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(FE7) Yet another gimmick draft: The Support Chain + Weapon Draft


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Chapter 13: 5/17 Turns


Alright now, let's break it all down for those of you in shock and disbelief!

Turn 1: Oswin trades his Javelin to Serra, who then trades it to Marcus. Hector goes next to Marcus to equip a Hand Axe, then, Marcus rescues Hector and goes southwest as far as he can go. Meanwhile, Eliwood parks on the Forest next to the snag and attacks it with his Rapier. Dorcas parks next to it, and the turn is ended. The Pegasus Knight hits Eliwood, while Marcus evades the Brigand and gets hit by everything else.

Turn 2: Marcus goes onto the north side of the bridge, equips the Hand Axe, and drops Hector on the south side of the bridge. Dorcas finishes off the snag as all the undrafted units get out of harms way and Eliwood walks onto the forest, healing himself back up to full HP before being attacked by the Javelin Cavalier and the Pegasus Knight. End turn. Eliwood is struck by either the Pegasus Knight or the Cavalier and evades the other attack (can't remember which is which) while Marcus survives the turn at 13 HP (I think).

Turn 3: Hector kills the soldier barring Marcus's way with the Hand Axe, then Marcus rescues Hector and goes into the forest above the two. Eliwood uses up the last of his Vulnerary uses. Dorcas then proceeds closer to the village, since apparently, the enemies are more focused on attacking Eliwood than him, despite him having less defense. End turn. Marcus dodges Guy's attack then kills him in one shot with the Silver Lance. He then survives the turn with 8 HP left (this I know for a fact). Things then go drastically awry when Eliwood is hit by the Pegasus Knight, then kills her with a critical hit in response, leaving him wide open to be killed by the combined assault of both the second Pegasus Knight and the Cavalier. But then, in a miraculous display of RNG goodness, Eliwood gets a point in Speed, and dodges both attacks while hitting the second Pegasus Knight twice. Guy couldn't care less about this, apparently, and decides to fart around and do nothing.

Turn 4: Marcus goes right in front of Boies, drops Hector to the right of him, and equips the Iron Axe to increase his chances of evading Boies's attacks and to prevent him from being oneshotted by the Steel Lance Pegasus Knight. Eliwood kills the second Pegasus Knight while Dorcas gets into position to visit Merlinus's village. End turn. Marcus dodges Boies's attack as well as the attack of the Iron Lance Cavalier next to him, but is reduced to 1 HP by the Steel Lance Pegasus Knight. Eliwood is then also reduced to 1 HP by the Javelin Cavalier.

Turn 5: Marcus kills Boies with the Iron Axe, Dorcas visits Merlinus's village, and Hector seizes the castle! Hurraaaaaaaahhhhhhhh!! Man, I must've done something to really make somebody up there happy, huh?

Unit         LEVEL      HP  STR  SKL  SPD  LCK  DEF  RES  WEP LEVEL                    SUPPORT
Hector       06.11      24   11   8    5    3    13   1   C Axe 
Eliwood      03.58      20    5   6    8    9     6   1   C Sword     
Marcus    ??/02.64      31   16  15   11    9    10   9   A Lance A Sword B Axe
Dorcas       03.00      30    7   7    6    3     3   0   C Axe
Bartre       02.00      29    9   5    3    4     4   0   D Axe

Edited by FionordeQuester
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There were no Cavs in front of Boeis. It was just a clear shot from the forest above where Guy was to Boeis. One would think the Archer would block Marcus, but apparently, he opted to strike from the Forest instead.

EDIT: I do remember that there was one or two Cavs who went up to attack Marcus, but none of them attacked him from the left.

Edited by FionordeQuester
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Uh, are we playing the same mode here?

Chapter 13 map.

Those cavs in front of Boies. They don't move until you get in their range. You didn't really account for them in your description. You said you had Marcus carrying Hector on the forest which is in their range, and the archer was on the other one, correct?

