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(FE12) Another FE12 Draft

Dark Sage

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I have this feeling that Berserker Matthis isn't a terrible idea.

And I kinda want to start, so I picked him, and the rest of the cast either suck horribly, (Frost) cost turns (Bord, Bantu, Thomas, Roshea) have stupid recruitment requirements and cost turns (Vyland, Sedgar, Wolf, Misheil) or I don't like (Ymir).

I recall people drafting characters and then killing them as enemies or just not recruiting them, so it doesn't really matter.

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I recall people drafting characters and then killing them as enemies or just not recruiting them, so it doesn't really matter.

Matthis might chuck a couple javelins/handaxes, while Roshea will forever sit in a village.

Edited by General_Horace
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I was confused when you picked Rody over Luke, but they pretty much stomp the game regardless, it's just Luke's bases are better. Shiida is pretty awesome, Wendall/Ellerean can kill Gharnef.

And I have no idea how three quarters of this cast performs, so I can't really comment on the rest. Although most of the cast has unreal growths, so they all end up pretty superheroish in the end.

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Hmm...General Horace probably has the best draft team since he has a good mix of early joiners and utility and most of them have good stats. I have the second best team probably, though Xander's might edge it out a little. As you can see, I mostly aimed for early joiners and utility units, with a couple of growth units here and there.

Btw, beware of flying dragons. Strong and as fast as swordmasters, but with 12 move. Even though a lot of your units have great growths, their bases tend to hold them back.

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Also note that I don't know how to play this game well.

Chapter 1 - 5/5 Turns

Marth starts ORKOing things :blink:

Reclassed Luke to Pirate so he would pick up some speed and strength that he was lacking. Arran got the gold, then bought Javelins (wtf 3 MT) and Handaxes, while Luke killed the stuff around the starting area. Marth ran to Lorenz, made him explode, and then seized the next turn.

Also, started with 7000 gold because I didn't know if you let units die in the prologue you lose money :facepalm:

UNIT     Class           Level      HP  STR  SKL  SPD  LCK  DEF  RES  WEP LEVEL
Marth    Lord            08.60      28   9   11    11  10    9    0   D Sword
Luke     Pirate          11.23      28  14    9    13   7    7    0   E Axe
Arran    Dracoknight  ??/03.48      24  11   12    11   4   12    3   B Lance E Axe

Edited by General_Horace
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Frost & Ymir. They Auto join. Frost at least has some redeeming Heal spamming.

Also, I have a lot of early Joiners, with growths, and extra thieving utitlity with 70 % STR growth. I think the draft teams are pretty even. I may comment on everybody their teams just for fun. Meanwhile:

Also, Stats & Team coming soon. I did chapter 1 In 6 Turns, Cav!Druag & Marth ORKO everything & Draug had a crit on Lorenz for fun. Even though he 2RKO's him. So it only saved me Steel lance uses.

Prologue highlights:

Draug was amazing (first time ever use, both games).

Draug Critkilled Cain and had a perfect level.

Mart critkilled Katarina and had an awsm level.

Draug having most of P8's enemies Tink him.

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Chapter 2 - 6/11 Turns

Man, that boss is tough. 10 move, with pretty decent attack, and great durability. He was lured on turn 4 by Arran, and killed on turn 6 by Luke (after Arran had weakened him). Luke and Marth both got Res, and Marth got a perfect level up.

UNIT     Class           Level      HP  STR  SKL  SPD  LCK  DEF  RES  WEP LEVEL
Marth    Lord            09.65      29  10   12    12  11   10    1   D Sword
Luke     Cavalier        12.96      29  13   10    12   7   10    1   D Lance D Sword
Arran    Paladin      ??/04.23      27  10   12    11   4   10    6   B Lance D Sword

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This is out of Prologue: Draug has been reclassed to a Cavalier, so that's the stats you will see.

Unit	Class    Exp    Lv 	Hp	Str	Mag	Skll	Spd	Lck	Def   Res
Marth	Lord	77	10	30	12	0	11	14	13	10	0
Arran	Draco	0	3	24	11	1	12	11	4	12	3
Draug	Cav	12	11	27	14	0	7	16	6	11	0

Chapter 1:

Marth and Draug both ORKO everything on the map except Lorenz. Marth kills a Bandit, Draug kills the north hunter. The bandits suicide on Draug. Marth goes to Malicia, while Draug goes west, Arran gt the bullion. The first two bandits kill themselves on draug, he dodges the attacks, The hunter tinks him. He kills the hunter next turn, Marth get's healed by Malicia, the goes west. Draug goes for Lorenz, He crits him on EP, though he would have killed him anyway next turn. Free Exp for him. :) Arran does nothing except barging into people their houses. Bleh, he will only have use as a damage bot, for Malicia to keep getting EXP. Malicia got 51 Exp at the end of the chapter, and Marth seizes on Turn 6.

