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(FE7) Support Chain Draft #2


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Just want to make sure I get this right. My last pick Harken has all of his supports drafted (or free), so I go back to Lowen. His supports are also all drafted (or free), so I go back to Rebecca. I then draft off of Rebecca's supports.

If this is what I am supposed to do, I pick Nino.

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^^^ Ya that's what you're supposed to do

Actually I think the draft is "over" no one has a choice in their picks,correct me if I'm wrong but

Toothache Renault via Bartre

Oval no one for Canas so Vaida gets Wallace

Q. Dart gets Geitz and Serra gets Erk

Oval Wallace gets Wil

Toothache Heath gets Legault

Zorbees gets Jaffar via Nino

And I get Rath via Guy

Edited by HongLei
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^^^ Ya that's what you're supposed to do

Actually I think the draft is "over" no one has a choice in their picks,correct me if I'm wrong but

Toothache Renault via Bartre

Oval no one for Canas so Vaida gets Wallace

Q. Dart gets Geitz and Serra gets Erk

Oval Wallace gets Wil

Toothache Heath gets Legault

Zorbees gets Jaffar via Nino

And I get Rath via Guy

Bolded is the error line. Dart can also support Wil, meaning Quintessence can get Geitz and Wil or Wil and Rath. This means Oval's pick after Wallace would be Geitz (going back to Dorcas, if Quintessence picks Wil and Rath) or Rath (going back to free unit Lyn, if Quintessence picks Wil and Geitz). Toothache gets Erk (going back to Priscilla), I would choose between Jaffar and Legault (both support Nino), and you would whichever one I don't pick, as the last unit remaining.

As Quintessence's pick doesn't affect mine, I will choose Legault.

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Wallace just to make it formal. I think I screwed up going for Canas over Harken. I thought I was locked into Nino > Erk because no one else could get him.Then after I pick I noticed zorbees could get Nino which would screw up my whole plan. I prayed for hours that he would pick Wil, but now I'm stuck with Jerme's map which takes forever.

Edited by oval
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Fair enough. I'm not getting Matthew anyway, so I may as well get started:

Chapter 11: 8/8 turns

Shame there's no easy way of getting past the archer with just Hector alone. Red Gem acquired

Unit      Exp   HP  Str Skl Spd Luk Def Res Weapon Ranks Supports
Hector    03.20 21  8   4   5   3   9   0   C Axe

Chapter 12: 7/15 turns

Eliwood made himself useful by collecting and selling the Secret Book. Marcus kills the boss, then is forced to help Hector clear out the enemies up north due to accuracy issues. Bartre nabs a couple of kills and does some shopping. Lowen traded his weapons away.

Unit     Exp   HP  Str Skl Spd Luk Def Res Weapon Ranks          Supports
Hector   5.70  23  9   4   6   3   9   0   C Axe
Eliwood  1.00  18  5   5   7   7   5   0   D Sword
Marcus   1.78  31  15  15  11  8   10  8   A Sword A Lance B Axe 
Bartre   2.88  29  9   5   3   4   4   0   D Axe

EDIT: Apparently I can't count. 7 turns taken for Ch12, I discovered on rewatching my progress.

Edited by Toothache
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