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Excellen's pick-my-units Playthrough!

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No. I've made it up to chapter 14 now. The trick was not deploying Tana and Neimi. Luckily, the following chapter, I finally got around to being able to give Tana some levels for the first time. I think Tana and Ewan will be salvagable, but Marisa is just too much fail.

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Marisa bad tier? I'm insulted. She's always one of my bests if not the best, it's usually a brawl between her, Amelia and Niemi for best unit.

Sorry for the bad growths anyways. FE8's always been kind to me...usually, except for skill growths.

I call for Dozla/L'Arachel support just because they're funny.

Edited by Taku
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Marisa bad tier? I'm insulted. She's always one of my bests if not the best, it's usually a brawl between her, Amelia and Niemi for best unit.

Sorry for the bad growths anyways. FE8's always been kind to me...usually, except for skill growths.

I call for Dozla/L'Arachel support just because they're funny.

Sorry to inform she has to be fed kills for the first few chapters, then. That's definitely negative points.

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It depends on how you play the game, I suppose. If you don't use the Tower of Valni at all, then I guess she is a bit horrible, but if you do to get her up to par with the other characters, then that's when she's great.

That's one think I love about FE8. No character is useless because of joining at a low level or having horrible bases.

I guess that post was also my hatred for tiers. I loathe them.

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It depends on how you play the game, I suppose. If you don't use the Tower of Valni at all, then I guess she is a bit horrible, but if you do to get her up to par with the other characters, then that's when she's great.

Two things.

A: Even if you DO use the Tower of Valni (which lots of people don't for various reasons) you still need to take the time and weapons to train them up, which is a negative. I'd rather not have to do that.

B: She's not that great, even when trained up. She joins at the same level as Joshua five chapters later, as I said. She has lower bases than him in every stat except LUK and RES, which are arguably the two most useless stats. He beats her in growths in both STR and DEF (the two stats they care most about) as well as HP. She beats him in SKL, LUK, and RES, none of which does he care much about. At level 20, Joshua has two more HP, STR, and DEF and she has five more LUK and two more RES. Joshua already would like more of the stats he's winning in and could hardly care less about the ones she's winning in. He even gets better promotion gains than her- he gets one more HP than her and she gets one more SKL. Then you compare her to someone like Franz, and at level 20 he has three more STR than her on top of the extra MT lances have and he has FOUR TO FIVE more DEF. Except he got this level with no (or way less) training outside of progressing through the game.

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Eh, for me, Marisa always ends up better than Joshua in pretty much every stat. The only reason she doesn't end up with more strength than Joshua on my games is because of the 23 stat cap. I guess I have great luck with her, but she usually maxes out STR, SKL, SPD and LUCK still while getting DEF and RES, although not maxing those (with her speed and luck you don't really need to).

It's all a matter of luck on the growths.

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I know what it means and I couldn't care less. I already said that I hate tiers, so it doesn't really effect me. I was just saying that 9 out of 10 times, Marisa beats Joshua out for me, so in essence I could prove it scientifically.

Anyways, I won't bring it up again so I don't hog up her thread with all of this.

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I know what it means and I couldn't care less. I already said that I hate tiers, so it doesn't really effect me. I was just saying that 9 out of 10 times, Marisa beats Joshua out for me, so in essence I could prove it scientifically.

Anyways, I won't bring it up again so I don't hog up her thread with all of this.

Wow. Its me 4 months ago.

Other than that, This team consists of 4/5 of my normal draft picks. Plus some. There is my perfect team.

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Eh, for me, Marisa always ends up better than Joshua in pretty much every stat. The only reason she doesn't end up with more strength than Joshua on my games is because of the 23 stat cap. I guess I have great luck with her, but she usually maxes out STR, SKL, SPD and LUCK still while getting DEF and RES, although not maxing those (with her speed and luck you don't really need to).It's all a matter of luck on the growths.

Thing is, on average (not 100% of the time, on average) Joshuah as three more STR than her at max level, which assumes either of them get there. Given this run (this one, not one where the player uses the Tower) that won't happen, but Joshua would hypothetically always have a level lead since he would not only have one when she shows up, but he would have an easier time getting EXP than her. Neither of them exactly have great DEF. Marisa on average has 11 at 20/20. Joshua only has 14, which isn't as bad, but not exactly spectacular. And it's more than just luck with the growths. Joshua's are better, so he will usually (not always) end up better.

