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(FE4) Draft VII


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Chapter 9 - RIP Hannibal 15 turns

Julia promotes, Tinny and Aless are very close too. Celice finally drops the Elite Ring and Lester picks it up. Roddleban is the only one who can't clear the arena, he lacks durability. The mobile death squad head out again.Celice does his thing with Arthur and captures on turn 3. Sorry, Sharlow! Tinny guards home castle, she's too slow to keep up. Nothing cool happens and Celice seizes on turn 6.

Musar and his squad decide to chase Femina over the mountains, which should prove to be funny. Tinny zaps Altenna with an Ambush/Wrath combo, that thing's seriously broken! Evil castle seized on turn 10. Rana warps Julia for Celice's conversation, he's capped a few stats now. Femina also sees the Shanam village. Celice sneaks past Areone for a turn 15 capture. Arthur and Julia almost killed Areone, he had 1 hp left.

Celice	30 -- 73 25 12 22 16 21 22 18 Silver Sword, Thunder Sword, Leg/Skill/Barrier/Power/Shield Rings
Julia 	23 69 42 02 30 21 27 12 07 27 Rezire, Relive, Mind Control
Oifaye	21 54 46 21 09 20 18 08 19 08 Silver Sword, Javelin, Slim Lance, Steel Lance, Speed Ring
Roddle  13 33 38 16 00 20 17 05 11 00 Silver Blade, Cutter, Iron Blade, Hero Sword, Clipper
Rana  	17 30 43 07 16 13 19 17 11 09 Sleep Staff, Restore, Silence, Libro, Warp, Recover, Live
Lester	14 63 43 12 02 12 17 13 12 00 Silver Bow, Killer Bow, Iron Bow, Speed Ring, Skill Ring, Hero Bow, Elite Ring
Tristan 17 05 46 18 00 18 15 07 17 01 Iron Sword, Hero Sword, Earth Sword
Femina	17 15 38 16 01 10 24 09 12 09 Slim Lance, Berserk Sword, Light Sword, Shield Ring, Hero Lance, Sleep Sword, Barrier Ring
Arthur	30 -- 62 19 18 22 22 17 20 11 Elwind, Pursuit Ring, Magic Ring, Return Ring, Tron
Tinny 	23 02 41 08 11 21 15 19 11 07 Elthunder, Thunder, Wind
Asaello   R.I.P
Aless 	19 50 56 22 04 16 15 11 16 07 Mistoltn, Iron Lance, Bargain Ring


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I'll post the last two separately, Integrity, I've got a surprise for you.

Chapter 10 - Celice's Mobile Death Squad strikes again - 24 turns

Everyone clears the arena, apart from Arthur and Celice who want to heal. There's also Rana incase anyone couldn't infer it! Lester, Aless and Tinny promote, Tristan and Femina are also very close. Arthur takes a barrier ring and steals Roddleban's Hero Sword. Celice's mobile death squad are the only ones with enough resistance to stay awake so move out. The others hang behind after the Sleep staves are gone.

Celice runs ahead whilst Aless and Arthur soak up hits. Again, Ambush/Wrath is megabroken. 18 magic and the magic ring mean that he can

kill anything. Capture on turn 4.

Tristan is warped back as he has enough XP to promote now. My Celice was slower than Ridale so nearly dies, he had 1hp remaining, luckily he critkilled him and let the others handle his squad. Celice captures on turn 8. Roddleban and Rana are really far behind, hopefully Tinny can handle healing. Tinny gets put to sleep but Celice and Aless should have enough between them to handle this leg. Aless kills Ishtar and Celice captures on turn 14.

Rana desperately tries to catch up, Roddleban joins Femina in cannibalism, and devours this chapter's children. Aless takes a lot of hits but opens a path for Celice. Thankfully, Arthur and Tristan arrive to help him out. Tinny gets moving again, Rana never made it to her so she had the wake up by herself. Celice gets his sword with a little help from Femina, letting Aless and Arthur clear the way to Alvis for him. Celice takes a little longer than planned but kills Alvis on turn 24.

