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Battle animation script inserting.


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Good morning.

I was trying to insert a custom battle animation in FE7.

To do that I followed the Ultimate tutorial but, when I have to insert the script of the animation, there's an error message.

I checked all, palette at the top of the right. colours, placement of the sprite, script's extension in .txt

An the error message appears always.

So if anybody could help me... happy.gif

This is the script:

[spoiler=This is the script]

/// - Mode 1

C03 -

C07 -

3  p- standing.png

/// - Attack Frames




/// - Frames after hitting but before stopping to wait for HP depletion



3  p- standing.png



~~~ -

/// - Mode 3

C03 -

C07 -

3  p- standing.png

/// - Critical Frames




/// - Frames after hitting but before stopping to wait for HP depletion



3  p- standing.png



~~~ - Mode 5

C03 -

C07 -

5  p- standing.PNG


4  p- standing.PNG


4  p- standing.PNG


3  p- standing.png


~~~ - Mode 6

C03 -

C07 -

5  p- standing.PNG


4  p- standing.PNG


4  p- standing.PNG


3  p- standing.png


~~~ - Mode 7


2  p- standing.PNG


3  p- standing.PNG


2  p- standing.PNG


2  p- standing.png


~~~ - Mode 8


2  p- standing.PNG


3  p- standing.PNG


2  p- standing.PNG


2  p- standing.png


~~~ - Mode 9

3 p- standing.png

C01 -

~~~ - Mode 10

3 p- standing.png

C01 -

~~~ - Mode 11

3 p- standing.png

C01 -

~~~ - Mode 12

C03 -

C07 -

3  p- standing.png

/// - Attack-That-Will-Miss Frames



/// - Frames after hitting but before stopping to wait for HP depletion



3  p- standing.png



~~~ - End Animation Data

It's the script that gives the tutorial. So I don't know how to make it work. Thank you =)

Edited by Solum
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Wow, i really should've checked the threads before posting mine, i thought since there wasn't one like it last night, there wouldn't be on today....

This is almost exactly like my problem. We even used the same guide.

Did you name for file standing.png?

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It's not the script, it's the image. I use the script you just posted all the time and it has yet to fail. Which is the point of copying/pasting it and testing your frame--you're testing to see if you got the initial frame setup correctly. Because the insertion didn't work, you did not.

Meaning you need to post the frame (standing.png) and maybe even the sprite sheet, if you can. The likely problem is that you didn't reduce the original sprite sheet to 16 colors, which you need to do, because the color limit is 16 colors--and every sprite on the sheet must use the SAME 16 colors.


you need to post the frame (standing.png) and maybe even the sprite sheet

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Ah... I'm an idiot. The problem came from how I named my image. I named it as "standing.png" and I had to name it "standing"

before FE editor should had take it as standing.png.png... I'm really sorry for asking it and fond the solution juste after...

Thank you all for posting.

If I have another -serious- problem, I'll ask. but make me sure that I did all for resolving it.sleep.gif

Edited by Solum
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  • 2 months later...

I won't create another topic for this question :

In the FE7 class editor module, what is the difference between.

Eliwood Lord Knight (only by class name)

Lyn Blade Lord (only by class name)

Hector Great Lord (only by class name)


Eliwood Lord Knight

Lyn Blade Lord

Hector Great Lord

The first three are free to custom or is it important to keep them as they are?

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They are... used for... something... I think... they are the same as the unpromoted classes, but have the promoted name... and... their purpose... has something to do with... promoting in name only... but come to think of it... I can't remember now... IIRC I just used them as freebies... because... if you have a custom hack... they aren't needed classes... but the original FE7... probably uses them... so if it's a reskin... I don't suggest... using them...

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To address the original issue, I strongly recommend configuring Windows (I assume you're using Windows if you're having this issue) to not hide extensions in file names. You're hacking ROMs FFS, you don't need your operating system to try that hard to make everything "user-friendly" (not really) and hide important information from you. You want the Folder Options control panel -> View tab -> uncheck 'Hide extensions for known file types'.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I would like to know if there's an image to Edit the texts's graphics in dialogues with GBAGE.? Because of my uncompetence with Hexeditors I though I could replace some letters I won't use and do the frenches accents (replace numbers by some accent letters) And I will write numbers in words Like 1000 in french is "Mille".

Edited by Solum
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There should be. I remember seeing various images, at least in FE7, but they could be jumbled up and thus not so obvious. Likely wherever you see some menu or font graphics are probably similar graphics (I'm guessing somewhere in the first half of the ROM too, given that the second half of the ROM is largely documented to have a lot of data that well.. isn't font data, to say the least). If you can't find it by scrolling through the compressed images of GBAGE you could try searching for the text's palette and going from there. You could also try debugging or invent your own method. You may want to try looking using a smaller tile editor, something that edits say 2bpp graphics, under uncompressed graphics. it's possibly the font is uncompressed or uses an image format not supported by GBAGE. XP

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