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OMG guys, it's another PMU

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You might even be able to do a Marth solo, though I've never tried so I wouldn't know.

I've done Marth solos. Twice.

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Again, the Dark Mage slot is filled.

Jeez, this forum has a Dark Mage fetish

Edited by Darros
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Sage Midia.


That's actually quite a coincidence. I was just thinking about Midia after looking at her FEWiki page, then was thinking "I hope someone picks her for my PMU run (I have a soft spot for Midia). Next thing I know, ta~da.

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~Prologue 1

No description required

~Prologue 2

Killed Abel, Marth and Frey split the kills

~Prologue 3

Killed Cain and Jagen, Marth and Frey sat on forts and had the wnemies come to them, then Frey dodged a fire mage!!

~Prologue 4


Oh fuck, the sacrifice. Restart time.

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  • 3 weeks later...

~Prolgue 1-4

Boring stuff. Cain was the manly sacrifice because I dislike killing him.

~Chapter 1

Offed Draug and Norne.

~Chapter 2

OGMA rapes stuff on the map. Go him. The axefighters are here too, I guess.

Then I recruit DARROS. :D

~Chapter 3

Julian dodgetanks on a mountain but ends up dying for Lena. :,(


Frey 9

Marth 7

Ogma 7

Gordin 5

Caeda 4

Barst 4

Darros 4

Bord 3

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  • 1 month later...

~Chapter 4

Time to get my lazy ass in gear.

Matthis and Merric arrived. Matthis proc'd strength. Happy day.

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