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(FE7) Support Chain Draft #2


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Thoughts on team before I begin:

Isadora-Yay horsey. She'll probably horde the swords out of all my horse units.

Sain-Hopefully he turns out great. Usually does with his wtfawesome growths


Lowen-Early promotion + Devil axe = <3

Harken-Never really used him before, so this should be fun, even without HHM bonuses

Nino-Um... my only magic user?

Legault-Yay thief time

Overall: No magic users until Nino -___- 4 Paladins will be awesome (aside from the desert...)

EDIT: Time to bang this shit out

Chapter 11 (7/7)

Went south, ran train. Red gem obtained.

Chapter 12 (5/12)

Free Eliwood is kind of neat. Anyway, everyone got a few kills in here and there, nothing magnificent. Would've been 4 turns, but Marcus needed to hit twice at 44 on enemy phase against a bandit on a peak. Needless to say, he landed the first hit and gave me hope, before whiffing on the second hit. He ORKO'd Zagan with a hand axe o___O

Chapter 13 (6/18)

Wow HNM is easy. Eliwood and Rebecca stayed at the starting point and got a little experience while the rest of my army went west, and south. Marcus and Lowen ferried Hector to seizing range, while Marcus got the bosskill (again with the hand axe.)

Chapter 13x (8/24)

I had originally planned on staying on the center island, but the lack of enemy density caused me to press north, sending Marcus to kill Puzon. Hector also got a crap load of experience and da moniez from the town.

Unit    Level  Hp St Sk Sp Lk Df Rs
Hector   6.37  24 10  7  6  3 10  3
Eliwood  2.80  19  5  6  7  7  5  0
Marcus   3.77  32 15 16 12  9 10  8
Becca    3.87  18  5  6  6  5  3  2 
Lowen    5.86  26  9  6  7  3  9  1

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Double post because nobody else is doing this.

Chapter 14 (4/28)

Wow. Didn't even know this chapter could be done this quickly and easily. Marcus runs through the middle, Hector takes out the soldiers near the starting point, Eliwood kills pirates, and Becca helps where needed. At least her chip damage is accurate .... -___- Lowen also might've gotten a kill, I don't really remember.

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Hehehe triple post wee

Chapter 15 (8/36)

Marcus draws out Sealen, Eliwood handles the fighter reinforcement (yeah, only one.) Becca and Lowen went northeast, with Becca getting kills wherever she can. So useless. Tried to milk the exp as much as possible, got some decent levels here.

Chapter 16 (6/42)

Marcus grabs Hector and starts running. Everyone who isn't killed by him in one round (of javelin combat in which he has half skill and 6 AS) was subsequently cleaned up by Lowen, who has enough strength to kill any weakened enemies. Sain gained a level, it sort of sucked. o hi lyn

Unit    Level  Hp St Sk Sp Lk Df Rs
Hector   9.48  27 13  8  7  3 10  4
Eliwood  4.68  20  6  8  9  8  6  0
Marcus   6.15  35 15 18 12  9 11  9
Becca    6.36  20  6  9  7  7  3  2 
Lowen    9.80  30 10  8  9  5  9  3
Sain     5.00  23  9  5  7  6  7  1
Lyn      4.82  Base

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Tick tack toe, 4 in a row.

Chapter 17 (9/51)

A large error on the 7th turn resulted in me losing a turn, but whatever. Standard Marcus rush. All treasure was obtained, which was cool. Eliwood and Lyn killed nobody. Useless... In any case, fed more kills to Becca. She critted a reinforcement cavalier on the final turn with 79 hit and 4 crit :D Marcus got a sinful amount of experience for the boss kill.

Chapter 17x (3/54)

Marcus tanks mad enemies on turn 1, surviving with a whopping 1 health somehow (thanks to an archer crit, but whateva.) My poop units got a lot of experience. Lowen is now a nastier version of Sain. I don't know why, but my Lowen's usually kick ass for some reason.

Rebecca still sucks ass.

Unit    Level  Hp St Sk Sp Lk Df Rs
Hector  11.94  28 14  9  8  3 12  4
Eliwood  6.44  22  6  9 10 10  6  1
Marcus   8.80  36 15 19 12  9 11  9
Becca    8.44  20  6  9  8  9  3  3 
Lowen   11.47  32 11  8 10  5  9  4
Sain     6.97  24  9  5  7  6  7  1
Lyn      6.63  20  6 11 12  7  2  2

I almost wish the lords WEREN'T free... I'll probably stop using Eliwood soon. Thanks for the strength, bub.

