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(FE7) Yet another gimmick draft: The Support Chain + Weapon Draft


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Yeah, I didn't see anything in the OP about it. Without Lyn mode, Lyn is incapable of doing anything. Seriously, game, why level 4? But, yeah, it's really hard without getting insanely lucky, so I hope that they are free.

It's enough luck that my Priscilla has to survive at least one hit of two in order to get Hector onto the Mountain tile on turn one.

Edited by Whitefang
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Yeah, I didn't see anything in the OP about it. Without Lyn mode, Lyn is incapable of doing anything. Seriously, game, why level 4? But, yeah, it's really hard without getting insanely lucky, so I hope that they are free.

It's enough luck that my Priscilla has to survive at least one hit of two in order to get Hector onto the Mountain tile on turn one.

I am fine with all 3 non-Lords being free as long as Horace does not care (since he is the only one past the level) and Integrity does not care (since picking Wil could have been a strategy).

Working on updating the OP. I have been in route to Mt. Rushmore so when I posted previously it was on my phone. Now that I have some wifi, I will update it.

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Hey guys, my internet connection suddenly quit working two days ago, so could I please have some time to choose and not be RNG screwed again? If you would allow that, that would be great, as it wasn't my fault this time.

EDIT: Oh, wait, it's not my turn this time either. Phew, that's good to hear.

Yeah and Pallystomp is going to win anyway.

That's what you think bud, but I'm going to win....I have no idea how, but I'm never giving up. That's the way I approach any competition I'm in.

Edited by FionordeQuester
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Yeah. I have to say though, if I do actually end up winning this draft despite my handicaps (even the self-imposed ones), I swear I'm going to be like the Yusuke Urameshi of this draft....winning despite absurdly stupid decisions and simple bad luck through a combination of willpower and absurd good luck against others who have an obvious advantage, and have plenty of the experience needed to take advantage of that (Horace has done playlogs of not just this game, but of games like FE12 for example). I mean, sure, my team and weapon picks aren't totally inferior (at least I'm better off than Integrity), but I'd definetly trade Horace for them.

EDIT: Wait a minute, no, that was Colonel M that did the FE12 log, not Horace. Still, I'm sure he's plenty experienced.

Edited by FionordeQuester
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Purge and recover.

And you should be able to match some turncounts with just Marcus but some like 17, 20, 22, 27, 29 and Final might be hard to duplicate.

Since you have Jerme's map, and I have the best attacking unit for Cog of Destiny, (Harken) and two brave weapons. You do have three fliers, but you won't save turns on 25 (because Fiora) and uh, you might save one in VoD because Vaida is invincible with pure water and Fili shield.

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