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(FE12) Another FE12 Draft

Dark Sage

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I redid ch1 slightly better, malicia getting 4 heals. Arran still bullion & shop. Ch2 is 6 turns. Ch3 probly 14. Also, do want to know bout prep arena, for forges: Allow iron to be forged to steel, steel to silver, no more than that? Jmo...Stats up soon. =D

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Prologue complete!

Main strategy: because Ryan was essentially the only character I had who was at a low level and joins right off the bat, I let him do most of everything. I look forward to destroying Dragon Knights with ease with his Steel Bow. Other than that, I relied on Milhouse (MU cool.gif) at the beginning, then I got Athena, gave Milhouse an Iron Sword and let him do chip damage and it was quite amusing how Athena doubled everything in the Prologue, even with a Steel Sword. Come final chapter.. Est and Marth joined, I tried my best to let them feast on the Thieves to get them EXP (Est in particular).

Notables: Ryan being able to rip through enemies with ease with an accurate Steel Bow shot

Athena destroying anything in one attack.

Rody was my only sacrificial lamb.

Unit 	CL        LV  XP  HP  ST  MG  SK  SP  LK  DF  RS  WL  Items
Marth   Lord      6   60  BASE                                Steel Sword, Iron Sword, Rapier
Ryan    Archer    11  16  27  10  0   13  10  9   12  0   C   Steel Bow, Iron Bow (x2), Vulnerary  
Athena  Myrmidon  12  2   27  10  0   14  15  9   8   1   B   Iron Sword, Steel Sword, Vulnerary
Est 	Pegasus   7   50  21  8   2   8   15  13  8   6   C   Iron Lance, Steel Lance, Vulnerary

Chapter 1: Boys, Boys and... Pale Men

Turns Taken: 5

Ryan is lulzy, that's all I needed to know to do well in this chapter. So with that knowledge in place, I had him cover Marth from the onslaught on enemies, Marth made a dash to the gate with a Steel Sword so he can ORKO the Barbarians who attacked him, chugging his Vulnerary every now and then while Arran ran around killing small things and fetch the Bullion. Watching Marth get pelted by Hunters made Lorenz suicide explode (FE12 isn't going to take away my explosion with a knife sound effect angry.gif) and he seized on turn 5!

Unit 	CL        LV  XP  HP  ST  MG  SK  SP  LK  DF  RS  WL    Items
Marth   Lord      7   60  26  9   0   11  11  9   9   0   D 	Steel Sword, Iron Sword, Rapier, Vulnerary
Ryan    Archer    11  58  27  10  0   13  10  9   12  0   C 	Steel Bow, Iron Bow (x2), Vulnerary
Arran   Draco     3   48  BASE                            B,E   Iron Lance, Steel Lance, Silver Lance, Bullion (S)

@ Code: y u hate Arran so much?

EDIT: Just for clarification, Athena was NOT at Lv. 32. :P


Edited by Maji
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I think I might have Draug at level 20 in chapter 4... he has capped speed at lv 16. 8D As a Cav that is. He ORKO'd all the draco's in Chapter 3, and only took like 10 damage, haha. he shot up two and a half level. Meanwhile Catria & Arran took the Seal draco and consorte. Marth goes village, village, warren chips and kills of a Draco Draug did not kill cause of a miss (I purposely reset on that, so that Warren could level up.) it's really awsm. Catria is also doing well. I will probably post the log tomorrow morning, since I will have Laptop + Ds at hand. But Internet only goes till 2 Pm today. I really need to post the log, because My notes are getting messed up, haha, I keep improving my strategies because I want to post logs before I do Chapter 3. xD


After Chapter 1:

Unit	Class	Lv	Exp	Hp	Str	Mag	Skll	Spd	Lck	Def	Res
Marth	Lord	11	7	31	13	0	12	15	14	11	0	
Arran	Draco	3	0	Base
Draug	Cav	13	12	29	15	0	7	18	7	12	1
Malicia	Cleric	1	68	Base

Chapter 2:

Turn 1: Draug moves NE, Marth does as well, Malicia parks next to him. Catria & arran go NW. Next turn, we recruit warren, and Catria javelins a guy after talking to him, so that warren can finish him off. Arran Silvers the thief. Marth kills the last of the hunters, and Draug goes forward to the first fort. Turn 3! Marth moves to the same fort as well, malicia heals Warren, who had been attack by a loldier, the other two Silver Lance'd themselves on Arran. Speaking of Arran, he kills the NW Cav, in range of the draco. Draug kills a Cav, he's in boss range. Catria moves into the range of a cav, for warren to finish next turn. On Ep, NE Draco suicides on Draug, Draug misses a shot at the boss, so he does only 13 damage. Arran decides to Crit the NW Draco. Marth Rushes to the seize point. Draug misses another hit on the Boss, which gives arran time to javelin him for a meek 3 damage. However, that is enough for Catria to finish him! 2 Lulzy points 8D. warren defeats the last cav, malicia heals. turn 6, marth seizes.

Unit	Class	Lv	Exp	Hp	Str	Mag	Skll	Spd	Lck	Def	Res
Marth	Lord	11	31	Same
Arran	Draco	3	88	Base
Draug	Cav	13	90	Same
Malicia	Cleric	2	36	16	0	2	1	5	12	2	6
Warren	Hunter	2	40	Base
Catria	Peg	7	42	

Chapter 3

Catria & Arran go for the Master seal, Draug ORKO's all eastern draco's but one, Warren finishes it. Draug missed a 78 % hit leaving it alive. Marth goes for the village, Malicia follows, staying out of ballista range. Palla moves onto the middle fort. She get the thief with an iron lance later, so that she does not ORKO all the reinforcements, EXP THIEF! Catria & Arran continue on their way, draug & Warren go for the bridge, malicia heals here and there. Turn 4, Marth opens the bridge, and Draug enters with a javelin, ORKO-ing all Cavs, poor Matthis. Arran meanwhile damages the Seal Draco, putting them into action. the Seal Draco is the only one to reach Catria. She finishes it. Arran Damages the other three on EP. He'll kill one, and Catria can survive & kill the other two. She got quite the EXP boost. Palla Flies over the river, so the cavs go for Draug. Draug goes for the boss, warren, with help from Arran, kills the ballista. malicia keeps healing warren, who was ballista target while catching up. Marth kills the boss, and after that goes for the village. Draug cleared the reinforcements before he got there. malicia takes this time to heal everyone up for EXP, and marth seizes turn 14. :)

14/26 Turns.

Unit	Class	Lv	Exp	Hp	Str	Mag	Skll	Spd	Lck	Def	Res
Marth	Lord	12	4	32	15	0	13	16	15	11	0
Arran	Draco	4	60	24	11	1	12	11	5	13	3
Draug	Cav		17	4	32	19	0	8	20	9	15	1
Malicia	Cleric	4	40	17	0	4	1	7	13	2	7
Warren	Hunter	3	67	23	8	0	6	9	2	4	0
Julian	Thies	6	0	Base

Chapter 3x:

Marth took an Armor Knigt, catria the northern archer, Draug traded her a Javelin, and killed an AK with a Javelin on his own. Julian went on the fort, in AK range, out of Archer. That way the AK went for Julian, and the Archer for Catria afterwards. ` Hp to survive. :) Marth, Draug & Catria advance, while Wrys runs normally. Warren, malicia & julian toy around with the AK, and later, one AK reinforcement. They Ko them both before Marth seizes. Catria, Draug & marth run around killing stuff, the map was routed before Marth seized.