I know what it means and I couldn't care less. I already said that I hate tiers, so it doesn't really effect me. I was just saying that 9 out of 10 times, Marisa beats Joshua out for me, so in essence I could prove it scientifically.Anyways, I won't bring it up again so I don't hog up her thread with all of this.

See, people generally use "I hate tiers" as an excuse or because they don't understand tiers. No one cares if you like using Marisa or if you've been lucky with her. I genuinely care less about that than you. What bugs people is when someone says something that is simply wrong, and claiming Marisa is a good unit in the conditions of a run like this is wrong. A tier list doesn't tell you that you're bad for playing a certain way or using certain units, it tells you how useful a unit is for accomplishing the goal of the given tier list, and people often play under similar restrictions.

You can't prove something scientifically if it's random through a small sample size. If you gave 1000 people a coin whose head side was slightly heavier than the tails side (let's say 55/45) and had them all flip it ten times, one of them would probably get tail 9/10 times. After all, there's a .075% chance of that happening, so, in that group of 1000 people, there's only a 47% chance of no one getting it 9 times. Assuming my math is all correct.

Why no update :(:

Edited by Rewjeo
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My main reason for hating tiers is that it can really bring in closed minded thinking to people. That's not to say it effects everyone, but when you have a goal and look at a tier chart, you might be thinking "screw all the lowered tier units, they don't mean anything to me here" when I feel that the lower tiered units can be used in said goal if you have fun with it. Some people might never give the lower units a chance because of the place on a tier chart. When I do any challenges in FE, I don't want to think like that. I want to use who I want as a spur of the moment.

Anyways, that way of thinking probably doesn't matter here, just shows why I don't like tiers.

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Tiers don't show how good a unit is at 20/20, they show how good they are for low turncounts. That's why Ewan and Amelia are abyssmal.

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My main reason for hating tiers is that it can really bring in closed minded thinking to people. That's not to say it effects everyone, but when you have a goal and look at a tier chart, you might be thinking "screw all the lowered tier units, they don't mean anything to me here" when I feel that the lower tiered units can be used in said goal if you have fun with it. Some people might never give the lower units a chance because of the place on a tier chart. When I do any challenges in FE, I don't want to think like that. I want to use who I want as a spur of the moment.

Anyways, that way of thinking probably doesn't matter here, just shows why I don't like tiers.

Yeah, some people can get rather closed minded. I think tiers have their place, but first and foremost Fire Emblem is a game, and however people enjoy it is fine with me.

There's a No-Seth Tier List lower on the page that I started. There's also a Low-Tier Worst Promotions run going on right now. Funny how many units are being used in both of these runs.

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That's not to say it effects everyone, but when you have a goal and look at a tier chart, you might be thinking "screw all the lowered tier units, they don't mean anything to me here" when I feel that the lower tiered units can be used in said goal if you have fun with it.

First off, if your goal isn't the same as the Tier List's goal (achieving low turn counts), then you shouldn't be looking at it to choose who you want to use; It's just an irrelevant list of the characters in the game in that case.

Second, just because Marisa is worse than Joshua on average, that doesn't mean you have to use Joshua and you can't use Marisa. Just because someone is a 'Low Tier' unit, doesn't mean that you can't use them and still achieve your goal.

Some people might never give the lower units a chance because of the place on a tier chart.

I don't doubt that people might never give units a chance based on the reasons they're low on a Tier List, such as bad stats and bad availability, but I highly doubt anyone has looked at a Tier List and said "Oh, this character is in Low Tier, I guess that means I can't use them!".

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chapter 9:

Before I start on Ephraim's epic journey, I spend some time map shopping. Units are outfitted and vulneraries are bought. Then, we march on to fort Rigwald! As far as loot is concerned, Ocean Seal is the one thing that interests me this chapter. I expect another loooong chapter. ALSO SPEEDWING. NEED TO RECRUIT AMELIA.

At the start of the map Kyle enjoys yet another spdless level up. This map is fairly straightforward, most of the units will rush to the throne, Colm and someone will divert and take the Ocean Seal and Tana. This is also a map where having no high res units is gonna SUCK. Thank god I have some pure water and a guy called Ephraim. Throughout the chapter I have him use it to take out mages a number of times. Gheb is killed by Ephraim (thank god for the axereaver) on turn 23 and I clear on 24.

Chapter 10:

Duessel and Cormag time. I need neither of them, but Cormag is a fucking bitch to deal with so I might end up recruiting him. I want the hero crest, no other loot interests me. Colm hits level 20 and he promotes turn 4. As soon as the Hero crest gets to Garcia he enjoys his promotion into a Warrior.