Turns: 6/6

Chapter two:

Soon. Stats, Soon. Also, Catria and warren, WARREN, does 20 damage to the boss. 8D

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Hmm...General Horace probably has the best draft team since he has a good mix of early joiners and utility and most of them have good stats. I have the second best team probably, though Xander's might edge it out a little. As you can see, I mostly aimed for early joiners and utility units, with a couple of growth units here and there.

Btw, beware of flying dragons. Strong and as fast as swordmasters, but with 12 move. Even though a lot of your units have great growths, their bases tend to hold them back.

I think Sal has the best team actually, since he's the only one with Hammerne access, meaning he can repair Again and Rescue staves.

Edited by -Cynthia-
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I reluctantly take Vyland and Roshea, if that means I get to skip Bord (although still love ya' bro') and can just dash along happily through Soulful Bridge. D;

My logic is the same for Sheema and Samson, if I'm going to commit to getting Roshea, Vyland might as well tag along too. :/

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End of Prologue Stats:

Unit	Class    Lv 	Hp	Str	Mag	Skll	Spd	Lck	Def   Res
Marth   Lord     Base
Gordon  Archer   9      23       11      0        9       9       8       8     0
Cecil   Cavalier 6      22       8       0       10      10       7       6     0

Chapter 1

Reclassed Arran to Swordmaster, Cecil to Pegasus Knight, and Gordon to Cavalier. Cecil immediately fetched the Bullion and stayed still for the rest of the chapter while Marth, Gordon, and Arran killed things. Arran and Gordon both ORKO'd everything they came across and after Marth proc'd a level, he was able to do so as well. Didn't recruit Malliesia obviously and pretty much did the standard strategy.

Turns: 6/6

Stats by the end of Chapter 1:

Unit	Class       Exp    Lv 	   Hp	    Str	   Mag	   Skll	  Spd	   Lck	   Def   Res
Marth   Lord        26     7       27       9       0       11     10      10       8     0
Arran   Swordmaster 60     Base
Gordon  Cavalier    76     9       25       11      0        8     11       8       9     0
Cecil   Peg. Knight 49     6       20        7      0       13     11       7       4     6

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Don't you guys hate it that you can't get to the seize point in 5 turns in CH 2? Like, you miss out on one freaking square! Same for the bridge key village in chapter 3 rite? If not, please tell me how, because otherwise I can shave off two turns.

Marth can get to the seize point just fine, it's his move that prevents a 5 turn.

My thoughts:

Free Units:

Marth: Well, Awsm person, seizes, probly a boots reciever, and he's just really good. Just hope you don't get speed screwed!

Arran: Your very sick ugly Jeigan, ditched near Chapter 8 probably. For people with prologue units, probly benched even earlier. For me he is only "get damaged so malicia can heal and earn EXP & WEXP unit"

Feena: Oh god what she can do, dancing go!~

Rickard: YOU al need him, I do not, haha! Julian > Rickard!

Bantu: Stay in your village!

1. Vicious Sal (Catria, Doga, Mallesia, Warren, Frey, Caesar, Jake, Julian, Robert, Belf, Midia, Frost, Ymir)

I am very happy with my team, lot's of earlygame units, and the rest is either growth, or bases/utility with autojoin. MVP might go to Malicia, but i'm going for Catria, flying goddess teehee! Draug is awsm too.

2. Xanderdog (Rody, Sheeda, Cord, Minerva, Cain, Wendell, Ellerean, Darros, Malice, Abel, Beck, Michalis, Wolf)

A very solid team, Early join time, Wing spear, and some really good bases in there. Last picks are quite good, though Wolf might only have been for the dracoshield. :P Michalis has great Bases though, and with Minerva in use, he'll be easy to get. Good team!

I have no time left, gotta pay for my Internet in the hostel, rest will be done tomorrow?

3. General Horace (Luke, Sirius, Ogma, Merric, George, Navarre, Roger, Dice, Horace, Astram, Dolph, Matthis, Zagarro)

4. Clockwork Sage (Paola, Cecil, Gordon, Barst, Etzel, Wrys, Castor, Leiden, Katarina, Xane, Macellan, Tiki, Thomas, Bord)

5. Maji (Linda, Ryan, Yubello, Yumina, Radd, Samto, Athena, Norne, Nagi, Est, Sheema, Samson, Vyland, Roshe)

Edited by Vicious Sal
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Also, I didn't see anything on forges, I assume they are a no go?