Celice	30 -- 73 25 12 22 16 21 22 18 Tyrfing, Speed/Leg/Skill/Barrier/Power/Shield Rings
Julia 	23 69 42 02 30 21 27 12 07 27 Rezire, Relive, Mind Control
Oifaye	24 00 51 23 09 20 18 10 20 09 Silver Sword, Javelin, Slim Lance, Steel Lance
Roddle  22 22 45 19 01 25 19 06 15 00 Silver Blade, Cutter, Iron Blade, Clipper
Rana  	20 15 46 08 18 14 21 18 11 09 Sleep Staff, Restore, Silence, Libro, Warp, Recover, Live
Lester	24 11 51 21 03 14 23 17 19 05 Silver Bow, Killer Bow, Iron Bow, Speed Ring, Hero Bow, Elite Ring
Tristan 22 17 54 21 00 29 22 07 20 04 Iron Sword, Hero Sword, Earth Sword
Femina	26 56 43 17 01 13 27 16 13 10 Slim Lance, Berserk Sword, Light Sword, Shield Ring, Hero Lance, Sleep Sword
Arthur	30 -- 62 19 18 22 22 17 20 11 Elwind, Pursuit Ring, Magic/Skill/Barrier Rings, Hero Sword, Tron
Tinny 	30 -- 50 13 18 24 25 20 18 12 Elthunder, Thunder, Wind, Wind Sword, Libro, Recover
Asaello   Who was he again?
Aless 	28 66 67 24 11 20 20 12 20 14 Mistoltn, Iron Lance, Bargain, Fire Sword, Steel Lance, Life Ring Ring


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Epilogue - Bow down to Doku! 26 turns

The others promote, which is about time. Rana gets her hands on the Rescue staff, it'll save some turns later. Almost everyone clears the arena, apart from Celice, Arthur and Tinny, who have already hit 30 and want healing. Oifaye's the only one who fails, he'll make a fine guard for Edda.

Celice heads out alone after taking his Silver sword from storage. Getting Edda on turn 4. Arthur and Aless do in Brian, Rana rescues Celice so he can capture Dozel on turn 7. The Mobile Death Squad do it again and get Freege on turn 12, I have never seen so many people suicide themselves on Arthur.

Celice goes off to Velthomer by himself and Tinny gets warped back to kill Areone. I forgot that he had Nihil but a little luck means that she avoids death and does him in. Celice kills 2 pegasus sisters and Ishtar but only has 3hp by the time he gets to Manfroy. Velthomer seized on turn 20.

Conveniently, Julia is right near by and gets Narga. With a little help from Arthur and Aless, some of the warlords fall, letting Julia and Celice team up to capture on turn 26.


282 turns

do I get a prize?

Celice - The Flash - 112 kills


With the leg ring, he wasn't spending much time hanging about. He did most of the important killing. His speed and luck were a little low, but that played in my favour - enemies were stupid enough to target him.

Julia - Rezire Tank - 38 kills


A little slow moving about but she got some good kills in. I was fortunate in that I didn't leave anything of value on her. In the past she'd been hogging rings.

Oifaye - The Retired Moustachio - 15 kills


He helped out in odd places, although he really hasn't been that useful. Probably the worst surviving unit of the second generation.

Arthur - Ambush'n'Wrath Pioneer - 93 kills


I was a little weary of LexxTiltyu, but it's certainly paid off. He eradicated whole armies, started strong, he even got a pony. My new favourite Arthur, potentially rivalling even Holsety on a horse.

Tinny - Dragonslayer - 23 kills


Much like her mother, dragons seemed to be after her. However, she was actually able to fend them off. Killing both Altenna and Areone, she proved a worthy castle guard, also provided some long range healing.

Lester - Behind the scenes - 24 kills


Another one who didn't help out too much but got little bits done. He provided backline sniping, clearing the way for the others. Not bad, Lester.

