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(FE10) Yet another Radiant Dawn Draft

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@Raven: Yeah, you'll have to take a 4-turn penalty for someone to use there. Future drafts will probably allow one non-Lucia unit free, but it's too late to change the rules here.

Oh, so Lucia is free for that chapter? Sorry if I'm slow. If she is then disregard my question; if the northern Armor doesn't move then I'm not worried, especially since Leanne is free. Edited by Mercenary Raven
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Oh, so Lucia is free for that chapter? Sorry if I'm slow.

No. The reasoning for allowing one unit that isn't Lucia to be free is so Lucia isn't a near-worthless pick (since she would only have value in Part 4 otherwise). As for the northern Armor, I don't know; I always killed him on turn 1.

Edited by Radiant Kitty
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Maybe it's late and I'm _really_ slow but let me ask this question better; how do penalties work with 2-2 if you hypothetically have absolutely no one from that chapter in your draft? And by "hypothetically" i mean "I just reamed myself in the asshole for not picking Lucia but I'd rather have some support in 3-12." Is it 4-turn no matter what? I have no problem with that because i'm a moran!!!! but I'd just like to know.

Edited by Mercenary Raven
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As of right now, there are no free units in 2-2 aside from Leanne, so each of them is a 4 turn penalty.

However, if everyone is fine with it, we can allow everyone to choose one non-Lucia unit to use in that chapter without penalty. I'm aware it's bad form to change the rules once the drafting starts, but there are only 7 fighting units available in 2-2, to be spread around 7 drafters. In addition, Leanne + someone that isn't Lucia can't complete the chapter by themselves very reliably, so people who haven't drafted someone there would still need to take a penalty anyway, but it prevents them from having to take 2 penalties.


Edited by Radiant Kitty
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I'm all for it, but can you clarify the rule a little bit? Something about your wording isn't clear to me and I'm sorry if I ask so many questions over really really miniscule shit...

The general consensus is that we're allowed to use one unit in 2-2, and Lucia no matter what leads to a penalty if undrafted? I'd be all for that. I'd actually be for stricter use of Lucia considering 2-2 was the only reason I even contemplated picking Lucia.

Edited by Mercenary Raven
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I'm all for it, but can you clarify the rule a little bit? Something about your wording isn't clear to me and I'm sorry if I ask so many questions over really really miniscule shit...

The general consensus is that we're allowed to use one unit in 2-2, and Lucia no matter what leads to a penalty if undrafted? I'd be all for that. I'd actually be for stricter use of Lucia considering 2-2 was the only reason I even contemplated picking Lucia.

No problem. It's better to ask questions and getting everything figured out now, then make a mistake later on. Besides, this isn't really minuscule shit.

Correct. Everyone will be allowed to choose one non-Lucia unit that they didn't draft to use in that chapter for free. I think a +4 turn penalty for Lucia is fine, seeing as how it's a short chapter as it is (the turn 6 reinforcements that spawn behind you kind of force you to do it quickly regardless).

Edited by Radiant Kitty
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Finished Prologue in 5 Turns. Wrath Crit'd the boss during Enemy Phase FTW.

Chapter 1: 7 Turns. Probably could have had 6 if I wanted to try enough.

Chapter 2: 7 Turns. With the Energy Drop and Thani. Micaiah got the Dracoshield.

Chapter 3: 8 Turns. Didn't get the Discipline, but Micaiah got a few level ups. She's level 7 now. Sothe is still at level 1.

Edited by Ring Wraith
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GreenOyster drafts Gareth, Nytefahr wants Vika.

Also, since there have been no objections, one non-Lucia unit of your choice is now free to be used in 2-2. If anyone does have any objections, please speak now.

Edited by Radiant Kitty
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I don't have MVP access cause I didn't use a cleared epilogue (I had two playthroughs running apparently). Having that said, I wouldn't have access to Pelleas or Lehran either, but that's about it for significant gameplay changes.


I do a Battle Save on Turn 4 after Edward decimates all of the Brigands. He gains Strength and HP on his first level up, gets hit by the boss (shifting his HP to 20% so he can use Wrath); this sets him up to Wrath kill the boss right on Turn 5. Leonardo trades Herb and Dracoshield to Micaiah.

Drafted units stats:

            Lvl  EXP  MHP  Str  Mag  Skl  Spd  Lck  Def  Res
Micaiah       2   35   15    2    7    9    7   11    2    5

Turns: 5


Leonardo gets the Vulnerary from the village. I have Micaiah go as far north as she can and Edward shove her one space so she can block the chokehold. Nolan attacks the Soldier directly to the north and kills him on enemy phase of Turn 1; Edward visits the Hand Axe village on Turn 3 and all those fighters are cleared out at that point.

