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(FE7) Support Chain Draft #2


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Ch. 25: 5/99

- The lords and Marcus went off to Pascal's gate. Eliwood almost died but he dodged three ballista and a bunch of cavs, he landed several iron crits. Flory flied to receive the blessings of the bishop but the bishop went to Heavens, lol. Dart and Lucius killed the pirates and the warrior.

- Promoted Dart, Will and Lucius.

Name     Class     Lv.   Hp  Str  Skl  Spd  Lck  Def  Res          Weapon Level    Support 

Hector   Lord     20.00  34   19   15   16   12   18    6             Axe A        Eliwood C
Eliwood  Lord     17.70  30   17   16   12   13   13   12           Sword A        Hector C
Lyn      Lord     14.98  25   10   18   16   12    5    4           Sword B        Florina C
Marcus   Paladin  11.74  36   18   21   15   12   14   13  Sword A, Lance S, Axe B
Serra    Cleric   07.82  21    5    9   10   11    3   10           Staff B
Florina  Falco    03.71  32   13   15   21   18   10   14        Sword E, Lance A  Lyn C
Wil      Sniper   01.00  33   14   15   14   10   10    9             Bow B
Lucius   Bishop   01.00  28   21   15   15    6    7   19        Light B, Staff C
Dart     Berserk  01.00  44   20   10   14    6   12    3             Axe A

Ch. 26: 12/111

- Dart and Florina to the southwestern corner of the map, Marcus besides Merlinus, Lucius at the fort and the rest loling around with the mages.

Name     Class     Lv.   Hp  Str  Skl  Spd  Lck  Def  Res          Weapon Level    Support 

Hector   Lord     20.00  34   19   15   16   12   18    6             Axe A        Eliwood C
Eliwood  Lord     02.02  34   20   16   14   13   14   16        Sword A, Lance D  Hector C
Lyn      Lord     16.04  27   11   19   16   14    5    5           Sword A        Florina C
Marcus   Paladin  12.28  36   19   22   15   12   14   13  Sword A, Lance S, Axe B
Serra    Cleric   09.08  22    6    9   10   12    5   12           Staff A
Florina  Falco    06.17  34   14   18   21   20   11   15        Sword D, Lance A  Lyn C
Wil      Sniper   02.17  34   15   16   15   10   10    9             Bow B
Lucius   Bishop   05.20  31   24   19   17    7    7   20        Light A, Staff C
Dart     Berserk  02.49  45   21   10   15    7   13    3             Axe A

Edited by Quintessence
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Ch. 27: 10/121

- Waiting for Karel. I could have seize without him but I want to enjoy this draft, and I'm being consequent with my picks. Flory's map. Marcus killed the knights and the general and stood besides Merlinus to protect him from the wyvern reinforcements. The lords, Flory and Serra went up north while Lucy, Wil and Dart massacred some enemies through the eastern part of the map. Kenneth lol, Florina missed and attacked. Lyn talked to Karel. Oh! And Matthew got a talisman and the guiding ring for Serra.

Name     Class     Lv.   Hp  Str  Skl  Spd  Lck  Def  Res  Weapon Level            Support 

Hector   Lord     20.00  34   19   15   16   12   18    6  Axe A                   Eliwood C
Eliwood  Lord     04.14  36   21   17   15   13   14   18  Sword A, Lance D        Hector C
Lyn      Lord     17.06  28   12   20   16   14    5    6  Sword A                 Florina C
Marcus   Paladin  13.44  37   20   22   15   12   14   13  Sword A, Lance S, Axe B
Serra    Cleric   09.57  22    6    9   10   12    5   12  Staff A
Florina  Falco    08.88  34   14   19   22   22   11   17  Sword D, Lance A        Lyn C
Wil      Sniper   04.03  36   16   18   16   11   10    9  Bow B
Lucius   Bishop   05.91  31   24   19   17    7    7   20  Light A, Staff C
Dart     Berserk  04.96  46   22   11   17    8   14    3  Axe S
Karel    Swordy   08.27  31   16   23   20   15   13   12  Sword A

Ch. 28: 16/137

- Such a boring chapter. Maxime was killed by turn 5 and Ursula by turn 6. Dart, Wil and Lucius to the left, the rest went east. Marcus rushed to Zephiel's room to protect him, while Eliwood and Florina killed Ursula and her mercs. Serra loved this chapter. Three level ups deserved her to promote for CoD. Got all the items, Darts killed the thieves who stole them and Matt got the Delphi Shield for Flory and the rescue for Serra.