Rana - Pacifist... oh wait, the arena... - 0 kills


It was nice to have an early staff user. Healing isn't that important, which I found out from SOYO the hard way, but it makes things a little simpler. Became the bride of Roddleban the Bad.

Tristan - The silent one - 18 kills


He may have bad growths, a stinky special conversation and an awful starting weapon, but the fact that he has decent skill and critical made up for all of it. The Hero Sword allowed him to get a critical about half the time meaning he did a fair job. Why do you all hate him?

Roddleban - Roddle bad - 13 kills


I expected him to be better than Radney, he has another skill. However, he doesn't get the cool Shannan conversation and his lower speed growth meant he didn't do as well. Bizarely fell for Rana.

Femina - Sadistic childmuncher - 16 kills


Not a bad performance from her, she flew about saving villages and eating children. She doesn't really need to double, I consider her more of a utility unit.

Aless - Celice's Wingman - 46 kills


I quite liked him, he saved Celice's hide a few times and cleared paths for him. A good third pick.

Asaello - Sacrificed for the greater good


It was either him, Hannibal or Sharlow. He wasn't going to survive regardless, he's up there now, probably a cupid or something.

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Well done, mon ami. Well done.

Now I have to beat it after summer term is over and I have time :P

I doubt I will, 'cause I'll probably flounder about with Lachesis because I've never used her, though.

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Final Chapter (40 turns)

Chalphy to Edda (4/4/146)

Everybody gets promoted after the Arena, Celice rushes with Tyrfing equipped and decimates everything while everyone else handles the knights that pass by. Celice finds a spot to rush past the Mage barrier while MANLY FIN eats all the long range mages. Celice kills the boss and seizes on turn 4. Now that they're on Edda we can watch the hilarious convo. Dayum.

Edda to Dozel (6/10/152)

Definitely the most epic moment in this run:





And yeah, Celice runs from the other side killing all the LOLAXEKNIGHTS on the other side to rack up kills on Tyrfing. Could have saved a turn if the stupid knights hadn't cockblocked Celice. Whatever. This was Patty's moment to shine. Seize on Turn 10.

Dozel to Freege (7/17/159)

Celice rushes like usual and takes on the Barons and Hilda without a scratch. The rest of the team hold off the Arch Knights. Not much to say here, but at least that bitch died painfully. Seize on Turn 17.

Freege to Velthomer (9/26/168)

Oh. My. Fucking. God. I can't believe I managed to end this with everyone alive. I rushed Celice past Ishtar and her troops, while everyone else stayed behind to handle Ishtar and co., save the Pegasus Sisters who went after Celice. Janne Returns Altenna and she recruits Arion. When Ishtar's troops all die she starts goign back to Barhara and I sigh in relief. Julia starts following Celice to Velthomer, and just as Celice kills Manfroy and seizes Julia arrives by Celice's side.

Velthomer to Barhara (14/40/182)

Celice recruits Julia and she retrieves the broken (not literally) Narga. Ishtar arrives at Barhara and comes out with a new set of troops, which aren't match for Celice and Julia. Ishtar dies after Julia weakens her and Celice kills her (*sniff*). Arion's troops get rid of some of the Warlords, and finally Julia takes care of Julius. Seize on Turn 40.

Gen 1 Turn Count: 216 Turns

Gen 2 Turn Count: 182 Turns


Images tomorrow.

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CELICE - Inheritor of Awesomeness


Oh wow. Nothing else to say about this kid. Demolished entire armies by himself, was the main boss killer, and was invincible once he got Tyrfing.

JULIA - Needs no promotion after she becomes broken.


Basically a staffbot at first, but pretty much killed everything in the very last treck.

LEAF - McJesus on a Horse


Ethlin is totally worth recruiting for this guy. Really slow at first and needed the Elite Ring and Hero Sword until he promoted, but after that he was great at attacking, defending and healing.

JANNE - The Future Queen of Thracia


Great healer but that's about it. Lack of Pursuit and no Staff Rank upgrade on promotion really kill her.