This chapter is fairly straightforward yet again. I go to the south of the map and defend there. I end up killing the boss though. However, those ballista boats mean Tana can't get some kills in without getting shot(and most likely killed). This means it's the SECOND chapter in which she gains minimal EXP. I end up killing the boss on turn 10 EP so that's that.

Chapter 11:

This chapter... I need to get to Dozla and L'arachel ASAP to make sure those two don't kill themselves. After that, I finally get my very first healer in the game. When I'm halfway through it. Oh well. Tana gets the Holy Robe so she can survive a little longer. After a few failed attempts, I decide to promote Kyle early. He was level 15 and had not procced Skl, and spd ONCE. I would have promoted Neimi around now if I'd gotten the Orion Bolt.

Since there's simply too many enemies (especially those fucking evil eyes), I try to focus on the south. Because after like 10 attempts on this chapter I figure that protecting Neimi and Tana simply isn't an option, I decide not to deploy them. Especially for Tana this means she falls even FARTHER behind. However, this works. Somehow, I manage a turn 10 clear.

Chapter 12:

Oh god I'm facing yet another gigantic number of enemies. I suppose it'll never be different. I have to recruit Ewan first and THEN Marisa. Oh god... WHY THE FUCK HAVE I BEEN GIVEN THIS TEAM. Regardless of that, I decide to first move to the right and fight off the initial attacks. This is done by turn 7. After that I start to push up little by little. Ewan is eventually recruited and transported to the right. Tana uses the time I need to go recruit Marisa and kill the boss to Arena her some levels. I clear on turn 18.

Chapter 13:

I spend time getting Ewan to 10/1 in Valni. After that, some time is yet again spent outfittin units. Next up is Fluorspar's Oath, AKA hello long range magic. I have to defeat 44 enemies with mostly crappy units. This will be one fun chapter yet again. The energy ring and barrier are what I want to get this chapter. I want to get the speedwing, but that one can only be stolen.

I decide to head to the middle north of the map and defend the initial attack, then go throught the right and clear the map. Clear in 21 turns.

Chapter 14:

Time to deal with yet another tough chapter. Two loots I'm interested in; 10k gold and Angelic robe. That means lower and top left chest room. I will first combine my two parties and take the lower room to loot, then head to the left and work my way up from there. Then I'll make the enemy druids spend their berserks and thén I'll finally take on Vigarde.

I'm not sure whether or not I'll recruit Rennac. He's kinda useless. I've decided to promote Tana as soon as she hits her speed cap, Marisa after chapter 15 and Ewan 'n L'arachel whenever they hit 10. Neimi will be promoted as soon as the Earth seal becomes available to me and I'll consider Knoll when I get him, but I'll probably promote him right away.

This means Tana is promoted in the early stages of this chapter. I miss Rennac and he stole the Angelic, and I forgot the fucking guiding ring(and didn't purchase one). Anyways, clear on turn 18. This means holding off

Chapter 15:

Due to a string of very good leveling luck for Ewan and with Marisa catching up, I decide to hold off their promotion for now. I do the same with Knoll for now.

There is really no way around using Saleh and Innes this chapter. Due to the pegasus knight reinforcements and stuff. I start this chapter off by immediately giving Neimi her Master Seal. I decide to split off Colm and Tana to the north. They should be able to help Eirika deal with the stuff up there. I get the Warp staff and nothing else, suppose the swiftsoles would have been useful, though. Chapter is cleared in 15 turns.

Chapter 16:

FINALLY FINALLY it's time to promote Ephraim and Eirika (at the end of the chapter). I've decided I will promote Ewan and Marisa after this one. L'arachel will still be promoted as soon as she hits 10. Chests that interest me are none, though the 5000G might be useful. Tana gets an energy ring before the chapter.

Probably the quickest way for me to beat this chapter is to go directly north and pour into the throne room from there. However, there's a berserk staffer there. So I'm gonna push through the south. L'arachel hits 10 and is promoted early in the chapter. Eirika, Kyle, L'arachel and Dozla hang back to deal with the cav reinforcements. After that, I deal with the status staffers and the purge sage for a number of turns. After that I finally make my move on Orson. Chapter is finally cleared on turn 19.

After this chapter is over, I promote everyone I can.

