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(FE7) Yet another gimmick draft: The Support Chain + Weapon Draft


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Oh, you're going North :/ Marcus starts way off the the right though. Or he did for me, anyway. The positions of characters are pretty random on that map for some reason.

I'm more going north because it's about the only way Merlinus won't cost a turn.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I had some progress that I hadn't posted yet.

I haven't bothered starting chapter 19. I have a feeling it will be pretty hard.

Chapter 17x - 3 turns (65 total)

Hand Axe Marcus ORKOs the pirates (I could have used an iron sword, but I didn't want to risk getting blocked in by 2-range enemies). Lyn and Lucius get some exp on the northern pirates, Eliwood recruits Canas for the Secret Book, Hector has enough time to kill the Swordslayer wielding pirate, and Priscilla gets a couple of heals on Hector to level up. My planned mage promotion order is Priscilla, then Erk/Lucius, then Serra. I didn't have time to stop at the other villages, but I can't use those items anyway, so meh.

Name		Level	HP	Str	Skill	Spd	Luck	Def	Res	Weapon
Hector		12.85	29	12	10	6	9	15	0	A-A
Eliwood		7.35	21	7	8	8	11	7	2	S-B
Marcus		6.83	35	18	18	14	9	11	11	S-A, L-A, A-S
Oswin		13.14	31	13	11	5	5	15	3	L-A
Serra		3.76	18	3	5	9	7	2	5	S-C
Erk		5.25	19	7	8	9	4	2	5	A-D
Priscilla	5.06	17	6	7	8	8	4	7	S-C
Lyn		6.45	20	5	11	13	5	2	1	S-C
Lucius		3.2								L-D

Chapter 18 - 6 turns (71 total)

I waste 2 turns for Marcus to use a vulnerary to restore 20 HP (I used a Dragon Shield for better survivability, but he still took too much damage). He needed to be above 15 HP to survive a Luna Hit from the boss, and the avoid loss from carrying Matthew to Zoldam wasn't very helpful.

I deploy Lucius, Erk, Priscilla, Serra, and Oswin in addition to Marcus and Matthew. The enemies on this map are easy for Hector and Oswin to handle. Matthew stole the Guiding Ring and Marcus killed Zoldam with an Iron Lance, saving a few Silver Axe uses.

Name		Level	HP	Str	Skill	Spd	Luck	Def	Res	Weapon
Hector		13.45	30	12	11	6	9	15	0	A-A
Eliwood		7.35	21	7	8	8	11	7	2	S-B
Marcus		7.71	36	18	18	14	9	14	11	S-A, L-A, A-S
Oswin		14.49	31	13	11	6	6	16	4	L-A
Serra		3.99	18	3	5	9	7	2	5	S-C
Erk		6.35	20	7	8	9	4	2	5	A-D
Priscilla	5.61	17	6	7	8	8	4	7	S-C
Lyn		6.45	20	5	11	13	5	2	1	S-C
Lucius		4.12	18	8	6	10	3	1	7	L-D

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11: 8 turns clear = 8 turns total

Yeah go Hector and shit! We're officially off the ground!

12: 7 turns clear = 15 turns total

I'm not even looking at other peoples' turncounts because it'll just depress me.

I suck at this game. :o 13 later.

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  • 4 months later...


13: 12 turns clear = 27 turns total

i will have a laughable turncount



13x: 8 turns clear = 35 turns total


are you fucking kidding me


3 star tactics in a draft run is probably bad, isn't it

jesus shits i need swords

good thing there's an armory!

14: 8 turns clear = 43 turns total

rain, rain, eat a dick

you're stupid

and i fucking hate you

15: 8 turns clear = 51 turns total

yeah baby

eliwood is so amazing

marcus got like a four-stat level from getting chipped at with a longbow

it was cool

16: 8 turns clear = 59 turns total

what's efficiency

does it taste good on toast

also goddamn BULLET FUCKING DODGED i just realized i reset my c14 clear because i didn't want priscilla to die because she's cute


17: 10 turns clear = 69 turns total

oops dammit i bought two steel lances last chapter

forgot i didn't have them drafted

oh well, what's 500 gold

got raymond

raymond drinks the dracoshield

And for C17x I'm going to be spiteful and NOT talk to Fargus with Florina. HA.

EDIT: oh nevermind fq's rules prohibit that. <3

Edited by Integrity
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Yo, Integ, dat team is amazing. Bows and Swords until Raven promotes. Then Rebecca, Raven, Wil, Matthew Hector, Eliwimp, Lyn, and Marcus plow to Wallace, and then Nino and Jaffar. This is an amazing team. I sincerely hope Hector is Speedblessed, Eliwood is blessed, Lyn is Str blessed, and Marcus wins everything.

