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(FE7) Support Chain Draft #2


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As Quintessence's pick doesn't affect mine, I will choose Legault.

Means that HongLei gets Jaffar.

Erk is mine! Haha!

I think this is literally the best last round pick in FE draft history.

And now updates from me.

Chapter 11: 8/8

Down the middle because the archer on the left is stupid and blocks the way for no reason. If the whole level is rigged than I think everyone should go this way because of the experience and speed level up.

Unit    Level  Hp St Sk Sp Lk Df Rs
Hector  4.02   22  9  6  6  4 10  1  

Chapter 12: 5/13

Lowen and Batre traded away their stuff, and Eliwood got and sold the Secret Book. Dorcas advanced to the bottom middle area and cleared out the people their. Marcus went to go help Hector because his accuracy sucks. I tried to position Hector so as little people as possible got terrain bonuses against him. On one try the hand axe brigand hid on the peaks so I focused on killing him and the archer with Hector leaving the rest to Marcus.

Unit    Level  Hp St Sk Sp Lk Df Rs
Hector   5.71  23  9  6  7  4 10  1  
Eliwood  1.00  Base
Marcus   1.85  Base
Dorcas   4.59  31  7  8  6  4  3  0

Chapter 13: 5/18

Dorcas and Eliwood go to get the torch while Marcus clears the way to seize. Also recruited killing edge which should help on some early bosses. Also Marcus picked up Hector on turn 3 and dropped him 5 spaces away from the seize point. Hector Wolf Beil'd the Cavs and the archer was kind enough to not get in the way. Bought 3 handaxes with Dorcas.

Unit    Level  Hp St Sk Sp Lk Df Rs
Hector   6.28  24 10  7  7  4 11  2
Eliwood  1.43  Base
Marcus   2.95  31 15 16 12  8 10  9
Dorcas   4.98  31  7  8  6  4  3  0

Edited by oval
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Chapter 13: 5/20 turns

Turn 1: Bartre and Eliwood smash the snag and Marcus rescues Hector. I keep everyone else out of range. Pegasus attacks Eliwood.

Turn 2: Bartre moves his full distance and kills the pegasus. Marcus drops Hector in order to take the other pegasus on enemy phase. Eliwood hangs back.

Turn 3: Hector and Bartre take out the second snag. Marcus rescues Hector and moves his full distance.

Turn 4: Eliwood visits the village. Bartre removes the cavalier blocking the way for Marcus, who drops Hector right in front of Boies. Matthew trades Bartre the Red Gem. Boies takes a swipe at Hector but he responds in kind.

Turn 5: Red Gem sold, bought a couple of hand axes and a javelin. Marcus takes out the boss with Hector's hand axe.

Unit       Exp   HP  Str Skl Spd Luk Def Res  Weapon Ranks           Supports
Hector     6.12  23  10   4   7   3  10   0   C Axe
Eliwood    1.11  18   5   5   7   7   5   0   D Sword
Marcus     2.61  32  16  16  11   9  10   8   A Sword A Lance B Axe
Bartre     3.60  30  10   5   4   5   5   0   D Axe

Chapter 13x: 8/28 turns

I decided I'd play it risky and have Eliwood get some level ups from the central area. Hector is around to ensure things go smoothly. Bartre takes the south east corner. I had to do a lot of positioning work to keep my non-combatants out of range of enemy fire. Marcus takes a charge up to the village, then heads back to help the central group out. Hector impresses me with a perfect level up, and Bartre gets some nice stat boosts too. Eliwood had to head south after the enemy influx was too much, but he did nab a final kill with Bartre's help in the south east.

Unit       Exp   HP  Str Skl Spd Luk Def Res  Weapon Ranks           Supports  
Hector     7.95  24  11   5   8   4  11   1   B Axe
Eliwood    3.02  20   7   6   8   7   5   0   D Sword
Marcus     2.84  32  16  16  11   9  10   8   A Sword A Lance B Axe 
Bartre     5.78  32  11   7   6   7   6   0   D Axe

Edited by Toothache
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11 7 turns

I know I can get 6 with Matt, but Hector got 2 lv ups and +2 str, +1 spd and skl

Door breakdown Hector Boss rush, & Matt thieving skills.

12 5 turns

Oswin, Hector mash up the top while Marc runs up to help, I choose to feed Eli the bandit and save a turn over the book.

13 5

Hector to cross river, Os breaks snag, Matt to cross w/ Hector, Eli to get village.

2 Oswin rescues Marc, Hector steps into river with Matt, Eli heads to Merlines's house.

3 Oswin gives Marc to Hector, Hector drops on other side, Matt heads over too.

4 Marc kills reinforcements Hector heads to gate and Matt to guy.

5 Marc boss kill, Hector seize and Guy recruited.

13x 8

Eli, Marc, Matt, and Hector north, Oswin lt defense, Guy S charge.

Got village not much else to say.

14 cleared 1st turn of rain (thats 5 I think)

Marcus center clear, Eli to iron blade, Oswin gets the soldiers, and Guy and Matt go south. Serra gets Erk for items.

15 8

Marc mashes up Sealen & co. Guy gets the Merc, Eli gets Mage. Oswin and Hector get soldiers, and Matt gets another pick and chests.

38? Turns total. I use my iPhone emulator so I'm going to post stats later (since I use iPhone for the Internet too)

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For Chapter 16 I changed only Sain, Kent, and Wil to free which was my intention. Lyn's Legion (iirc) included Florina and I didn't think she should be free cause she actually saves turn this chapter.

Chapter 13x: 8/26

Undrafted rescue each other, Dorcas moved towards the forest next to the bottom right snag, Hector doubled and killed the archer, Marcus went out towards the village and Eliwood attacked the Myrmidon on turn 1. Marcus broke the snag to the village next turn but didn't get it till turn 4 so he could kill the nomads to stop them from bothering the undrafteds. After Hector killed the mage and Myrmidon I had him help Dorcas witht the Nomads from the right, while Eliwood took the northern bandits. Marcus got the boss kill. Hector can OHKO stuff with his Wolf Beil, but I'm trying to make it last till dragons gate because Darin seems like the last boss it'd be useful against. Dorcas is a little speed and defense blessed.

Unit    Level  Hp St Sk Sp Lk Df Rs
Hector   7.03  25 10  7  8  4 11  2
Eliwood  3.14  20  5  6  9  7  4  1
Marcus   3.92  31 15 17 12  8 10 10
Dorcas   7.07  33  8 11  8  5  5  0

Chapter 14: 5/31

Marcus rushed towards Eric OHKOing with his Silver Lance. Dorcas took on the soldiers near the start and then went with Eliwood and Hector to kill some pirates. Didn't get either village seeing as they're both useless to me.

Unit    Level  Hp St Sk Sp Lk Df Rs
Hector   7.92  25 10  7  8  4 11  2
Eliwood  4.46  21  8  7  9  7  5  1
Marcus   5.05  32 16 18 12 10 11 10
Dorcas   7.85  33  8 11  8  5  5  0

Chapter 15: 8/39

Marcus handled the mage and merc up top before going down to help take out the mercs at the bottom. Why does Sealen have a draco sheild in HHM, but not in HNM? Focused most of my kills into Dorcas because he is turning out pretty good and needs to get up to a decent level before promoting.

Unit    Level  Hp St Sk Sp Lk Df Rs
Hector   9.30  27 12  8  8  4 13  3
Eliwood  5.40  22  5  8 10  8  5  2
Marcus   5.40  32 16 18 12 10 11 10
Dorcas  10.31  36 10 12  8  7  5  0 

Chapter 16: 6/45

Lyn and her crew did their thing down south while Marcus carried Hector through the mountains to the boss. Traded Wolf Beil to the top and Hector Killed him on the enemy phase. Dorcas and Eliwood self improved and got the village. Picked up a couple of steel weapons and some iron for Marcus because he is lol.

Unit    Level  Hp St Sk Sp Lk Df Rs
Hector  10.12  28 12  9  8  5 14  3
Eliwood  6.54  23  5  8 11  8  5  2
Marcus   5.84  32 16 18 12 10 11 10
Dorcas  11.87  36 11 12  8  7  5  0 
Lyn      5.06  19  5 10 12  5  2  1

Chapter 17: 7/52

Marcus went close to his full move every turn. He didn't rescue Hector till he killed most of the 2 ranges so they wouldn't block the way. Dropped Hector on turn 5 and then Hammer'd the boss for the sieze. Dorcas escorted Matthew to the Hero crest chest. Lyn tried to help, but mostly got in the way. Oh Eliwood crit killed Raven. Forgetting to recruit Erk resulting in losing a Thunder, Mend, and a Steel Sword. I just may restart.

Unit    Level  Hp St Sk Sp Lk Df Rs
Hector  10.62  28 12  9  8  5 14  3
Eliwood  8.19  25  7 10 12 10  5  2
Marcus   7.24  34 17 18 13 11 12 10
Dorcas  12.79  36 11 12  9  8  5  1 
Lyn      5.59  19  5 10 12  5  2  1

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Had to redo 13x. I didn't realise until afterwards that I lost my recording. Thankfully I'd remembered enough of my moves to recreate some of what I did last time. Hector got less exp, but Marcus got the boss kill which was something. Level ups turned out worse than last time overall, but whatever.