Name     Class     Lv.   Hp  Str  Skl  Spd  Lck  Def  Res  Weapon Level            Support 

Hector   Lord     20.00  34   19   15   16   12   18    6  Axe A                   Eliwood C
Eliwood  K. Lord  06.25  38   22   18   17   14   14   19  Sword A, Lance D        Hector C
Lyn      Lord     17.92  28   12   20   16   14    5    6  Sword A                 Florina C
Marcus   Paladin  14.13  37   21   23   15   12   14   13  Sword A, Lance S, Axe B
Serra    Bishop   01.00  26   10   12   14   14    8   16  Light D, Staff A
Florina  Falco    11.02  36   15   21   24   24   11   20  Sword D, Lance A        Lyn C
Wil      Sniper   05.09  37   17   19   17   12   10   10  Bow B                   Dart C
Lucius   Bishop   07.32  32   25   21   18    7    7   22  Light A, Staff C
Dart     Berserk  06.06  48   24   12   19    8   15    3  Axe S                   Wil C
Karel    Swordy   09.40  31   16   23   21   15   14   12  Sword A

- Eliwood and Florina are too obsessed in gaining res. Lol Lucius has the highest str.

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Ch. 29: 11/148

- This chapter was a complete massacre that had frequent sounds of critical hits and a shitton of good level ups. Marcus had a perfect one excluding res :awesome: , and in the next one he got Hp, str, skl and res :awesome: . The lords, Marcus and Florina went to the north and center part of the map. Lyn got a level up and then was promoted, she got three more. Eliwood has gotten me stunned with those res and str gains, he looks like a bishop lol. Marcus and Flory felt free like a bird, they flew everywhere gathering quintessence, and got several level ups. Dart and Wil also were useful, they went east and then north and killed some horses and brigands and berserkers. While Lucius, Karel and Serra joined the battle by killing another shitton of knights, generals and horses, and later on, they went south to help Merlinus from Vaida and her wyvern clan, who were slain by their weapons blessed by St. Elimine. This map contained a serious amount of quintessence.

Name     Class     Lv.   Hp  Str  Skl  Spd  Lck  Def  Res  Weapon Level            Support 

Hector   G. Lord  01.00  37   19   17   19   12   19   11  Sword D, Axe A          Eliwood B
Eliwood  K. Lord  10.02  41   26   20   19   16   17   22  Sword A, Lance D        Hector B
Lyn      B. Lord  04.91  32   16   24   20   16    8   12  Sword A, Bow D          Florina C
Marcus   Paladin  16.64  39   23   25   16   13   15   14  Sword A, Lance S, Axe B
Serra    Bishop   06.11  28   13   13   17   17    9   19  Light D, Staff A
Florina  Falco    14.61  38   17   23   26   26   12   21  Sword D, Lance S        Lyn C
Wil      Sniper   08.04  39   19   20   20   13   11   10  Bow A                   Dart C
Lucius   Bishop   11.01  35   25   25   20    8    8   23  Light S, Staff B
Dart     Berserk  08.85  49   25   12   20    9   15    4  Axe S                   Wil C
Karel    Swordy   12.80  33   19   24   21   15   14   13  Sword S

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Ch. 30: 6/154

- Standard chapter. Eliwood went for some killing to the east side. Hector and Florina went for the hero. She rescue/dropped Hector by turn 4. Killed the hero in turn 5. Claimed space in turn 6.

Name     Class     Lv.   Hp  Str  Skl  Spd  Lck  Def  Res  Weapon Level            Support 

Hector   G. Lord  02.89  38   20   18   19   12   20   11  Sword D, Axe A          Eliwood B
Eliwood  K. Lord  11.49  42   27   20   20   17   18   22  Sword A, Lance D        Hector B
Lyn      B. Lord  04.91  32   16   24   20   16    8   12  Sword A, Bow D          Florina C
Marcus   Paladin  16.64  39   23   25   16   13   15   14  Sword A, Lance S, Axe B
Serra    Bishop   06.11  28   13   13   17   17    9   19  Light D, Staff A
Florina  Falco    15.34  38   18   23   26   27   12   22  Sword C, Lance S        Lyn C
Wil      Sniper   08.04  39   19   20   20   13   11   10  Bow A                   Dart C
Lucius   Bishop   11.01  35   25   25   20    8    8   23  Light S, Staff B
Dart     Berserk  08.85  49   25   12   20    9   15    4  Axe S                   Wil C
Karel    Swordy   12.80  33   19   24   21   15   14   13  Sword S

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Ch. 31: 12/166

- This chapters are so annoying, so long. They're an eternity, but, whatever. Defend map, Bunch of exp. and level ups.