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Chapter 18 (3/57)

This chapter is comically easy compared to it's HHM counterpart. Marcus OHKOs all Shamans with the Handaxe, so he picks up Matthew, drops him on turn 2 exactly 6 spaces from the boss. Speedwings are stolen, and Marcus gets the kill. Everyone else gets shitty exp along the way.

Chapter 19 (6/63)

Eliwood, Lyn, and Rebecca head Northeast to destroy the Pegs and Pirates. Sain, Lowen, and Marcus head south and toward Uhai. Rebecca actually killed an assload of Pegs. Her contributions will increase by a lot when she reaches B bows and can use the Brave Bow. Marcus Kills Uhai in 2 rounds of combat. Early promotion Rebecca?

Unit    Level  Hp St Sk Sp Lk Df Rs
Hector  13.60  30 15  9  8  4 13  4
Eliwood  7.72  23  7 10 10 11  6  1
Marcus  10.91  38 15 20 12 10 11 11
Becca   10.49  20  7 10  9  9  3  3 
Lowen   13.25  33 11  9 10  6 11  5
Sain     9.17  25 11  7  9  8  7  2
Lyn      8.20  21  8 13 13  7  2  3

Heck, who should I give the Speedwings to? Does it even really matter?

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Chapter 19x (5/68)

Speedwings on Sain. There really wasn't any way for me to make this any better, but a lot of my units got some awesome level ups, so I'm pretty happy with the way things turned out. Marcus gained 2 levels, and got speed on them both. Hell yeeeeeeeee. Legault is on the way!

Chapter 20 (6/74)

Eliwood and Rebecca stay back, Eliwood tanking on the forest tile while Rebecca demolishes the sniper (who somehow procced 6 speed and was barely doubled by her.) Sain grabbed Lyn while Lowen grabbed Hector, and they joined Marcus rushing through the middle area with the archer. Lyn ORKOs Cameron with the Mani Katti. Everything went perfectly, actually, allowing me to recruit Legault on turn 6, steal the member card, and then kill Darin with Marcus and seize.

Unit    Level  Hp St Sk Sp Lk Df Rs
Hector  13.68  30 15  9  8  4 13  4
Eliwood 10.58  25  9 11 11 12  7  2
Marcus  13.33  40 16 21 14 10 12 14
Becca   12.41  21  8 11 11  9  4  4 
Lowen   14.26  34 11  9 10  6 12  6
Sain    11.33  26 13  8 13  9  7  2
Lyn      9.30  21  8 13 14  8  2  3
Legault 12.10  Base

All of a sudden Sain has become a monster. I guess 2 Str/Spd procs in 2 levels (and speedwings) will do that for you.

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Chapter 21 (3/77)

Everyone runs towards the boss, killing whoever is in the way. And of course, since it's HNM, there aren't many enemies to go around.

Chapter 22 (4/81)

Ugh this was simple. Isadora obtained. She has better durability at base than Sain has right now, with a lead of 1 in HP, Def, and Res. Embarrassing, Sain. Anyway, everyone just kinda mops up the few enemies that start on the map. Knight crest obtained. Marcus ORKOs Eubans with the silver axe.

And now for my turncounts to turn to shit. Sucks that my top 4 combat units all have 2 movement in the desert. Looks like I'll have to rely on Pent to kill, well, everyone.

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Chapter 23 (4/85)

Pent was incredible. At least 1 kill every other phase. He got both bosskills (doubled both bosses with Thunder) My units mopped up whoever they could, which didn't require a great deal of effort.

Chapter 24 (2/87)

Standard Lloyd!FFO clear. Marcus does the majority of the damage to Lloyd (thanks to Eubans' spear) and everyone else got whatever kills they could get.

Crazed Beast is gonna suck since I have to go the long way. Now that I think about it, I'll probably just eat a penalty and ferry Marcus across the lake.

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Chapter 25 (6+4/97)

Isadora is ferried up to the northeast castle. Sain and Eliwood assault the southwest castle. Marcus, Lowen, and Hector attack Pascal's castle. EASY MONEY

Chapter 26 (12/109)

AKA everyone's training ground. And that's all that really needs to be said.

