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My Transfer playthrough

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This is my playthrough for my transfer run,

I figured, if you can post normal HM runs, you can post Transfer runs too.

And it is an easy way for me to check up on everything.

Since I can transfer my normal files with an easy (random) file open, I guess I can do this on easy mode (hehe, lucky me)

So who wants transfers

-Ike ~ duh, mainchar; STR, Speed; Def desired

-Titania - Speed (not using untill I get gatrie for the boosted speed growth)

-Jill - Pretty much everything is welcome, Bexp will be used.

-Haar - Speed (if possible)

-Nephenee - atleast STR + Speed, everything else is very welcome

-Sothe - trying for max everything :D, Bexp will be used

-Elincia - is it possible for her to max stats?, I hope so :)

-Zihark - STR, perhaps DEF aswell (I doubt HP is possible)

-Tormod - Hoping with some nice transfers he can be "better" in RD

Those who will be boss abused, but isn't expecting much from:

Pretty much every laguz (hey, atleast I can try hitting a cap)

and healer (for more "defensives" in RD)

Geoffrey, Kieran (for hoping of a speed transfer xD)

(feel free to give me any suggestions on who to add to the list)

I will (most likely) solo everything with Ike at the start. Paying close attention to Speed and STR.

characters not on the list (Like Shinnon and Gatrie) are gonna be used to help Ike finish his goals.

Also, all stat items must be gotten (just to add some challenge xD)


The usual, Ike lvls twice

Unit     Level   HP      Str     Mag     Skl     Spd     Lck     Def     Res     Support   Skills      

Ike      3.10    21       7       1       7       9       6       6       0     

Chapter 1:

Sent Ike forward to slaughter everything. HE ORKOd everyone besides the boss and 1 brigand

Epic :O

Unit     Level   HP      Str     Mag     Skl     Spd     Lck     Def     Res     Support   Skills      

Ike      7.19    24      11       1      10       12      8       8       2     

I hope these lvls don't stop coming :O (STR in ALL lvl ups)

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-Ike ~ duh, mainchar; STR, Speed; Def desired

Try to get HP and Skl, as well. They are his highest growths in RD. HP will come one away from being capped and Skl will be capped.

-Titania - Speed (not using untill I get gatrie for the boosted speed growth)

Not really worth waiting if you're trying stuff like getting Sothe to cap everything. She has 19 levels to get 13 Spd and can probably get at least 6 levels even with liberal use before you get the Knight Ward. Def is also a really nice bonus for her but it's hard to cap; she needs 16 of 19 levels with only 40% growth.

-Jill - Pretty much everything is welcome, Bexp will be used.

Jill is quite possibly the best unit to transfer. Definitely get Str, Skl, Spd, and Def. Res is also nice and HP is awesome if you can get it for her. She'll need a Robe unless you want to have her get Spd on every single level up (literally).

-Haar - Speed (if possible)

Possible, but without a Wing or two he needs to get it on every level up. With 35% growth.

-Nephenee - atleast STR + Speed, everything else is very welcome

Similar to Jill. Skl is nice for earlier capping and Def helps her durability quite a bit in the early stages. HP is also nice but requires at least one Robe.

-Sothe - trying for max everything :D, Bexp will be used

Just remember that his RD Res cap is only 15 and make sure none of his level 20 stats fall below his RD base.

-Elincia - is it possible for her to max stats?, I hope so :)

It is, but aside from Mag and Skl it isn't very practical. Spd is probably the best boost she can reasonably get.

-Zihark - STR, perhaps DEF aswell (I doubt HP is possible)

HP is possible with a Robe. Skl and Spd are also nice, again, for quicker capping.

Those who will be boss abused, but isn't expecting much from:

Pretty much every laguz (hey, atleast I can try hitting a cap)

Most Laguz can't transfer anything significant. Off the top of my head, Ulki's Str is the only reasonable one. No one can cap Spd, which would usually be quite easily the best one, and a few can cap Str but most need it on most/all of their levels or with a Drop or two.

(feel free to give me any suggestions on who to add to the list)

It depends on who you want to use. Characters like Astrid, Boyd, Rolf, Mia, Marcia, Calill, etc. get a lot of help from good transfers. Even those who aren't helped much immediately see benefits in quicker capping, like Soren.