I want it... If it weren't for teh Weapons there. Some of those are really weak.

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i shall finish this too because my team is amazing and i stopped for some weird reason and i don't have my save file anymore

Chapter 11 - 7/7 turns

fuck you Hector your level ups sucked

Chapter 12 - 5/12 turns

fuck you Eliwood your level up sucked

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Yo, Integ, dat team is amazing. Bows and Swords until Raven promotes. Then Rebecca, Raven, Wil, Matthew Hector, Eliwimp, Lyn, and Marcus plow to Wallace, and then Nino and Jaffar. This is an amazing team. I sincerely hope Hector is Speedblessed, Eliwood is blessed, Lyn is Str blessed, and Marcus wins everything.

I want it... If it weren't for teh Weapons there. Some of those are really weak.

Good news, Isaac. Eliwood is amazing, Marcus is amazing, Hector is modestly amazing, and Lyn only beats Wil in relative usefulness.

Yes, she loses to Rebecca.

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Chapter 13 - 5/17 turns

i don't know how the fuck but i got fucking lucky and i'm not restarting because Marcus got speed

HECTOR       08.04   23 10 06 10 05 10 01 B AXE
ELIWOOD      02.72   18 05 05 08 07 06 01 C SWORD
MARCUS    ??/02.02   32 16 16 12 08 10 08 A LANCE A SWORD B AXE
LOWEN        03.04   24 07 05 08 03 07 00 D LANCE D SWORD

Chapter 13x - 7/24 turns

yeah I did this chapter

Chapter 14 - 6/30 turns

go marcus go

Edited by General Horace
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Chapter 16 - 6/44 turns

Marcus carried Hector over the mountains and killed everything, including the boss with an Iron axe.

Enter Sent and Kain.

And Lyn, but nobody cares about her.

HECTOR       11.15   25 13 09 10 05 11 02 A AXE
ELIWOOD      05.39   21 05 07 08 08 07 02 B SWORD
LYN          04.50   18 05 10 11 05 02 00 C SWORD
MARCUS    ??/05.14   34 16 18 12 09 10 09 A LANCE A SWORD B AXE
LOWEN        09.35   30 08 08 10 06 08 02 C LANCE D SWORD
KENT         06.54   24 08 08 08 04 07 02 D LANCE D SWORD
SAIN         05.01   23 10 05 07 05 08 00 D LANCE D SWORD

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Chapter 17 - 8/52 turns

haha I was thinking during my run here I was like holy crap how come like all my units support each other then I remembered the name of the draft :facepalm:

If I had the hammer, I could have ended this on turn 7, but I don't, and I needed the knight's crest anyway to promote one of my cavs. See, that's what you call clever weapon drafting folks. Marcus got the dragonshield prior to the chapter.

The other thief got me the silver sword, which it turns out, I drafted!

HECTOR       12.18   26 13 10 11 06 11 03 A AXE
ELIWOOD      05.85   21 05 07 08 08 07 02 B SWORD
LYN          05.52   18 05 10 12 06 02 00 C SWORD
MARCUS    ??/06.53   35 16 18 13 10 12 09 S LANCE A SWORD A AXE
LOWEN        10.18   31 09 08 10 06 08 02 C LANCE D SWORD
KENT         07.94   24 08 08 08 04 07 03 D LANCE D SWORD
SAIN         05.93   23 10 05 07 05 08 00 D LANCE D SWORD

Chapter 17x - 5/57 turns

Got held up in the middle but then charged to victory

HECTOR       13.30   26 13 10 12 06 11 03 A AXE
ELIWOOD      05.85   21 05 07 08 08 07 02 B SWORD
LYN          05.79   18 05 10 12 06 02 00 C SWORD
MARCUS    ??/07.19   36 16 18 13 10 12 10 S LANCE A SWORD A AXE
LOWEN        10.94   31 09 08 10 06 08 02 C LANCE D SWORD
KENT         08.88   24 09 09 08 04 07 03 D LANCE D SWORD
SAIN         06.60   24 10 05 08 05 08 00 D LANCE D SWORD

Chapter 18 - 3/60 turns

I even got that damn longsword because Hector Devil axe'd the fuck out of an Archer

HECTOR       13.59   26 13 10 12 06 11 03 A AXE
ELIWOOD      06.07   22 05 07 09 09 07 02 B SWORD
LYN          06.07   18 06 11 13 07 03 00 C SWORD
MARCUS    ??/07.79   36 16 18 13 10 12 10 S LANCE A SWORD A AXE
LOWEN        11.34   32 10 08 10 06 08 02 C LANCE D SWORD
KENT         09.35   25 09 09 09 04 07 03 D LANCE D SWORD
SAIN         08.07   26 11 05 09 05 08 00 D LANCE D SWORD

Edited by General Horace
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