  	45   	25  	2   	29 	23   	14 	23  	7
Rhys      	7   	28   	9   	25  	16 	14   	24 	9   	28

Probably the worst chapter ever. I took Gatrie as my free 6 move unit. After failing 3.6 trillion times, I took the Titania penalty. I found that Rhys' dodge is actually quite good. Actually the hardest part of the chapter was keeping my extra units from being attacked, cuz of those damn reinforcements. I was able to grab the gem and the robe though

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Chapter 3-2 Turns: 5

 Unit        	Lv 	Hp  	Str 	Mag 	Skll	Spd 	Lck 	Def 	Res       	

Ike       	15  	46   	26  	3   	30 	23   	15 	23  	7
Rhys      	9   	36   	9   	25  	16 	14   	26 	9   	29
Nephenee  	7   	42   	16  	7   	24 	24   	13 	17  	18

I gave both Rhys and Nephenee my two Seraph robes. Ike got pass, Neph got Adept+ Vantage (my favorite combo for her). i didnt even deploy Rhys this chapter, he was too much of a liability. I forged Neph a steel lance, and let her just go around racking up the experience she desperatly needs. Lured the boss on 4, killed him on 5. Neph also got a weapon level up. I proc.d some Str level ups for Neph, cuz i needed 1 Str level up to ORKO the mages.

Chapter 3-3 Turns: 11

 Unit        	Lv 	Hp  	Str 	Mag 	Skll	Spd 	Lck 	Def 	Res       	

Ike       	16  	47   	27  	3   	30 	24   	15 	23  	7
Rhys      	11  	37   	9   	25  	16 	16   	27 	10  	30
Nephenee  	10  	43   	19  	8   	25 	26   	15 	19  	18

Got Rhys some speed via bexp. Taking Gatrie again as my free unit. Bought a Dracoshield, which I gave to Neph. Ike w/ Pass is very useful in drafts, and Neph is starting to become the amazing unit I know her to be.. I killed the white gem senator, but let the Ashera icon senator escape, cuz i needs me some cash.

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Hey, anytime

Chapter 3-4 Turns: 11

 Unit        	Lv 	Hp  	Str 	Mag 	Skll	Spd 	Lck 	Def 	Res   		

Ike       	18  	48   	27  	3   	30 	24   	16 	24  	7
Rhys      	13  	38   	10  	25  	16 	17   	29 	10  	30
Nephenee  	15  	45   	22  	8   	26 	27   	18 	21  	18

Kyza joins my team. Not being a big fan of laguz (save the royals), i've never used hime before. I went right, up the cliffs, so Ranulf wouldnt be targeted by the ballistician. (was that the smart idea?) I also gave Kyza smite.

Chapter 3-5 Turns: 3

 Unit        	Lv 	Hp  	Str 	Mag 	Skll	Spd 	Lck 	Def 	Res   		

Ike   		20  	49   	27  	3   	30 	25   	17 	25  	7
Rhys      	14  	38   	10      25  	17 	18   	30 	11  	30
Nephenee  	16      45   	23  	8   	26 	27   	18 	21  	18
Kyza      	21  	57   	11  	3   	11 	11   	17 	12  	5
Reyson    	Base

Awww, I just got Kyza, and now I cant use him sob.gif Anyways, now that Ike is level capped, I give pass to Nephenee and have her rush the boss. I didnt have adept, so I got her down into wrath range and critkilled the boss.

Edited by Nytefahr
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3-P: 8 Turns

3-1: 11 Turns

3-2: 4 Turns

Unit		Lv	Exp	HP	Str	Mag	Skll	Sp	Lck	Def	Res
Ike		14	93	45	26	2	30	23	13	22    9
Soren		12	97	40	9	27	23	21	12	10	23
Oscar		15	15	41	22	8	24	24	21	18	13

Bexp'd Soren. He has Mag, Skill, and Res capped, and is very close with speed. Oscar has Speed and Skill capped. Ike just has Skill, but almost has capped Strength. Epic. Soren got the Robe, Ike got the Talisman from Part II. I think it was Part II...

EDIT: Had to re-bexp Soren because I didn't save and I forged a Tome for him and was going to waste a coin. I think the only difference is he has one less HP and one higher Luck.