Unit       Exp   HP  Str Skl Spd Luk Def Res  Weapon Ranks           Supports  
Hector     7.31  24  11   5   8   3  11   0   B Axe
Eliwood    3.01  19   5   7   8   8   6   0   D Sword
Marcus     3.66  33  16  16  11   9  11   8   A Sword A Lance B Axe 
Bartre     5.78  32  11   6   6   7   6   0   D Axe

Chapter 14: 5/33 turns

Bartre clears out the enemies near the start and heads to the beach area. Eliwood does a reckless charge to intercept the pirates as well. Hector clears the way for Serra to recruit Erk, and then joins the southern group. Marcus does a mad dash with the Iron Lance clearing out everything, even Erik. Erk immediately gets some action, and takes Serra's vulnerary in order to finish the last of the northern brigands on enemy phase.

Unit       Exp   HP  Str Skl Spd Luk Def Res  Weapon Ranks           Supports  
Hector     7.97  24  11   5   8   3  11   0   B Axe
Eliwood    4.32  20   5   7   8   8   6   1   D Sword
Marcus     4.78  33  17  17  11  10  11   8   A Sword A Lance B Axe 
Bartre     5.78  32  11   6   6   7   6   0   C Axe
Erk        2.29  18   5   7   7   3   2   5   D Anima

Chapter 15: 8/41 turns

Hector blocks off the northern route. Marcus lures Sealen in for the kill. Matthew does his thing. Start working on Pris/Erk support. All the fighters gets kills fed to them.

Unit       Exp   HP  Str Skl Spd Luk Def Res  Weapon Ranks           Supports  
Hector     9.29  26  11   7   9   3  12   0   B Axe
Eliwood    5.35  21   6   8   8   9   7   1   D Sword
Marcus     5.62  33  17  17  11  11  11   9   A Sword A Lance B Axe 
Bartre     7.32  33  13   8   7   8   8   0   C Axe
Erk        3.58  18   6   8   7   3   2   5   D Anima
Priscilla  3.55  16   6   6   8   7   3   6   C Staff

Chapter 16: 5/46 turns

Woot I have most of my units to play with now. I had to redo this because I used the undrafted Caelin units for shopping, but I guess it is a minor issue. Marcus takes Hector on a rush to the boss. Kent gets outfitted with weapons, collects the Heavy Spear as he clears out most of the enemies nearby. I make steady progress with Erk, Eliwood and Bartre to the Red Gem village, and visit it on the last turn. Bauker meets a Silver Lance double.

Unit       Exp   HP  Str Skl Spd Luk Def Res  Weapon Ranks           Supports  
Hector     9.30  26  11   7   9   3  12   0   B Axe
Eliwood    6.54  22   6   8   9   9   8   1   D Sword
Lyn        4.48  18   5  10  11   5   2   0   D Sword
Marcus     6.43  34  18  18  11  11  11  10   A Sword S Lance B Axe 
Kent       5.95  23   8   7   8   4   6   1   D Sword D Lance
Bartre     8.22  34  14   8   8   8   9   0   C Axe
Erk        4.33  18   7   9   8   3   2   6   D Anima
Priscilla  4.00  17   6   6   9   8   3   6   C Staff

Chapter 17: 7/53 turns

Marcus rush is inevitable. Kent, Erk and Hector all assist in catching the strays that Marcus misses, before Hector finally gets rescued and given to Marcus. Erk killed the archer with the Chest Key, so I managed to get all the chests in time too. Raven recruited. Bartre helped Matthew reach the southern chests. Lyn and Eliwood were kinda useless after clearing out the initial enemies this time.

Unit       Exp   HP  Str Skl Spd Luk Def Res  Weapon Ranks           Supports  
Hector     9.92  26  11   7   9   3  12   0   B Axe
Eliwood    6.64  22   6   8   9   9   8   1   D Sword
Lyn        4.85  18   5  10  11   5   2   0   D Sword
Marcus     7.83  35  19  19  11  11  11  10   A Sword S Lance B Axe 
Kent       6.59  24   9   7   8   4   6   1   D Sword D Lance
Bartre     8.78  34  14   8   8   8   9   0   C Axe
Erk        6.40  20   7  10   9   4   2   7   D Anima
Priscilla  4.46  17   6   6   9   8   3   6   C Staff
Raven      5.10  25   8  11  13   2   5   1   C Sword

Chapter 17x: 3/56 turns

I figured since Ch12 put me behind, in terms of exp as well as turn count, I'd attempt to catch up here. This took me many many tries, but after figuring out how the RNs were aligned, I managed to pull off the crazy rush through the overlevelled pirates and Damian. Eliwood took the north eastern bunch, but everyone else had their use - even Lyn. Only treasure acquired was the Devil Axe.

Unit       Exp   HP  Str Skl Spd Luk Def Res  Weapon Ranks           Supports  
Hector    11.49  28  12   8  10   3  14   1   B Axe
Eliwood    7.47  22   7   9   9  10   8   1   C Sword
Lyn        5.18  19   6  11  12   6   3   0   D Sword
Marcus     8.66  36  20  19  11  11  11  10   A Sword S Lance B Axe 
Kent       6.97  24   9   7   8   4   6   1   D Sword D Lance
Bartre     9.76  35  15   9   9   8   9   1   C Axe
Erk        7.20  21   7  10  10   4   2   7   D Anima
Priscilla  4.68  17   6   6   9   8   3   6   C Staff
Raven      6.20  26   8  11  13   2   6   1   C Sword

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Chapter 17x: 3/55

Marcus handaxe'd everybody in the middle except the Hammer dude and the Mage. Turn 2 Eliwood, Canas, and Dorcas team up to kill those two, and Hector position's himself to counter Damain. Turn 3 Eliwood and Dorcas help Canas kill Damain and Marcus waits next to Fargus. Lyn took the north pirates for exp. Hector and Eliwood get C support.

Unit    Level  Hp St Sk Sp Lk Df Rs
Hector  11.57  29 13 10  8  6 14  3
Eliwood  9.48  25  8 10 13 11  5  2
Lyn      6.58  19  6 11 13  5  2  1
Marcus   8.42  35 17 19 13 11 13 10
Dorcas  13.05  36 12 13 10  9  5  2 
Canas    9.60  22 10  9  9  7  5  9

Chapter 18: 3/58

Marcus equiped a handaxe and rescued Matthew towards the boss. Dropped him right in range on turn 2, and killed on turn 3. Everyone else got some exp and treasures from the right side. Picked up a couple more steel weapons and flux.

Unit    Level  Hp St Sk Sp Lk Df Rs
Hector  11.84  29 13 10  8  6 14  3
Eliwood  9.75  25  8 10 13 11  5  2
Lyn      7.39  20  7 11 13  5  2  2
Marcus   9.30  36 17 19 13 11 13 10
Dorcas  13.34  36 12 13 10  9  5  2  
Canas   10.35  23 11 10  9  7  5 10

Chapter 19: 5/63

Marcus with Killing Edge in tow went to kill Uhai. He had a 35 chance to crit kill him and got it on turn 5 EP with no abuse just cause he's awesome. Eliwood, Fiora and Canas took the north east route for the Nosferatu mainly. Dorcas and Hector followed Marcus and killed stuff for exp. Lyn took out the northern pirates. I am getting some good luck early on which makes a little scared about what's gonna happen later. I might have to start holding the Lords back a little. Don't wanna get stuck with 24B.

Unit    Level  Hp St Sk Sp Lk Df Rs
Hector  12.22  30 14 11  8  6 14  3
Eliwood 10.37  26  8 10 13 11  6  3  
Lyn      8.35  21  8 12 14  6  2  3
Marcus  10.52  37 17 19 13 11 13 10
Dorcas  14.16  36 12 13 10  9  6  2
Canas   11.77  24 12 10  9  7  5 11
Fiora    8.10  22  8 12 14  6  6  8

Chapter 19x: 4/67

Hector rescues Canas on turn 1 and hands him off to Fiora for the Canas drop dondon used in his 0% growths playthrough. I don't think it was neccesary as I could've just Marcus'd through them all, but I wanted someone else to get some exp for once. Marcus rescued Hector after he handed off Canas on turn 2 and dropped in seize range turn 3 after Dorcas killed a mage that Marcus missed. Fiora got in a double iron lance hit on Aion while he still had Bolting equiped on turn 3, and Marcus chipped with a Javelin on turn 4 and Fiora got the kill. Eliwood got the Icon and Lyn killed some pegs.

Unit    Level  Hp St Sk Sp Lk Df Rs
Hector  12.22  30 14 11  8  6 14  3
Eliwood 10.71  26  8 10 13 11  6  3 
Lyn      8.70  21  8 12 14  6  2  3
Marcus  10.76  37 17 19 13 11 13 10 
Dorcas  14.17  37 13 13 10 10  6  2 
Canas   13.76  26 13 11 11  7  5 12
Fiora    9.35  23  9 12 14  6  6  9

Chapter 20: 7/74

Everyone goes north except Canas who kills the Sniper and one of the armors nears the start. Eliwood counter Cameron with the Rapier and finished him off next turn. At the chest room Eliwood and Canas went to help Matthew gets the goods, while Marcus, Lyn and Hector continued towards Darin. Marcus Hammered him on turn 6 Ep and finished the job on turn 7. Lyn recruited Legault, and Hector seized . I think 6 is easily possible, but no way am I gonna deny Marcus 2 speed level ups.

