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Seen any good movies?

Flawed Nobody

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What can be said about Iron Man that hasn't already been said by thousands of other people, other than the fact that this movie is pure awesome. If you haven't seen it yet, go see it now. If you don't plan on seeing it, do so anyway! Oh, and stay after the credits.
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for my art appreciation class, we saw chicago

never really paid attention though, since i was too busy finishing my 3 analysis that i hadn't done....
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I'm itching to watch Iron Man! I had doubts about it when I saw the trailers, because I wanted to avoid being let down. I got worked up about Spider-Man 3 last year, which made me sad for its lameness.

But Iron Man will have to wait until after AP exams. :(
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grrrr... i wanna see Iron Man, but work is fucking me over big time...
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[quote name='drawswithpencil' post='23194' date='May 4 2008, 12:31 AM']Iron Man is an instant classic! Oh, and I disagree, I thought Spider-Man 3 was the best of the franchise in my opinion. I thought it was a satisfying conclusion and I feel that they should stop at 3. Unfortunately, by the time 4 comes out, I may change my mind.[/quote]

See, for me, it didn't live up to my expectations...My hopes were way too high, and I was anticipating the movie for too long. That may have influenced my thoughts on the movie. SM3 wasn't all that bad, just not good enough. For me.
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I finally saw Cloverfield. It was pretty good, actually, despite the mixed reviews. The one gripe I had was with all the camera shake. At some points I even began to feel nauseous.

Also, I saw Diary of the Dead, George Romero's new movie in the "Dead" series. It got a lot of negative reviews... But I actually found it to be very enjoyable. It's from a first-person camera angle, so it's most basic sense, it's Cloverfield with Zombies. However, the one thing I thought it had over Cloverfield, is the fact that you don't get a good look at the cameraman's (who is the main character too) face until [spoiler]after he dies at the end of the movie.[/spoiler] I don't know how to describe it...but it really gives the movie a lot more depth over that of Cloverfield...which is odd for a zombie flick. Also, there's a much milder camera shake. Yay for not getting sick.
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[quote name='coolguyvaters' post='28882' date='May 20 2008, 12:30 PM']Death Note movie tonight!

I'm psyched![/quote]
Let me know how it is. I'm curious as to whether or not a Live Action Death Note movie will work...

I haven't seen it yet, but I hear from a few friends that Prince Caspian is an awesome movie.
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[quote name='drawswithpencil' post='21402' date='Apr 29 2008, 11:52 AM']Speed Racer? Iron Man? Indiana Jones? I wanna see all three of them![/quote]
In my opinion all suck
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[quote name='Lord Knight of Barrel Roll' post='29679' date='May 22 2008, 11:46 AM']In my opinion all suck[/quote]
You sound like my friend.

Either way, you both deserve to be shot or maimed or [i]something[/i].
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[quote name='Lord Knight of Barrel Roll' post='29679' date='May 22 2008, 12:46 PM']In my opinion all suck[/quote]
You just lost your right to live and do barrel rolls. All were amazing.
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Speed Racer... eh, I don't like racing stuff much. Iron Man looks cool. Indiana Jones... at first I thought "no" and then I watched all three in a row last week, they were pretty cool. I wanna see it the most.
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