Level	HP	Str/Mag	Skl	Spd	Luck	Def	Res
Eirika	20/1	34	13	19	17	14	14	13
Ephraim	20/1	41	17	23	22	12	13	11
Garcia	20/7	49	19	17	13	12	10	8
Neimi	19/3	32	18	18	17	13	10	12
Colm	20/9	40	16	13	25	20	13	9
Kyle	15/5	41	19	9	15	8	16	4
Tana	14/5	41	15	14	26	18	11	9
Ewan	17/1	33	19	18	19	22	6	17
Marisa	14/1	33	13	15	18	14	6	7
Girl    10/1	22	12	11	13	17	7	10
Dozla	6	47	20	13	11	6	12	7
Knoll	13	23	15	11	8	1	2	12

And of course, I say a little something about everyone's performance.

Eirika: Wait she has average Str? I thought 11 str at 20 was suck. Oh well. Her speed is definitely far below average though, and that means less dodge.

Ephraim: Hello death on wheels. He maxed out his spd and skl before promotion and the only stats he's below average in are Str and Def, and not by far.

Garcia: Below average Str (by 4), but still good enough. Speed is still above average, Def is below average by 3. Was useful early in the game and still is, but is becoming less so. Just having HP isn't going to cut it anymore.

Neimi: (Above) average everything except for spd, which is below average by 2. Has become less of a detriment since promotion.

Colm: Considering he has gotten an energy ring, he is a little below average on str. Same for skl, but this matters less. Everything else is average. One of the better/best units on my team.

Kyle: Thank god he decided to start proccing spd. Enjoys above average Def and that's about it. He has procced skl once in 20 level ups and it's definitely starting to affect his hit rates. I am now facing 60s on a lot of weapons. Overall not the most useful unit on the team but definitely usable.

Tana: Oh lord. Str is definitely below average and it's hurting her performance. On the flip side, sick sick spd. I couldn;t use her the first few chapters I had her, but could turn things around on chapter 13. From there, she got some blessed level ups and that carried her. I promoted her when she hit her spd cap. She went from big big big detriment to usable in one chapter and with an Angelic robe.

L'arachel: Her name is a bitch to write. I'll just call her "girl" from now on. Average offensive stats, below average defensive stats. Her being my only healer for a while makes her good automatically.

Dozla: See Garcia, without the earlygame goodness. Received a small blessing in Str, average otherwise.

Ewan: Allround blessed unit. This made him useful. Same as Tana, he went from detriment to good in one or two chapters. Average all around with a slight blessing in Str.

Marisa: Slightly blessed all-round. It was quite a pain training her, as I could only safely pit her against axes, but it seems to be paying off. Still in the grand scheme of things not a great unit.

Knoll: Average in everywhere and he sucks. Definitely the biggest detriment to my team ever since I got him. Dark magic destroys whatever little AS he has with his bad spd base and bad growth. Gets doubled by grunts. Some will even OHKO him. That's a sign to not be using him, really.

Total turncount: 237 Yes. It sucks.

Edited by Excelkitty
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Tana: Oh lord. Spd is definitely below average and it's hurting her performance. On the flip side, sick sick spd. I couldn;t use her the first few chapters I had her, but could turn things around on chapter 13. From there, she got some blessed level ups and that carried her. I promoted her when she hit her spd cap. She went from big big big detriment to usable in one chapter and with an Angelic robe.

Wait, her speed is below average, but on the flip side sick sick speed?

Knoll: Average in everywhere and he sucks. Definitely the biggest detriment to my team ever since I got him. Dark magic destroys whatever little AS he has with his bad spd base and bad growth. Gets doubled by grunts. Some will even OHKO him. That's a sign to not be using him, really.

This is why the first thing Knoll ever does (ever) is promote to Summoner. He's purely a utility unit if you plan on using him seriously.

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Chapter 17:

Knoll is not deployed. This chapter is a straightforward boss rush, not much to say really. I try to reach Lyon as soon as possible, however Tana makes a detour to the Heroes to get the Brave Axe. Neimi then makes a detour to the fimbulvetr sage. Syrene is killed off sometime around here. Ephraim and Ewan kill off Lyon on turn 5. I use L'arachel to warp Ewan next to Lyon for this.

Chapter 18:

I promote Knoll and deviate from my earlier decision of making him into a Druid, and he becomes a summoner. the rest of my promotion items are sold off, as well as some weapons with little uses remaining. Neimi uses a goddess icon, and Ephraim a dragon shield.

For your information, I hate this chapter to fucking death and back, so I will be playing through it carefully. Kyle gets his second skl proc in the game. The phantoms Knoll will spawn every turn he can suck, but they can do 10 damage to the eggs and they'll catch the nasty stuff those gorgons will throw at me. I clear in 12 turns.