On Turn 4, Nolan receive the hand axe from Edward and Nolan goes two spaces south of that other fighter to block THAT chokehold. He weakens every enemy on there; Micaiah kills the Archer on Turn 5 and the northern Fighter on Turn 6 (Nolan attacks that fighter on Turn 5, having that said). All of those enemies are dead by Turn 6, and Nolan moves in front of the boss and his lackey (equipped with a hand axe for insurance) for the kill after using a Vulnerary. He kills the boss on Turn 7, and Micaiah Escapes.

            Lvl  EXP  MHP  Str  Mag  Skl  Spd  Lck  Def  Res
Micaiah       3   61   15    2    8   10    7   12    2    6

Turns: 7

Total Turns: 12


I have Nolan go directly above the cliff so that he can fight off all the Fighters. Micaiah guards the eastern chokepoint, and Edward rescues Laura for mobility. Nolan kills the northern fighter by the end of Turn 1.

My idea was to proc a speed gain for him so he can double attack the Soldier to the south on a counterattack on Enemy Phase Turn 2 and hopefully kill the Myrmidon by Turn 4 (so turns 5&6 can be dedicated to snagging Thani and a Wind Edge), but thankfully I didn't have to do that -- the Fighter missed on EP Turn 1 and nolan got the kill (and gained defense!)

Sothe comes in on Turn 3 and pretty much kills all who attack him, whereas Sothe puts himself in position to kill 5 enemies (two fighters, three soldiers) and so he can block the archer to allow me a Turn 6 clear (so I don't have this fear of Laura getting atacked by it).

Turn 4 I move Leonardo up and kill the Myrmidon with Nolan. I also accidentally left Light equipped so I had Edward take it; this didn't affect anything but survability lol.

Turn 5, Edward shoves Leonardo which provides him with just enough spaces to drop Laura exactly five spaces from the Arrive point. Nolan grabs a Wind Edge, Sothe offs the Archer, and Micaiah gets her tome back.

Turn 6, Micaiah kills a soldier, Nolan grabs Thani, and Sothe kills a Soldier also. Laura Arrives.

            Lvl  EXP  MHP  Str  Mag  Skl  Spd  Lck  Def  Res
Micaiah       4   13   15    3    9   10    7   13    2    7
Sothe         1   21   35   18    4   20   20   15   14    9

Turns: 6

Total Turns: 18

Damn, this is the last chapter I can use Nolan. Oh well, Sothe's got it covered from here. I'm going to use the Dracoshield on him so he has a smaller chance of dying.


Ended up going through the east. Kurth and Aimee are blocking the chokepoint so that no enemies get through, and Sothe is doing most of the killing (but Micaiah is snagging wherever she can). I can't go into too much detail here, but Kurth and Aimee absorbed hits just fine (Aimee didn't get knocked out either) and I am extremely satisfied with Sothe and Micaiah's performance even though they were the only two units I could use.

On Turn 6, Micaiah attacks the armor in front of the guy on the escape square (Sothe is directly diagonal to that Archer on the escape square). I have Nolan shove Sothe so he can block a chokepoint. From here, I proc hits so that Micaiah doesn't get OHKO'd by the boss (the boss has less than 50% hitrate on her so it *should* be fine, especially since the other enemies are going after Sothe). The boss is actually trapped between Micaiah and Sothe at this point.

What I'm trying to proc: 46% hit chance x2. This leads to about a 30% chance of survival. And she lives through it, anyway.

Turn 7: Sothe kills the Longbow Archer, Nolan escapes then Micaiah escapes (Nolan does so for extra BEXP). Nope, no bosskill.

            Lvl  EXP  MHP  Str  Mag  Skl  Spd  Lck  Def  Res
Micaiah       5   13   16    3    9   11    7   14    2    7
Sothe         1   56   35   18    4   20   20   15   16    9

Resources used:
1-P Dracoshield    Sothe

Turns: 7

Total Turns: 25

Am I doing well so far?

Edited by Mercenary Raven
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Undrafted units aren't allowed to Visit or Shove free/drafted units Raven, so you may want to restart to avoid penalties for 1-1 and 1-3.

3. Undrafted units may only: recruit characters, trade with units and shove/rescue other undrafted units. Everything else incurs a penalty

Edited by Radiant Kitty
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... I think what I'll do is keep this file, but also start another one to see how far I can get and check my turncount then.

EDIT: Disregard the previous post, I'm redoing this. I'm on 1-2 now with the same exact turncount.

Edited by Mercenary Raven
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