6/32 Turns

Unit	Class	Lv	Exp	Hp	Str	Mag	Skll	Spd	Lck	Def	Res
Marth	Lord	12	34	32	15	0	13	16	15	11	0
Arran	Draco	4	60	24	11	1	12	11	5	13	3
Draug	Cav		17	62	32	19	0	8	20	9	15	1
Malicia	Cleric	5	8	17	0	5	2	7	13	2	8
Warren	Hunter	4	27	23	9	0	7	10	2	4	0
Julian	Thief	6	74	Base

Chapter 4

This is an Easy one. Yumina rescues Marth, Ogma recruits Sirius, Sirius leaves for castors village. Marth goes one space south of Ogma and kils a hunter. The rest of the team just flirt with the bandits. Marth ORKO's most stuff, well, he kills everything that targets him, ogma survives. marth 3RKO's GHEB2 with rapier, so I tried it, and he crit him on turn 4 (2nd hit). this is fun, because Turn 4 EP, the boss says stuff, while he is dead already. 8D Shaver & Castor were obvliously missed. Map was routed. Marth Seizes turn 4, slight improvement, because first time, Yumina went back, this time, she survived while moving forward. Sirius just had to stay put.




Edited by Vicious Sal
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Small update, sunce it's been a while: Ch 4 summary is wrong, byt i can't edit it. =/ It's 4 turns. Ch 5 was fun, marth for hammerne, draug for boss, clearing for malicia. Arran & cat for draco's. Julian for rickard. Last turns: Marth visits, malicia rescues. Next turn Draug shops, and julian secret shops the seal. Do want laptop for stats... >__

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Chapter 5:

This is a place where I lose turns, to win them. Marth dashed for the Hammerne village, Catria & Warren went for the draco’s, Julian went after rickard, ogma recruited barst for his items and they sat in a corner. Draug went for the boss area, followed by malicia, who had to rescue marth. Warren tagged along with Marth & julian. Eventually, Draug took out the ballistae, the cavs, and the AK’s, so Mailicia was safe to rescue marth in Seize range. Marth went for the village, encountering a stray dracoknight or two, he killed them, using a vulnerary as he was on his way. Arran had blocked the bridge early, turn 3 or so, and Javelined a Thief, this was nice, because it caused the thiefs to all double back. Warren was able to kill of the injured thief. The Physic bishop does not heal thiefs? Arran blockade also meant rickard weant back, Julian talked with him, and Rickard went on his way to get a master seal extra. Arran killed the Physic Bishop, Catria, Warren & Julian killed a sniper before marth seized. While marth was being rescued, Draug did some shopping. Rickard got the secret shop. Marth seized the next turn. 3 Rescue uses left, Hammerne obtained. Draug Promoted in the CH 6 Base, I forgot his Cav stats.

7-9 turns. Or so.

Unit	Class	Lv	Exp	Hp	Str	Mag	Skll	Spd	Lck	Def	Res
Marth	Lord	14	82	34	16	9	14	18	17	13	0
Draug	Pally	19/1	0	38	22	1	12	21	10	17	7
Malicia	Cleric	6	25	18	0	6	2	8	14	2	8
Catria	Peg	11	14	26	12	2	13	19	11	11	7
Warren	Hunter	5	94	23	10	0	8	11	2	4	0
Julian	Thief	8	23	22	9	0	10	16	8	8	0
Arran	Draco	5	33	24	11	1	12	12	5	14	3
Rickard	thief	3	0	18	6	0	3	9	1	3	0

Chapter 6

Julian & Rickard did their job, Julian Low, for being able to get out 1 turn earlier, to get Exp. I HAD to reset for this one, as in, reset abuse. Because I really needed both the bishops to have 3 Def. That way, Catria could ORKO them with a Javelin. It was really annoying, they almost looked like they were trading Def. 1 had three, other 4, then vice versa. Blerg. Draug ORKO’d everything left and top, Marth traced him. The others got Exp because of the reinforcements. Frey, get some speed!

6 Turns


Draug can do 25x2 damage to Roro, but he misses, so Catria finishes him off with a 14 dmg steel lance. Draug is invincible anyway. He has capped speed as a draco btw. Julian & warren kill a fighter near radd, frey gets Exp through an Archer kill. Malicia goes Right, then up, rescues, Marth Seizes.

1 turn

Stats later.

