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HM S Rank + Efficency Playlog

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Chapter 23

9 Turns (325)

1,438 Exp (50,282/47,600)


Roy: 20/8.04

Astol: 20.00

Elfin: 20.00

Rutger: 20/15.26

Fir: 20/10.78

Bartre: 9.77

Gonzales: 20/10.77

Percival: 14.87

Saul: 20/18.29

Lilina: 19/12.24

Clarine: 20/18.70

Cecilia: 8.94

Shin: 19/11.52

Sue: 19/10.16

Zeiss: 19/11.65

Miledy: 20/11.54

Karel: 19.00


Zeiss x Miledy A

Gonzales, Zeiss and Miledy hold off the Wyverns to the left, everyone else takes the right path. Bolting proves to be just too good once more, allowing Lilina + Elfin to kill the Killer Ballista on turn 1. On my first attempt I tried killing the 2 Long Ballista users on turn 3 with Zeiss and Miledy, but it put them in range of Sleep and Berserk, respectively, and I was forced to restart. Saul may not OHKO Mamkutes, but he does double, and with only 8 unit slots available in the final chapter his combat could be helpful. On turn 1 he is warped onto the perfectly placed mountain tile by Clarine, who is rescue-dropped back with Sue and Shin so the Druid is counter-killed on enemy phase. He goes through his last Lightning tome in 2 turns before Rescue is used. With Aurelia equipped, Saul is sitting on 28 RES, great for wasting away the status staffs in the north. I tried adding a Pure Water boost, but it drops their accuracy to 0 and stops them from targeting him completely.

I managed to have all the status staffs drained by the turn 7, and while the enemies around Brenya moved, for some reason they refused to attack. Had I not insisted on grabbing all the treasure, I would have pulled out the Berserk staff and perhaps cleared a turn or so earlier. I probably have enough funds by now, but I do not want to take chances this late, plus it added an extra layer of strategy to the map.

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I finished chapter 24 and final, and was congratulated with...an A rank, with everything perfect except "Weapon" (I assume the power rank?) at B. I totaled it up, and there is no way I have a combined level under 1001. Killing Idoun with Roy made no difference, nor does having all the S rank weapons intact. Anyone know what the problem is?

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Would that not be the Combat rank? You need to have a combined 40% or more of Wins out of all the Battles. I can see that one being tricky. Final chapter has an infinite number of respawning enemies, so that might be the place to complete that rank

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Would that not be the Combat rank? You need to have a combined 40% or more of Wins out of all the Battles. I can see that one being tricky. Final chapter has an infinite number of respawning enemies, so that might be the place to complete that rank

I think "Time" is the combat rank, and that simply cannot be below an A either. Lalum said all the ranks were perfect at the start of chapter 24, and not a single Mamkute in that chapter took more than 2 rounds to kill, with a decent number killed in one.

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The translation patch has the ranks translated erroneously; the proper translations are on this page.

I know, the problem is figuring out what more the game wants from me. Is that a line-by-line translation? If so, the issue is EXP, which could still be fixed at this point if I fell just a few hundred short. I do not think that is the case, as my calculations put me around 1500 over the limit, but what else could the problem be, assuming the tables on this web site are accurate?

Edit: Final unit levels (Total gained EXP)


Roy: 20.00/9.78 (2,778)

Chad: 20.00 (1,900)

Astol: 20.00 (1,000)

Cass: 20.00 (1,500)

Elfin: 20.00 (1,900)

Fa: 17.34 (1,634) - 9,712

Dieck: 11.57 (657)

OJ: 7.03 (403)

Karel: 19.00

Rutger: 20.00/16.52 (3,152)

Fir: 20.00/10.78 (2,878)

Lot: 9.65 (665)

Ward: 3.85 (185)

Bartre: 9.77 (777)

Geese: 10.40 (40)

Gonzales: 20.00/10.77 (1,877)

Garret: 7.10 (610) - 20,956

Barth: 9.22 (22)

Bors: 1.44 (44)

Wendy: 1.00

Douglas: 8.01 (1)

Allen: 14.03 (1,303)

Lance: 11.29 (1,029)

Treck: 11.64 (764)

Noah: 11.22 (422)

Percival: 16.05 (1,105)

Marcus: 4.30 (330)

Zealot: 4.25 (325) - 26,301

Ellen: 6.69 (469)

Saul: 20.00/20.00 (3,400)

Yodel: 20.00

Hugh: 17.98 (298)

Lugh: 3.35 (235)

Lilina: 19.19/13.34 (3,053)

Ray: 12.00

Sophia: 1.00

Niimi: 19.98 (198)

Clarine: 20.00/20.00 (3,800)

Cecilia: 8.94 (794) - 38,648

Wolt: 4.46 (346)

Klein: 6.47 (547)

Dorothy: 4.46 (146)

Igrene: 1.09 (9)

Shin: 19.30/12.97 (2,627)

Dayan: 12.17 (17)

Sue: 19.15/10.16 (2,731) - 45,071

Tate: 8.00

Thany: 11.20/3.82 (1,302)

Zeiss: 19.15/12.68 (2,383)

Miledy: 20.00/11.54 (2,054) - 50,710

So I overestimated my surplus by a few hundred, but I still should have 610 more experience than needed to S rank.

