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(FE7) Yet another gimmick draft: The Support Chain + Weapon Draft


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Chapter 12 - 6 turns. (14 turns)

Is this good? I had Eliwood go and get the Seeeecret Book, so he didn't get any experience. Oswin and Hector did very well with the Javelin and Hand Axe. I decided not to counter the southern archer with Marcus and the Hand Axe from Bartre, so I think this ended up costing me one turn, as Marcus had to head north to kill the boss (well, Hector got the kill).

Let me try the stupid stats again, maybe it will work this time.

Name	Level	HP	Str	Skill	Spd	Luck	Def	Res	Weapon
Hector	6.57	23	10	7	5	5	12	0	A-C
Eliwood	1	18	5	5	7	7	5	0	S-C
Marcus	1.35	31	15	15	11	8	10	8	S-B, L-A, A-A
Oswin	9.44	28	13	9	5	3	13	3	L-B
Serra	1.22	17	2	5	8	6	2	5	S-D

I also sold the Silver Lance, so as not to be tempted by its awesome power.

Edited by Whitefang
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Eh, you could've done it in four turns actually. But whatever, it's still early in the game, I wouldn't lose heart.

EDIT: After reexamining my options, I've come to a disturbing realization...if I forgo training Dorcas and Bartre, the only units who are going to have any sort of killing power are going to be Hector, Marcus, Canas, and maybe Eliwood once he gets a Heaven Seal and happens to be blessed....darn it, maybe I will need to use Dorcas and Bartre after all....

EDIT 2: Actually, no, that's not correct. Whether or not I train Dorcas and Bartre, they're still going to be impaired by their lack of movement in comparison to Marcus, and Florina and Marcus are going to be the only ones capable of transportation for quite a while...maybe the only solution is going to be to just hoard up a bunch of stat boosters, and dump them all on either Florina or Farina, that is, if Marcus doesn't need any of them...well, whatever, I knew from the start that this was going to be an uphill battle, so I'm not about to start complaining again.

Edited by FionordeQuester
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Eh, you could've done it in four turns actually. But whatever, it's still early in the game, I wouldn't lose heart.

EDIT: After reexamining my options, I've come to a disturbing realization...if I forgo training Dorcas and Bartre, the only units who are going to have any sort of killing power are going to be Hector, Marcus, Canas, and maybe Eliwood once he gets a Heaven Seal and happens to be blessed....darn it, maybe I will need to use Dorcas and Bartre after all....

There's no way possible to do it in 4 turns without the Silver Lance bro, or a 50% hit Wolf Beil Crit.

Chapter 12 - 5/12 Turns

Hector made killing the hand axe dude his #1 priority, while Marcus charged north to kill the boss after Hector had chipped at him on the turn 5 enemy phase. Eliwood got the secret book and sold it, allowing Lowen to buy some stuff at the armoury. Eliwood got a peg kill after a wounded one targeted him for some reason and suicided on him.

UNIT         LEVEL      HP  STR  SKL  SPD  LCK  DEF  RES  WEP LEVEL                    SUPPORT
Hector       05.52      23   10   4    6    6    10   2   C Axe 
Eliwood      01.37      18    5   5    7    7     5   0   C Sword
Marcus    ??/01.57      31   15  15   11    8    10   8   A Lance A Sword B Axe
Lowen        03.85      24    7   5    8    3     8   1   D Lance D Sword

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Chapter 13 - 6/18 Turns

Hector ran across the river, and OHKO'd some cavs with his Wolf Beil. Marcus went south and raped everything, and I was able to recruit Guy for his Killing Edge (although I don't know why). Lowen and Eliwood went to get the village, and both almost died.

Marcus god leveled.

UNIT         LEVEL      HP  STR  SKL  SPD  LCK  DEF  RES  WEP LEVEL                    SUPPORT
Hector       06.57      24   11   4    7    6    11   2   C Axe 
Eliwood      01.71      18    5   5    7    7     5   0   C Sword
Marcus    ??/02.68      32   16  16   12    8    10   8   A Lance A Sword B Axe
Lowen        04.83      25    7   6    8    3     8   1   D Lance D Sword

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Hey, one more thing, are undrafted units allowed to trade weapons with drafted units?


