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(FE4) Draft VII


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Chapter 6 23/172 turns

Celice rushed forward while Skasaha and Lachke followed and Mana healed them. Oifaye came and helped on the leftovers. Lakche recruited Johan and Celice rushed ahead. Mana gave Julia a Relive staff which just begs the question if you have a relive staff with you, why do you start with a live staff? Celice seizes the next castle and gives Julia a Rezire tome. Skasaha gets the skill ring village. Celice double crits the last boss on EP turn 22. He then Seizes.

Name    LV XP HP ST MG SK SP LK DF RS  Items 
Celice  09 64 38 14 04 15 12 13 12 02  Silver Sword, Slim Sword, Light Sword, Thief Sword, Speed Ring, Power, Ring, Leg Ring
Skasaha 07 24 36 14 00 16 15 12 10 00  Defense Sword, Hero Sword, Iron Blade, Slim Sword, Iron Sword, Skill Ring, Elite Ring
Lakche  06 37 36 14 00 14 15 06 10 01  Silver Blade, Silver Sword, Prayer Sword, Thunder Sword, Skill Ring, Knight Ring
Mana    02 50 24 00 10 07 11 06 01 10  Live Staff
Johan   13 23 42 15 00 11 12 05 12 01  Steel Axe, Hero Axe
Julia   02 00 25 00 12 08 11 05 03 14  Relive Staff, Rezire
Oifaye  15 82 40 16 09 17 16 08 17 08  Cutter, Javelin, Fire Sword

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Chapter 7 38/210 turns

This is where I am stuck in the SOYO draft. I couldn't get past Ishtor's army with my sucky team. But now I have a secret weapon named Julia. She took out nearly that entire army, with Rezire. Celice takes Ishtor out with a Silver sword Crit then Celice and Oifaye rush up to take on Jabarro's army. After conquering the castle Celice runs back and Kills Blume and seizes. Once again a double crit from the Silver Sword.


Name    LV XP HP ST MG SK SP LK DF RS  Items 
Celice  16 78 50 17 06 18 15 17 14 03  Silver Sword, Slim Sword, Light Sword, Thief Sword, Speed Ring, Power, Ring, Leg Ring
Skasaha 17 32 48 19 01 23 20 17 19 01  Defense Sword, Hero Sword, Iron Blade, Slim Sword, Iron Sword, Skill Ring, Elite Ring
Lakche  12 03 42 19 00 17 18 07 13 01  Silver Blade, Silver Sword, Prayer Sword, Thunder Sword, Skill Ring, Knight Ring
Mana    05 10 26 01 10 09 11 07 01 10  Live Staff
Johan   15 51 44 15 00 11 13 05 12 01  Steel Axe, Hero Axe, Hand Axe, Shield Ring
Julia   12 84 34 00 22 10 13 05 04 19  Relive Staff, Rezire
Oifaye  18 74 43 18 09 18 17 08 19 09  Cutter, Javelin, Fire Sword
Leen    03 40 26 03 02 02 08 08 01 06  Slim Sword

Chapter 8 16/226 turns

This was just a straight up Celice charge. All my units cleaned up after him and Hawk helped divert attention from him by being in range. Hawk is a beast. Also Skasaha promoted and Lachke will promote next chapter

Chapter 9 18/244 turns

I had another Celice charge. I recruited Corple than he returned Celice to home castle to be danced for and he headed out. Hannibal died boo hoo. Celice kept charging. Corple spammed Reserve because he needs to promote. He had a convo with Daisy for an extra 3 HP. I also had Mana spam warp and she leveled up alot. Celice did not kill Arion but seized with one Hit Point left

Edited by Second Pronoun
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Chapter 10 26/270 turns

I have Celice rush ahead and seize. Mana then warps most people forward. Corple Rescues Celice back from Rados and then eats civilians. Corple than spams Return, Rescue, and Reserve staves for extra expierience. Celice just goes goes around Ishtar and Julius and seizes the castle. Having Hawk is very helpful as he restores people. Corple gets two villages to help with his money. Hawk dies on the turn I'm going to seize and I'm about to restart the turn when I remember I have Valkyrie. Celice kills Alvis and seizes on turn 26.

Epilogue 29/299 turns

I got under 300 yes!!!! Standard Celice rush with a One turn KO of Julius helped by Leen.

Final Thoughts and Character stats in Next Post

Edited by Second Pronoun
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Celice Son of Diadre and Sigurd and Husband to Mana 164 Wins


Celice was the best I've ever had him, he grew speed early and often and was able to pretty much solo some of the later chapters My overall number 1 MVP.

Oifaye Better than usual 33 wins


I have been using Oifaye less and less in drafts but this time through he shocked me with how he grew quite well. Not the greatest but good enough.

Lachke Daughter of Ayra and Noish Wife to Johan 71 wins


My new favorite pairing for Ayra she grew what she always grows and Defense. Also she attacked 40 straight times, no joke at range on a dark mage with the Thunder Sword to kill him. She is a Goddess.

Skasaha Son of Ayra and Noish 36 wins


He was great as well. The only difference between him and Lacke was no continue and fewer kils not because he was worse but because he started with the elite ring. A real killer he Becam Lachke with the Hero Sword.

Mana Wife to Celice 0 Wins


Although she didn't promote she was very helpful in warping people around. She warped in Leen to help Sigurd and Julia one turn the final boss. Altogether not the best but not the worst.

Johan Husband to Lachke and A big fat Loser 12 wins


I will never draft him again. He has a horse but axes suck and so does he not useful after chapter 7.

Hawk, Best Sub Ever!!! 33 wins


Hawk was amazing. He has great stats and can use Restore. He helped a ton in chapter 10 when Celice needed to be restored and was always a reliable fighter and dodge tank. Overall, my 2nd best after Celice.

Leen Dancer Single 0 Wins


Worth the turns used getting her, why because she helped in a few turn saving strategies I used. Not a fighter but one of my most prized possesions(Sounds Creepy)

Corple He who Awakens the Dead 0 wins


He reawakened Hawk as I was just about to rage quit and restart chapter 10 and was a godsend with his healing power. Joined Celice's brigade in the final chapter because of his Res. I don't like him though.

Julia nARGA 25 wins


Always useful and she killed Julius. Another Staff user was always welcome in my team and she filled that role well. Also she can tank well with her Rezire.

299 Turn Clear.

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