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One-rounding and two-rounding make no difference as far as the combat rank is concerned. Really, if no one has any idea what I did wrong, I will just say I did it anyway. My goal was beating the requirements listed on this site, and that I am sure I accomplished, even if they may be inaccurate.

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My suggestion would be to go through about half a dozen turns before offing Idoun, or as many as you feel would push the rank back up to A. You can even savestate to ensure you take the minimum turns for that, in fact. It really shouldn't take long, and it is possible the information on the site is slightly inaccurate

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Chapter 24

14 Turns (339)

1,243 Exp (50,629/49,100)


Roy: 20/9.78

Fa: 17.34

Elfin: 20.00

Rutger: 20/15.80

Percival: 17.09

Saul: 20/20.00

Lilina: 19/13.18

Clarine: 20/20.00

Shin: 19/12.63

Zeiss: 19/12.05

I replayed the chapter, just in case. Every enemy except for 2 killed by Fa was one-rounded, and I also managed to finish a turn earlier than before. It did no good though, so the only thing left is drawing out the final map for EXP, in case the requirement listed on the site is a bit off. If that fails, so be it. I have better things to worry about.

Percival did most of the work, with Roy and Shin doing a bit at the beginning, Rutger a bit near the end and everyone else relegated to healing, rescuing and reinforcements. The goal was for Roy to seize every other turn, with turn 1 utilizing a trick I employed multiple times to make that possible. You see, every room has 2 Mamkutes on opposite sides of the throne, and while Percival can survive 2 hits off 43-45 ATK, Roy cannot, even with the Sword of Seals. However, with Percival picking him up, Elfin refreshing, and using canto to drop Roy a tile apart from him at the entrance, he will only be attacked once and will have just enough movement to seize next turn. Shin kills the one on the throne at the start of turn 2, and after Yahn is finished expositing and both are healed, Percival picks him up and is recharged once again in order to drop him in range of the Mamkute in the hallway.

The remainder of the chapter played out similarly until I reached the 6th room. By then the Sword of Seals was running out of uses and Rutger, who had spent the whole chapter being carried around by Clarine, was finally brought out. The last Hammerne charge ended up being used on neither Warp nor the Sword of Seals, but the Durandal. Something I realized only now is that Percival with an Energy Ring can potentially 2HKO generic Mamkutes with a Wymslayer, preventing me from having do that. Not sure what else I would have used it on (13 Warp charges was exactly what I needed in the end), but I still could have burst the Durandal out earlier in the game if nothing else.

Final Chapter

1 Turn (340)

0 Exp (50,629/50,100)


Roy: 20/9.78

Fa: 17.34

Elfin: 20.00

Rutger: 20/15.80

Percival: 17.09

Saul: 20/20.00

Lilina: 20/13.18

Clarine: 20/20.00

Shin: 19/12.63

Zeiss: 19/12.05

Saul Warps Roy a tile below Idoun, allowing Lilina to enter his support range, doing 14 Damage to her 80 HP with Bolting. Roy attacks her at range 1 to avoid a potential critical, dropping her to 25 HP. Elfin refreshes Saul, and the last Warp charge is used on Percival, who finishes her with the Durandal.

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Final Chapter

4 Turns (343)

400 Exp (51,029/51,000)


Roy: 20/9.78

Fa: 19.59

Elfin: 20.00

Rutger: 20/15.80

Percival: 17.19

Saul: 20/20.00

Lilina: 19/13.42

Clarine: 20/20.00

Shin: 19/14.10

Zeiss: 19/12.05

My last suggestion was the solution; The final EXP requirement is 51,000. I read this site as saying it was 50,100, and had that in mind as my benchmark the whole time. I would have figured this out much sooner had the game (Or rather the translation patch) not set EXP as an A on the final screen. The last chapter has a limitless supply of Mamkutes, and Fa still had a few levels to grow, so it was no big loss. Roy finished Idoun just to get the best ending, since I already know the 138K funds requirement I set for myself was satisfied.

I was using the fixed growth patch, so all my characters are at their averages. I may write a broader analysis of the characters and the run itself later.

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343 turns! That's pretty amazing, given you were expecting to do it in just over 400. Congratulations!

It may look like a really low number, at 302 below the requirements and on average just under 150 EXP gained per turn, but it can certainly be done in less. A few could have been shaved off with more save-state abuse, a few more from taking the Lalum and Ilia routes, and even more with a lower funds benchmark and more careful conservation of stat boosters, promotional items and weapons to stock up on boots for the last few chapters. None but the last would have said anything about my skill as a player, mind you, but under 330 would not be an impossible benchmark more someone going all out.

