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3DS Slide Extension


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I'm aware Nintendo (and other companies) have been doing stuff like this for years. It's just that this comes right on the heels of the badly-received 3DS launch, the sudden 3DS Price Drop (which most are okay about, but there are some angry people), and the whole Operation Rainfall deal. Nintendo's been getting some bad press lately, so this is just another thing on top of all that.

Hang on a second. Every review I've seen (albeit not many) was positive about the 3DS launch; in fact, a little look around confirmed that (the only real complain is the battery life). The price drop... let me just correct what you've said a little:

the sudden 3DS Price Drop (which most are happy about, but a very small minority are upset about having paid extra, despite the 20 free games)

And operation Rainfall I'd never heard of. Looking on Wikipedia, it's a small group of fans spamming Nintendo to try to get them to release three economically unviable niche games in the UK and US. Um... what? How does that even fit into your argument?

I've personally become slightly disillusioned with Nintendo recently; far too many of their games are great but lacking simple, effective improvements that could have been added. But really, you need to bear something in mind: Nintendo are a corporation. They're out to make money, not to make people happy. The two often go hand in hand but sometimes, you can't please everyone. Nintendo tend to try and do a better job of it than a lot of other companies, though.

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Hang on a second. Every review I've seen (albeit not many) was positive about the 3DS launch; in fact, a little look around confirmed that (the only real complain is the battery life).

You seem to be forgetting the semi-reported fact that outside of 3-D remakes, the 3DS does not exactly have any "killer apps" that are really worth buying at this moment in time, a relatively large reason for the price cut on the system to begin with.

And operation Rainfall I'd never heard of. Looking on Wikipedia, it's a small group of fans spamming Nintendo to try to get them to release three economically unviable niche games in the UK and US. Um... what? How does that even fit into your argument?

If you've never heard of Operation Rainfall, I'd say that slightly discredits your prior argument about reviews and complaints about the 3DS and Nintendo in general. Operation Rainfall fits in because of all of the "negative" (at least from the populace) press that it's been receiving in media outlets. This noticeably reached its peak when Nintendo of America acknowledged the campaign on Twitter saying the equivalent of "We'll have an announcement in a few days!", and then proceeded a few days later to go "Yeah, we don't have any plans to release these." That piece of news didn't exactly sit well with too many people.

You also have to factor in that, regardless of how silly Operation Rainfall may or may not be, Nintendo's release schedule for the remainder of the year had been largely devoid until their latest round of release date announcements (both Kirby titles, a confirmed date for Skyward Sword, etc.). Given that the Wii U won't be out in North America until, what, around March of next year (at the earliest) and that the 3DS won't have any bigger, new releases until the holidays, it's quite pitiful and aggravating when the first party company won't even support their own system (let alone trying to get third parties to support it with more than shovelware).

Edited by Lord Glenn
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It most definitely won't be that soon. Remember that they couldn't even show us proper game footage of anything at E3. The only reason they announced it that early is because it was leaked and they had to bring something to the table that showing.

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Meh... honestly I'm fine with a ten dollar peripheral. People were complaining about only 1 joy stick and Nintendo tries to rectify that. Haters gonna hate.

But I must admit, I would of preferred a better placement for the stick.

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As far as I'm concerned this is a one off device that Nintendo made to give Capcom incentive to bring Monster Hunter to the system. The announcement of the peripheral is even in the article about Monster Hunter 3G. Hell, its not even required to play the game, it has touch screen controls.

People are making a very large mountain out of an extremely tiny molehill.

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You seem to be forgetting the semi-reported fact that outside of 3-D remakes, the 3DS does not exactly have any "killer apps" that are really worth buying at this moment in time, a relatively large reason for the price cut on the system to begin with.


If you've never heard of Operation Rainfall...

From what I can tell, operation Rainfall is an NSTC thing, it doesn't really affect me. That's on top of the fact I have zero interest in the games, so there's a good chance I've seen one or two things and zoned them out.

As for the lack of games, that's the main reason I haven't bought one. But I fail to see how a lack of good games means it's getting negative press, especially considering you even just flat out stated it's only semi-reported. What?

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As far as I'm concerned this is a one off device that Nintendo made to give Capcom incentive to bring Monster Hunter to the system. The announcement of the peripheral is even in the article about Monster Hunter 3G. Hell, its not even required to play the game, it has touch screen controls.

People are making a very large mountain out of an extremely tiny molehill.

I imagine they did make it so they could get a Monster Hunter game, it's got a fucking huge following in Japan, but hopefully developers will use it too. MGS3D's camera can be controlled normal, and now I can even play Kid Icarus Uprising!

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I never got a 3DS due to the rather lacking library at the moment, but the extra slider isn't a bad idea at all.

Problem is yeah, it should have been there to start with. My other concern right now though is how its library's lacking until the holidays.

Requires AAA battery...?

I hope not! That would be terrible!! sad.gif

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Third-party games supporting the slider, none from Nintendo.

Kingdom Hearts 3D

Requires AAA battery...?

Sweet. I'm gonna be buying the adapter then.

And if it needs a triple A battery, that's fine with me, because then it isn't sapping battery life off of the 3DS.

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And that 3DS battery definitely needs all the energy it can hold... :(

Pretty much. I had a gameboy advance thing that held three games and would allow me to switch between any of them. It sucked the battery life so much. :(

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Wait, so who still thinks this is just for Monster Hunter? No, this thing's going to become the norm for current 3DS owners, because Nintendo's going to release a revision with a second stick built in. We're not talking about some dumb Guitar Hero attachment, this is a second stick, which will benefit every "traditional" 3D game on the 3DS.
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