JOHALVA - Props for being the only Axe user.


Good as a support unit and was able to kill plenty thanks to his early falling for Radney. Not much after that.

RADNEY - Lakche without Astra


I don't regret drafting her at all. I gave her Celice's 100-kill Silver Sword and she was AMAZING.

ALTENNA - Flies around destroying things.


Having a flier is always great, and she certainly doesn't disappoint.

FAVAL - Awesome Sniper and stuff


Reliable killer thanks to Ichival. Worth all the extra turns in Gen 1.

PATTY - Jacks your shit when you're not looking


She actually killed things and gave out money. Awesome unit since she was Holyn's daughter.



Helpful and amazing in both gens, what else could you ask for?

AMID - Interesting Substitute choice


Hardly the best, but not a bad unit. Wouldn't mind using him but Arthur is pretty much better on all fronts.

OIFAYE - Can't think of an interesting title


Cool, I guess. At least his Critical saved my butt a couple of times.

HANNIBAL - More like "Whonnibal"


I think he hit something once. Doesn't even deserve a bolded title.

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  • 4 weeks later...


To JUNGBY: 8 turns clear = 8 turns total

Goddammit I'm gonna have to take a penalty. ME. Seriously.

To THE NEXT PLACE: 8 turns clear = 16 turns total


For SOME REASON the Hand Axer would attack Alec at 0% hit BUT NOT ETHLIN. NO PENALTY. Stupid AI. It was REALLY dumb of me to elect to have no other units until Lachesis. Really. At least I get MY ENTIRE TEAM in Chapter 2?

EDIT: By the way, Shin, don't expect me to actually beat your record this draft. I have no idea what I was thinking with my team and I'm waaaaay out of practice :p

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You should still have some fun with Levin and Sety :P. The only time I'd been able to pair Levin in a draft is when I had Sylvia.

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You should still have some fun with Levin and Sety :P. The only time I'd been able to pair Levin in a draft is when I had Sylvia.

I've had Levin/Fury in THREE DRAFTS now. :(

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Prologue 17 turns

I had Sigurd and Noish go south while Alec and Arden went north. Cuan came and followed Sigurd. Sigurd got the speed ring village and the Silver Sword and rushed forward. Noish, Alec and Cuan cleaned up behind him. Arden saved village and killed some things.

Name    LV XP HP ST MG SK SP LK DF RS Items 
Sigurd  10 52 41 16 00 14 13 08 10 03 Silver Sword, Iron Lance, Steel sword, Speed Ring
Noish   07 47 35 15 00 07 08 05 10 00 Steel Sword 
Alec    05 36 34 11 01 09 11 05 08 00 Iron Sword
Ardan   04 63 37 13 00 05 04 03 14 00 Iron Sword
Cuan    05 46 35 17 00 10 10 05 11 03 Steel Lance, Javelin

Chapter 1 28 turns

I got Ayra and immediately she and Noish started their pairing. Alec got the kill on the warrior boss and I got Aideen and Ethlin their staves(for Claude, obviously). Ayra got the Skill ring and the units moved through the forest. Deidre silenced the boss and Sigurd killed and seized on turn 28.

Note: Stats are After chapter 2 Arena

Name    LV XP HP ST MG SK SP LK DF RS  Items 
Sigurd  17 38 49 19 00 17 16 12 13 03  Silver Sword, Javelin, Speed Ring
Noish   11 18 39 15 00 09 09 05 10 00  Steel Sword, Slim Sword, Iron Lance 
Alec    09 58 38 13 01 11 11 05 08 00  Iron Sword, Steel Sword, Iron Lance
Ardan   07 74 40 13 00 05 05 04 15 00  Iron Sword, Slim Sword
Cuan    09 54 38 19 00 12 12 05 13 03  Steel Lance, Javelin, Iron Lance
Ayra    12 84 39 15 01 21 20 04 07 01  Steel Blade, Iron Blade, Skill Ring
Deidre  06 75 28 00 16 10 12 06 04 18  Silence, Aura, Live, Circlet

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asdf anon

To VERDANE: 5 turns clear = 21 turns total

I do WAY too much of this game with just Sigurd. Seriously.