Chapter 19:

Endgame time. The defense chapter. Jolly oh jolly. Oh course, I couldn't pretend to play for some degree of efficiency if I didn't go and kill Riev, and that's just what I intend to do. The left chestroom supposedly holds a speedwing, so I'll be yoinking that as well.

L'arachel and Colm start at the north of the map, and she warps him to the speedwing chest. Neimi and Marisa hang back to take whatever comes from the lower east spawn, Kyle and Tana join L'arachel in the north and keep the northern reinforcements in check. Everyone else heads for the southern entrance. Colm heads out of the chest room and gives the speedwing to Garcia, who uses it.

Unfortunately, some 30 to 40 promoted units with good weapons and decent stats spawn there, which at first gives me trouble to defend against, but on turn 8, I place Colm with Audhulma in front, and due to some RNG blessing, he dodges most attacks and mops up well over 10 units. This also reduces the Audhulma to 4 uses, so I'm reserving the rest for the finale. Due to all this, I can't reach Riev before turn 13, but then, I do kill him.

Chapter 20:

I make my final preparations, and then it's off to chapter 20. This chapter is a seize, and the problem is getting Ephraim there as soon as possible on such a forest-heavy and enemy dense map like this. I expect high turns for this one. I might be able to do something flashy with Warp, but I dunno.

That's actually what I end up doing. Tana flies ahead and reduces numbers and then Ephraim is warped in on turn 4. Garcia follows two turns after that. Everyone else just goes the other, normal route and tries to gain as much EXP as possible. Ephraim then moves into the Dragon's range with Vidofnir equipped and heals, while Tana and Garcia wall him from other attacks. This strategy is a gamble due to those fucking long range evil eyes, but I manage somehow. I clear the chapter on turn 7.


Time to finish up this crappy PT. I once again have no clue how to lowturn this particular chapter, but I'll focus on moving my units through the right side and rush Lyon as quickly as I can. Because this is endgame, I don't give a shit about any of the chests or items. Going one side obviously has the advantage of not having to split up good units and healers, and it's much easier to protect my glass cannons.

Not to mention only having to deal with one draco and less reinforcements, of course. Lyon dies on turn 7.

I move up and Fomortiis dies on turn 2. That is all. Ending credits roll.

On to ending stats.

Level	HP	Str/Mag	Skl	Spd	Luck	Def	Res	Swd	Axe	Lnc	Bow	Ani	Lit	Drk	Stv
Eirika	20/8	38	14	25	24	20	15	13	S							
Ephraim	20/11	47	21	26	24	15	17	14			S					
Garcia	20/11	53	22	18	16	15	12	8		S		E				
Neimi	19/8	35	21	20	20	17	11	14	D			S				
Colm	20/17	47	20	13	25	20	13	9	S							
Kyle	15/10	46	20	11	17	22	15	10	C	B	S					
Tana	14/12	46	18	16	29	21	11	10			S					
Ewan	17/7	37	20	21	20	24	7	19					S	D		D
Marisa	14/5	36	14	16	20	16	6	7	A							
girl	10/6	24	13	14	17	20	7	13					C			S
Dozla	9	50	22	14	11	6	12	8		S						
Knoll	13/4	28	17	14	12	2	3	17							B	E

And of course, my opinions on all units.

Eirika: In the end turned out below average. Low str throughout the PT as well as a spd problem that was admittedly fixed lategame. One thing about Eirika that just irks me is that she can't take a hit from the end boss. It's a OHKO. On the other hand, she WAS one of the two solid tanks I had in chapter 19, along with Colm. But I suspect that was mostly due to her subpar offense. Overall though, she performed well.

Ephraim: Like his sister, he ended up below average. His Str lagged behind the entire PT, but this was a lesser problem because lances have more Mt than swords and his was still above Eirika's. And let's not forget I had to feed him a dragonshield as well, to get him to average defense. All in all, however, he was superior to Eirika in every way and one of the three units that carried most of the endgame weight. Definitely top tier material for this PT.

Garcia: What I said about Garcia earlier still applies and he continues the trend the Renais siblings have set. Below average Str and Def. He, however, did boast above average Spd and that gave him great earlygame offense and decent defense. Come One problem I've always had with him was that he couldn't properly tank, though. If I ever try to use him as a wall then - even atfull hp - he just gets ganged and dies. This was an issue the entire game. Come promotion, he didn't really get any spd procs anymore for a while and this reduced his offense by quite a lot. However, a chapter 19 speedwings and Garm helped him out of that. Was definitely useful this run and undoubtedly high tier material.