Unit    Level  Hp St Sk Sp Lk Df Rs
Hector  12.87  30 14 11  8  6 14  3
Eliwood 12.80  28  8 10 14 12  7  3 
Lyn      9.58  22  9 12 14  7  2  3
Marcus  12.03  38 17 20 15 11 13 10
Dorcas  16.18  37 13 14 10 11  6  2
Lyn      9.58  22  9 12 14  7  2  3
Canas   15.05  28 14 13 11  9  6 13
Fiora   11.25  24 10 14 14  7  6 10  

Chapter 21: 3/77

Marcus recues Fiora and goes to the edge of Ninians range, gets danced for and drops Fiora in range of the Elysian Whip Village. Lyn and Eliwood shop and collect the nearby villages. Hetor, Dorcas, and Canas head east to kill stuff. Turn 2 Fiora gets the villages and moves far enough south to be able to Javelin the boss next turn. Marcus lures and counters Oleg on turn 2 EP. Turn 3 Canas and Fiora team up for the kill.

Unit    Level  Hp St Sk Sp Lk Df Rs
Hector  13.20  31 15 11  8  6 15  4
Eliwood 12.80  28  8 10 14 12  7  3 
Lyn     9.58   22  9 12 14  7  2  3
Marcus  12.22  38 17 20 15 11 13 10 
Dorcas  16.87  37 13 14 10 11  6  2 
Lyn     9.58   22  9 12 14  7  2  3
Canas   15.44  28 14 13 11  9  6 13
Fiora   13.75  26 12 16 14  9  6 10

Chapter 22: 4/81

Fiora rescue drops Canas on turn 1 to help clear out mages and draw away some ballista fire. Marcus also heads towards Eubans. Hector, Dorcas, and Matthew went to chests. Ninian joined them after turn 1 and allowed me to get both chests. Lyn recruited Rath. Marcus handaxed the boss for 26 damage and Fiora Horseslayered for the kill.

Unit    Level  Hp St Sk Sp Lk Df Rs
Hector  13.20  31 15 11  8  6 15  4
Eliwood 12.88  28  8 10 14 12  7  3 
Lyn     9.58   22  9 12 14  7  2  3
Marcus  12.35  38 17 20 15 11 13 10 
Dorcas  17.50  38 13 14 10 11  7  2
Canas   17.35  29 15 13 12 10  7 14
Fiora   17.89  27 12 16 15 10  7 10 
Rath     9.37  Base

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My computer broke (lol sad.gif) so I might have to restart. I had made some decent progress but I never posted my log anywhere or backed it up, so it may be lost forever. As I am on a family computer right now, I can't download VBA, so I'll have to wait until my computer gets fixed or something.

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Chapter 18: 3/59 turns

Marcus takes Matthew safely to the boss. Speedwings, Guiding Ring, Red Gem and Longsword acquired. Did a bit of shopping, and got Hector/Eliwood C support

Unit       Exp   HP  Str Skl Spd Luk Def Res  Weapon Ranks           Supports  
Hector    11.86  28  12   8  10   3  14   1   B Axe                  Eliwood C
Eliwood    7.56  22   7   9   9  10   8   1   C Sword                Hector C
Lyn        5.63  19   6  11  12   6   3   0   C Sword
Marcus     9.51  37  20  19  11  11  11  10   A Sword S Lance B Axe 
Kent       7.50  24   9   8   8   4   6   1   D Sword D Lance
Bartre    10.18  36  16  10   9   9   9   1   C Axe
Erk        7.92  21   7  10  10   4   2   7   C Anima
Priscilla  4.90  17   6   6   9   8   3   6   C Staff
Raven      6.88  26   8  11  13   2   6   1   C Sword

Chapter 19: 6/65 turns

Keeping Priscilla away from all the pegasi was the real problem for me here. Eliwood plugs up the east choke point, Lyn heads north west after first using Dart's Torch to reveal what's ahead. Raven, Bartre and Kent all assist Marcus towards Uhai. I decide to weaken him at range with the Javelin first, before going in for the kill with the Silver Lance. 5 turn would be possible, but I didn't want to risk the OHKO from his Killing Edge. I deployed Florina only so I could keep Fiora out of the way, and the weapons were nice too I guess.

Unit       Exp   HP  Str Skl Spd Luk Def Res  Weapon Ranks           Supports  
Hector    13.00  30  12   9  10   4  16   2   B Axe                  Eliwood C
Eliwood    8.78  22   7  10   9  11   9   1   C Sword                Hector C
Lyn        7.17  19   7  12  14   7   3   1   C Sword
Marcus    10.81  38  20  19  11  11  12  11   A Sword S Lance B Axe 
Kent       8.56  25  10   9   8   4   7   1   D Sword D Lance
Bartre    10.59  36  16  10   9   9   9   1   C Axe
Erk        8.61  22   8  11  11   4   2   7   C Anima
Priscilla  5.34  18   7   6   9   9   3   7   C Staff
Raven      8.05  28   9  11  15   3   8   1   C Sword

Chapter 19x: 5/70 turns

Raven uses a Goddess Icon in preps. Marcus takes Hector on a wild ride, even eating a Bolting on the way. Lyn collects the Goddess Icon, after serving as mage bait. Marcus needs little assistance reaching Aion, but Bartre tags along anyway. Raven takes out the pegasi.

Unit       Exp   HP  Str Skl Spd Luk Def Res  Weapon Ranks           Supports  
Hector    13.01  30  12   9  10   4  16   2   B Axe                  Eliwood C
Eliwood    8.87  22   7  10   9  11   9   1   B Sword                Hector C
Lyn        7.57  19   7  12  14   7   3   1   C Sword
Marcus    12.16  40  20  21  11  12  13  11   A Sword S Lance A Axe 
Kent       9.34  26  11   9   8   5   8   1   D Sword D Lance
Bartre    11.27  37  17  11  10   9   9   1   C Axe
Erk        9.05  23   8  11  11   4   2   8   C Anima                Priscilla C
Priscilla  5.67  18   7   6   9   9   3   7   C Staff                Erk C
Raven      8.75  28   9  11  15   5   8   1   C Sword

Chapter 20: 7/77 turns

Marcus has not grown any Speed from base I notice, so he gets the Speedwing. I've realised I'm not using Priscilla effectively enough, so I start spamming her staves more liberally - Unlock sees some use, and any healing was done with Mend. I could have got 6 turns here had Marcus not whiffed his second attack on Darin, so Hector had to take the boss kill. Obtained Member Card, Barrier and Guiding Ring via Legault, Bartre collected the Luna and Blue Gem. Contemplating promoting Kent now.

Unit       Exp   HP  Str Skl Spd Luk Def Res  Weapon Ranks           Supports  
Hector    14.31  31  12  10  11   5  17   2   B Axe                  Eliwood C
Eliwood    9.96  23   7  11   9  11   9   1   B Sword                Hector C
Lyn        9.30  21   7  13  16   8   4   1   B Sword
Marcus    12.35  40  20  21  13  12  13  11   A Sword S Lance A Axe 
Kent      10.28  26  11  10   9   6   9   1   D Sword D Lance
Bartre    12.95  38  17  11  10   9   9   1   B Axe
Erk        9.92  23   8  11  11   4   2   8   C Anima                Priscilla C
Priscilla  6.62  18   8   6  10   9   4   8   B Staff                Erk C
Raven      9.42  29   9  11  16   6   8   1   C Sword

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Chapter 23: 4/85

Fiora got the Robe during battle prep, and she and Canas escorted Legault to the body Ring. Matthew got the ocean seal while everyone else headed north to take care of the enemies not in the desert. Pent did just about everything else including killing both bosses.

Unit    Level  Hp St Sk Sp Lk Df Rs
Hector  13.20  31 15 11  8  6 15  4
Eliwood 12.88  28  8 10 14 12  7  3  
Lyn     10.86  22  9 13 15  8  2  4
Marcus  12.37  38 17 20 15 11 13 10 
Dorcas  18.17  39 14 15 11 11  7  2  
Canas   19.16  30 15 15 13 11  8 15
Fiora   15.59  35 12 17 15 11  7 11
Rath     9.92  Base

Chapter 24: 2/87

Rath gets the Afa's Drops. Standard Marcus lure. Fiora got the kill.

Unit    Level  Hp St Sk Sp Lk Df Rs
Hector  13.20  31 15 11  8  6 15  4
Eliwood 12.88  28  8 10 14 12  7  3  
Lyn     10.86  22  9 13 15  8  2  4
Marcus  13.10  39 17 20 15 11 13 10
Dorcas  18.17  39 14 15 11 11  7  2  
Canas   19.16  30 15 15 13 11  8 15
Fiora   16.67  35 12 18 16 11  7 11
Rath    10.67  28 10 11 11  5  8  2

Chapter 25: 6/93

Fiora solo'd the monks after dropping Hector to do some shopping. The monks did nothing to her and the bishop kept missing so it was pretty easy up there. Lyn and Eliwood took the south and although they pretty much had 0 chance of death they didn't orko anything. They still managed to get to the gate in time though. First couple of turns up north I focused all my exp into Dorcas and Canas so they could promote. Oh and Rath also got some kills, but he's still kinda meh. Hopefuly the next chapter will fix that right up.