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19 base + 19 (tier 1 levels) + 4 (promotion) + 19 (tier 2 levels) = 61 HP that Ike could get. Little room for error with this.

I won't make it, unless I use a robe and pay close attention now.

Jill can get max HP without a robe right? (using Bexp so I'll be resting till I get atleast HP).

since I only have 2 robes and one will probably be "wasted" on Nephenee.

I'm on chapter 11 now

my most important transfer units are:

Unit     Level   HP      Str     Mag     Skl     Spd     Lck     Def     Res           
Ike       20     33      20       5       17      19      10      13      6     
Nephenee  20     35      20       4       20      19      8       19      8  

Edited by Mister Cold
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I guess it's too late for you to stop now, but I'm about 2/3's through a transfer run on NM (my RD doesn't work with EM), and if I get enough BEXP, I'm going to be able to max STR, SKL, and SPD for Titania and Shinon. The only downside is that they both take a shitload of BEXP to max, since you have to get almost all their levels with BEXP and you have to go up 1 point at a time Facepalm_emote_gif.gif.

Edited by rigadoog
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ugh, I was doing chapter 21, base lvl Kieran, Tormod and Soren all got promoted (and looking good) when Kieran got killed by an enemy crit *sigh*

that was 200turns into the map, for nothing

anyway, all units with transfer material atm:

redoing chapter 21 tomorrow, hopefully with 3 more units on the list

Unit     Level   HP      Str     Mag     Skl     Spd     Lck     Def     Res           
Ike      20/6    42      *26     9       21      25      12      18      9     
Nephenee 20/15  *60      *25     9      *28     *26      13     *28      21 -> Angelic Robe used
Jill     20/20  *60      *27     9      *26     *27      11     *27     *25 -> Talisman used

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I guess it's too late for you to stop now, but I'm about 2/3's through a transfer run on NM (my RD doesn't work with EM), and if I get enough BEXP, I'm going to be able to max STR, SKL, and SPD for Titania and Shinon. The only downside is that they both take a shitload of BEXP to max, since you have to get almost all their levels with BEXP and you have to go up 1 point at a time Facepalm_emote_gif.gif.

--/01: 1 EXP (1 BEXP) (Saves 47 BEXP/level)

--/02: 12 EXP (18 BEXP) (Saves 4 BEXP/level)

--/03: 4 EXP (6 BEXP) (Saves 10 BEXP/level)

--/04: 2 EXP (3 BEXP) (Saves 17 BEXP/level)

--/05: 2 EXP (3 BEXP) (Saves 24 BEXP/level)

--/06: 3 EXP (5 BEXP) (Saves 15 BEXP/level)

--/07: 6 EXP (11 BEXP) (Saves 6 BEXP/level)

--/08: 100 EXP (200 BEXP)

--/09: 4 EXP (8 BEXP) (Saves 11 BEXP/level)

--/10: 2 EXP (4 BEXP) (Saves 22 BEXP/level)

--/11: 1 EXP (2 BEXP) (Saves 35 BEXP/level)

--/12: 100 EXP (250 BEXP)

--/13: 2 EXP (5 BEXP) (Saves 17 BEXP/level)

--/14: 4 EXP (11 BEXP) (Saves 11 BEXP/level)

--/15: 6 EXP (18 BEXP) (Saves 8 BEXP/level)

--/16: 1 EXP (3 BEXP) (Saves 33 BEXP/level)

--/17: 2 EXP (7 BEXP) (Saves 14 BEXP/level)

--/18: 100 EXP (400 BEXP)

--/19: 1 EXP (4 BEXP) (Saves 44 BEXP/level)

It feels like IS didnt want you to BEXP promoted units considering the fact that you need exponentially more BEXP per level...

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You should definitely go for strength with Mordecai if you are leveling Laguz as he only 3 away from capping it on average and +4 STR is very nice.

Mordecai is lvl 20 now, nothing is capped.

with an Angelic Robe he maxes HP, but I'm keeping the last one for either Ike or Sothe.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Finally finished chapter 21, took me 9 hours and 480 turns -.-.