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Chapter 5:

This is a place where I lose turns, to win them. Marth dashed for the Hammerne village, Catria & Warren went for the draco's, Julian went after rickard, ogma recruited barst for his items and they sat in a corner. Draug went for the boss area, followed by malicia, who had to rescue marth. Warren tagged along with Marth & julian. Eventually, Draug took out the ballistae, the cavs, and the AK's, so Mailicia was safe to rescue marth in Seize range. Marth went for the village, encountering a stray dracoknight or two, he killed them, using a vulnerary as he was on his way. Arran had blocked the bridge early, turn 3 or so, and Javelined a Thief, this was nice, because it caused the thiefs to all double back. Warren was able to kill of the injured thief. The Physic bishop does not heal thiefs? Arran blockade also meant rickard weant back, Julian talked with him, and Rickard went on his way to get a master seal extra. Arran killed the Physic Bishop, Catria, Warren & Julian killed a sniper before marth seized. While marth was being rescued, Draug did some shopping. Rickard got the secret shop. Marth seized the next turn. 3 Rescue uses left, Hammerne obtained. Draug Promoted in the CH 6 Base, I forgot his Cav stats.

7-9 turns. Or so.

Unit	Class	Lv	Exp	Hp	Str	Mag	Skll	Spd	Lck	Def	Res
Marth	Lord	14	82	34	16	0	14	18	17	13	0
Draug	Pally	19/1	0	38	22	1	12	21	10	17	7
Malicia	Cleric	6	25	18	0	6	2	8	14	2	8
Catria	Peg	11	14	26	12	2	13	19	11	11	7
Warren	Hunter	5	94	23	10	0	8	11	2	4	0
Julian	Thief	8	23	22	9	0	10	16	8	8	0
Arran	Draco	5	33	24	11	1	12	12	5	14	3
Rickard	thief	3	0	18	6	0	3	9	1	3	0

Chapter 6

Julian & Rickard did their job, Julian Low, for being able to get out 1 turn earlier, to get Exp. I HAD to reset for this one, as in, reset abuse. Because I really needed both the bishops to have 3 Def. That way, Catria could ORKO them with a Javelin. It was really annoying, they almost looked like they were trading Def. 1 had three, other 4, then vice versa. Blerg. Draug ORKO'd everything left and top, Marth traced him. The others got Exp because of the reinforcements. Frey, get some speed!

6 Turns


Draug can do 25x2 damage to Roro, but he misses, so Catria finishes him off with a 14 dmg steel lance. Draug is invincible anyway. He has capped speed as a draco btw. Julian & warren kill a fighter near radd, frey gets Exp through an Archer kill. Malicia goes Right, then up, rescues, Marth Seizes.

1 turn

Unit	Class	Lv	Exp	Hp	Str	Mag	Skll	Spd	Lck	Def	Res
Marth	Lord	14	91	34	16	0	14	18	17	13	0
Draug	Draco	19/3	82	37	24	1	13	23	11	20	4
Malicia	Cleric	7	54	18	0	6	2	8	15	3	8
Catria	Peg	13	19	28	14	2	14	20	13	13	7
Warren	Hunter	6	74	24	10	0	9	12	2	4	0
Julian	Thief	8	84	22	9	0	10	16	8	8	0
Arran	Draco	5	71	24	11	1	12	12	5	14	3
Rickard	thief	3	0	18	6	0	3	9	1	3	0
Frey	Knight	9	69	27	13	0	9	5	6	15	0
Ceasar	Myrm	7	0	24	7	0	12	13	6	7	0

Chapter 7:

Navarre Critkills the first thief, very nice, Draug javelins, misses the first, OHKO's the thief on second try. Navarre is danced, and FTW, crits the second thief. Levels up only speed, which is epic, he now doubles the thieves. Sadly, he does have no more use iirc. Arran, Catria & Draug mop up all the hunters & thieves, Marth struggles to keep up, but then feena arrives, who dances him two times or so. Arran is doubled for 11 damage by the boss, perfect, catria finishes Dahl, marth seizes turn 5.

Oh yes, the others, the get a firestone. Ceasar survives with 1 HP, Warren attacks, Julian is OHKo'd.  Frey decides to put the killer lance to use. Rickard was deployed for shitz and jiggles.