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Chapter 2 - 14/25 Turns

Why do we need Julian again? Does he have to be alive to access the real ending?

Anyway, Luke was a pirate, and Arran was a sniper. Luke went on the water and ORKO'd all the dracoknights, and Marth and Arran went to get the bridge key. Matthis kept attacking Arran (I would have been seriously upset if he used his Javelin) until Julian was able to recruit him. Luke killed the boss. Palla killed all the dracoknights on the mountain for another Silver lance and a master seal.

UNIT     Class           Level      HP  STR  SKL  SPD  LCK  DEF  RES  WEP LEVEL
Marth    Lord            10.35      29  11   13    13  12   11    1   D Sword
Luke     Pirate          15.57      32  18   10    16   8   10    1   E Axe
Arran    Warrior      ??/04.71      33  12   11    11   4    7    1   D Axe E Bow
Matthis  Fighter         03.00      25   9    4     7   1    5    0   E Axe

oh god Matthis just got crit blicked by an armour knight :facepalm:

Chapter 3x - 6/31 Turns

Marth ran, Matthis 4HKO's archers, and Luke and Arran cleared the way for Marth.

Chapter 4 - 4/35 Turns

Sirius fails to ORKO the boss with a silver lance, so I couldn't seize in three. I got Sirius and Ogma this chapter, so my team's offence picked up a lot.

UNIT     Class           Level      HP  STR  SKL  SPD  LCK  DEF  RES  WEP LEVEL
Marth    Lord            12.27      31  12   13    13  13   13    1   C Sword
Luke     Cavalier        16.39      33  17   11    15   9   13    1   D Lance D Sword
Arran    Paladin      ??/05.53      28  10   13    11   4   10    1   B Lance D Sword
Matthis  Cavalier        06.30      23   9    3     8   2   10    0   D Lance E Sword
Ogma     Cavalier        10.26      30  12    9    12   6   11    0   C Sword E Lance
Sirius   Paladin      ??/01.49      28  12   14    13   4   11    6   A Lance B Sword

Chapter 5 - 5/40 Turns

Marth ran to the throne, lead by Sirius and Luke. The others went north for exp. Ogma recruited Barst.

UNIT     Class           Level      HP  STR  SKL  SPD  LCK  DEF  RES  WEP LEVEL
Marth    Lord            12.35      31  12   13    13  13   13    1   C Sword
Luke     Cavalier        16.80      33  17   11    15   9   13    1   D Lance D Sword
Arran    Paladin      ??/05.93      28  10   13    11   4   10    1   B Lance D Sword
Matthis  Cavalier        07.64      24  10    4     8   3   10    0   D Lance E Sword
Ogma     Cavalier        10.90      30  12    9    12   6   11    0   C Sword E Lance
Sirius   Paladin      ??/02.55      29  12   14    13   4   11    6   A Lance B Sword 

Edited by General_Horace
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Also, I'm assuming menu arena abusing MU is accepted only to get to the Gaiden chapter where he needs to be promoted, but only him and no one else? Kinda sucks having to use a Master Seal on him if I'm not going to use him, but eh. And Secret Shops: obviously the stat increasing ones are banned, but are the Master Seal ones banned as well?

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Chapter 6 - 6/46 Turns

Ogma lead the charge this time, Luke stayed behind to make sure Julian and Rickard wouldn't get raped by the reinforcements, and Arran and Matthis helped Ogma where they could. The boss went down to Armourslayer Ogma.

Stats after arena.

Ok, I meant after 6x, since it's so short.

Chapter 6x - 1/47 Turns

Sirius was a Bishop.

Ogma 1RHKO'd the knight, Luke 1RKO'd Roro with an Iron Axe, and Sirius rescued Marth in seize range.

UNIT     Class           Level      HP  STR  SKL  SPD  LCK  DEF  RES  WEP LEVEL
Marth    Lord            13.01      32  12   14    14  14   13    1   C Sword
Luke     Dracoknight  20/01.50      39  21   17    17  10   18    4   C Lance D Axe
Arran    Paladin      ??/07.50      28  10   14    11   5   10    1   B Lance D Sword
Matthis  Cavalier        10.12      27  12    4    10   4   11    0   C Lance E Sword
Ogma     Cavalier        13.31      33  14   10    13   7   13    1   C Sword E Lance
Sirius   Paladin      ??/03.54      30  13   15    13   4   11    6   A Lance B Sword 

Matthis isn't horrible...

Edited by General_Horace
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