Unit    Level  Hp St Sk Sp Lk Df Rs
Hector  15.15  33 17 12  9  6 17  6
Eliwood 14.33  30  8 12 14 12  9  4
Lyn     13.96  25  9 13 17  8  4  4
Marcus  13.75  39 17 20 15 11 13 10 
Dorcas   2.16  44 17 18 12 12 13  5
Canas    1.11  35 16 16 16 11 10 17
Fiora    1.00  43 14 20 17 13 10 14
Rath    13.74  31 11 12 12  7  8  3
Farina  12.00  Base

Chapter 26: 12/105

Marcus, Dorcas, and the Pegs went north to help the Lords. Farina went back south once the Wyvrens started spawning, but had to retreat pretty quickly. Rath hit level 20 and promoted thanks to Canas and Ninian's help. Marcus lured Vaida on the second last turn allowing Fiora to grab some killers. Luckily enemy AI decides that avoiding counters is more important than killing people so Vaida went for Marcus again despite being able to kill Fiora at around 80 hit.

Unit    Level  Hp St Sk Sp Lk Df Rs
Hector  16.38  34 17 13 10  6 18  6
Eliwood 15.59  30  8 12 14 12 10  4
Lyn     14.47  25  9 14 18  9  4  5 
Marcus  13.98  39 17 20 15 11 13 10 
Dorcas   2.68  44 17 18 12 12 13  5
Canas    3.31  36 17 17 17 11 11 17
Fiora    1.50  43 14 20 17 13 10 14
Rath     1.00  41 17 16 18  8 11  7
Farina  16.86  26 13 14 17 10 11 12 

Chapter 27: 11/116

This chapter went a lot better than I thought. Fiora and Farina rescue Canas and Matthew and make for the north. Focusing all kills into Farina is easy because she orkos all non wyvrens and on them she has a two shots at a 35 crit. She hits 20 and promotes on the final turn. Marcus and Hector proceed towards Jerme and are later joined by Canas and Fiora to kill him and the reinforcements. Dorcas, Eliwood, Rath and Lyn take the bottom two doors. Got the Talisman, White Gem, and Bolting.

Unit    Level  Hp St Sk Sp Lk Df Rs
Hector  18.56  35 18 13 10  8 19  7
Eliwood 17.70  32  8 14 14 14 12  5 
Lyn     17.27  28 12 16 20 10  4  7
Marcus  14.95  39 18 21 15 12 13 10  
Dorcas   5.71  46 19 18 13 13 15  5 
Canas    5.84  37 18 17 18 12 12 18
Fiora    2.67  43 14 20 17 13 10 15
Rath     2.97  42 17 16 18  9 11  7
Farina   1.00  34 16 16 19 12 15 16

Chapter 28: 16/132

Main objectives for this level include: getting Eliwood and Lyn to 20/1, getting the treasures and spamming Canas' staff level(heal to D then Torch to C and then Barrier till level over). Everything went by perfectly. Oh and Fiora killed Ursula.

Unit    Level  Hp St Sk Sp Lk Df Rs
Hector  18.99  35 18 13 10  8 19  7
Eliwood  1.00  39 11 16 17 15 13  9
Lyn      1.00  34 14 19 20 11  7 12
Marcus  16.57  51 18 22 15 13 13 11 
Dorcas   6.53  47 20 19 13 13 15  5 
Canas    7.08  38 18 18 18 13 12 18
Fiora    5.43  45 15 23 18 14 10 18
Rath     6.83  46 20 16 21 11 11  7
Farina   1.51  34 16 16 19 12 15 16

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Chapter 21: 3/80 turns

Promoted Kent, who immediately got some use clearing out all the fliers in front of the boss area. Lyn collects Restore, Raven heads south for selling and shopping. All other units help the progress, especially Hector who got danced on turn 2. I had to rely on Ninian dodging a few attacks, but other than that this went well. Kent collects the Elysian Whip, Eliwood picks up some Pure Water. Matthew relieves Oleg of his Hero Crest, before Marcus finishes the job he started.

Unit        Exp    HP  Str Skl Spd Luk Def Res  Weapon Ranks           Supports  
Hector     15.11   32  13  10  11   6  18   2   A Axe                  Eliwood C
Eliwood     9.97   23   7  11   9  11   9   1   B Sword                Hector C
Lyn         9.30   21   7  13  16   8   4   1   B Sword
Marcus    --/13.46 40  20  21  13  13  13  12   A Sword S Lance A Axe 
Kent      10/ 1.81 28  12  11  10   6  11   2   C Sword C Lance E Axe
Bartre     13.26   39  17  12  11  10  10   1   B Axe
Erk        10.61   24   8  11  12   5   2   9   C Anima                Priscilla C
Priscilla   7.07   18   8   6  11  10   4   9   B Staff                Erk C
Raven       9.42   29   9  11  16   6   8   1   C Sword
Ninian      1.33   14   0   0  12  10   5   4   Dancer

Chapter 22: 4/84 turns

After a bit of testing, I finally worked out a strategy that accomplished getting both chests and visiting the secret shop, while the main forces concentrate on the east and southern areas for combat. Kent and Marcus lead the charge to Eubans, Eliwood recruits Heath with Matthew and Ninian's help. Heath immediately gets to work by weakening the swordreaver fighter for Eliwood to kill, and getting the thief as well. Matthew trades Heath a Chest Key so they can both open chests on turn 4. Eliwood does some Secret Shopping. Priscilla gets more use out of Unlock, and Barrier finally sees some use. Lyn only recruits Rath so he keeps out of the way.

Unit        Exp    HP  Str Skl Spd Luk Def Res  Weapon Ranks           Supports  
Hector     15.42   32  13  10  11   6  18   2   A Axe                  Eliwood C
Eliwood    10.34   24   8  12   9  11   9   2   B Sword                Hector C
Lyn         9.30   21   7  13  16   8   4   1   B Sword
Marcus    --/14.48 40  20  21  13  13  13  13   A Sword S Lance A Axe 
Kent      10/ 2.68 29  13  11  11   7  11   3   C Sword B Lance E Axe
Bartre     14.25   40  17  13  12  10  10   1   B Axe
Erk        10.96   24   9  11  12   5   2   9   C Anima                Priscilla C
Priscilla   7.70   18   8   6  11  10   4   9   B Staff                Erk C
Raven       9.42   29   9  11  16   6   8   1   C Sword
Heath       7.66   28  11   8   7   7  10   1   B Lance
Ninian      1.73   14   0   0  12  10   5   4   Dancer

Chapter 23: 6/90 turns

Marcus sits this one out. Heath started on ferry duty, dropping the now promoted Bartre over the west wall then returning for Matthew. Raven and Kent head along the east side of the map. Lords get almost no action - Lyn gets a mage kill, and Hawkeye was recruited for his axe, but everything was too far away. Erk catches up to Bartre near the end. Pent kills one warrior and softens up the other for Heath. Ocean Seal, Body Ring and Filla's Might collected.

Unit        Exp    HP  Str Skl Spd Luk Def Res  Weapon Ranks           Supports  
Hector     15.42   32  13  10  11   6  18   2   A Axe                  Eliwood C
Eliwood    10.34   24   8  12   9  11   9   2   B Sword                Hector C
Lyn         9.74   21   7  13  16   8   4   1   B Sword
Marcus    --/14.48 40  20  21  13  13  13  13   A Sword S Lance A Axe 
Kent      10/ 3.32 29  13  12  11   7  11   3   C Sword B Lance E Axe
Bartre    14/ 2.30 40  17  13  12  10  10   1   A Axe E Bow
Erk        12.36   25  10  11  14   5   2   9   C Anima                Priscilla C
Priscilla   8.45   18   9   7  12  11   4  10   A Staff                Erk C
Raven      10.94   30  10  12  17   6   8   1   C Sword
Heath       9.27   30  12   9   8   7  10   1   B Lance
Ninian      2.24   15   0   0  13  11   6   4   Dancer

Chapter 24: 2/92 turns

Heath took the Afa's Drops. Promoted Erk, and gave him the Angelic Robe. He, along with Bartre, Raven and Heath head east to do some shopping. The lords and paladins head north. Cleared out some enemies, bought some reaver weapons, finished off the boss with Marcus.

Unit        Exp    HP  Str Skl Spd Luk Def Res  Weapon Ranks           Supports  
Hector     15.75   32  13  10  11   6  18   2   A Axe                  Eliwood C
Eliwood    10.76   24   8  12   9  11   9   2   B Sword                Hector C
Lyn         9.74   21   7  13  16   8   4   1   B Sword
Marcus    --/15.59 41  20  22  13  14  13  14   A Sword S Lance A Axe 
Kent      10/ 3.44 29  13  12  11   7  11   3   C Sword B Lance E Axe
Bartre    14/ 2.70 44  19  16  12  11  14   4   A Axe E Bow
Erk       12/ 1.31 36  11  11  14   5   5  12   B Anima E Staff        Priscilla C
Priscilla   8.82   18   9   7  12  11   4  10   A Staff                Erk C
Raven      10.94   30  10  12  17   6   8   1   C Sword
Heath       9.60   30  12   9   8   7  10   1   B Lance
Ninian      2.44   15   0   0  13  11   6   4   Dancer

Chapter 25: 4/96 turns

Hector, Kent and Erk lead the charge northwest towards Pascal's group. Lyn crosses the river, while Bartre and Raven take the south route. Heath drops Marcus across the east, and nabs some kills along the way. Priscilla and Ninian hang back out of the ballistae range, while Eliwood acts as a meatshield for them. Erk takes the boss kill.