5 turns

Unit	Class	Lv	Exp	Hp	Str	Mag	Skll	Spd	Lck	Def	Res
Marth	Lord	15	21	35	16	0	14	18	18	14	0
Draug	Draco	19/4	65	37	25	1	13	23	12	21	5
Malicia	Cleric	8	18	18	0	6	2	9	16	3	9
Catria	Peg	14	81	29	15	2	15	20	14	14	7
Warren	Hunter	7	17	25	10	0	9	13	2	4	0
Julian	Thief	9	14	23	10	0	10	16	8	9	0
Arran	Draco	6	03	24	11	1	12	12	5	14	3
Rickard	thief	3	0	18	6	0	3	9	1	3	0
Frey	Cav	10	46	28	13	0	9	12	6	12	0
Ceasar	Myrm	7	20	24	7	0	12	13	6	7	0
Feena	Dancer	1	97	16	2	0	2	13	8	5	0

Chapter 8:

NOTE, I have done this now. It's a 3 Turn. Marth moves, Feena dances, Marth moves again, rapiering Roger, the pallies & the generals, getting hit by the sniper and whatnt, but surviving. Draug & Catria protect feena, otherwise she'd be in Pally range. Turn 2 draug Javelins a sniper, Marth goes for Jeorge, generals go for Draug. The rest has little to do, Malicia heals either Draug Or marth. Turn 3, Draug ORKO's jeorge, and marth seizes. Bought some stuff etc. The rest didn't get much to do, I need to find out how to put them to use. Oh, yes, Catria got Leo turn 2. Ceasar got some armorslayer use on a general. Draug ORKO's all the generals, and that means, Arms scroll!

3 Turns.

Chapter 9 will be fun.

Arran will be almost Permanently used as either a Sorcerer or Bishop from now on. He can use rescue at base, and has more move than Malicia atm, so will rescue, and Malicia can hammerne etc.

Edited by Vicious Sal
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  • 2 weeks later...

Chapter 2:

I reclass Arran to Berserker Gordon to Hunter, and Cecil to Cleric. I played somewhat conservatively and took 10 turns, but I killed nearly every enemy on the map. I killed Warren and didn't recruit Cord, and I just used the standard charge strategy. Missed the Lady Sword though :/: but oh well. Bererker Arran was potent, being able to ORKO all the enemies on the map, though he couldn't take too much punishment. Gordon was crucial to quickly destroying Rumel and Marth pulled his weight Rapiering cavs.

Unit	Class	Lv	Exp	Hp	Str	Mag	Skll	Spd	Lck	Def	Res
Marth	Lord	8	87	28	10	0	10	12	11	8	0
Arran	Berskr	4	21	28	12	0	9	14	4	8	0
Gordon  Hunter  10      99      25      13      0       10      11      8       5       0
Cecil   Cleric  7       29      21      3       1       10      8       8       0       8

Turns Taken: 11/17

Chapter 3

I decide I don't care about getting Bord, so I get Marth to the Bridge Key village and have him directly unlock the bridge after Dracoknight Arran and Pirate Gordon slaughter all the dracoknights. Paola sits on a fort and kills some Cav reinforcements and the thief heading toward's Julian's village. Once I cross the bridge, I kill Matthis and slaughter all the cavs and the ballistician with Arran and Marth. After Arran and Marth team up to kill the boss in one turn, Gordon takes the Scorpio shard and sits on the gate while Arran and Paola go bait the Dracos. Gordon kills one and Paola gets the remaining three, getting her two levels. Marth recruits Julian and seizes the gate on turn 15.

Unit	Class	Lv	Exp	Hp	Str	Mag	Skll	Spd	Lck	Def	Res
Marth	Lord	9	64	29	11	0	11	12	12	8	0
Gordon	Pirate	13	18	28	15	0	8	14	11	7	0
Cecil	Cleric	7	77	21	3	1	10	8	8       0       8
Paola	Peg	12	22	25	12	2	12	16	9	11	6
Arran	Draco	6	20	24	11	1	12	13	3	12	3

Turns Taken: 15/32

Chapter 3x:

I decide not to deploy Arran for kicks. I reclass Paola to Cavalier and bumrush the entire map. Wrys took one hit before Paola ORKO'd the knight chasing him. Marth tried to head east but he got blocked by a knight, so I took an extra turn. Not much else to say really.

