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[FE11] SOYO-Reclass Draft!


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P1: 7/0

P2: 8/0

P3: 10/0

P4: 13/0

Ch1: 6/6

Ch2: 7/13

Ch3: 7/20

Ch4: 7/27

Ch5: 5/32

Ch6: 12/44

Ch6x: 20/44

Ch7: 7/51

Ch8: 7/58

Ch9: 5/63

Ch10: 8/71

Ch11: 10/81

Ch12: 8/89

Ch12x: 20/89

Ch13: 4/93

Ch14: 6/99

Ch15: 6/105

Ch16: 7/112

Ch17: 3/115

Ch17x: 20/115

Ch18: 6/121

Ch19: 4/125

Ch20: 6/131

Ch21: 3/134

Ch22: 7/141

Ch23: 7/148

Ch24: 4/152


Endgame: 5/157

Boah - totally useless

Frey - Beastmode until Ch4, then only Beastmode during player phase

Midia - Staffbot, nuffsaid

Gordin - Tanky staffbot

Caesar - useless

Dolph - VERRRY slow start and low defensive stats, but his offense was generally very good

Horace - good bases, rarely doubles, but good chip nonetheless

Sedgar - MVP

Draug - Always a good Dark Mage since he has really good speed

Rickard - Let me use Julian as a combat unit for most the game

Marth - Seizes things and doesn't afraid of anything

Julian - Doubles everything, ORKOing early game, but fell behind once I actually had Sedgar and Dolph to clear everything out

Nagi - Stood still like a boss

Marth  	21.36	34	14 	0  	13 	18 	21 	12 	0
Frey   	13.10	45	20 	1  	26 	27 	16 	13 	0
Gordin 	09.50	37	1  	9  	14 	10 	15 	7  	18
Draug  	08.41	31	3  	8  	11 	19 	11 	5  	9
Julian 	18.33	31	11 	0  	14 	23 	18 	8  	0
Sedgar 	20.00	59	24 	1  	24 	26 	9  	23 	2
Dolph  	19.35	44	21 	1  	26 	26 	5  	16 	5
Midia  	05.38	26	3  	4  	9  	9  	8  	4  	6
Horace 	09.15	32	15 	0  	13 	14 	8  	8  	0
Rickard	BASE
Caesar 	08.91	??	9  	0  	2  	3  	7  	14 	0
Boah   	BASE

Notes: Didn't write down Caesar's health apparently, don't feel like trying to find my cart to get it.

Promotion levels were:

Frey 13

Draug 14

Dolph 10

Gordin 19

I have a bunch of other notes written, but I really don't want to write them, the jist is that Sedgar got all my stat boosters pretty much and I forged a ton of fire tomes for Draug. Also all of the forges for Dolph referenced Dolph Lundgren.

This has been done for a couple weeks I just really didn't want to have to copy everything manually. I'll never again record my draft notes anywhere except for a computer :(.

Edited by XiSrOn
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