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Spriting Tips?


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Been trying to stat up a hack, not new to hacking but completely new to GBA hacking. Familiar with wii hacking (the dev team for brawl minus)

I figured out how to do mugs, their insertion, events, mapping, and the like. But not spriting, which is crucial for the hack i want. (Involving the tactician more, so far male only is planned though)

Also, still new to everything I'd like someone to just comment on what I've done so far custom artwise. The fa right is supposed to be his dodge animation, but something seems off... other than the lack of a shadow.

Any advice towards making stuff from scratch, or interesting and helpful things to splice from. And what to splice for what.

Note: The following animations are going to be for the tactician.



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Bad idea, bud.

I have a bmp i used to actually put it in the game, but photobucket messes it up.

And i could've sworn i had a png, but only older ones.

And uhh... are you by any chance shadowofchaos from wiipals?

It's me, Isaac. lol

Edited by DunnoMan
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Well I know when I saved a file in jpg and resaved it as png it was still messed up, idk if that's what you did or not.

The best place to put spriting stuff in for critique is the sprites subforum. That's where all the spriters actually look =D

Don't put so many separate strands together because as a beginner it's hard to make that not look like a mess xD

Don't forget to try add shading around the hair and anything like that.

Also in the spriting subforum is this. It has spriting tutorials, so rather than me telling all that needs work on, you can learn off of that. There are some things that it doesn't really address that I can see in this but still, I recommend either asking for this to be moved, or just make your own topic in there about this.

I don't sprite the battle sprites but, still, others do and the sprite forum is more fitting to put this. =]

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Well I know when I saved a file in jpg and resaved it as png it was still messed up, idk if that's what you did or not.

The best place to put spriting stuff in for critique is the sprites subforum. That's where all the spriters actually look =D

Don't put so many separate strands together because as a beginner it's hard to make that not look like a mess xD

Don't forget to try add shading around the hair and anything like that.

Also in the spriting subforum is this. It has spriting tutorials, so rather than me telling all that needs work on, you can learn off of that. There are some things that it doesn't really address that I can see in this but still, I recommend either asking for this to be moved, or just make your own topic in there about this.

I don't sprite the battle sprites but, still, others do and the sprite forum is more fitting to put this. =]

Those are mostly mugs, but you'e definitely right, it is a better place to take this kind of thread to.

What do you mean by strands? Like hair, as in the back of his head looks messy?

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Yeah that was what I meant =] It's easiest to take a full.... uh idk, set, from a one mug instead of trying to put a whole bunch of strands together.

Also some people on there do know things about battle sprites so if you want help with that they can still help from what you put in your thread.

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