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-Is back from vacationing-


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Right, so I went places, did stuff, got delayed in Calgary for a day due to Ishtar getting pissed off and Tor Hammering the skies you know, cute stuff like that.

And here is all the cool stuff I bought, sorry for bad quality, I am too lazy to drag the digital camera out of my very much still packed luggage so I just took them with my phone.


Main attraction being this, which I got for $5 in a Japanese book/game store. Pretty snazzy, eh? Sadly my PSx is region locked. sad.gif

Other (non FE related) junk I picked up

[spoiler=Dragon Quest VIII Related]sspx0348.jpg

I wanted an Angelo action figure, but at $20 in a really sketchy Asian mall off the beaten trail, I thought it was worth it. (It's the same mall that sells emulators and openly has signs saying that the guy hacks PSPs and other systems for people >_> )

[spoiler=Yangus is a sexy beast]sspx0349.jpg

Knowing me, I opened it ASAP, and hung it right near my growing collection of DQ/W artifacts. -Still wants either a Prince Midenhall action figure, Hassan (Carver for the DS version) or an Angelo one dry.gif -

[spoiler=FAMICOM GAMES, HAXX HAXX!!]sspx0350.jpg

I bought this in Montreal awhile ago on my little, pleasant drives to there, but it's my pride n' joy. = 3= I also have Actraiser and Illusion of Gaia in Super Famicom cartridges, but DQII is cooler -ninja-.

[spoiler=Fanbase at its most obsessiveness]sspx0351.jpg

I have no justification on this one, rather it was $10 at the same place I got TearRing Saga from. Cius artwork is sexy?

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