Unit    Level  Hp St Sk Sp Lk Df Rs
Hector  20.00  34 17 12 12  7 16  8
Eliwood 14.17  29 11 14 12 13  7  2
Marcus  16.11  42 17 22 15 10 13 15
Becca   18.96  25  9 16 14 10  4  5 
Lowen   20.00  40 13 11 12  8 16  8
Sain    19.18  39 16 14 16  9  9  3
Lyn     10.01  22  8 14 15  9  2  4
Legault 12.10  27  8 12 16 11  8  3
Ninian   3.80  who cares
Isadora  6.94  32 14 12 18 12  9  7

Promotion time. My Pally army is redankulous, adding another horsie by promoting Eliwood too.

Chapter 27 (10/119)

Rebecca stays back and kills knights/wyverns. Everyone else presses forward, murdering things left and right. 4 units with WTC is actually awesome. Forced to delay a turn to recruit Harken, unfortunately. Shit happens though. He probably won't even save a turn, but hey, he's Harken. I've never actually used him before.

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Chapter 28 (16/135)

Killed Ursula on turn 4, so there were no enemies left by turn 8. Hooray for sitting around... Time to train Nino! ...

Chapter 29 (8/143)

Nino killed about 20 knights, and actually did kill 3 generals. She gains many levels. Going to promote her at level 20 for maximum laughage.

Chapter 30 (7/150)

Good thing Eliwood can pick up Hector. Eliwood does just that and follows Sain, who has 10 movement. Sain basically annihilates everything. Hector was 1 space away from seizing on turn 6, but there was no way I could change my strategy to get him the 1 space he needed, so I'll have to settle for 7.

Unit    Level  Hp St Sk Sp Lk Df Rs
Hector  20/2   38 17 14 16  7 18 13
Eliwood 14/4   36 14 14 14 13  8  6
Marcus  20.00  45 20 23 17 12 13 16
Becca   18/5   32 14 17 19 13  7  9 
Lowen   20/4   44 14 13 15  9 19 10
Sain    19/13  51 25 20 21 14 13  8
Lyn     11.12  22  8 14 16  9  2  4
Legault 16.10  28  9 12 17 12  9  3
Ninian   6.49  dead now lol
Isadora 12.60  36 17 14 22 14 11  9
Harken  10.37  39 23 20 18 13 16 10
Nino    13.16  23 10 11 17 13  4  8

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Lets finish this bitch.

Chapter 31 (12/162)

Denning dies on turn 3, everyone kills the shitty enemies. Yawn.

Chapter 31x (6/168)

Abuse da arena, buy shitloads of weapons I won't even need. Take that funds rank.

Chapter 32 (9/177)

Kinda just charged through the middle and crossed my fingers. Much rapey was had. Nino promoted at the beginning of the map with the earth seal and proceeded to rape anything that attempted to hit her. It was beautiful. Eliwood gets the Dragonshield, because he has to carry Hector all the way to the gate. He does so admirably, chugging elixers and slapping people with his rapier from time to time. I'm honestly shocked I managed 9 turns without fliers or warp using. I wish I had had those...

Chapter 32x (1+4/182)

Sain is warped by Pent because fuck this map.

Final 5+1/188)

Part 1: Everyone kills stuff. MVP is probably Rebecca, shockingly enough. Reinfleche is such a powerful fucking weapon, and only weighs her down by 1, allowing her to kill Ursula, Linus, and Lloyd (with help against all 3, but still.) Athos kills the top left room, Sain cleans out Darin's room with the hammer, and Harken destroys Brendan's room. Marcus and Rebecca kill the bottom left, before Marcus ferries Rebecca up to Linus and Lloyd's room (with some rescue staff assistance.) Athos is fucking amazing with eclipse.

Part 2: Athos eclipses the dragon, Nils dances for him, and he crits the dragon with Luna next turn.

I think I did pretty well given I had no fliers and no warp users :D Character analysis to come in a subsequent post.

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Hector 20/7   42 21 16 18  7 20 15
Average       44 22 17 16 10 21 11

Hector did what Hector does: and that was tank a lot of shit and rape people. He never disappoints.