But hey, it's worth it :D

New transfers:



Astrid: Skill,Speed





the bold ones were base lvl when I started this chapter.

still working on Titania, Ike, Sothe and (soon to be) Haar ,Geoffrey and Elincia.

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if you'd like to know:

everything the laguz can cap:

Ena: HP (needs booster), res

Janaff: HP (needs booster), str (needs booster)

Lethe: HP (needs booster), str, def (needs booster)

Mordecai: HP, str, def

Muarim: none

Nasir: none

Neasala: HP (needs booster), str (needs booster)

Ranulf: HP (needs booster), str, def (needs booster)

Reyson: mag, spd, skl, res

Giffca: str

Tibarn: str, spd (needs booster)

Ulki: HP, str, def

most do need extreme Bexp abuse though

also, assuming extreme Bexp abuse, Elincia can cap HP (needs 2 boosters), str, mag, skl, spd, def, res

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if you'd like to know:

everything the laguz can cap:

Ena: HP (needs booster), res

Janaff: HP (needs booster), str (needs booster)

Lethe: HP (needs booster), str, def (needs booster)

Mordecai: HP, str, def

Muarim: none

Nasir: none

Neasala: HP (needs booster), str (needs booster)

Ranulf: HP (needs booster), str, def (needs booster)

Reyson: mag, spd, skl, res

Giffca: str

Tibarn: str, spd (needs booster)

Ulki: HP, str, def

most do need extreme Bexp abuse though

also, assuming extreme Bexp abuse, Elincia can cap HP (needs 2 boosters), str, mag, skl, spd, def, res

I did Mordecai and Ulki, but both maxed nothing. (and after Ulki was maxed I made a huge mistake and had to reset the chapter, didn't use him after)

IF I have enough Bexp, I'll try to do Elincia but the 2 HP boosters are already used (1 used, 1 reserved) so let's hope for the rest xD.

also when Bexping, would it be better for Sothe to keep Blossom, or just remove it? (I'll prob reset if I don't get 4stat+ lvls)

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Actually it's not really a waste of BEXP, you only need to give him EXP in increments of 1 for levels after 10. He only requires 100 BEXP/level essentially.

After 15, actually. Sothe's BEXP is really weird. Sometimes the first BEXP fed will cost two and the next will cost nothing, for example. See this for a list of everything for anyone. But yeah, in the end, each of Sothe's levels only need to cost 100.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I just finished chapter 26(I think) Clash!

I Bexped Elincia and Haar to lvl 17.

so I can get them to 80+ exp in the chapter and finish the lvl.

not everyone is lvl 20 yet (mostly those I use during chapters)



Astrid: Skill,Speed





Geoffrey: Speed

Titania: Skill, Speed

Elincia: Mag, Skill, Speed (already maxed)

Ike: Str, Skill, Speed ;;Def will be impossible to max, a Robe will max his HP

Zihark: Str, Speed

(I think that's all)

all that's left is lvl them up a bit and Bexp Sothe

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Astrid: Skill,Speed




Soren:Mag,skill, Speed,Res

Geoffrey: Speed

Titania: Skill, Speed

Elincia: Str, Mag, Skill, Speed, Def, Res

Ike: Str, Skill, Speed ;;Def will be impossible to max, a Robe will max his HP

Zihark: Str, Speed

Haar: Speed

Sothe: 39/20/5/20/20/23/19/16

Mia: STR, Speed

Tibarn: Str,Skill

edited, cause I finished :D

on the Endgame chapter I finished Bexping Elincia, haar and Sothe

With my leftover Bexp I started Bexping Mia.

She ended up lvl 14 promoted. So I took her too endgame to finish off those lvls.

When looking at the stat caps off the royals I noticed Tibarn was 4Skill away from cap and 3STR. With my leftover 2skillbooks and 1 energy drop (+1STR from lvl) I managed to cap it.

Who used what:

2 Angelic Robe



2 energy drops



magic dust


2 Skillbooks


3 speedwings


2 Icons

-Sothe (since no one can max luck)

2 Dracoshields



2 Talisman



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