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Is Vyse gay?


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Seriously, he gets hit on by so many beautiful women in the game and he doesn't go for it? Adventure isn't enough to satisfy those urges, you know.

Considering several of the in-game occurrences, I doubt it. If you choose to look at Aika on Pirate Isle, he'll do it and she gets mad. He also gets caught staring at Belleza in Maramba and there are the two sequences on the night before the assault on the Hydra. I'd say he's not.

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It's possible. When you repress your urges towards women, anything on two legs starts looking a little better than it used to! He's probably a fag! JK JK.

I think there were a few times in my younger years when I was hit on and shyed away. But I remained a celibate hero too long, and got fat. DAMMIT. Don't let any more celibate heroes make that mistake!

Edited by Loki Laufeyjarson
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Considering several of the in-game occurrences, I doubt it. If you choose to look at Aika on Pirate Isle, he'll do it and she gets mad. He also gets caught staring at Belleza in Maramba and there are the two sequences on the night before the assault on the Hydra. I'd say he's not.


However, a friend of mine had this to say:

"The women [in the crew] just tagged along because Vyse didn't have the heart to tell them his true purpose. He didn't want to see 'What lay beyond the sky' so much as 'What men can he lay beyond the sky?'"

Yeaaaah Vyse. cool.gif

Edited by Astelaine
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Considering several of the in-game occurrences, I doubt it. If you choose to look at Aika on Pirate Isle, he'll do it and she gets mad. He also gets caught staring at Belleza in Maramba and there are the two sequences on the night before the assault on the Hydra. I'd say he's not.

Whoa man, I know you're not familiar with my Waha Kitty policy, but you have to call me Waha Kitty even in your quotes.

Counter evidence: That one bounty guy was attracted to him.

Counter evidence: He gets all sentimental with the final boss. If that was me, I would have completely destroyed my enemy.

We might as well make this the official SoA thread though. How did you guys like it? For once, the traditional battle system seems to work, but items were way too broken in the game. I mean why waste your SP on magic when you can buy relatively cheap items that do the same exact thing?

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Alternatively, he could just be asexual. I'd believe that if Lord Glenn didn't bring up the point of Bellena.

You bring up the point of the bounty hitting on him. What is the first thing Vyse does? He makes a beeline back to his ship.

You bring up the point of him being "sentimental" for his enemy in the final battle. That enemy was played to be your typical "Alas Poor Villain" character. He had so much crap happen to him, ranging from his limited view of humanity to finding out the man who took him in was a complete bastard. And then the one person he believes could rule the world gets killed. What does he do? He flips out and attempts to destroy it. I don't know about you, but I kinda felt sorry for the guy myself. Those aside, there's the whole "burial at sea" thing. That was common practice for sailors in our world, and done out of respect.

Just because he doesn't follow the stereotypical anime/jrpg cliche of picking one love interest at the end of the game, it doesn't mean he's gay. In fact, he might be into polygamy.

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Counter evidence: He gets all sentimental with the final boss. If that was me, I would have completely destroyed my enemy.

That means nothing. You are Waha Kitty. "Enemy" is a word of subtlety, chosen carefully in a time and place and not always constant. To have an enemy is not to be that person's enemy. This seems so simple that I deplore the grand Waha school for failing to recognize that those that do not follow Waha would actually care. I suppose that Waha does not teach the emotion, perhaps rightfully so, known as compassion to its students. I admit that compassion is perhaps a weak, useless emotion when fighting to save a world from destruction, but I am still surprised that a master has not exceeded his school to the point of openly recognizing that it exists in the hearts of others.

Alternatively, he could just be asexual. I'd believe that if Lord Glenn didn't bring up the point of Bellena.

People talk about sexuality as a matter of breeding or of societal influences. So rarely of choice. He may be attempting asexuality by choice, despite his body's natural attraction to females or to males.

In fact, he might be into polygamy.

Most men are probably "into" polygamy, they just are conditioned to and self-condition themselves to not partake, at least past a certain point in their lives.

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That means nothing. You are Waha Kitty. "Enemy" is a word of subtlety, chosen carefully in a time and place and not always constant. To have an enemy is not to be that person's enemy. This seems so simple that I deplore the grand Waha school for failing to recognize that those that do not follow Waha would actually care. I suppose that Waha does not teach the emotion, perhaps rightfully so, known as compassion to its students. I admit that compassion is perhaps a weak, useless emotion when fighting to save a world from destruction, but I am still surprised that a master has not exceeded his school to the point of openly recognizing that it exists in the hearts of others.

Hey Waha Idiot, what does any of that have to do with Vyse being gay or SoA?