Unit        Exp    HP  Str Skl Spd Luk Def Res  Weapon Ranks           Supports  
Hector     17.77   34  14  11  12   6  20   2   A Axe                  Eliwood C
Eliwood    11.25   25   8  12   9  12   9   3   B Sword                Hector C
Lyn        10.35   22   7  14  17   8   5   1   B Sword
Marcus    --/16.35 42  20  22  13  14  13  14   A Sword S Lance A Axe 
Kent      10/ 4.18 30  13  13  11   8  11   4   C Sword B Lance E Axe
Bartre    14/ 3.35 45  20  17  12  11  15   4   A Axe E Bow
Erk       12/ 3.18 38  12  11  16   5   6  14   B Anima E Staff        Priscilla C
Priscilla   9.94   19   9   8  12  12   4  10   A Staff                Erk C
Raven      12.99   32  12  13  19   6   9   2   B Sword
Heath      10.97   31  12   9   9   8  11   1   B Lance
Ninian      2.84   15   0   0  13  11   6   4   Dancer

Chapter 26: 12/108 turns

I decide enough is enough and throw promotion items all around. Eliwood immediately uses the Heaven Seal, and after a bit of levelling, Heath and Raven join the promoted brigade. Raven, Bartre and Eliwood hang around the northern area taking what kills they can, Hector eventually heads south, while I carefully inch Heath towards the Hammerne village. Kent and Marcus help clear out the south east area.

Unit        Exp    HP  Str Skl Spd Luk Def Res  Weapon Ranks           Supports  
Hector     20.00   36  15  13  13   7  20   2   A Axe                  Eliwood C
Eliwood   11/ 2.57 30  11  13  11  12  10   6   B Sword D Lance        Hector C
Lyn        10.35   22   7  14  17   8   5   1   B Sword
Marcus    --/16.51 42  20  22  13  14  13  14   A Sword S Lance A Axe 
Kent      10/ 5.99 31  13  13  11   8  11   5   C Sword B Lance D Axe
Bartre    14/ 5.45 47  20  18  13  11  16   4   A Axe E Bow
Erk       12/ 4.92 38  12  11  17   5   6  15   A Anima E Staff        Priscilla C
Priscilla  12.75   21  11  10  13  14   5  11   A Staff                Erk C
Raven     13/ 1.43 37  13  16  21   6  12   4   B Sword E Axe
Heath     13/ 2.77 38  15  14  13  11  12   4   A Lance E Sword
Ninian      3.95   15   0   0  14  12   6   5   Dancer

Chapter 27: 11/119 turns

Kent cleared out the first room, then headed west to take on the bandits there. Raven and Eliwood head north west to take on the archer room. Bartre and Marcus head to Jerme's area. Erk provides initial backup, and helps clear out the southeast room. Heath clears the road and empties the bottom room. Lyn takes a Chest Key and opens up the Bolting and White Gem chests, and Eliwood eventually gets the Talismen. Matthew was a little too short in distance to reach the last chest after 11 turns so I left it. Picked up Karel for his Wo Dao.

Unit        Exp    HP  Str Skl Spd Luk Def Res  Weapon Ranks           Supports  
Hector     20.00   36  15  13  13   7  20   2   A Axe                  Eliwood C
Eliwood   11/ 3.54 31  12  13  12  12  10   6   B Sword D Lance        Hector C
Lyn        10.35   22   7  14  17   8   5   1   B Sword
Marcus    --/16.76 42  20  22  13  14  13  14   A Sword S Lance A Axe 
Kent      10/ 7.68 33  14  14  12   8  12   5   C Sword B Lance D Axe
Bartre    14/10.06 51  22  18  16  14  17   5   A Axe D Bow
Erk       12/ 8.16 39  15  11  19   6   7  17   A Anima E Staff        Priscilla C
Priscilla  14.28   22  13  11  14  15   6  12   A Staff                Erk C
Raven     13/ 5.41 41  16  18  22   7  13   5   B Sword D Axe
Heath     13/ 5.77 41  17  17  14  12  14   4   S Lance E Sword
Ninian      5.05   16   1   0  16  14   8   7   Dancer

Chapter 28: 16/135 turns

All the lords, Priscilla, Raven and Erk took the east side of the map, while everyone else went west. Thanks to Erk acting as a Bolting shield, Raven took the kill on Ursula. Bartre works on his bow skill some more. Kent and Marcus charge forward to ensure Zephiel is protected, and between them and Heath clear out the enemies in the southwest area. Collected all treasure, even had time for Nino to talk to Jaffar in the remaining empty turns.

Unit        Exp    HP  Str Skl Spd Luk Def Res  Weapon Ranks           Supports  
Hector     20.00   36  15  13  13   7  20   2   A Axe                  Eliwood C
Eliwood   11/ 5.37 33  13  13  13  13  10   6   B Sword D Lance        Hector C
Lyn        11.52   23   7  14  18   8   6   1   B Sword
Marcus    --/17.57 42  20  22  13  14  13  14   A Sword S Lance A Axe 
Kent      10/ 9.72 34  14  14  14   9  12   5   C Sword B Lance D Axe
Bartre    14/11.46 52  22  18  16  14  18   6   A Axe D Bow
Erk       12/ 9.95 40  16  11  19   6   7  17   A Anima E Staff        Priscilla C
Priscilla  16.86   22  14  12  16  17   6  13   A Staff                Erk C
Raven     13/ 7.19 43  18  19  24   8  13   6   A Sword D Axe
Heath     13/ 8.63 43  19  18  17  12  14   5   S Lance E Sword
Ninian      6.45   17   1   0  16  15   8   7   Dancer

Chapter 29: 10/145 turns

Bartre, Kent and Raven pull out the armorslaying weapons and tackle the central area. Lyn gets herself a promotion, and takes the enemies in the northeast. Hector hangs back to recruit Vaida, and along with Merlinus and Vaida herself blocks the wyvern reinforcements. Heath heads west, taking out enemies as he goes and picking up the Warp staff, before eventually meeting up with Marcus, Eliwood and Erk who busted through the lower central route to reach the boss. Priscilla finally reaches L20 after copious staff use, with Ninian's help, keeping everyone fresh and out of danger. Crazy exp gains here. Hector promotes at the end, and Pris will before the start of her next chapter.

Unit        Exp    HP  Str Skl Spd Luk Def Res  Weapon Ranks           Supports  
Hector    20/ 1.00 39  15  15  16   8  21   7   A Axe D Sword          Eliwood C
Eliwood   11/ 8.39 35  15  14  15  16  10   7   B Sword C Lance        Hector C
Lyn       11/ 2.54 27   9  16  19   9   9   7   A Sword D Bow
Marcus    --/20.00 45  21  24  13  15  13  15   A Sword S Lance A Axe 
Kent      10/13.74 38  16  15  15   9  12   5   C Sword A Lance D Axe
Bartre    14/16.79 56  24  19  19  16  18   8   S Axe D Bow
Erk       12/13.97 43  18  14  20   8   9  18   S Anima E Staff        Priscilla C
Priscilla 20/ 1.00 27  17  16  19  19   8  19   A Staff E Anima        Erk C
Raven     13/10.43 46  20  21  25   9  13   7   A Sword D Axe
Heath     13/13.22 46  22  21  20  12  16   8   S Lance E Sword
Ninian      7.40   18   1   0  17  16   9   7   Dancer

Chapter 30: 7/152 turns

Hector gets warped along by Priscilla, and takes the kill on Kaim with the Brave Axe. Kent picks up the Wolf Beil in the north east, and picks up the other one in the last turn. Priscilla gets some much needed catch up with her levels.

Unit        Exp    HP  Str Skl Spd Luk Def Res  Weapon Ranks           Supports  
Hector    20/ 5.11 43  17  18  18  10  22   8   A Axe D Sword          Eliwood C
Eliwood   11/ 8.39 35  15  14  15  16  10   7   B Sword C Lance        Hector C
Lyn       11/ 2.54 27   9  16  19   9   9   7   A Sword D Bow
Marcus    --/20.00 45  21  24  13  15  13  15   A Sword S Lance A Axe 
Kent      10/14.61 38  17  16  16  10  12   5   C Sword A Lance D Axe
Bartre    14/16.79 56  24  19  19  16  18   8   S Axe D Bow
Erk       12/13.97 43  18  14  20   8   9  18   S Anima E Staff        Priscilla C
Priscilla 20/ 4.16 28  19  16  21  22   8  20   A Staff E Anima        Erk C
Raven     13/10.43 46  20  21  25   9  13   7   A Sword D Axe
Heath     13/13.22 46  22  21  20  12  16   8   S Lance E Sword
Ninian      7.40   18   1   0  17  16   9   7   Dancer

Chapter 31: 12/164 turns

I didn't have a great plan for this defence map, so it wasn't until turn 6 that I got the kill on Denning and halted the reinforcements. Maybe I should have farmed for exp longer, but he was doing dangerous damage with his Silver Bow and I didn't want to risk a unit death. Anyway, Matthew collects all the treasure, Lyn gets some bow kills along the east side, with Kent's help. Hector, Raven, and Priscilla head south to join up with Bartre, Erk and Marcus who started in the southern room. Bartre fills holes in everything with his bows, while Erk helps with some of the armours, and Marcus taking on the majority. Marcus went as low as 1 HP from the combined damage from poison and Denning, but Priscilla was close on hand with a timely Physic. Priscilla was also necessary to have around when Erk got silenced. Kent got put to sleep, and Heath dodged a second one before I could put that druid down.

