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Beorc lords and royalty


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Stefan isn't a beorc.

Neither are Soren and Micaiah lol

Edit: Jill should also maybe kinda count. Shiharam is referred to as "Lord Fizzart" in a PoR battle convo.

Edited by Duke Tanas
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As are Mak/Kieran/Marcia. Renning should be included as well. Tanith was included in the Begnion section

Renning is under the Spoilers section, but he's already under the list.

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since half the characters in this game seem to be royal, change of rules!

not counting part 4 endgame exclusive/forced units, what 10 characters are closest to royalty?

and with royalty I mean those who actually rule over a part of the lands. for example how Elincia is queen of Crimea, but also how Bastian is count of Fayre. after those ruling a piece of land, the children of those, then come the siblings, parents and etc.

my guess, in order of royalty-rank:











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Tauroeno serves Dain, while Fiona serves and is leader of a land isn't she more royal compared to him?

I would also add Tauroneo, being one of Daeins Great Riders, the strongest warriors. Well, maybe, but i'd assume he, like lanvega would govern some territory? That being said, Mist should would be the descendant of Gawain, another one of the four riders. Soren is also of noble birth, even though the game states it at the end, he still is of Goldoan & Daein blood.

Stefan could also qualify, since it is very much implied he is a descendant of Soanvalcke, the second queen of Begnion.\

Tauroneo lives in a mansion, has a household name in the daein history of the army. He's definetely a noble:

Tauroneo: My wife nearly lost her mind. She cried day and night, swearing that she couldn't live if something like that were to ever happen again. She wanted to live in peace...with her mind at ease. She pleaded with me to leave the army. But I couldn't accept her plea. Our family house was built on generations of proud military command. Our ancient name as a warrior family would not allow me to simply abandon my sworn duty. I tried to salvage our honor by training my younger son. He was just a boy, really. I wanted him to become a Daein general.

Rolf: You did what?!

Tauroneo: I know... I was a fool. I was blinded by tradition and family reputation. By the time I realized my error, my wife and children had left me. Since then... I've been living alone in my great mansion, surrounded by countless medals and memories... Alone...for years...

I think this would at least imply he is a ruler over some piece of the land?

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