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(FE7) Yet another gimmick draft: The Support Chain + Weapon Draft


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No, no, no, there's no way I'm letting you get Geitz. Oh sure, he may be completely useless in any kind of efficient playthrough since it's highly unlikely that Lyn or Eliwood will ever level up high enough to do Linus's version of Chapter 24, nor is that even advisable given how much harder Lloyd becomes when you put him off for later, but at least he connects to Karel! Now, Karla can have a heart to heart with Karel and change his heart for the better, so it's all good!

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Geitz is actually a good character, his map just takes a little longer.

Yeah, and I'm not taking the extra turns, he's not gonna save the ~5 turns it takes to recruit him.

And Renault is a pretty cool guy, and can spam fortify in final, so Athos can kill more shit.

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I got shafted into Legault. (I was actually going to take him anyway, so lol @ you douches).

Integ's team is the bomb.

Horace, you are the uber troll. All the pallys? Rescue shenanigans!

Edit: You are not douches. I just wanted to clarify that. Also, I'm double checking the weapons right now for mess ups.

Edited by Janissary
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I'm assuming Rescue and Drop each cost 4 turns, correct?

You are going to have to clarify the question

I took out Halberd (unobtainable in HHM) and Javelin (is free) and put back in Physic and Barrier (which were free) for the weapon draft.

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Suppose I used a mounted unit who wasn't drafted to Rescue someone. Then they dropped that person on the next turn. Would that count as losing 8 turns, or still 4?

That's 4 turns. Each illegal unit used costs 4 turns per chapter they are used in.

EDIT: Changed the OP to make that mroe clear.

Sidenote: Does anyone know what the default map is for Kenneth/Jerme? Horace and I are shooting for teh default it seem.

Edited by Janissary
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Per unit per map, not per unit per action per map.

I'll go for ...hell, Jaffar into Matthew. I'd have gone Canas but that would have segued me straight into ...Renault. ;/

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Kenneth means that your first five magic users were higher leveled than your first five melee users. Jerme means that your melee units were higher leveled than your magic users. As for the map itself, it's called "Pale Flower of Darkness".

Edited by FionordeQuester
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Per unit per map, not per unit per action per map.

I'll go for ...hell, Jaffar into Matthew. I'd have gone Canas but that would have segued me straight into ...Renault. ;/

Thanks to that, I got blocked in at Legault. Back to Heath. Oh wait, I'm blocked in. Back to Louise.

Crap, I got stuck with Guy. Hullo Jerme map. So much for hoping to get defaulted Kenneth.

EDIT: That's actually incorrect Fionore. The map decision is EXP gained by Erk, Lucius, Priscilla, and Serra vs. EXP gain by Raven, Guy, Dorcas, and Bartre. I was asking what happens if none of them get any XP.

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How? Since all of Lowen's supports have already been used up, that means Horace can choose whoever he wants now, right? Also, don't listen to what Horace has to say about Renault, his Fortify advantage is easily bested by choosing to draft that staff.

Edited by FionordeQuester
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How? Since all of Lowen's supports have already been used up, that means Horace can choose whoever he wants now, right?

He'd go to back to the next available character that supports with his most recently chosen unit. If Renault is taken by Whitefang, he'd have to go back to Wallace via Kent.

If he takes Renault, Horace gets Wallace, White gets Canas, then Fionorde chooses between Dart and Karel. I get either Rath or Karel dependant on Fionorde, and Integ gets either Dart, Rath, or Karel dependant on Fionorde and I.

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You guys know my picks if i'm off in some other topic if Whitefang shows up.

Yeah. You want Renault if you can, otherwise hullo Wallace.

For completeness sake, if Whitefang takes Karel, Horace gets Renault, Whitefang gets Dart, Fiornorde gets Canas, I get Rath, and Integ gets Wallace.


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Also, Kenneth's is the default, but I'm pretty sure you figured it out by now.

This is a good time to comment how much I hate you.

Also, have fun with the desert map lolololol. It's gonna troll you hard. Die Pent, Die.


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And I take Lowen, then Renault.

Also, chapter 11 was done in 7 turns, and I got the red gem (since Matt is allowed to steal)

UNIT     LEVEL    HP  STR  SKL  SPD  LCK  DEF  RES   WEP LVL                     SUPPORT
Hector   03.75    19   9    4    6    5    8    0    C Axe 

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oh god i hope integ gets Silver Swords and Killing Edges

Yeah, I feel like one of those two will be his first pick. Haha. That team loves swords real hard.

And the Killer Bow, while we are at it.

Fun facts about the teams:

Horace has all draftable pallys.

Whitefang has all magi units in relevance to Chapter 27's map.

Integ and I have all draftable bow units between the two of us, as well as all 3 potential assasins.

Fionorde has 3/5 fliers, and all potential Warriors.

I have all draftable units that are from Sacae (I think?)* Err, Where is Karel from?

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