Unit        Exp    HP  Str Skl Spd Luk Def Res  Weapon Ranks           Supports  
Hector    20/ 5.84 43  17  18  18  10  22   8   A Axe D Sword          Eliwood C
Eliwood   11/10.13 36  16  16  17  16  11   8   B Sword C Lance        Hector C
Lyn       11/ 4.92 27  10  18  20  11   9   7   A Sword D Bow
Marcus    --/20.00 45  21  24  13  15  13  15   A Sword S Lance A Axe 
Kent      10/15.66 39  18  17  17  11  12   5   C Sword A Lance D Axe
Bartre    14/18.55 58  26  20  21  17  19   8   S Axe C Bow
Erk       12/15.62 44  19  15  22   8  10  19   S Anima E Staff        Priscilla C
Priscilla 20/ 5.04 28  19  17  21  22   8  20   S Staff E Anima        Erk C
Raven     13/12.12 48  21  21  25   9  13   8   A Sword D Axe
Heath     13/15.09 48  23  21  21  12  16   8   S Lance E Sword
Ninian      7.40   18   1   0  17  16   9   7   Dancer

Chapter 31x: 6/170 turns

Shopping time. Gave Karla a bit of a run through the arena to catch up, and Bartre got some arena time too. Erk and Priscilla got to B support.

Unit        Exp    HP  Str Skl Spd Luk Def Res  Weapon Ranks           Supports  
Hector    20/ 5.84 43  17  18  18  10  22   8   A Axe D Sword          Eliwood C
Eliwood   11/10.13 36  16  16  17  16  11   8   B Sword C Lance        Hector C
Lyn       11/ 4.92 27  10  18  20  11   9   7   A Sword D Bow
Marcus    --/20.00 45  21  24  13  15  13  15   A Sword S Lance A Axe 
Kent      10/15.66 39  18  17  17  11  12   5   C Sword A Lance D Axe
Bartre    14/19.35 59  27  20  21  18  19   8   S Axe C Bow
Karla     --/ 6.23 30  15  22  18  17  11  12   A Sword
Erk       12/15.62 44  19  15  22   8  10  19   S Anima E Staff        Priscilla B
Priscilla 20/ 5.45 28  19  17  21  22   8  20   S Staff E Anima        Erk B
Raven     13/12.12 48  21  21  25   9  13   8   A Sword D Axe
Heath     13/15.09 48  23  21  21  12  16   8   S Lance E Sword
Nils        7.40   18   1   0  17  16   9   7   Dancer

Chapter 32: 9/179 turns

Heath ferries Hector to the throne area, after both being Barriered. Raven and later Marcus both get warped to help take on Limstella. Eliwood helps Kent recruit Renault, who immediately starts the Fortify spam. Bartre helps Karla and Lyn get some kills in the south area and reach the Talismen. Priscilla has turned into an awesome dodgebot. Speaking of dodgebots, both Nils and Merlinus help to draw enemy fire while Priscilla keeps Heath healthy with Physic. Sad that I get my full team so late, but that's the luck of the draw.

Unit        Exp    HP  Str Skl Spd Luk Def Res  Weapon Ranks           Supports  
Hector    20/ 7.50 45  18  18  19  10  24   8   A Axe D Sword          Eliwood C
Eliwood   11/13.23 39  17  19  19  17  12   9   B Sword C Lance        Hector C
Lyn       11/ 7.23 29  11  18  22  12  10   8   A Sword D Bow
Marcus    --/20.00 45  21  24  13  15  13  15   A Sword S Lance A Axe 
Kent      10/17.40 40  18  19  17  12  13   5   C Sword S Lance D Axe
Bartre    14/20.00 60  27  20  22  18  19   8   S Axe C Bow
Karla     --/ 7.62 31  16  23  18  18  11  13   A Sword
Erk       12/15.97 44  19  15  22   8  10  19   S Anima E Staff        Priscilla B
Priscilla 20/10.35 30  20  21  22  25   8  22   S Staff D Anima        Erk B Raven C
Raven     13/14.75 50  23  23  25   9  14   8   A Sword C Axe          Priscilla C
Heath     13/18.83 51  25  21  21  12  17   8   S Lance E Sword
Nils        8.43   19   1   1  18  17   9   8   Dancer
Renault   --/16.91 43  12  22  20  10  15  18   A Light A Staff

Chapter 32x 1/180 turns

Bartre is the only one capable of OHKOing Kishuna with a Killer Axe, so he gets warped to do the job.

Unit        Exp    HP  Str Skl Spd Luk Def Res  Weapon Ranks           Supports  
Hector    20/ 7.50 45  18  18  19  10  24   8   A Axe D Sword          Eliwood C
Eliwood   11/13.23 39  17  19  19  17  12   9   B Sword C Lance        Hector C
Lyn       11/ 7.23 29  11  18  22  12  10   8   A Sword D Bow
Marcus    --/20.00 45  21  24  13  15  13  15   A Sword S Lance A Axe 
Kent      10/17.40 40  18  19  17  12  13   5   C Sword S Lance D Axe
Bartre    14/20.00 60  27  20  22  18  19   8   S Axe C Bow
Karla     --/ 7.62 31  16  23  18  18  11  13   A Sword
Erk       12/15.97 44  19  15  22   8  10  19   S Anima E Staff        Priscilla B
Priscilla 20/10.77 30  20  21  22  25   8  22   S Staff D Anima        Erk B Raven C
Raven     13/14.75 50  23  23  25   9  14   8   A Sword C Axe          Priscilla C
Heath     13/18.83 51  25  21  21  12  17   8   S Lance E Sword
Nils        8.53   19   1   1  18  17   9   8   Dancer
Renault   --/16.91 43  12  22  20  10  15  18   A Light A Staff

Light: 4+1/185 turns

Athos gets Luna and a Body Ring. Crits all around, as I dish out everyone with killer weapons to make this lot easier. I let the Reed Brothers out on turn 2, and have Priscilla use the Rescue staff to keep Hector out of harm's way. Heath takes out Uhai, Raven heads south with Bartre providing cover fire to take on Jerme and Urusua, and then Bartre switches to Killer Axe for Brandon. Athos clears out Kenneth's room, with Kent takes out the Bolting sage. With Lloyd and Linus out on turn 3 and most of the morphs dead, I could concentrate fire on them both. Turn 4 sees the end of Darin, and Athos gets danced to solo Nergal.

As for the Dragon, it couldn't stand up long against Athos' Luna attacks.

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17 9/47

Marcus Boss rush, ferried Hector up there, Matt stole the archer's key for Oswin, who was sent to get the chests, Lyn killed stuff with the MK, Eli helped out. Guy did as well, Prissy got raven, who got Lucius. I sent Matt to get the Knight Crest, and Guy and Eli got the sword by killing the thief.

17x 4/51

Guy, Lyn, and Hector helped marcus kill the middle, Eli went up, Matt got villages, Hector killed boss.

18 3/54

Lyn killed a shaman and a pegy, Marcus took Matt to get the wings, Hector and Eli shopped, Oswin killed the mercs and got the longsword and pure water.

19 5/59

Promo Oswin, Marcus charge boss, guy and Eli got exp to the lt. Matt used Darts torch and lit the way for Marcus, Lyn, Oswin, and Hector played clean up for Marcus.

19x 5/64

Marcus takes Hector to the boss, dodges a bolting, and Matt gets the village. Everyone else kills stuff.

20 6/70

Everyone goes for the throne, except Matt and Guy who get the brave and silver bows, I decided to take an extra turn to get Legault for the Barrier and the ring.

21 3/73

Lyn got the restore staff, and Matt stole the Crest and marcus rushed the boss, Marcus, Hector and Oswin killed the boss.

22 5/78

Marcus rushed the boss with Hector. Matt killed the thief for the Brv axe, and got the gold the next turn, Rath and Heath were recruited for weapons.

23 ? I forgot, I'll post later I'll guess 6~7 due to a lack of mages and fliers

Recruited Hawkeye, Oswin and Marcus tackled the North, while I got a sample of what to look forward to in Pent after he destroyed nearly everything, got some Lord exp and some for Guy as well.

24 2/86~7?

Sent Hawkeye to get some Lancereavers so Guy can buy killers in 26, Marcus missed with a spear, but Oswin and Guy killed Lloyd with silvers, both hitting with ~70 hit :)

Also how do you do the box thing that makes the stats look so nice.

