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Barney's Version - Giamatti's Best!


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I'm convinced that Paul Giamatti's presence in any film automatically validates it. Argue with me all you want, but I have yet to see a film of his that I didn't enjoy.

Barney's Version is a showcase of Paul Giamatti at his best. The story takes us through a roller coaster of experiences that is the life of Canadian TV producer Barney Panofsky. In my opinion, no other actor is better suited to interpret this ride than Giamatti. His character is not likable, yet somehow P.G. manages to captivate you and even convince you to root for him; a testament to his acting ability no doubt. The supporting cast is phenomenal too, with notable roles by Dustin Hoffman (my absolute favorite), Minnie Driver, and Rosamund Pike.

There's a reason why Barney's Version received such high acclaim during awards season. Highly recommend!


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I loved him in Saving Private Ryan, even though he was on screen a very short time, he still managed to do well.

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