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(FE12) Another FE12 Draft

Dark Sage

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I'd go for Malice, earlier join time, chip damage is useful on H1. Abel takes an extra turn in which marth could seize, joins later, and his bases are not even THAT helpful.

But yeah... it's rather hard for everyone to decide, since well... There is not much to build on. I took Julian because of 70/70 STR/Spd, everyone need to recruit him, and I get to use him. Even though his bases suck, I'm using him on Lunatic now, and he's proving useful.

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Unless I don't want a Thief or something...

Oh man, Ch. 3 is going to be a nightmare now, as much as the Talis bro's are awesome, for the person who picks Saji, have fun going all the way around. D:

I second Malice though, if only to plow through Abel! gee_wiz_emoticon.gif

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Your welcome. I thought recruiting Matthis would be very expensive turnwise at first, because of getting Julian. then I remembered you need julian for rickard anyway. 8D And he was still up. =D With good growths there where it matters most. I think I'm lucky with him. I'm very curious to everybody their character opinions. :)

1. Vicious Sal (Catria, Draug, Mallesia, Warren, Frey, Caesar, Jake, Julian, Robert

2. Xanderdog (Rody, Sheeda, Cord, Minerva, Cain, Wendell, Ellerean, Darros

3. General Horace (Luke, Sirius, Ogma, Merric, George, Navarre, Roger, Dice,

4. Clockwork Sage (Paola, Cecil, Gordon, Barst, Etzel, Wrys, Castor, Leiden

5. Maji (Linda, Ryan, Yubello, Yumina, Radd, Samto, Athena, Norne

Updated. ;)

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Started, unit stats after the prologue. I know I'm not drafting Est, so yeah. My Luke is unremarkable.

UNIT     Class           Level      HP  STR  SKL  SPD  LCK  DEF  RES  WEP LEVEL
Marth    Lord            07.81      27   9   10    10   9    8    0   D Sword
Luke     Pirate          10.70      27  13    9    12   7    7    0   E Axe
Arran    Dracoknight  ??/03.00      24  11   12    11   4   12    3   B Lance E Axe

Forgot to get Ogma's and Merric's stats, but Ogma got a perfect level and another good one, and Merric gained two levels. MU was a knight that never got strength or speed, so he was terrible.

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Belf and... Midia

Belf has some... Growth time? Auto join at least. Midia has quite some bases, so yeah... Hell Yeah 18 speed. that's really not that bad. Growths aren't that bad either. Will be saving a rescue staff use for her.

I pass up on Frost because of bases... And Glower tomes render RES moot that late in the game. And he's creepy. Besides, I have an A staffer already, and I'll be arms scrolling that Tome level.

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I have this feeling that Berserker Matthis isn't a terrible idea.

And I kinda want to start, so I picked him, and the rest of the cast either suck horribly, (Frost) cost turns (Bord, Bantu, Thomas, Roshea) have stupid recruitment requirements and cost turns (Vyland, Sedgar, Wolf, Misheil) or I don't like (Ymir).

Edited by General_Horace
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