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Chapter 29: 8/140

I bypassed all the reinforcement triggers except the center one because that would take too long and armors are a joke anyway. Fiora, Farina, and Eliwood headed towards the Mercs, and everyone else down the middle. It's pretty much gotten to the point where only Eliwood and Lyn have a death chance. Linus was a pain to take down. It took Fiora, Farina, Dorcas and Rath because they all had less than optimal hit rates. Canas continued to spam staffs and hit B by the end of the chapter. I'm think about burning through the Hammerne because even Warp won't need more than five uses. Vaida was recruited went on to take care of all the Wyvren reinforcements. Also goodbye Ninian I hardly knew ye.

Unit    Level  Hp St Sk Sp Lk Df Rs
Hector   1.00  40 18 15 13  8 21 12
Eliwood  2.33  40 11 16 17 15 13 10
Lyn      3.97  35 15 21 22 12  7 13
Marcus  19.19  44 20 13 16 14 13 12 
Dorcas  11.24  50 22 20 13 14 16  5 
Canas    7.98  38 18 18 18 13 12 18
Fiora    7.56  46 15 25 19 15 10 20
Rath     9.45  49 22 17 21 11 11  7
Farina   6.37  38 19 18 21 13 18 17

Chapter 30: 6/146

Brought Lyn and Rath because they're the only ones who could double Kaim. Gave Hector the Boots which I meant to do last chapter. Rath crit killed the boss and that was that. Thought Lyn was still close enough to take a couple stabs at him so it was unnecesary.

Unit    Level  Hp St Sk Sp Lk Df Rs
Hector   3.18  42 20 15 13  8 22 12
Eliwood  2.33  40 11 16 17 15 13 10
Lyn      4.94  35 15 21 23 13  8 13
Marcus  19.19  44 20 13 16 14 13 12 
Dorcas  11.24  50 22 20 13 14 16  5 
Canas    7.98  38 18 18 18 13 12 18
Fiora    7.56  46 15 25 19 15 10 20
Rath    10.96  50 22 17 22 11 11  8
Farina   6.37  38 19 18 21 13 18 17
Vaida   10.16  44 20 19 14 12 21  6

Chapter 31: 12/158

Eliwood got a secret book while Vaida got a speedwing. Fiora, Farina, Dorcas and Canas started near the boss. Basically just tried to get as much exp as possible. Lyn took Legault to the treasure room. Eliwood took on the Shaman and archer reinforcements with Javelins while the Ostians died. Surrounded Denning with two walls, Marcus and Merlinus. Canas used 5 Rescue staff uses, 2 Hammerne's and a couple of Psychics to hit A staffs.

Unit    Level  Hp St Sk Sp Lk Df Rs
Hector   7.51  46 24 18 15  9 24 13 
Eliwood  7.80  45 14 17 19 17 15 12 
Lyn      7.11  37 15 23 26 15  9 13 
Marcus  20.00  44 20 23 17 14 13 13 
Dorcas  12.71  51 22 20 13 14 16  5 
Canas    9.71  39 18 18 19 13 13 18
Fiora   10.33  47 15 25 19 17 11 21
Rath    12.53  51 24 18 23 12 11  9 
Farina  10.96  41 22 20 23 16 19 19
Vaida   12.93  45 21 19 17 13 22  6

Chapter 31x: 6/163

Shopping spree. Focused on getting my fliers, Rath and Hector exp for the VoD. Lyn also got some for the Kishuna assassination. Also is Farina supposed to a tank on wings? Don't recall her being this blessed ever.

Unit    Level  Hp St Sk Sp Lk Df Rs
Hector   9.27  48 16 18 16  9 25 14
Eliwood  7.80  45 14 19 19 17 17 12 
Lyn      9.98  39 16 24 28 15 10 14 
Marcus  20.00  44 20 23 17 14 13 13 
Dorcas  12.71  51 22 20 13 14 16  5 
Canas   10.16  39 18 19 19 13 14 18
Fiora   11.92  47 16 25 19 18 11 21
Rath    14.89  52 24 20 23 14 11 10
Farina  12.01  42 23 20 24 16 20 20 
Vaida   12.93  45 21 19 17 13 22  6

Chapter 32: 6/169

Everyone except Docas got rescued on turn 1 and moved ahead. On turn 3 everyone was dropped under the Set's Litany village and they killed all all the enemies nearby on turn 4. Turn 5 I warped Hector and Rath too Limstella. No one could ORKO her even with a double crit so I settled for 6 turns with Hector and Rath killing her.

Unit    Level  Hp St Sk Sp Lk Df Rs
Hector  11.31  50 28 19 17  9 26 14
Eliwood  8.82  46 15 19 20 18 17 12
Lyn     10.97  40 17 24 29 15 10 15 
Marcus  20.00  44 20 23 17 14 13 13  
Dorcas  12.96  51 22 20 13 14 16  5  
Canas   11.69  40 18 20 20 14 14 18
Fiora   12.73  48 17 25 20 18 11 22 
Rath    16.59  54 24 20 23 14 11 11 
Farina  13.31  43 23 20 25 16 20 20 
Vaida   13.87  45 22 20 17 14 22  6

Chapter 32x: 1/170

Warp Farina with brave lance to kill Kishuna. She had a 53 hit and 15 crit so it wasn't reliable, but luckily the RNG was helpful. I knew from previous tries that the second hit would crit no matter how low so it was just a mater of finding someon who could 4HKO with good hit.

Unit    Level  Hp St Sk Sp Lk Df Rs
Hector  11.31  50 28 19 17  9 26 14
Eliwood  8.82  46 15 19 20 18 17 12
Lyn     10.97  40 17 24 29 15 10 15 
Marcus  20.00  44 20 23 17 14 13 13  
Dorcas  12.96  51 22 20 13 14 16  5  
Canas   12.11  41 18 21 20 14 14 18
Fiora   12.73  48 17 25 20 18 11 22 
Rath    16.59  54 24 20 23 14 11 11 
Farina  14.01  44 23 21 26 17 21 20
Vaida   13.87  45 22 20 17 14 22  6

Final: 4+1/175

Distributed all my door keys for early opening. Athos with Nil's help got to Kenneth's door on turn 1 after popping a pure water. Rath opened Darin's door and Farina opened Ursula's. Canas and Fiora killed Ursula and Hector is placed in range of Darin with the Wolf Beil. Turn 2 Athos kills bolting sage, Marcus, Vaida and Dorcas gang up on Uhai. Rath takes the Rienfleche and he and Hector kill Darin. Lyn, who was just out of range on turn 1, opens Brendan's door. Eliwood positions himself next to Linus' door, but doesn't open it yet. Turn 3 that door is opened and Marcus with Swordslayer in hand gets right into Llyod's range and with ninis grace survies and finished him off next turn. Ganged up on Linus and Nergals door opens. Canas warps Athos ,who still has enough pure water bonus to be 3rko'd at full health, to finsih the job.

Canas, Hector and Athos (twice) teamed up to kill the Dragon.

Unit    Level  Hp St Sk Sp Lk Df Rs
Hector  12.68  51 29 19 17 10 26 14 
Eliwood  8.82  46 15 19 20 18 17 12
Lyn     11.68  41 18 24 30 15 10 15
Marcus  20.00  44 20 23 17 14 13 13  
Dorcas  13.10  52 22 21 13 15 16  5 
Canas   13.69  42 19 22 20 14 15 18
Fiora   13.44  49 17 25 20 18 11 23
Rath    17.03  55 25 20 23 14 12 11
Farina  15.13  45 23 21 27 17 22 20
Vaida   14.52  46 22 21 17 14 22  6

Also how do you do the box thing that makes the stats look so nice.

It's (code)stats (/code). Replace the ()'s with []'s and it should work.

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Final thoughts:

Unit        Exp    HP  Str Skl Spd Luk Def Res  Weapon Ranks   Supports    B   W  L
Hector    20/07.50 45  18  18  19  10  24   8   A Axe D Sword  Eliwood C  109  64 0

Well, it is Hector. Easily most durable unit through the entire game. I could have shaved a turn off some chapters, especially 30 if I'd used the boots earlier on him, but you live and learn.

Unit        Exp    HP  Str Skl Spd Luk Def Res  Weapon Ranks    Supports    B   W  L
Eliwood   11/13.34 39  17  19  19  17  14   9   B Sword C Lance Hector C   121 47  0

Surprisingly useful. He had an early durability lead which made him one of my mainstays for feeding kills to units in the early game. After promotion he got a Body Ring, so he wouldn't be weighed down by Javelins.

Unit        Exp    HP  Str Skl Spd Luk Def Res  Weapon Ranks   Supports    B  W  L
Lyn       11/07.86 29  11  18  22  12  10   8   A Sword D Bow             50 34  0

Not a terrible turnout from you. Still paper-frail, but Mani Katti offence helped your case, and switching to bows after promotion helped.

Unit        Exp    HP  Str Skl Spd Luk Def Res  Weapon Ranks          Supports    B   W  L
Marcus    --/20.00 45  21  24  13  15  13  15   A Sword S Lance A Axe            215 145 0

Well, shucks. You did great at keeping the turn counts low. Never grew speed once in all 19 levels, had to feed him the speedwing to ensure his continued contributions.