Eliwood 14/6   38 15 16 15 14 10  7
Average        36 15 14 15 15 11  8

Solid early game, shitty mid game, okay endgame. His saving grace was that he could rescue Hector. Thanks a bunch, Eliwood.

Lyn     11/2  22  10 16 16  9  5  9
Average       27  10 15 15 10  8  8

Lyn was useful for 1 thing: killing or damaging enemies that the Mani Katti was effective against. Her pitiful durability hurt her big time, and I stopped deploying her after like Kinship's Bond, unless she was forced.

Becca   18/14   38 17 20 25 19  9 10
Average         39 19 21 25 19 10 12

Shitty earlygame, decent midgame, awesome lategame. If only the Reinfleche was around for longer, that thing is fucking awesome. She basically stole kills through the entire game, and kinda sucked up until midgame, where things like the brave bow and Orion's bolt are tossed the player's way.

Marcus  20.00  45 20 23 17 12 13 16
Average        43 21 24 16 14 13 15

Marcus did what Marcus does: own the game, aside from the final chapter. He was great. I love you Marcus <3

Sain    19/20  51 25 24 24 17 14 10

Average 51 25 18 22 17 15 8

Sain broke the fucking game. He destroyed everything and everything, once getting over his durability issues at recruitment. Absolutely the MVP, and best Pally of them all. He was very skill blessed too, though I doubt that really helped in the long run.

Lowen   20/7   47 15 15 15 11 21 13
Average        47 15 13 15 15 18  8

Well, I got what I expected. He was useful in the earlygame, killing lots of guys. He grew fast at first, but then his offense stopped while his defense continues, fitting his niche perfectly. Of course, his niche sucks.

Isadora 12.60  36 17 14 22 14 11  9
Average        38 16 17 22 16 10  9

Was great when she joined, but eventually her growths kinda stopped. Got the body ring, but never really made any use of it. Still, a decent pick regardless.

Nino    17/4   30 13 15 23 14  9 15
Average        30 15 16 20 17  9 17

Underwhelming. Even though I gave her plenty of room to grow, she wasn't really that amazing. Still wrecked Res-challenged units.

Harken  16.77  45 23 23 21 14 20 10
Average        44 24 22 20 14 17 12

Absolutely untouchable. Laughed in the face of death and ruined people with his brave weapons and awesome stats.

Legault  16.26  28  9 12 17 12  9  3
Average         28  9 13 17 12  9  4

I guess it was nice having someone more durable than Matthew to do thieving? He wasn't really needed at any point during this run.

And that's that! Again, I think I did alright, I just wish I had a few things that help with low turning... like fliers. Regardless, I had fun with this run.

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Ok, I'm getting on with this.

Ch. 11: 8 Turns/8

-Hector goes south and then west with the intention to choke Wire with a wire, lol. Matthew gets the Red Gem.

Ch. 12: 5/13

- Hector with any weapon is a wandering danger. He back stabs most of the enemies while he hides in the forest :lol: . Loliwood is a wandering fail, he missed a hit on an archer in a forest with 83% :facepalm: . Marcus is Marcus and Serra is Serra. He rushes to war and she corners herself with Oswin. For the time being, stats are irrelevant, only Hector has leveled up.

Ch. 13: 6/19

- At least Serra healed twice Loliwood. Hector crosses the river, Serra visits the village, Loliwood hits the snag and Marcus lols around in the south.

Name     Class    Lv.   Hp  Str  Skl  Spd  Lck  Def  Res          Weapon Level    Support 

Hector   Lord    08.43  24   12    8    9    7   11    2             Axe B
Eliwood  Lord    02.45  19    6    6    7    8    5    1           Sword C
Marcus   Paladin 01.71  31   15   15   11    8   10    8  Sword A, Lance A, Axe B
Serra    Cleric  01.22  17    2    5    8    6    2    5           Staff D

Ch. 13x: 8/27

- Eliwood's chapter. Having Serra supporting Eliwood was really useful since he's a bit frail. Hector lol'd around with nomads and brigands while Marcus entertained himself in the village with the other ones.

