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(FE7) Yet another gimmick draft: The Support Chain + Weapon Draft


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Well then, I guess we're done drafting weapons! Now, I have a question...

EDIT: Can I please start this again on an emulator, then gameshark my stats to the exact way they were on my console? I'm starting to worry about what multiple resets are doing to the cartridge, as it's like 5 years old.

Edited by FionordeQuester
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Fionorde, there's no way Lyn is surviving 4 enemies, 2 of which she 3HKO's without a crit, and 2 of which have javelins. And all of them 2HKO Lyn. She's not living without any of the others getting involved in HM.

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I think I can do chapter 17 in 9 turns, but I got unlucky at the corridor just before Raven. Marcus got stuck due to a nomad going into 1 range and missing an archer on a counter attack. I have an 11 turn completion here, but I think I should redo it. I might have to rethink my strategy. Actually the hardest part might be recruiting Lucius within 9 turns due to the archer that's in the way.

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Why not redo it? I mean, I restarted a whole bunch of times for my Chapter 13 clear. Also, could I gameshark a save file onto my emulator emulating my save file on the console I have, so that I won't have to push my cartridge so hard (it's starting to have trouble loading up correctly when I Suspend, then get into the main menu again. Sometimes, it just shows up as a black screen)?

Edited by FionordeQuester
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I think the only times I've had to restart are once in chapter 13x, once in chapter 22 because I failed a trade, and once in Living Legend because Pent died. But I've beaten this game a ton on HHM, so it's no biggie for me.

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Don't you ever get screwed by the hard mode bonuses? I do all the time...sad.gif

Chapter 14 - 8 turns (37 total)

It took a few tries to get everything done that needed to be done (Hard mode enemy bonuses are so hard to work with sometimes). Marcus headed toward Eric to stop the reinforcements, and that turned out to be the key in this chapter. Oswin took care of the pathetic forces that start near Merlinus. A big scare happened when Oswin hit a Peg Knight leaving it with 1 HP. It almost escaped, but Oswin was able to get it with a Javelin. I got Erk and he got the Iron Blade so that I can sell it (I'm hard up on funds). I didn't have time to recruit Prissy, so all I could do was prevent her village from being destroyed so that she is recruited at the end of the chapter. I wanted a 7 turn clear, but the 8th turn allowed me to get 2 Iron Axes. I also bought 1 Heal Staff and 1 Fire Tome.

Name		Level	HP	Str	Skill	Spd	Luck	Def	Res	Weapon
Hector		10.22	27	11	8	6	7	14	0	A-B
Eliwood		4.78	20	6	7	7	9	7	1	S-C
Marcus		3.63	32	17	16	12	9	11	9	S-A, L-A, A-A
Oswin		10.65	29	13	9	5	4	14	3	L-B
Serra		2.44	17	2	5	9	6	2	5	S-D
Erk		1.7								A-D
Priscilla	3								S-C

It was a bad day for leveling up.

Chapter 15 - 8 turns (45 total)

I attacked the boss right away, though in hindsight I should have let a few reinforcements pop up. I got the Silver Axe and the Mend Staff (500G). Not much real strategy to this one, but Erk had trouble holding his chokepoint (sometimes critical strikes are bad).

Name		Level	HP	Str	Skill	Spd	Luck	Def	Res	Weapon
Hector		10.71	27	11	8	6	7	14	0	A-B
Eliwood		5.65	21	6	7	7	10	7	1	S-C
Marcus		4.22	33	18	17	13	9	11	10	S-A, L-A, A-A
Oswin		11.32	30	13	9	5	4	14	3	L-B
Serra		2.99	17	2	5	9	6	2	5	S-D
Erk		2.86	17	5	7	8	3	2	5	A-D
Priscilla	3.69	16	6	6	8	7	3	6	S-C

Chapter 16 - 6 turns (51 total)

Before this chapter begins, Hector uses the skill book and sells the godess icon, leaving me with over 5k to buy stuff. Mainly I'll be buying Hand Axes and Javelins and perhaps a few of the basic weapons.

If only Hector had procced just one resistance. Just one, and I could have done this chapter in 5 turns. As it is, I'm fairly pleased as I made a ton of mistakes throughout this chapter. Not much to say except that it was very hard to get Lyn exp, so she only barely got to level 5. I also messed up at the end again and could have gotten Erk more exp, but I had Oswin attack the closer brigand, and Erk was no longer in range. I really need to pay better attention.