To MARS: 7 turns clear = 28 turns total

It took me too long to calculate 12 - 5. Yeah. Now let's see what this bandit does...

To ...shit: 12 turns clear = 40 turns total

Sigurd pushes THROUGH IT ALL even though I did one more Arena fight than I intended and ran into that stupid Wind Mage. I GET MY WHOLE TEAM NOW!

To LACHESIS: 5 turns clear = 45 turns total

FEATURING: Sigurd running in MINDLESS CIRCLES, desperately TRYING to do the JOBS of THREE MEN while Deirdre DIES REPEATEDLY in the ARENA to BURN RANDOM NUMBERS because FUCK THE NODION KNIGHTS. I saved them all btw.

To HEIRHEIN?: 8 turns clear = 53 turns total


To ANTHONY: 9 turns clear = 62 turns total

Now to Fury!

To MACDADDY: 11 turns clear = 72 turns total

stupid stupid dumb hate hate hate


To THE LAST FUCKING CASTLE ON THIS FUCKING MAP: 8 turns clear = 80 turns total

stupid hate hate hate hate

Now I just have to deal with fucking Eltshan.

Also I'm WAY closer to your turncounts than I thought I'd be, Shin.

To MAD: 5 turns clear = 85 turns total

Beowulf isn't that bad.

To SILVAIL: 10 turns clear = 95 turns total

Levin killed the ENTIRE Cross Knight brigade. Yeow. Could have maybe shaved a turn, but waited for the Life Ring Bearer to arrive so I could get it.

To PIRACY: 9 turns clear = 104 turns total

Sigurd Returns, Beowulf acquires and gives him the Leg Ring, stomp stomp stomp. Gonna promote that stupid strongjawed fuck next chapter.

Let's post this now so I don't lose it to catastrophic failure and edit in a minute with some of CHAPTER FOUR.

To THOVE: 16 turns clear = 120 turns total

Fuck the Dew.

Nickin' SILESIA back: 10 turns clear = 130 turns total

I think it took Mahnya 6 turns to die.

To ZAXOPHONE: 6 turns clear = 136 turns total

I'd say Holsety was worth the slight delay.

Now I've spent WAY TOO FUCKING LONG hammering at inheritance, break time.

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To LUBE: 6 turns clear = 142 turns total


To PHINORA: 8 turns clear = 150 turns total

Stopped to kill he Thracians for money for Sigurd so Celice could be properly kitted.

To THE END: 10 turns clear = 160 turns total

Reptor actually didn't cause any trouble for once. What?


So Gen 1 is lost by 10 turns. Not bad for how I've been at these games recently. CAN I MAKE TEN TURNS UP IN GEN 2?! ONLY TIME WILL TELL.



I had some massive money troubles with the big lug this time. Dunno why. Barely managed to kit him out at the cost of the Skill Ring.


Okay, I guess. She did okay.


This book really didn't do much this time. It made me sad.


Actually, he was pretty good. Like a Noish who didn't suck massively. Plus, Pursuit is cool.



I love Fury ever so much. And she gives me Fee too!

EDIT: Also, for Celice, the 50th kill on the Hero Sword was Reptor. Critical, ho!

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I forgot to log my time to the first castle, but ISAAC IN: 16 turns clear = 16 turns total


To THE NEXT PLACE: 6 turns clear = 22 turns total

Whee! And Celice got that requisite level 18 so he can promote after the C7 Arena.

Forgot the first one again but THROUGH ISHTOR: 20 turns clear = 42 turns total


To DARN: 5 turns clear = 47 turns total

Quick detour for Laylea.

To BLUME: 7 turns clear = 54 turns total

And I got Laylea and Linda. The whole team's here! Sharlow who?