Name     Class    Lv.   Hp  Str  Skl  Spd  Lck  Def  Res          Weapon Level    Support 

Hector   Lord    09.58  25   13    8   10    7   11    3             Axe B
Eliwood  Lord    04.84  21    7    7    8    8    6    2           Sword B
Marcus   Paladin 02.17  32   15   16   12    8   10    8  Sword A, Lance A, Axe B
Serra    Cleric  01.77  17    2    5    8    6    2    5           Staff D

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Ch. 14: 8/35

- Lucius cost me 3 turns :facepalm: but whatever. Hector defended Merlinus, Eliwood was dropped by Marcus and handled some cavs, a soldier and some pirates. He did a nice job and he's getting nice level ups. Marcus killed like 10 enemies in EP3 and Serra did almost nothing because Erk was killed. LOL

Name     Class    Lv.   Hp  Str  Skl  Spd  Lck  Def  Res          Weapon Level    Support 

Hector   Lord    10.19  26   14    8   10    7   12    3             Axe B
Eliwood  Lord    06.59  23    8    9    8    8    8    3           Sword B
Marcus   Paladin 03.35  33   16   17   12    8   10    8  Sword A, Lance S, Axe B
Serra    Cleric  01.99  17    2    5    8    6    2    5           Staff D

Ch. 15: 8/43

- A good map for Serra as she leveled up, Marcus flies in this chapter and kills Sealen by turn 3. Hector defends the northeastern part and Eliwood stares at the pillar waiting for the fighter to appear, yet he didn't get the kill :facepalm: . Matthew waited some turns and got both Mend and Silver Axe.

Name     Class    Lv.   Hp  Str  Skl  Spd  Lck  Def  Res          Weapon Level    Support 

Hector   Lord    11.60  27   15    9   10    7   13    4             Axe B
Eliwood  Lord    06.77  23    8    9    8    8    8    3           Sword B
Marcus   Paladin 04.39  34   16   18   13    9   10    8  Sword A, Lance S, Axe B
Serra    Cleric  02.54  18    3    6    8    7    2    6           Staff D

Ch. 16: 6/49

- Crap, the thief stole both a vulnerary and a red gem :facepalm: , but finally, his last scene was seeing Makar stomping him and Florina piercing his frail body, lol. Eliwood helped her with the mercs. Hector was carried by Marcus through the mountains until he was dropped 5 tiles away from Bauker, who was Wolf Beil'd. Lyn got trouble when hit by the ballista but critkilled a merc, the other one was shot by Wil's fearful arrows. Serra is getting nice level ups :awesome: .

Name     Class    Lv.   Hp  Str  Skl  Spd  Lck  Def  Res          Weapon Level    Support 

Hector   Lord    13.05  29   16   10   12    9   14    4             Axe B
Eliwood  Lord    07.24  24    9    9    9    8    8    4           Sword B
Marcus   Paladin 04.94  34   16   18   13    9   10    8  Sword A, Lance S, Axe B
Serra    Cleric  03.00  19    4    7    9    8    2    6           Staff D
Lyn      Lord    05.19  19    6   11   11    6    2    0           Sword C
Florina  Peggy   04.49  19    6    9   10    9    4    5           Lance D
Wil      Archer  04.79  21    6    5    6    7    5    1             Bow D

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Ch. 17: 7/56

- This chapter is kinda boring. Lucy cost me another turn because Raven's a turtle, luckily by turn 7 I had both Gloryna and Priscy rescue two soldiers and had Raven talk with him. Marcus equipped a Javelin and rescued Hector. By turn 3 he dropped him for extra help with the wave of archers and nomads, however he would've survived but would have not killed them due to spd red. Lyn, Gloryna, Wil and Loliwood did almost nothing but train with a cav, a myrm, a merc and an archer. Matthew got both the unlock staff and the hero crest ($$$).

Name     Class    Lv.   Hp  Str  Skl  Spd  Lck  Def  Res          Weapon Level    Support 

Hector   Lord    14.70  30   17   11   12    9   15    4             Axe B
Eliwood  Lord    08.13  25    9    9   10    8    9    5           Sword B
Marcus   Paladin 05.78  34   16   18   14    9   11    8  Sword A, Lance S, Axe B
Serra    Cleric  03.66  19    4    7    9    8    2    6           Staff C
Lyn      Lord    06.07  19    7   12   11    7    3    0           Sword C        Florina C
Florina  Peggy   05.72  20    6   10   11    9    5    6           Lance D        Lyn C
Wil      Archer  05.38  22    7    6    7    7    6    1             Bow D
Lucius   Monk    03.00  18    7    6   10    2    1    6           Light D

Ch. 17x: 3/59

- Marcus rushed the central area and killed the three pirates, he got two level ups. Eliwood and Wil killed the mage, Lucy and Gloryna killed the archer and Hector axed the shaman. Oh! and Lyn slashed some pirates. I'd better level up the lords for Geitz, though Lloyd's just two turns...