Edited by Ring Wraith
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Chapter 3-6 Turns: 9

 Unit        	Lv 	Hp  	Str 	Mag 	Skll	Spd 	Lck 	Def 	Res       	

Miccy     	1   	28   	6   	21  	15 	19   	23 	12  	21 	

Eddie     	9   	40   	24  	2   	29 	26   	17 	16  	5

Sothe     	8   	36   	22  	7   	24 	23   	21 	17  	11

Back to those Dawn Brigade chaps Facepalm_emote_gif.gif. Made Miccy eat a Speedwing. Miccy and Sothe went North, while Eddie got the Beastfoe and destroyed everything East, although despite having Caldabolg, he couldnt dodge crap. used the Black Knight a bit when he got there too.

Chapter 3-7 Turns: 12

 Unit        	Lv 	Hp  	Str 	Mag 	Skll	Spd 	Lck 	Def 	Res       	

Ike       	20  	49   	27  	3   	30 	25   	17 	25  	7
Rhys      	15  	39   	11  	25  	17 	19   	30 	11  	30
Nephenee  	18  	45   	24  	8   	26 	27   	20 	22  	18
Kyza      	23  	58   	11  	4   	12 	11   	19 	13  	5
Reyson    	15  	Base

Recruited Ulki, and boy is he awesome. The Avoid King! Also, I am an idiot, and I didnt realize that you needed 27 speed to not get doubled (thought it was 24), so I will not be getting Lehran. Hopefully that shouldnt cost me tooooo much. NM else special here, just training.

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Chapter 3-8 Turns: 8

 Unit        	Lv 	Hp  	Str 	Mag 	Skll	Spd 	Lck 	Def 	Res       	

Ike       	20  	49   	27  	3   	30 	25   	17 	25  	7
Rhys      	18  	40   	12  	25  	20 	20   	33 	13  	30
Nephenee  	1   	49   	28  	12  	28 	29   	22 	24  	22
Kyza      	23  	58   	11  	4   	12 	11   	19 	13  	5
Reyson    	16  	41   	3   	5   	5  	11   	31 	6   	17
Ulki      	28  	Base

Promoted Nephenee, who proceeded to destroy everything. Gave Kyza Blossom to get some better stats, he needs it. Is it just me, or do Tigers/Cats really suck in this game?

Chapter 3-9 Turns: 3

 Unit        	Lv 	Hp  	Str 	Mag 	Skll	Spd 	Lck 	Def 	Res       	

Geoffrey  	17  	39   	25  	8   	24 	21   	20 	20  	16 	

Marcia    	1   	44   	21  	10  	19 	29   	21 	20  	21

Calill    	7   	32   	9   	19  	18 	19   	17 	11  	17

Gave Marcia a butt ton of Bexp and crowned her. Calill fought some soldiers, while Geoff extinguished houses and Marcia rushed the boss. Marcia brought the boss down low, and Calill killed him with meteor. Also, I gave Calill and Marcia Paragon

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Is it just me, or do Tigers/Cats really suck in this game?

I like the Tigers, personally. They all need a Speedwing (and in Kyza's case, an Energy Drop), but it's very easy to get them all to ORKO everything in drafts, and their gauge isn't horrible. I can't speak for the Cats though, since I've never seriously used any of them, but I'd imagine Ranulf is good.

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3-3: 13 Turns. Not the best, but I got the Blossom, Master Crown, Ashera Icon, and White Gem, so I'm happy. Gatrie was the free man (of course), and Oscar had Pass to run through everybody.

Soren is OP. I'm about to give him the Master Crown, but he's currently capped everything except Strength, Luck, and Defense, and I could cap defense and strength if I fully bexp'd him. Really, he only needs one more level for defense. Is there any use for a buff Mage? He gets +4 Strength upon promotion. He's stronger than Nephenee and almost as strong as Mia. So good.

3-4: 12 Turns. Oscar couldn't go up the cliff, so I struggled along with Soren (I need to give him an awesome new name), who had Provoke, and No-Range-Attack-Ike. Ike got Wrath and pwnt the other knight blocking the arrival spot for Ranulf.

3-5: 2 Turns. Oscar pwns. I bexp'd him to promote. Back at 3-2ish, I didn't save after prepping my base about a thousand times, and it's a good thing because I had sold my Killer Bow originally, but in the end decided not to. Gave it to Oscar this time and proc'd (whatever that means) a crit.

3-6 is tough. I gave Volug the Beastfoe, and he can kill without transforming. Pretty epic.

3-6: 10 Turns.

I'm at 60 Turns right now for part 3. :\ Stupid Rout chapters.

3-7: 12 Turns...once I finish it...and I am planning on fighting the Black Knight, but I only have 25 speed, so I'm keeping Ike in the weeds and will have to get extremely lucky...

Edited by Ring Wraith
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