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I forgot to log my time to the first castle, but ISAAC IN: 16 turns clear = 16 turns total


To THE NEXT PLACE: 8 turns clear = 22 24 turns total

Whee! And Celice got that requisite level 18 so he can promote after the C7 Arena.

16+8 is 24 not 22 just pointing that out. Not sure if 22 or 24 is right but you must have calculated something wrong


Chapter 2 42 turns

This chapter gives me nightmare but this time I found by luring an archer to shoot at Sylvia the swordsman, archers, and mages all start moving this meant I did not have to wait for Diadre to use the Silence staff. Ayra and Noish sat together and I gave Sigurd the Light Sword which now has 22 kills on it. Ayra got the Elite ring and is ready to promote. Sigurd rushed with Cuan behind and I killed and seized on turn 42

Name    LV XP HP ST MG SK SP LK DF RS  Items 
Sigurd  23 01 55 23 01 22 18 17 16 03  Silver Sword(38), Javelin(2), Speed Ring, Light Sword(22), Barrier Ring
Noish   14 70 42 18 00 10 11 05 11 00  Steel Sword(13), Slim Sword(9), Iron Lance(1), Thief Sword(2) 
Alec    11 34 38 15 01 12 12 06 08 00  Iron Sword(7), Steel Sword(28), Iron Lance(0)
Ardan   07 74 40 13 00 05 05 04 15 00  Iron Sword(2), Slim Sword(1)
Cuan    15 34 47 25 01 12 13 05 16 03  Steel Lance(4), Javelin(5), Iron Lance(0), Silver Lance(11),Shield Ring
Ayra    20 84 43 21 01 30 27 04 11 05  Steel Blade(10), Iron Blade(13), Skill Ring, Prayer Sword(9),
Deidre  11 43 32 00 21 11 13 06 06 22  Silence, Aura(6), Live, Circlet, Warp
Sylvia  Dancing for Joy                Slim Sword(0)

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Derp. Adjusted everything after that up by 2.

EDIT: Wait, no. For the final castle count I use the Status screen rather than trying to calculate, so the 8 turns was wrong.

EDIT2: Ha! I still had a save from back there in case I needed Cel to farm an extra Axe Knight to promote in C7. It was 22 turns total.

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Chapter 3 25/112 turns

I rushed Sigurd and got the first castle in 5 turns. Everyone used the arena to heal and Noish got the hero sword. Alec stayed behind as everyone rushed forward towards Eltshan. Eltshan missed on Sigurd with a 98% hit chance and everyone survived. Noish and Ayra fell in love. After I seized the next castle on turn 13. I had Alec sit on the castle to take hits. Briggid died :(: . I got Claude and After Noish killed the boss Sigurd seized on turn 27.

Chapter 4 27/139 turns

I have Claude and Sylvia stick together. Claude buys some nice staves. Sigurd Decimates almost all the wind mages and all the Peg knights in getting to the castle. Dew opens the bridge and Sigurd seizes the first castle. Sylvia got the Defense sword and has a pretty funny talk with Claude. Oh Claude so naive. Claude returns Sigurd, Noish and Alec. Sigurd moves out after Mahnya died. He skips Selesia and goes straight for Zaxon. A lucky double silver sword crit kills the boss on turn 27 and Sigurd seizes.

Chapter 5 Later

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To BLUME: 8 turns clear = 62 turns total

And through every named character ever. Dimna was saved from an untimely death by Nanna Returning him.

To SETY: 2 turns clear = 64 turns total


And TO THE END: 4 turns clear = 68 turns total

Linda feeds on children. I love Linda.

The death of HANNIBAL: 2 turns clear = 70 turns total

Really, what did you expect?

The death of TRABANT: 3 turns clear = 73 turns total


To GRUTIA: 4 turns clear = 77 turns total


Through ARION: 5 turns clear = 82 turns total

Celice just went THROUGH Arion and Co. Holy shit.