Edited by General_Horace
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Ah, I see. Well, the right Cav went straight east and attacked Marcus from above while the left one just stayed put. I don't know what to tell you if that wasn't what happened for you, but that's what happened for me. You can try out what I did for yourself if you wish. You'll probably at least survive until Turn 4 without a backbreaking amount of luck.

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I really don't think it's worth leaving out Bartre and Dorcas to save, what, 6 turns on one map? I have to believe that they save more than that throughout the game (they will be useless if you never use them until Kenneth's map).

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Hey, I was just as surprised as you were when he remained frozen on Turn 3. Funny thing is, he only does that when Marcus AND Hector are on the bridge together at the same time. When I put Hector anywhere else but there, Guy would attack Marcus.

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Hmm, odd, the cav always moves every time I try. The AI is odd in this game.Dorcas and Bartre and gonna have to get some exp in the next chapter unless you want a penalty though.

I really don't think it's worth leaving out Bartre and Dorcas to save, what, 6 turns on one map? I have to believe that they save more than that throughout the game (they will be useless if you never use them until Kenneth's map).

They are both useless forever if he doesn't use them seeing as both have atrocious speed. But, yeah, I agree, he's making a terribad decision, especially since he will be taking an Oswin penalty next chapter for sure barring ridiculous luck.

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Hmm, odd, the cav always moves every time I try. The AI is odd in this game.Dorcas and Bartre and gonna have to get some exp in the next chapter unless you want a penalty though.

Yeah? Well what if someone had drawn characters in a way that he had only Marcus, Hector, and Eliwood at this point in the game? What would they do then?

Edited by FionordeQuester
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Take a penalty. Refer to the Elibe Super draft, I had to there. I disagree with that particular rule though.

Out of curiousity, how come? I assume because it places a little too much emphasis on early game units?

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I think somebody like Oswin should be free to meatshield for those that don't have enough units. Face it, somebody will be forced to take a penalty, because you can't block a chokepoint (without RNG abuse) with Serra or Rebecca, leaving only Lowen, Bartre, Dorcas, Guy, Oswin and Matthew. The odds of each person only having one of these units is pretty low. If Oswin is free to meatshield, there's no penalty needed. Although in Fionorde's case, he should just use Dorcas and Bartre, Dorcas doesn't suck until very lategame in my personal experience, and he can even be useful OHKOing Valks in a pinch with the Halberd, or using the brave axe with decent accuracy and lots of power. Can't speak for Bartre though.

EDIT: Forgot Guy existed, and this draft contradicts my whole post :facepalm:

But still if you want the gold, you'll need at least 5 units, for a little bit anyway, while Marcus goes to fetch it.

Edited by General_Horace
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But still if you want the gold, you'll need at least 5 units, for a little bit anyway, while Marcus goes to fetch it.

First off, this is a horrible reason to allow meatshielding in a chapter. Regardless, I would not be opposed to allowing meatshielding for 13x in drafts, since it's a Defend chapter.

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You know, I've been thinking, about my decision to not use Bartre or Dorcas unless I absolutly need to...and you know, I can see your point...but wouldn't me getting low turns even without them for 5 Chapters be a great guide for Integrity? He's even worse off than I am, to the point where I almost feel sorry for him. So, if I figure out strategies that can work even with just Eliwood, Marcus, Hector, and whatever negliegably weak unit you have.

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While that's your call, I ain't copying whatever shit you do regardless of how efficient it is. That's not my way. I freeball all my own strategies.

Let's go with Basilikos and EX~CALI-BUUUUUUR

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Undrafteds are not allowed to shop, correct? I want to make sure as I'm on chapter 16 and Lyn absolutely must do some shopping, but I'm having trouble figuring out how to keep Kent and Sain out of combat.

Unless I'm horribly wrong, one of those dudes, or all of them, are free for the chapter. There's no way Lyn can kill the Javelin Peg knights and the mercs (all of which 2HKO her) without someone getting hurt. And it doesn't help that I have both Kent and Sain.

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