Name     Class     Lv.   Hp  Str  Skl  Spd  Lck  Def  Res  Weapon Level            Support 

Hector   G. Lord  05.71  41   23   19   20   13   21   13  Sword D, Axe A          Eliwood B
Eliwood  K. Lord  12.63  43   27   20   21   17   18   23  Sword A, Lance D        Hector B
Lyn      B. Lord  06.45  33   16   25   22   17    8   13  Sword A, Bow D          Florina B
Marcus   Paladin  17.21  40   24   26   16   14   15   14  Sword A, Lance S, Axe B
Serra    Bishop   09.00  29   15   15   19   19   10   21  Light C, Staff A
Florina  Falco    16.77  39   19   23   26   27   13   23  Sword C, Lance S        Lyn B
Wil      Sniper   10.58  41   21   22   21   13   11   11  Bow A                   Dart C
Lucius   Bishop   11.41  35   25   25   20    8    8   23  Light S, Staff B
Dart     Berserk  10.57  51   27   13   21    9   15    5  Axe S                   Wil C
Karel    Swordy   13.65  33   19   25   22   15   14   14  Sword S

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Ch. 32x: 1/178

- Lol chapter. As Serra has 18 mag, I moved Dart into the edge of the purple area next to Serra. Nils refreshed Dart and Serra warped him in front of Kishuna. 30% hit, twenty something crit. Brave axe equipped an instant crit. Lol

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Final: 5+1/184

- I'm just used to crit sounds. Everyone gets out of Uhai's range. Hector, Eliwood and Athos go to Kenneth's room, while Florina opens Ursula's door. At EP, Ursula hits Flory but she double crits her, no dmg from lolJerme and one hit. Next turn, the lords and Athos rapes the lolmages, Lucy crit aura'd Jerme, Flory spear crits Uhai and Wil kills, Wil's refreshed and kills a sniper, as well as Lyn. Dart and Marcus go near Reed's door. Turn 3, Karel double woah dao crits Brendad, leaving him alive, Serra shine crits him. Marcus opens the door and Dart crit swordslayed Lolloyd. At EP, the warrior commits suicide and clears his path to Heavens. Turn 4, Lucy aura crits Darin, Dart swordslays Lolinus, the lords and Athos stick themselves to Nergal's door. At EP, the general did the same as the warrior. Turn 5, Hector Armads'd the druid, got refreshed and hit Nergal, as well as Eliwood, Athos blinds him with Aureola.

- As I sold Luna I only relied on Eliwood, Hector and Athos. The three of them attacked the dragon but it survived, so Marcus and Flory rescued Eli and Athos. Lucy Physic'd Hector and the dragon was slain at EP.

Name     Class     Lv.   Hp  Str  Skl  Spd  Lck  Def  Res  Weapon Level            Support 

Hector   G. Lord  10.52  45   25   23   23   14   25   15  Sword D, Axe A          Eliwood B
Eliwood  K. Lord  15.11  46   27   22   22   18   18   23  Sword S, Lance D        Hector B
Lyn      B. Lord  09.62  35   17   27   22   20   10   13  Sword S, Bow D          Florina B
Marcus   Paladin  18.73  41   25   26   16   15   15   14  Sword A, Lance S, Axe B
Serra    Bishop   14.43  34   18   18   22   21   10   25  Light B, Staff S
Florina  Falco    20.00  42   19   25   27   30   15   25  Sword C, Lance S        Lyn B
Wil      Sniper   12.87  42   21   23   23   14   11   11  Bow A                   Dart B
Lucius   Bishop   13.59  37   25   26   22    8    9   23  Light S, Staff B
Dart     Berserk  13.29  52   29   14   24    9   15    5  Axe S                   Wil B
Karel    Swordy   13.77  33   19   25   22   15   14   14  Sword S

General Notes:

- Pretty good team overall. Gloryna is all. I could've got a better turn count if it is not by Karel and Flory's weakness by the desert map. But whatever. I enjoyed the draft at least.


Hector: Always good. He was always carried by peggies or horses, lol. He didn't even got S axes lol.

Eliwood: I can say he was almost a valkyrie or a bishop, he got ridiculously res blessed and luck screwed. No problems with him. Just that he sucks by early game.

Lyn: Biggest fail. She sucks and does chip damage. She only helped with her Mani Katti.

Marcus: MVP#1, besides granting a good early game, he got several good gains in str and skl.

Serra: Biggest lol, she got til lv. 12 as cleric, almost no use. Promoted her at the edge of the endgame and got more level ups than Lucius.

Florina: MVP#2, despite she sucks when you get her, she rocks when trained. Rescue/drop and kill was her main duty. Mission Accomplished!

Wil: Total fail, pathetic bases, horrible def. However his hp shadowed his weaknesses. He didn't even get to Reinfleche. :facepalm: Dart made him useful.

Lucius: Excellent mage, I left him alone in ch. 19x and he defended himself with nails. Biggest crit lander.

Dart: Good supporting unit, he killed many enemies and crit'd them when running berserk.

Karel: Go back to Sacae, please. :facepalm:

Nils: :awesome:

Athos: :newyears:

Total Turns: 184

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