To CRO: 3 turns clear = 85 turns total

The B-Team actually had to stop to mop up while Celice surged on. At least they still need to catch up while he gets to that next castle way off in the middle of facking nowhere.

To THE MIDDLE OF FACKING NOWHERE: 4 turns clear = 89 turns total


To MILETOS: 5 turns clear = 94 turns total



While dicking around trying to get a 5 turns clear instead of a 6, Delmud's Charisma gave Fee a 13% chance to hit Ishtar with her Hero Lance.

So she did.

And crit.

God bless.

To CHALPHY: 8 turns clear = 102 turns total

That douchebag Alvis could only really be hurt by Cel. I overestimated Shanan.

To EDDA: 3 turns clear = 105 turns total

Holy Holepunch!

To the DOZER: 4 turns clear = 109 turns total

Standard scenario; Celice went up and everybody else (minus Delmud, actually) went left and up to intercept. Worked well.

To FREEGE: 5 turns clear = 114 turns total

Fee didn't get to do her normal killfest, but she did pull the Barons out of Cel's way so he could CRUSH EVERYTHING.

Through JULIUS: 11 turns clear = 125 turns total

Killed Julia in a DESPERATE ATTEMPT to save turns. Fee got the final boss kill. Final tally:

285 turns clear


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Hurrah for me! Your second generation was better than mine, wasn't it? How on Earth did Fee get the final kill? I swear yours had magic powers!

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Had I not done the Epic McBadDraft first gen I did (seriously, nobody until c2? what was I thinking?) it would have done it. I lost Gen 1 to you by 10 total turns, and won Gen 2 by 7.


That said, final writeup time! Your answer is down there.



I love Cel. Just gotta be said. Every time, I say it. Every time, I will say it again. Was glitch-married to Daisy. I hate that shit.



Honestly, Shanan was REALLY underwhelming. He did some damage to Julius but besides that, he mostly got left behind and didn't contribute much. I consider him to be my biggest mistake this draft. In fact, I blame my entire loss on him. Was fond of Radney (ew.)



Honestly, Elwind and Staves were more useful to me than Holsety. I've become somewhat disenchanted with Levin!Sety. Fortunately, Holsety does have the power to almost guaranteed blick Arion when he shows in the Final, so I just keep a Return Ring (or a handy Nanna) around to Return Sety to handle that mess. Anyway, Linda was on his mind.



In stark contrast to Shanan, I was pleasantly surprised by Delmud. Made sure to pass Sigurd's Silver Sword down to him, and. His evade was PISS-poor early on (Johalva's group could nuke him no problem on a forest) but eventually he did grow and Charisma was pivotal late in the game. Linda was on his mind, too.



Didn't get what he needed to grow, never contributed much. Found a happy niche dying in the Arena occasionally, I guess, because he couldn't clear the first fight after a certain point.

Oh yeah, he had horrible taste and Radney was on his mind.



...17? Yeah. My use of Oifaye hit a new low this playthrough. I really have nothing to say here. He ALSO had Linda on his mind. Really can't blame all of them - Linda's often on my mind too.



I tried to use her to get money to Laylea to trade off the movement-style rings but it was a failed enterprise. She - literally - contributed nothing in her whole run. And she got glitchmarried to Celice, too.



And so it happens.

Fee surpassed Celice in kills.

This has never happened before.

Now, Julius.

So there I was. Julius had 25 health left, and Tyrfing had THREE uses left. I was pissed - I should have remembered to repair it at Freege, but oh well. I had a thought! You do a guaranteed 1 damage if you hit in FE4, right? ...and I had so much Charisma that Julius had a 30% chance to hit Fee with her Hero Lance. Celice was on the point, so Celice took two swings - 10 damage - and cantoed out of the way. Fee moved in with the Hero Lance - 3/4 hits (at 70%) for 3 damage. Shanan moved in and hit twice more for two more damage. Julius now had 10 HP left. Laylea moved in and Danced for everybody, and Shanan took his swings, dropping Julius to 7 or 8 HP - I can't remember if Continue activated. Nanna rushed in and Returned Shanan off the point and Celice moved in for a guaranteed 5 damage, breaking the Holy Sword Tyrfing. Celice cantoed out of the way again, and Fee moved in to land her 70%s and kill Julius. For good.

