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Another FE8 Low Tier Playthrough

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Alright, I'm doing a Low-tier playthough of FE8, similar to the one Stin-Duh is doing. Here are the guidlines:

1.Playing on Hard Mode

2.Playing Ephraim Route

3.The units I picked are from 6 different tier lists(will be shown below)

4.Meat sheilding is okay, just so long as I don't abuse it

5.Tower, Ruins, and stuff like that will be played after the game is completed

6.I'm not really going to be aiming for low turn counts, just to have fun

7.No Prepromotes

8.Lords are forced despite tier ranking

9.The "worst" promotion will be picked

10.I'm allowed to use Colm and Rennac for their stealing and lockpicking skills

The Units I plan on using not including lords:

Gilliam (Knight->Great Knight)

Ross (Journeyman->Fighter->Warrior)

Neimi (Archer->Sniper)

Knoll (Shaman->Druid)

L'Arachel (Troubadour->Valkryie)

Marisa (Myrmidon->Assassin)

Ewan (Pupil->Shaman->Druid)

Amelia (Recruit->Knight->Great Knight)

If you feel as if one of the promotions wasn't the "worst" of the promotions that unit could go to, please reply to this thread saying why. Please note: I don't have the save file for the Super Trainee classes, so I can't use those.

The 6 tier lists I used to decide my team:

I used all non-promoted units from those tier lists that were in the Lower-middle section and below. The only exceptions I made were any Eirika route people, Ephraim Route Gerik, and Tana, because they were only on 1 to 2 of them, and they are pretty powerful.

I'll upload videos once I get started.

Edited by ThatKittyDownTheStreet
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I think Hero ross is superior to warrior variant.

Great Knights are highly superior to Generals

Hero Ross isn't as good as Warrior Ross because Heroes have a 25 strength cap while Warriors have a 30 strength cap. And considering strength is his best growth excluding HP, I'd say that being of the Hero class renders him disadvantaged compared to being of the warrior class.

Please explain how Great Knights are superior to Generals, because I am confused.

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lolcaps. 25 and axes will wreck anything in FE8 NM. Hero Ross gives him more speed, even though he doesn't really need THAT either in NM.

1 movement. Makes ALL the difference.

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Normal mode, meat shielding, lords. Too easy.

Well, meat sheilding wasn't something I was going to do often. I just meant it as if an enemy randomly attacks a unit that has no weapons that I didn't pick. As for lords, I guess I could bench Ephraim and just use him for only Chapter 5x and then switch to Eirika Mode, but I'll think about that. As for Normal Mode, I'm just not that great of a tactician, but I guess I could consider Hard Mode since 2 people have brought it up.(The other one was on SoS)

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If HM ends up killing you, just pick up, like, Dozla. Or Syrene. Or Rennac fighting.

But it's doubtful you'll need them. When in doubt you can always cower behind Ross and Gilliam. Gilliam can solo Ch. The One With The Spiders That Attack The Children on HM if sufficiently levelled, so...

Edited by Furekitty
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Well, Dark Magic hits harder, and doesn't face as much WTD as Anima, not to mention Summons are prioritized over everything during Enemy phase, making them Shadowshot Bait, it extends his initial range higher than that of a Paladin, gives him his own EXP Pool, so on. Anima on Druid is redundant. The extra Druid stats aren't that superior over Summoner's anyway.

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Well, Dark Magic hits harder, and doesn't face as much WTD as Anima, not to mention Summons are prioritized over everything during Enemy phase, making them Shadowshot Bait, it extends his initial range higher than that of a Paladin, gives him his own EXP Pool, so on. Anima on Druid is redundant. The extra Druid stats aren't that superior over Summoner's anyway.

Alright then, I guess you're right. I'll switch over to Druid for Ewan then.

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"Guideline#6- I'm not really going to be aiming for low turn counts, just to have fun"

If this is the case then GKs are probably worse then Generals, especially since you will probably level up to 20 before promotion. When not playing "efficiently" there really is no "worse" promotion path. Statistically speaking, the "worse" promotion path is usually superior to the more "efficient" one.

Well thats my 2 cents on this subject...

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"Guideline#6- I'm not really going to be aiming for low turn counts, just to have fun"

If this is the case then GKs are probably worse then Generals, especially since you will probably level up to 20 before promotion. When not playing "efficiently" there really is no "worse" promotion path. Statistically speaking, the "worse" promotion path is usually superior to the more "efficient" one.

Well thats my 2 cents on this subject...

Other people on TEB did mention that 1 more movement isn't really that great of an advantage in a playthrough like this, so I'll probably switch it back, again.

On a separate note, due to many things such as my internet being weird (like it won't work on my account, but it'll work on the guest account, which I am using right now), school starting very soon, and Hurricane Irene, I'll probably have to postpone this until later, but I'll try to resume this ASAP.

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