Counter evidence: He shares a cell with Gilder.

Counter evidence: He gets all sentimental with Drachma.


Counter evidence: His goggle eyepatch is not manly at all.

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Hey Waha Idiot, what does any of that have to do with Vyse being gay or SoA?

Counter evidence: He shares a cell with Gilder.

Counter evidence: He gets all sentimental with Drachma.


Counter evidence: His goggle eyepatch is not manly at all.

Umm, YOU seemed to be implying that him getting sentimental with the final boss meant there was some attraction there. If you weren't implying that, I'm not sure WHAT you were trying to imply or what it had to do with what anyone else was saying.

My post was essentially saying, what YOU would have done to your enemy isn't the same as what Vyse, in that situation, at that time, would have done, especially since he is not of the waha school.

It's not clear to me what the counter evidence is directed at so I'm ignoring it. It would be best to do more than simply give a piece of evidence: in a court of law, for instance, one generally attaches an argument to that piece of evidence. Simply supplying an example or two is a pretty weak way to try and have a discussion.

EDIT: Anyway, I'm not sure you're allowed to legislate that responses MUST be related to the game itself so long as they relate to arguments put forth. For instance, in the discussion of Vyse's sexuality, a discussion of sexuality on a general human level is far from out of place. Yes I know. He's a video game character, not a human. But psychological realism is something that's aimed at in storytelling these days.

Edited by Loki Laufeyjarson
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Counter evidence: He shares a cell with Gilder.

I've never heard of a prison where you got to pick and choose your cellmates. Ain't ever heard of coed prison cells either.

This must mean that all prisoners ever are gay.

Counter evidence: He gets all sentimental with Drachma.

Kinda justified since, yanno, up until that point the dude never talks, and then suddenly spills his guts about his past. I'm guessing that for Vyse to be your definition of straight, he'd have to not give a shit about anyone's problems but his own, am I right?

Counter evidence: His goggle eyepatch is not manly at all.

Ah, the last-gasp argument. "He's not manly, so he's gay!"

I'm starting to think you're just fishing for reactions. These "counterpoints" of yours aren't well thought out at all. In fact, I find them comparable to yaoi fangirls using support conversations as a justification of their terribly written LegaultxHeath fanfics. Everything is entirely situational. By this logic, I could use Vyse jumping onto the Delphinus with Fina as an argument for him being not gay.

Edited by The Blind Archer
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Everything is entirely situational.

Everything is relative.

The above statement is absolute.

There is at least one thing that is not relative.

(This is known in physics as the cosmological constant, I believe. I never really gave a shit about physics, but you know how it is...)

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Umm, YOU seemed to be implying that him getting sentimental with the final boss meant there was some attraction there. If you weren't implying that, I'm not sure WHAT you were trying to imply or what it had to do with what anyone else was saying.

My post was essentially saying, what YOU would have done to your enemy isn't the same as what Vyse, in that situation, at that time, would have done, especially since he is not of the waha school.

It's not clear to me what the counter evidence is directed at so I'm ignoring it. It would be best to do more than simply give a piece of evidence: in a court of law, for instance, one generally attaches an argument to that piece of evidence. Simply supplying an example or two is a pretty weak way to try and have a discussion.

EDIT: Anyway, I'm not sure you're allowed to legislate that responses MUST be related to the game itself so long as they relate to arguments put forth. For instance, in the discussion of Vyse's sexuality, a discussion of sexuality on a general human level is far from out of place. Yes I know. He's a video game character, not a human. But psychological realism is something that's aimed at in storytelling these days.

Dude, Waha Shut Up. Stay on topic.

I've never heard of a prison where you got to pick and choose your cellmates. Ain't ever heard of coed prison cells either.

This must mean that all prisoners ever are gay.

Kinda justified since, yanno, up until that point the dude never talks, and then suddenly spills his guts about his past. I'm guessing that for Vyse to be your definition of straight, he'd have to not give a shit about anyone's problems but his own, am I right?

Ah, the last-gasp argument. "He's not manly, so he's gay!"

I'm starting to think you're just fishing for reactions. These "counterpoints" of yours aren't well thought out at all. In fact, I find them comparable to yaoi fangirls using support conversations as a justification of their terribly written LegaultxHeath fanfics. Everything is entirely situational. By this logic, I could use Vyse jumping onto the Delphinus with Fina as an argument for him being not gay.

Aren't all prisoners gay?

And I don't yaoi thank you very much. Sometimes I like to watch...

Also, back on topic...

Is there anything you didn't like about the game? Like I said above, I didn't like how items made magic obsolete.

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