Unit	Class	Lv	Exp	Hp	Str	Mag	Skll	Spd	Lck	Def	Res
Marth	Lord	14	82	34	16	0	14	18	17	13	0
Gordon	Pirate	13	46	28	15	1	8	14	11	7	0
Wrys	Cleric	6	54	17	0	4	8	7	6	3	8
Paola	Cav	12	67	27	13	0	9	15	9	13	0
Cecil	Cleric	8	9	21	3	1	11	9	9	0	8
Arran	Draco	6	20	24	11	1	12	13	3	12	3

Turns taken: 8/40

Chapter 4:

Yumina uses up a Rescue charge, Ogma recruits Sirius and Yubello just stands around uselessly. Marth then recruits Kashim who kills the Thief nearby and Ogma and Sirius solo the Pirates and Hunters near the bridge. Paola and Arran head east, but Arran doesn't do much of anything. Cecil, Gordon, and Paola kill the initial enemies nearby and then on turn 5, Marth, Kashim, and Paola then kill Gahl and I seize on Turn 6.

Unit	Class	Lv	Exp	Hp	Str	Mag	Skll	Spd	Lck	Def	Res
Marth	Lord	10	63	29	12	0	11	13	13	8	0
Gordon	Merc	13	88	28	12	0	15	15	11	8	0
Wrys	Cleric	6	70	17	0	4	8	7	6	3	8
Paola	Cav	13	70	28	14	0	10	15	10	14	0
Kashim	Hunter	base    54
Cecil	Cav	8	38	23	8	0	12	12	9	6	0
Arran	Draco	6	32	24	11	1	12	13	4	12	3

Turns taken: 6/46

Chapter 5:

Arena'd Kashim, Paola, and Gordon to finish off their levels. Ogma recruited Barst, Julian recruited Rickard before being rescued by Wrys and Paola and Marth headed straight for the boss. Gordon and Arran killed a few cavs up north before Paola destroyed the boss. Seized on turn 6.

Unit	Class	Lv	Exp	Hp	Str	Mag	Skll	Spd	Lck	Def	Res
Marth	Lord	10	71	29	12	0	11	13	13	8	0
Gordon	Pirate	14	51	29	16	0	8	14	12	7	0
Wrys	Cleric	7	51	17	0	5	9	8	6	3	9
Paola	Cav	15	24	30	14	0	12	15	10	15	0
Kashim	Hunter	8	61	24	10	0	8	11	5	6	0
Cecil	Cav	8	85	23	8	0	12	12	9	6	0
Arran	Draco	6	44	24	11	1	12	13	4	12	3
Rickard	thief	3	0	18	6	0	3	9	1	3	0
Barst   Fighter base    38

Tuns taken: 6/52

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It's been a while.

Chapter 7 - 5/52 Turns

Feena + Navarre killed things, as did my hoard of angry dracoknights. Rickard went shopping for steels.

UNIT     Class           Level      HP  STR  SKL  SPD  LCK  DEF  RES  WEP LEVEL
Marth    Lord            13.19      32  12   14    14  14   13    1   C Sword
Luke     Dracoknight  20/02.61      39  22   17    17  10   19    4   C Lance D Axe
Arran    Dracoknight  ??/07.97      26  11   14    11   5   12    3   B Lance D Sword
Matthis  Cavalier        10.55      27  12    4    10   4   11    0   C Lance E Sword
Ogma     Cavalier        13.64      33  14   10    13   7   13    1   C Sword E Lance
Sirius   Dracoknight  ??/05.07      30  15   16    15   6   14    3   A Lance B Sword 
Navarre  Cavalier        09.77      25  12    9    11   8   12    0   C Sword E Lance
Feena    Dancer          01.46      16   2    2    13   8    5    0   E Sword

Chapter 8 - 3/55 Turns

Oh God Roger killed a General

Reclassed Gordon to Cavalier so he could recruit Jeorge before Marth seized.