Name     Class    Lv.   Hp  Str  Skl  Spd  Lck  Def  Res          Weapon Level    Support 

Hector   Lord    15.76  31   17   12   13   10   15    5             Axe A
Eliwood  Lord    09.25  25   10    9   10    8   10    6           Sword A
Marcus   Paladin 07.00  34   16   19   14   10   13   10  Sword A, Lance S, Axe B
Serra    Cleric  03.88  19    4    7    9    8    2    6           Staff C
Lyn      Lord    06.72  19    7   12   11    7    3    0           Sword C        Florina C
Florina  Peggy   06.03  20    6   10   12   10    6    7           Lance D        Lyn C
Wil      Archer  06.33  23    8    6    8    7    7    2             Bow D
Lucius   Monk    03.84  18    7    6   10    2    1    6           Light D

Ch. 18: 3/62

- Pretty easy map. Marcus rescued Hector and dropped him near Zoldam, so he can get the kill and the level up. The rest had to gather quintessence...and bathed the ship in blood.

Name     Class    Lv.   Hp  Str  Skl  Spd  Lck  Def  Res          Weapon Level    Support 

Hector   Lord    16.79  32   17   12   13   11   16    6             Axe A
Eliwood  Lord    10.10  26   11   10   11    9   11    6           Sword A
Marcus   Paladin 07.08  34   16   19   14   10   13   10  Sword A, Lance S, Axe B
Serra    Cleric  04.22  19    4    7    9    9    3    7           Staff C
Lyn      Lord    07.54  20    7   13   12    8    3    0           Sword C        Florina C
Florina  Peggy   06.35  20    6   10   12   10    6    7           Lance D        Lyn C
Wil      Archer  07.17  24    8    7    8    8    7    3             Bow D
Lucius   Monk    04.38  19    8    7   10    3    1    7           Light D

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Interestingly, once Quintessence finishes this will be the first listed draft in the Drafting Tournaments Explained thread to have all participants finish. That's a pretty terrible record for FE7 drafts though, but it is good there was enough interest to see this draft through fully, even if there were some hiccups along the way.

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Ch. 19: 5/67

- Marcus rescued Hector and dropped him by turn 4 near Uhai and his band of nomads. Eliwood and Wil were supporting in the rear. Lyn, Lucy, Flory, Dart and Serra helped with some enemies in the northern and northeastern part of the map. Turns later, Lyn went back and helped Merlin with some pirates, Flory killed jav. peggies and Lucy lured the steel axe pirate who received St. Elimine's Blessings, lol.

Name     Class    Lv.   Hp  Str  Skl  Spd  Lck  Def  Res          Weapon Level    Support 

Hector   Lord    17.25  33   17   13   14   12   17    6             Axe A
Eliwood  Lord    11.01  27   12   10   11    9   11    7           Sword A
Marcus   Paladin 08.34  35   17   20   14   10   13   10  Sword A, Lance S, Axe B
Serra    Cleric  04.57  19    4    7    9    9    3    7           Staff C
Lyn      Lord    08.92  20    7   13   13    9    4    1           Sword B        Florina C
Florina  Peggy   07.61  21    7   10   12   10    6    7           Lance D        Lyn C
Wil      Archer  08.09  25    9    8    8    8    7    4             Bow D
Lucius   Monk    05.58  19    9    8   10    3    2    7           Light D
Dart     Pirate  08.40  34   12    8    8    3    6    1             Axe B

Ch. 19x: 4/71

- Flory rescue/drops Hector at the nearest mountain with a hand axe, he leveled up. Flory got bolted by Aion but dodged the axereaver peggies. The rest moved on. Flory retreats to get healed by Serra. Dart, Wil and Lucy killed some mages and knights. Lucy with 11hp in a forest managed to avoid 2 steel lance knights, 1 iron knight, 1 iron brigand and 1 axereaver peggy. St. Elimine descended on Lucy's body and unleashed his divine wrath, he got two good level ups! :awesome: Lyn almost died :facepalm: . Marcus had some tea with Renault...they chat so much that Marcus forgot he was in the middle of a battle. Main consequence: Lucy got a bunch of kills. He wants Marcus out of the throne, loooooool.