Also, apparently Oifaye was on her mind.



Linda didn't get the same volume of kills she usually gets from me, despite my preaching. Why? Because she was my only bearer of Restore if I wanted Sety to fight. That's right. Not only is Linda a good fighter out of the box, she can function as a GRAND old staffbot if you need her to. And she has Elite! I'm starting to think Linda is better than Tinny, but I've never actually gotten to try Tinny. Anyway, Oifaye on her mind.




Even without the Leg and Knight Rings she still performed excellently.



Besides Charisma, I was REALLY underwhelmed by Nanna. Maybe I just expected too much of her, but for a Mothers draft I was fully disappointed when Janne serves her purpose almost as well and you can get her really late. Oh well. Fond of Leaf, natch.

EDIT: Oh yeah and there was supposed to be Sharlow but I smacked Enter before I could even see his stupid face in his one conversation he's in before you gib Hannibal.

EDIT2: And lest I forget, a mourning bit for dear, sweet Julia. She didn't really accomplish much this run, alas, but her death is still a thing of sorrow. I'm going to just pretend that she attacking Oifaye and he grabbed and pinned her until Julius died. And everything was okay! Yeah!


Well played, Shin. Well played indeed. I think I could have dethroned you if I'd tried harder to shave turns in Gen 1, but I'm still happy to let you hold the record awhile. Howzabout letting me get Tiltyu next draft so I can at least try Arthur out, eh?

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Chapter 5 21/159 turns

Alec promotes and guards. Sigurd rushes and is danced for. Sigurd double-crits Langabart in one turn and seizes on turn 3. Noish and Ayra go in the Arena and Ayra single handedly takes out the Dragon Knights. Claude and Sylvia finally fall in love and some final item shuffling is done. Surprisingly Reptor's army had a hole and I killed him in one turn with the Tyrfing. This so far is my best showing ever in the first gen of a FE4 Draft.

Important Inheritance
Sigurd --> Celice Silver Sword, Light Sword, Thief Sword, Leg, Speed, Power, and Barrier Rings
Noish --> Skasaha Defense Sword, Hero Sword, Elite Ring, 2x Iron Swords, Steel Sword, Slim Sword
Ayra --> Lachke Silver Sword, Silver Blade, Clipper, Prayer Sword, Thunder Sword, Skill Ring, Knight Ring
Sylvia --> Leen Slim Sword
Claude --> Corple Silence Staff, Reserve Staff, Return Staff, Valkyrie, Libro Staff, Live Staff

Last Character Thoughts for Gen 1

Sigurd- A God among men. If only all lords were this beastly

Ayra- She is very good and capped Speed and Skill

Noish- Sucks but he's in this for the skills alone

Alec- Very good but Noish was more needed at the front lines with Ayra

Diadre- Not bad because a healer is always welcome

Sylvia- Blows chunks but might have saved a turn here or there

Claude- A staff user was crucial in my Ayra solos the Thracia Dragons plan and he did it, Very Helpful

Ardan- No Comment :facepalm:

Just started Gen 2 Starting stats are

Celice  30 08 01 08 08 10 07 01
Skasaha 29 10 00 12 12 11 07 00
Lakche  29 10 00 13 13 05 07 00

Edited by Second Pronoun
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Integ, you didn't have Dimna enter Isaac castle. 8[

Do that next time, he gets +5 strength from it.

He's still horrible ^^.

Integrity, you can have Tiltyu... as long as I make sure you don't have Levin! Although it would be interesting with reversed inheritance on Arthur and Tinny.

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Fiiine. I even promise - swear it! - not to draft Levin even if I'm able to, as long as you let me grab Tiltyu.

And if I try to, just point me back here :p

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