UNIT     Class           Level      HP  STR  SKL  SPD  LCK  DEF  RES  WEP LEVEL
Marth    Lord            15.10      33  14   16    16  16   13    1   C Sword
Luke     Dracoknight  20/04.14      40  24   19    17  11   20    4   C Lance D Axe
Arran    Dracoknight  ??/07.97      26  11   14    11   5   12    3   B Lance D Sword
Matthis  Cavalier        11.39      28  13    4    11   4   11    0   C Lance E Sword
Ogma     Cavalier        15.44      35  15   10    15   8   13    1   C Sword E Lance
Sirius   Paladin      ??/06.01      33  15   16    15   7   13    3   A Lance B Sword 
Navarre  Cavalier        11.03      27  13   11    12   9   13    0   C Sword E Lance
Feena    Dancer          03.19      18   4    4    14   9    5    0   E Sword
Roger    Cavalier        09.04      26  10    7    13   6   10    0   C Lance E Sword
Jeorge   Horseman     ??/05.00      28  11   12    13   5   12    3   B Bow E Sword

Edited by General_Horace
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Woo, one midterm left, so I celebrated by not studying for it and hide in my dorm with FE12.

Chapter 2: Where I Have a Blond Moment

Turns taken: 6

Now, partly, this chapter took forever due to personal issues, but another issue is: how do I do this at a low turn count? At first, Draco!Arran seemed to be best, but after a couple of tries of him trying to rush the Hunters, it finally registered to me that that probably isn't the wisest of ideas, so just tonight I came up with the idea of Pally!Arran, and it worked. D;

Anyway, Arran took Catria's Javelin, rode up ahead and weakened things while Marth and Ryan creeped up behind him. The boss was handled by... not fighting but directly going to seize the gate, so EXP was bare here. Oh well, I have Aura to abuse now, bitches!

Warren was killed by Marth for getting in the way, and Cord sadly will remain in Macedonia. sad.gif

But, Arran gained a point of Spd which made all the difference!

Unit 	CL        LV XP HP ST MG SK SP LK DF RS WL   
Marth   Lord      08 86 27 09 00 12 11 10 09 00 D
Ryan    Archer    11 81 27 10 00 13 10 09 12 00 C   
Arran   Pally     04 30 26 10 01 12 12 05 10 06 D,B


Chapter 3: Linde the Sexy Leech

Turns Taken: 14

This chapter saw the inclusion of Linde, and nothing much, Marth got the key, Ryan immediately took it and unlocked the gate next turn, Draco!Arran killed the Ballistian and weakened the Draco Knights and Linde walked on ahead with her Resire to tank. Got Julian, and Palla kept her pretty face on the fort while Arran did all the killing.

Marth   Lord      09 77 27 10 00 12 12 11 09 00 C
Ryan    Archer    12 65 28 10 00 14 11 10 12 00 C
Arran   Draco     06 16 25 11 01 13 12 05 13 03 B,E
Linde   Mage      07 15 21 00 05 08 09 11 02 04 D

Note: Arran's stats alternate throughout chapters due to his many mid-life crisises of choosing to be a Draco Knight or a Pally.


Chapter 3x: The Not-so-Gauntlet

Turns Taken: 6

This was a rather boring chapter, Linde rushed ahead with Resire, and all the Knights targeted her due to her low Def, but none scratched her, while Arran took a Steel Bow hit like a man, and Marth just ran. Wrys hid in a woods somewhere. Ryan gets awesome level ups!

Marth   Lord      09 94 27 10 00 12 12 11 09 00 C
Ryan    Archer    13 09 29 11 00 15 12 10 13 00 B
Arran   Draco     06 55 25 11 01 13 12 05 13 03 B,E
Linde   Mage      08 47 21 00 05 09 10 12 02 04 D


Edited by Maji
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  • 4 weeks later...

I got through Chapter 12, finally, I will post a log when I type it all over from my noteblock.

Completed chapter 13x

Total turns: 88 Turns taken.

Restarted this and now I'm at chapter 13, having taken.... 74 turns? At chapter 13 start?

Edited by Vicious Sal
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