Name		Level	HP	Str	Skill	Spd	Luck	Def	Res	Weapon
Hector		11.16	28	11	10	6	8	14	0	A-A
Eliwood		6.82	21	7	8	7	11	7	1	S-B
Marcus		4.83	33	18	17	13	9	11	10	S-A, L-A, A-A
Oswin		11.82	30	13	9	5	4	14	3	L-A
Serra		3.32	18	3	5	9	7	2	5	S-C
Erk		4.25	18	7	7	9	4	2	5	A-D
Priscilla	4.17	16	6	7	8	7	4	6	S-C
Lyn		5.29	19	5	11	12	5	2	0	S-C

Chapter 17 - 11 turns (62 total)

There's just not enough support for Marcus, and Hector has to run most of the way anyway, so I just decided to keep this 11 turn completion. I think, at best, I could get a 10 turn completion, but that's not happening without some good luck.

Erk is important in killing the knight and the shaman, Oswin puts around and gains some exp from reinforcements, Lyn kill steals, and Eliwood runs as far as the archer that's in Raven's way (the archer takes out 2 Caelin soldiers).

Marcus had to kill the thief that stole the Knight Crest and kill the boss with the Silver Axe (at least I have one good weapon). Serra and Priscilla healed when possible, though Prissy had a tough time of it just keeping up with Marcus. Matthew got the Hero Crest and Unlock staff.

Name		Level	HP	Str	Skill	Spd	Luck	Def	Res	Weapon
Hector		12.14	29	12	10	6	9	15	0	A-A
Eliwood		7.26	21	7	8	8	11	7	2	S-B
Marcus		6.26	35	18	18	14	9	11	11	S-A, L-A, A-S
Oswin		13.14	31	13	11	5	5	15	3	L-A
Serra		3.76	18	3	5	9	7	2	5	S-C
Erk		5.25	19	7	8	9	4	2	5	A-D
Priscilla	4.84	16	6	7	8	7	4	6	S-C
Lyn		5.76	19	5	11	12	5	2	0	S-C
Lucius		3								L-D

And now I'm wondering if I should promote Oswin or wait. I suppose there's not much point in waiting, but I doubt I'll use him in 17x so I've got some time to decide.

Edited by Whitefang
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I would wait on promoting him until dragon's gate, because 18 is a defend chapeter, and him being a General in 19 and 19x won't speed up the Marcus charges. Unless you want him to use Silver Axes sooner.

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Chapter 26 - 12/106 Turns

It's been a while.

Fiora had to go buy killer lances, so Marcus distracted Vaida, which was dangerous, as he was 2HKO'd, at a bad hitrate. Kent and Sain took the southwest wyverns, while Isadora and Lowen took the southeast ones. Pent, Louise, Ninian, Eliwood, and Lyn huddled around Merlinus.

UNIT         LEVEL   HP  STR  SKL  SPD  LCK  DEF  RES  WEP                   SUPPORT
Hector       17.12   32   17   13   11   5    15   2   A Axe                 C Eliwood
Eliwood      12.52   29    9    9    8  12     8   5   A Sword               C Hector
Lyndis       11.41   24    7   15   15  10     2   1   A Sword
Marcus    ??/14.78   39   20   25   14  12    15  12   S Lance A Sword A Axe
Lowen     14/02.46   35   11    9   13   8    11   5   B Lance C Sword D Axe
Kent         18.29   35   15   14   14   6     8   7   B Lance C Sword       C Sain
Sain         13.65   29   14    6    9   6     9   2   C Lance C Sword       C Kent
Fiora        13.82   25   10   15   16   6     7   9   B Lance
Isadora   ??/06.02   33   14   14   17  13     8   7   A Sword B Lance C Axe

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He should run towards the right after Marcus hits him anyway, and he will use the vulnerary twice, (turn 3 EP, turn 4 EP) allowing Matthew to talk to him on turn 5, even if he is in enemy range. IIRC the reinforcements don't start till turn 4 anyway.

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He should run towards the right after Marcus hits him anyway, and he will use the vulnerary twice, (turn 3 EP, turn 4 EP) allowing Matthew to talk to him on turn 5, even if he is in enemy range. IIRC the reinforcements don't start till turn 4 anyway.

I'm going to north way no matter what, it just sucks because Guy likes to crit when I try to get in his range with someone to draw him easily.

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