Unit        Exp    HP  Str Skl Spd Luk Def Res  Weapon Ranks    Supports       B   W  L
Priscilla 20/11.40 31  20  21  23  26   8  22   S Staff E Anima Erk B Raven C 24  11  0

Staffbot extraordinaire. Dodges attacks and doesn't afraid of anything, even became useful offensively when promoted. Warp uses probably wasn't well managed, but again, that will come from experience.

Unit        Exp    HP  Str Skl Spd Luk Def Res  Weapon Ranks    Supports       B   W  L
Bartre    14/20.00 60  27  20  22  18  19  8    S Axe C Bow                   157 97  0

What a monster. Easily my best unit in terms of sheer combat ability. Even was manly enough to OHKO Kishuna. Switching to bows on promotion was great too, Killer Bow destroyed things left and right.

Unit        Exp    HP  Str Skl Spd Luk Def Res  Weapon Ranks    Supports       B   W  L
Heath     13/19.72 52  25  21  23  12  17  8    S Lance E Sword               107 61  0

Flying utility and manly combat unit all in one package. Afa's Drops were well spent here, capping Speed was a nice touch too.

Unit        Exp    HP  Str Skl Spd Luk Def Res  Weapon Ranks          Supports       B   W  L
Kent      10/17.73 40  18  19  17  12  13  9    C Sword S Lance D Axe               143 67  0

So much wasted potential. Heck even Eliwoot turned out better. Nevertheless you were necessary for 4-turning Crazed Beast, and the early promotion helped elsewhere too.

Unit        Exp    HP  Str Skl Spd Luk Def Res  Weapon Ranks    Supports       B   W  L
Erk       12/17.03 45  19  15  22   8  12  19   S Anima E Staff B Priscilla   100 72  0

Turned out surprisingly durable with the Angelic Robe. Erk's no Pent, but he still destroys where it counts, and comes a good deal earlier. No complaints here.

Unit        Exp    HP  Str Skl Spd Luk Def Res  Weapon Ranks    Supports       B   W  L
Raven     13/16.08 52  24  23  25  11  16  8    A Sword C Axe   C Priscilla   80  54  0

I held you back, but only so other units could catch up to your awesomeness.

Unit        Exp    HP  Str Skl Spd Luk Def Res  Weapon Ranks    Supports       B  W  L
Ninian/Nils 9.04   20   1   1  19  17   9   9   Dancer                         5  0  0

Dancers do what dancers do. Vital to many turn saving strategies.

Unit        Exp    HP  Str Skl Spd Luk Def Res  Weapon Ranks    Supports       B  W  L
Karla     --/ 7.62 31  16  23  18  18  11  13   A Sword                        5  5  0

Wish I could have replaced Lyn in the final chapter for you. Nabbed a few kills in Ch32, but did little of note.

Unit        Exp    HP  Str Skl Spd Luk Def Res  Weapon Ranks    Supports       B  W  L
Renault   --/16.91 43  12  22  20  10  15  18   A Light A Staff                1  0  0

So, you did what? Fortify 3 times and dodge a ballista. Thanks for the staff though, really helped in Light.

Something to note is I had my Tactician affinity set to Thunder, since half my units have this it certainly helped, giving Bartre much needed accuracy in the early game and further turning Erk into a dodgebot. I made some terrible mistakes in the early game, and wasn't as prepared for some of the later maps, but for my first draft I don't think I did terribly. I consider this a learning experience, and if I do choose to partake in another draft I'll certainly try and use the lessons I've learned in this one.

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  • 2 weeks later...

25 6 turns

Hawkeye to get the NE fort which takes 6 turns for him to seize, Oswin, Hector, and Marcus get the NW fort on 2 or 3. Eliwood gets the SW fort on 6 after mopping the floor with the pirates for a nice 3 levels before he promos to Hector/Oswin's ferry.

26 12

Promo Eliwood, Guy got killers via a lancereaver, Eliwood and Hawkeye killed N wyrverns, Marcus got the Magic Wand of Fixing Stuff, and wove it around franticly to try to turn the dragons into kitties ... it didn't work :/

27 8 turns

Marcus takes Hector S, Eli carries Oswin to go S, but drops him before he goes N to destroy with Pent. Hawkeye goes NW. I get all chests except the S one.

28 15 turns

Eliwood took Oswin W to help Jaffar, and everyone else went E. Oswin killed Maxime, and Pent lit the way for Marcus to kill Ursula, got all chests, not much else to say.

29 8 turns

Gave Pent the boots, boots + afa's + Pent = win. Pent destroyed almost all of the W with a little help from his wife and guy, then charged N killing all the snipers and Linus. Jaffar went NE and cleaned up there, Marcus, Eliwood, Hawkeye, Oswin, and Lyn went North up the middle, and Hector recruited Vaida and killed her dragons, Matt got the warp and went shopping. 

30 5 turns

Pent warped Eliwood carrying Hector, and Eliwood destroyed everything in his way with a short spear and a silver sword. I love  str blessed Eliwood, 3 silver swords killed Kaim :)

31 sigh 12 another boring level >_>

Pent, Jaffar, Marcus, and Louise down S, Louise kills the only enemy that worries Pent  with a longbow, and Pent kills the sandman next turn. Got all chests. Lots of friendships were built and strengthened :)

32 8

Hawkeye, Oswin and Marcus go get the fortify, Pent Elwood and Hector go to kill Lim. When they get there Eliwood hit with 4 killer lances and she has 2 hp and luckily Hector hits 1x2 and hits both times and seizes on 8

32x 1 turn

Pent warps Hawkeye who does what a first round pick is supposed to do and OHKOs him with a silver axe crit. 

Light 5+1

Pent and Louise open the sw door and kill the Ursula and Jerme with a silver bow and thunder, Athos boltings Uhai, then Nils let's Athos get ready for d2, and move everyone else away from Uhai, with Lyn and Eliwood to kill Lloyd and Linus, and Jaffar and guy to kill the warriors.

2-3 Athos kills bolting sage via Luna + body ring, Louise and pent trade their opponents, with Pent blasting Jerme into "little pieces" and Louise killed Ursula, Oswin, Hawkeye and Marcus killed Uhai, and finished killing the snipers. Guy opened the door and Jaffar silenced Brenden, Pent rescued Jaffar and Nils let him get in pos to open the Gen. Door Hector took on the generals, Lyn opened the hard door, and Eli waited with a silver sword.

4 Athos boltinged linus, and Eli finished  Lloyd via Durandal, and Marcus Swordslayered Linus

5 Louise finished Darin with her new reinfleche, Pent rescued Eli, who durandaled Nergal after he got Luna'd.

6 Athos ORKO'd the dragon thanks to a lucky crit hit then Luna'd it. 

Total 179 turns

I'll post in the stats with my final thoughts later.

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Sorry I'll recount, I posted the end turncount it showed me since I didn't always count the best and I forgot to post 31x sorry.

Turncounts taken from the total thing at the end, i had no penalties so I posted what was shown.

11 7

12 4

13 6

13x 8

14 5

15 8

16 6

17 9

17x 4

18 3

19 5

19x 5

20 6

21 3

22 5

23 6

24 2

25 6

26 12

27 8

28 16

29 7

30 5

31 12

31x 6

32 8

32x 1

Final 6

Total 179

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Final character thoughts sorry for doublepost, just wanted to separate the thoughts

name lv hp str skl spd luck def res
Hector 8 45 20 21 18 13 20 15
Ninils 8 20 0 0 17 17 9 9
Eliwood 20 52 22 24 24 23 15 17
Lyn 6 44 15 25 23 16 7 10
Athos base + body ring
Pent 20 39 24 25 25 23 17 20
Hawkeye 17 58 24 20 14 20 14 15
Marcus 20 42 20 24 17 20 16 12
Oswin 12 47 19 16 12 12 22 11
Jaffar 18 37 19 27 24 10/16 16 13
Matthew 13 27 10 12 20 5 5 0

Hector, great unit, good combat, unfortunately needed a secret book to fix hit problem, then decided to get lots of skill.

Ninils ... did what refreshers do

Eliwood decided to work out or something because he got str on nearly every level as a lord, then rarely got any more after promo. Still he was amazing for me carrying around the promo'd Osbomb and Hector. His combat was great, probably one of my best units.

Lyn ... your normal glass cannon that kills stuff with the mk

Pent got the afa's, a in staves from start, great durability, a support. Definately worth it, probably saved more turns and headaches than anyone except Marcus. Kills, heals and warps.

Louise mostly picked for her great supporting options, although guy was a bust, her Reinfleche in light and her silver bow were amazing throw in an a support with Pent. Extremely useful

Hawkeye your standard tank, really glad I had him for 25 due to my lack of flight, and in 32x his critical hit saved me.

Oswin the best thing guy did for me, letting me get Oswin, my amazing earlygame destroying tank. Still was amazing even when he outgrew Marcus

Marcus your standard transporting destroy stuff save your sorry butt unit.

Jaffar great opened doors and silenced Brendan, not much else to say.

Matt your standard thief, that sucks, best part was getting me Oswin

Guy good early game turned out to be more of a bust, at least he got me killers and helped get Oswin.

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