Name     Class    Lv.   Hp  Str  Skl  Spd  Lck  Def  Res          Weapon Level    Support 

Hector   Lord    19.09  33   18   14   16   12   17    6             Axe A
Eliwood  Lord    11.01  27   12   10   11    9   11    7           Sword A
Marcus   Paladin 08.34  35   17   20   14   10   13   10  Sword A, Lance S, Axe B
Serra    Cleric  04.91  19    4    7    9    9    3    7           Staff C
Lyn      Lord    09.03  20    7   14   14   10    4    2           Sword B        Florina C
Florina  Peggy   08.22  22    8   11   12   11    6    8           Lance C        Lyn C
Wil      Archer  08.76  25    9    8    8    8    7    4             Bow D
Lucius   Monk    08.30  22   11   10   12    4    2    9           Light C
Dart     Pirate  09.14  35   13    8    9    3    7    1             Axe B

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Ch. 20: 6/77

- I took an extra turn to have the lords get some exp for Geitz. Marcus is leaving the throne chapter by chapter, lol. Lyn and Loliwood took care of the ponies and the pally. Dart and Wil killed the sniper and the archer reinforcement. Flory and Lucy supported Lyn, Eliwood and Hector. Lucy traded his door key to Glory, Glory traded it to Hector, Hector opened the door, Eliwood made it to Darin's throne room and killed a myrm. Hector Wowlf Beil'd Darin. Lucy and Marcus killed Legault, lol.

Name     Class    Lv.   Hp  Str  Skl  Spd  Lck  Def  Res          Weapon Level    Support 

Hector   Lord    19.99  33   18   14   16   12   17    6             Axe A        Eliwood C
Eliwood  Lord    13.05  28   14   12   11   10   12    9           Sword A        Hector C
Lyn      Lord    11.24  22    8   16   16   10    4    3           Sword B        Florina C
Marcus   Paladin 08.64  35   17   20   14   10   13   10  Sword A, Lance S, Axe B
Serra    Cleric  05.30  20    4    8    9   10    3    8           Staff C
Florina  Peggy   09.51  22    9   11   13   12    6    8           Lance C        Lyn C
Wil      Archer  09.10  26   10    8    9    9    7    4             Bow D
Lucius   Monk    09.46  23   12   11   13    4    2    9           Light C
Dart     Pirate  10.63  36   14    9    9    4    7    1             Axe B

Ch. 21: 4/81

- Marcus rescue/drops Eliwood to gain exp., he kills bandits and monks, he's afraid of wyverns :lol: . Serra is getting better with Ninian's aid, her movement sucks and each chapter is a slight boost in her exp, but whatever. Dart visit the restore village. Loleg is a complete fail, Eliwood dodged his steel bow, Marcus dealt 26dmg with steel sword, Loliwood dealt 14dmg with iron sword and Lyn had the final blow with 1x2 dmg. LOoooool!

Name     Class    Lv.   Hp  Str  Skl  Spd  Lck  Def  Res          Weapon Level    Support 

Hector   Lord    20.00  34   19   15   16   12   18    6             Axe A        Eliwood C
Eliwood  Lord    14.10  29   15   13   11   10   12   10           Sword A        Hector C
Lyn      Lord    12.68  23    8   17   16   11    5    3           Sword B        Florina C
Marcus   Paladin 08.89  35   17   20   14   10   13   10  Sword A, Lance S, Axe B
Serra    Cleric  06.03  20    5    8    9   11    3    9           Staff B
Florina  Peggy   10.35  22    9   11   14   12    7    9           Lance C        Lyn C
Wil      Archer  09.91  26   10    8    9    9    7    4             Bow C
Lucius   Monk    10.20  24   13   12   14    4    2   10           Light C
Dart     Pirate  10.63  36   14    9    9    4    7    1             Axe B

Ch. 22: 5/86

- Marcus's map. He seized the throne once again. Flory went south to kill mages and fighters. Marcus went to Eubans through the castle hall. Serra and Ninian love singing and dancing. Dart killed the thief and got the brave axe. Wil helped with the ballista.