Miledy has a serious case, but Rutger gets my vote for best unit. She is better almost from the moment she joins, having EXP rank on top of already excellent combat and mobility for her first 2 chapters, then large wins in STR/DEF and strong 1-2 range after promotion. Rutger having more availability is all that puts him above her. Best player-phase offense in the game from the moment he joins, making enormous contributions to both Tactics and Combat off the strength of his boss killing abilities alone. The massive level lead be builds up over the other growth units solidifies that status for a long time.

Third best combat unit is Percival, vastly outranking Allen and Lance in usefulness largely for his lack of training, though I also prefer his better weapons ranks and raw stats to their supports. It would not be an issue if they started out better, but early on they just finish off stuff Marcus weakened just like everyone else, and with mid-game combat experience so spread out, they become mediocre fast. It should go without saying that Shin, Fir, Gonzales (both routes) and Zeiss are all excellent for this kind of run. They would also go above both Allen and Lance if I had to make a tier list. Dieck also does not impress me at all past the early chapters.

Saul and Clarine are both viable choices for best early healer. Saul can take a hit if you need him to before promotion, has much soon access to the early Physic staff to make up for his lower movement, then after promotion he has higher ATK, longer staff range and Aureola for the final chapter. Clarine has a gigantic durability advantage after her supports are built, but outside Sacae, her offense is too weak compared to justify much use on enemy phase. The extra critical she provides Rutger is still more helpful than anything he does offensively, though.

As for the more unconventional choices among combat units, all 3 were more helpful than I expected. Lilina is pathetic when she joins, but after around 10 levels her damage really stats to make difference, and once you have an unlimited supply of Bolting tomes she becomes one of the best units in the game. Sue is much easier to train than Lilina, largely because of her mobility, but is less helpful by the end. Reliable 2 range is harder to come by in this game because Javelins and Hand Axes suck, but her STR just cannot keep pace with the enemies. If Wyverns were not so common during the final stretch, I would not have promoted her. Early promoted Thany was just useful enough Mid-game to justify all the free kills and the 10K. She has zero combat viability from chapter 9 onward if used any other way.

Putting aside the bullshit that is 10B and that 11A is not free of, I now prefer the B route. Echidna is better than Bartre when both are at their prime, but Bartre was far more useful later on than she ever has been for me. Her large win in SPD is important at first but starts to matter less and less as the game goes on, while Bartre being able to reliably remove large chucks of health at range 2 never stops being useful in game where one-rounding is rare even among the better units, and Armads access makes him unequivocally better once Wyvern Lords show up. Also, his support with Fir is much faster, more convenient and more helpful once built than anything Echidna does for Lalum, and is enough on its own to make up for Gonzales losing a few levels. The B route not selling Killer Axes was a complete non-issue when I did not use any before chapter 21. The Energy Ring and Barrier staff are a much better deal.

I may do another run someday to see if I can outdo this one, but I plan to take a break from Fire Emblem for a while. Thanks to everyone who followed this.

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  • 1 month later...

Seems like you strongly prefer low leveled units, as they padded your exp rank which appeared to be the hardest rank for you. However, you restricted yourself from the arena, which gives you access to a huge exp pool. When it comes to arguing for tiers/units, there's no reason to avoid the arena as long as the units going in them are arbitrary and not "oh well if specific unit X goes to the arena he can be a baller".

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Seems like you strongly prefer low leveled units, as they padded your exp rank which appeared to be the hardest rank for you. However, you restricted yourself from the arena, which gives you access to a huge exp pool. When it comes to arguing for tiers/units, there's no reason to avoid the arena as long as the units going in them are arbitrary and not "oh well if specific unit X goes to the arena he can be a baller".


Was that even a stated objective here at any point?

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Was that even a stated objective here at any point?

Read GE's last post.

Arguing with smash is like throwing a baseball at the moon. You're not gonna achieve anything other than some collatoral damage, so why bother?

I see my reputation precedes me.

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Read GE's last post.

OMG, the "this is how much everyone contributed and who I lieked this time around" unit analysis thing is a totally standard thing that everybody does for every playthrough ever and has nothing to do with tiering. People don't play drafts as some kind of stealth form of tier debate.

I see my reputation precedes me.

I can see why.

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OMG, the "this is how much everyone contributed and who I lieked this time around" unit analysis thing is a totally standard thing that everybody does for every playthrough ever and has nothing to do with tiering.

GE explicitly stated in that post that if he "had to make a tier list" he would put certain units in certain spots, so I was simply pointing out something that should be important for constructing a tier list.

People don't play drafts as some kind of stealth form of tier debate.

Drafts =/= playthroughs for ranks or for "efficiency". In fact, several debaters have done "efficiency" runs for the sole purpose to try and confirm certain ideas for the tier lists. even for GE's playthrough, you'd have to be blatantly lying to yourself if you honestly believe that this playthrough had absolutely no impact on his beliefs of how to rank units in a tier setting even if that wasn't his intention for doing this run.

I can see why.

I would continue these side flames with a snarky comment, but there's really no point.

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