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(FE7) Support Chain Draft #2


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Copied straight from Janissary's topic who gets credit for the idea.

Obligatory welcome to the topic.

I have been in a few drafts in my day; some in the beginning and some recently. What has become obvious to me is that draft lists are stagnating. There is very little fluxuation in the top of draft; there's a general consensus in the top 5-10 units and that's how virtually every draft goes. So, in an effort to change it up, welcome to the strangest draft yet:

The Support Chain draft

Each drafter will recieve Hector, Marcus, Athos, Eliwood, Lyn, Merlinus, and Ninian/Nils for free. The remaining 36 units will be drafted in a randomized snake order draft. Karla is packaged with Bartre to create an even 35 units, or 7 picks per drafter. However, unlike a normal draft, where every unit is up for grabs, your pick must be connected to the unit you selected in the previous via the support list. For the first round, you must a selected a unit that supports with one of the free units. I have looked ahead, and there are what I consider to be 5 relatively even strong first round choices to be made, albeit that one is a little off the radar, so drafters, do your homework. If at any time there is not a unit on the board that supports the unit you last chose, you may move back one selection until you find a unit you can pick.

Example: I picked Florina, Fiora, Kent, Sain. On my fifth round selection, no unit that supports Sain is available. I then move back to Kent. If a unit supporting Kent is avaiable, I would select that unit. If no unit is avaible, I go back to Fiora, then Florina, then free units. If no unit on the board supports any of my units (highly unlikely I'd imagine), any unit may be selected.

Other rules:

HHM difficulty without Lyn mode

Matthew is free to open chests, doors, and steal when undrafted

All gaidens are required, except 19xx, 23x, and 28x which are strictly forbidden

Undrafted units are only allowed to find buried treasure, recruit other units and interact with other undrafted units.

Any other action by an undrafted unit recieves a 4 turn penalty per chapter used

Using an undrafted weapon is a 4 turn penalty per chapter used

Draft Picks must be made within 24 hours of the last pick. If they are not, I will randomly select a unit/weapon for you.

If I missed anything, let me know. Suggestions are welcome. Who else is man enough?

Addition notes: Kent, Sain, and Wil free for Chapter 16. Warpskipping is cool. Also undrafted units can rescue NPCs. It's not clearly stated in the rules but is sorta implied.


1. Quintessence: Florina, Serra, Lucius, Karel, Dart, Geit, Will

2. Oval: Fiora, Farina, Dorcas, Vaida, Canas, Wallace, Rath

3. Toothache: Kent, Heath, Priscilla, Raven, Bartre/Karla, Renault, Erk

4. zorbees: Isadora, Sain, Rebecca, Lowen, Harken, Nino, Legault

5. HongLei: Hawkeye, Pent, Louise, Guy, Matthew, Oswin, Jaffar

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If you end up going HHM, I'd suggest making a staff user (I'd go with Serra) free. It doesn't devalue the other staff users (more Restore/Barrier > less, and Lucius and Pent can fight), while not making the chapter impossible for whoever doesn't get one.

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Cool one more vote for HNM and that's what we're gonna do. I was never going to do the weapons draft mostly cause it takes to long and is pretty pointless.

If you end up going HHM, I'd suggest making a staff user (I'd go with Serra) free. It doesn't devalue the other staff users (more Restore/Barrier > less, and Lucius and Pent can fight), while not making the chapter impossible for whoever doesn't get one.

I was thinking about doing something like this if it ended up going to HHM. For some reason though I was thinking Priscilla, but Serra is much better because of worse move and Magic.

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You could switch Athos for Serra, or make Karla draftable instead of a package.

In my opinion, it'd make more sense to make Ninils draftable instead (or just Ninian, and have Nils free).

Or the person who picks first just doesn't get Geitz or Wallace or some other unit that won't be used.

This works too though, I guess.

You can always use pure waters rather than barriers.

They're not nearly as flexible, but the largest reason for making Serra free would be Restore.

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They're not nearly as flexible, but the largest reason for making Serra free would be Restore.

This kinda devalues healers, Lucius and Pent as draft picks. This is why they are normally early picks.

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This kinda devalues healers, Lucius and Pent as draft picks. This is why they are normally early picks.

Yeah, they're early picks because CoD is almost impossible without them (well, and Warp, but I'm of the opinion Warp should be banned in drafts). Priscilla has more move, Lucius can fight unpromoted and Pent is badass. They're not that devalued.

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I guess the thing is that there are 5 drafters and only 4 viable Restore staff users (I guess you could try and spam Erk/Canas's staff rank...) so someone's losing out probably.

Also Athos draftable would be weird here, since he doesn't support anybody.

Edit: Although the person without a staffer could just take the Pent penalty on Cog.

Edited by -Cynthia-
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Sign me in Oval. I'm used to support runs, but in drafts it'll be quite different. Must the first pick have a support with Hector or is it totally free from him? (Reread the OP :awesome: )

Just to let you know that I'm only available at week nights and all day weekends.

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Fiora because fliers are cool.

Edit: Anybody have any opinions on warp usage? Should we ban it or keep it useable? Also should Sain, Kent, and Wil be free during Chapter 16? I'm for for allowing Warps and making the three free for chapter 16 because I don't see them saving turns or anything.

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Just as a reminder I will be enforcing the 24 hour time limit to pick. If you know you're gonna be busy leave picks with someone. I will be a little lax for this pick seeing as it's pretty damn important(and it's two picks to boot). That said HongLei you have about 14 hours(time I should wake up tomorrow) from this post to pick or I will pick both units in a somewhat competent manner.

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