Neimi: Detriment mostly. Come earlygame when I had just 4 units, I had to protect her in ways that more often than not ended up being based on luck. Same thing for midgame. I basically had to use her so she'd be an asset in lategame. Once she promoted, she became a lot more useful. Kyle promoted way ahead of her, but she ended up close in levels regardless. Statwise, she ended up average or above average in nearly every stat. She only lagged behind in Spd a bit. All in all I still consider her mediocre or bad tier material because she was a detriment to me for most of the run.

Colm: I think his level should say it all. 20/17 while most other units hit the 30 levels total mark means very heavy overuse of Colm or increased EXP gain for Assassins. Either way, he ended up doing good in nearly every stat except for Skl and he was a major asset to my team at any point in the game. Definitely top tier material.

Kyle: Oh Kyle. Why did you wait with proccing Skl till endgame? And why did you only proc it 3 times? This wasn't a very big detriment, but it meant trouble in lategame, as his hit rates were starting to fall in 50's display hit. His early spd problem was fixed late in the game, when he started proccing continuously. He always had the highest Def on my team though, and that made him more or less the designated tank. He performed pretty well in that regard, untill a magic user showed up. That completely fucked him up.

Then his promotion. I don't like GK's one single bit. Not even for Kyle, whose growths fit the caps. Why? Because the only cap he could hit is Str anyway. Might as well get the better move in that case, right? And don't start on promotion bonuses on me, cause in a game as easy as this, where 17 spd suffices to double a significant portion of even endgame units and Skl isn't all that important anyway, why get them?

Anyway, while I will admit Kyle was never a detriment to the cause, he wasn't a large contributor to it either. This makes him okay tier material in this case.

Tana: Tana was a surprise. After not being able to use her or even deploy her because she'd be too big a detriment to the team, she really managed to turn things around in chapter 13. I had originally thought the level gap between her and enemies would be too big to ever close it again, but this is FE8 we're talking about and apparently enemies in midgame suck but come in great numbers. This and some arena use gave her a new start.

After that, it was pretty much smooth sailing and she proved her use as my sole flier. Her offensive stats weren't average and wasn't great either, but it was passable and she could mop up significant amount of enemies come lategame. Considering her late join time and her horrific start, I place her in okay tier however.

Ewan: Ewan was the second surprise. He had the luck of getting some extreme offensive blessings when I trained him to 10/1 in Valni and this carried him the rest of the game. He also has a special place on the team as the only good offensive magic user. All things considered, he was useful the entire time I had him, even though that was about 1/3rd of the game. I'll place him (surprisingly) in okay or mediocre tier.

Marisa: She will get to share bad tier with Knoll. Marisa has not contributed in any large positive way the entire PT. I had to mostly feed her kills and only pit her against axe users. Come endgame she didn't have the offensive stats or weapon levels to do good damage to all the monsters that were about. And because her defense was crap and her avoid totally unreliable, I always had to protect her. I suppose this makes her similar to Neimi in a way, but Neimi had a horse, far superior stats in all categories and wasn't a problem I had to deal with the ENTIRE game like Marisa was.

L'arachel: what can I say? She's my only healer, joins over halfway through the game and has some pretty kickass avoid going for her. I think I'm going to stick her in okay tier for her staffing. Not having her to heal people would have made the game nigh-impossible at some points.

Dozla: Lotsa Str, lotsa HP. Pretty much nothing else. Was good when I got him, gradually got worse and worse. He was very similar to Garcia in performance around the time I got him, and he kept it up for quite a while. However, later it became Garcia just became better and better than him and in lategame and endgame I had very little use for him other than killing off randoms here and there. He had problems with hitting stuff and couldn't properly double anymore. Mediocre tier for sure.

Knoll: Didn't care to promote right away, so no access to phantoms right away. Phantoms and healing are basically the only things you can let him do, because his offense and especially his defense are too poor to consider using him for combat. He deserves bad tier.

On to the most important part; the tier list. Disclaimer: this tier is my opinion about the units I've used in this particular PT. If you don't like it, don't argue about it.


















Support notes: Colm and Neimi had a B support, Ephraim and Kyle had a C.


Chapter	turns
P	4
1	12
2	6
3	10
4	10
5	10
5x	15
6	9
7	10
8	16
9	24
10	10
11	10
12	18
13	21
14	18
15	15
16	19
17	5
18	12
19	13
20	7
F	9
Total	284

Edited by Excelkitty
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