Name     Class    Lv.   Hp  Str  Skl  Spd  Lck  Def  Res          Weapon Level    Support 

Hector   Lord    20.00  34   19   15   16   12   18    6             Axe A        Eliwood C
Eliwood  Lord    14.69  29   15   13   11   10   12   10           Sword A        Hector C
Lyn      Lord    12.99  23    8   17   16   11    5    3           Sword B        Florina C
Marcus   Paladin 10.12  36   18   21   14   11   14   12  Sword A, Lance S, Axe B
Serra    Cleric  06.38  20    5    8    9   11    3    9           Staff B
Florina  Peggy   12.99  24    9   13   15   12    7   11           Lance C        Lyn C
Wil      Archer  10.88  27   11    9   10    9    8    4             Bow C
Lucius   Monk    11.70  24   14   13   14    4    2   11           Light C
Dart     Pirate  11.48  37   15    9   10    4    8    1             Axe B

- Will soon promote Flory and Lucy. Wil and Dart will have to wait to get better. Serra has to wait to reach lv. 10 :facepalm:

Edited by Quintessence
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Ch. 23: 6/92

- This was the best chapter of all. Everyone leveled up. Dart, Lucius and Florina were awesome, especially, axereaver Flory :awesome: . Dart killed cavs, knights and archers. Lucy got through the desert to help Gloryna, which javelin'd an archer and a mage, and axereavered Jasmine. She got a bunch of level ups. Paul was easy dizzy, Flory hits, Lucy gets to Flory's back and shines him. At EP, he approached Flory but she missed :awesome: , later, Pent burned him to cinders :awesome: :awesome: :awesome: . Biggest gains: Matt got Ocean Seal and Lucy got Light Brand! :awesome:

Name     Class    Lv.   Hp  Str  Skl  Spd  Lck  Def  Res          Weapon Level    Support 

Hector   Lord    20.00  34   19   15   16   12   18    6             Axe A        Eliwood C
Eliwood  Lord    15.04  29   16   14   12   11   13   11           Sword A        Hector C
Lyn      Lord    13.55  24    9   17   16   12    5    3           Sword B        Florina C
Marcus   Paladin 10.12  36   18   21   14   11   14   12  Sword A, Lance S, Axe B
Serra    Cleric  06.95  20    5    8    9   11    3    9           Staff B
Florina  Peggy   15.71  25   10   14   18   15    7   12           Lance B        Lyn C
Wil      Archer  11.30  28   11   10   10    9    8    5             Bow C
Lucius   Monk    13.76  24   16   13   14    5    2   13           Light C
Dart     Pirate  13.05  39   17    9   11    4   10    1             Axe B

- Notes: Gave Afa Drop to Serra for her to have good level ups when promoted.

- Biggest Note: Had the chance to go to Genesis, but it's strictly forbidden :sob:

Ch. 24: 2/94

- The lords levels were below 51 so no Linus and no Geitz, lol. Lucy is awesome, he killed a monk, a wyvern and a sniper and got two excellent level ups that included +2 def :newyears: . Marcus lured Lolloyd and got hit by his javelin. Then he iron lanced him and missed his two attacks due to forts. Finally, Flory finished him and drained his quintessence.

Name     Class    Lv.   Hp  Str  Skl  Spd  Lck  Def  Res          Weapon Level    Support 

Hector   Lord    20.00  34   19   15   16   12   18    6             Axe A        Eliwood C
Eliwood  Lord    15.04  29   16   14   12   11   13   11           Sword A        Hector C
Lyn      Lord    13.55  24    9   17   16   12    5    3           Sword B        Florina C
Marcus   Paladin 10.39  36   18   21   14   11   14   12  Sword A, Lance S, Axe B
Serra    Cleric  07.19  21    5    9   10   11    3   10           Staff B
Florina  Falco   01.00  30   13   14   19   16    9   14  Sword E, Lance B        Lyn C
Wil      Archer  11.74  28   11   10   10    9    8    5             Bow C
Lucius   Monk    15.23  25   18   14   15    6    4   15           Light B
Dart     Pirate  13.85  39   17    9   11    4   10    1             Axe B

Edited by Quintessence
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