Chapter 13x - 8/26 Turns

Marcus cleared out the left on the first turn, then cleared out enough of the north for Hector to get to the village. Eliwood (miraculously) held the south, and Lowen took the north first, then the west.

UNIT         LEVEL      HP  STR  SKL  SPD  LCK  DEF  RES  WEP LEVEL                    SUPPORT
Hector       07.81      25   12   5    7    6    12   2   B Axe 
Eliwood      03.06      19    6   5    8    9     5   1   C Sword
Marcus    ??/03.10      33   16  16   12    8    10   8   A Lance A Sword B Axe
Lowen        06.35      26    8   7    8    4    10   1   D Lance D Sword

Edited by General_Horace
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Chapter 12: 5/12 Turns

A hard and frustrating Chapter. I spent all day trying to find some way to beat this in 4 turns without having to rely on an absurd amount of luck, but it just wasn't happening. And so, eventually, I settled on this, after furiously trying to beat it. I really should've been more picky on Hector's level ups, as that Speed is going to hurt him rather badly in the future, but, I already saved, so it's too late to change it now. Sigh...

So anyways, I had Eliwood kill the three bandits at the start at great risk to himself in what may be an ultimately fruitless attempt at getting him to actual fighting shape. But hey, a man's gotta try, right? Meanwhile, I dunno what Horace did, but I did basically the same thing he did, and only barely managed to match his turn count even with the Silver Lance. Maybe Lowen provided him some assistance?

Unit            LEVEL   HP  STR  SKL  SPD  LCK  DEF  RES  WEP LEVEL                    SUPPORT
Hector       05.93      23   11   8    5    3    12   1   C Axe 
Eliwood      02.56      19    5   6    7    8     6   0   C Sword
Marcus    ??/01.56      31   15  15   11    8    10   8   A Lance A Sword B Axe
Dorcas       03.00      30    7   7    6    3     3   0   C Axe
Bartre       02.00      29    9   5    3    4     4   0   D Axe

Edited by FionordeQuester
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Hammar and the Lancereaver.

I guess the UPside of such a homogeneous team is my weapon choices run dry quickly and I can start choosing frivolous things :P

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I'll take axereaver so I don't have to carry stuff for Heath to use.

Chapter 12: 6/13

I couldn't find a way to do it in 5 without the Silver Lance, so I was ok with this. I missed the Secret Book and I didn't shop, but Eliwood got experience.

Unit    Level HP STR SKL SPD LCK DEF RES wpnlvl Support
Hector  06.45 24  10  08  06  05  11  01 C Axe
Eliwood 01.87 BASE
Marcus  01.36 BASE

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Slim Lance. You'd think I wouldn't have forgotten this since this is practically the only weapon my Pegasus Knights can use effectively for a good while, but, hey, I'm glad I have it now. And don't mind me guys, I've just cooked up a super special awesome 5 Turn clear strategy for Chapter 13 that involves Rebecca sacrificing herself, taking advantage of an extremely weird glitch where Guy will not attack units in range, and some luck. I could upload a Youtube video if you'd like.

EDIT: Well, looks like Horace has a Uhai slaying weapon after all...darn. He'll need some luck but...not anymore than my strategy listed above.

Edited by FionordeQuester
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I am kind of curious, because Marcus can't one round the boss (IIRC), and the only units that you have that can rescue Hector are Dorcas and Marcus (who won't be able to double the archers in his path while carrying Hector) and Marcus and Dorcas can't rescue drop Hector on the river on turn 1...

You don't need a video if you don't want, just describe it, I'm curious.

Also, the Longsword will still be a 3HKO on Uhai, so it's not that great. An Iron Lance will do the job just as effectively, as Marcus can reach the boss on turn 4, and the Iron Lance would I suspect be a 4RKO.

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