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[FE11] Yet another FE:SD Draft

Wen Yang

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This draft is inspired by The recent trend of SOYO and Reclass drafts around, but with a little twist...


1. This draft is for 5 players.

2. Marth, A Ballistician (Choose one), A thief (Choose one), Xane, Elice, and Nagi are free for all to use.

3. The game will be played on Normal.


1. Undrafted units may recruit characters, visit houses, trade, meatshield, shop, and of course, die for the greater good.

2. Undrafted units may not do anything not listed above, including but not limited to opening chests/doors.

3. Gaiden and prologue chapters do not count towards the total turncount up to 20 turns taken.

4. You are free to reclass undrafted units to whatever you want.

5. Marth may not Seize the throne in Chapter 18 before Turn 5. (Apparently it is only possible to make 4-turns in the PAL version of the game.)

6. All Gaidens are mandatory. That includes 24x, so effectively Gotoh is banned.

7. Warp-Skipping is NOT allowed. The Warp staff may be used for other purposes though. This means simply that you may not warp Marth. Ever.


1. Wi-Fi Shop is strictly prohibited.

2. You may not use loaner units.

3. Forges are only allowed of Iron weapons and the Fire tome and to +/- 3 MT and WT, +/-15 Hit and +/-9 Crit. Please indicate when and how much you forge a weapon (Ex. Forged a lance for Vyland called Awful with +3 MT and -3 WT).

4. Aum Staff is legal for the Falchion trick if you wish to use it.

5. If you cannot reclass to your given class because that spot is not being taken by an undrafted or generic unit, you must reclass the undrafted or generic unit to something else to allow your drafted unit to use that class (so you can't weasel your way out of having a dark mage).


1. Undrafted units have a 4 turn penalty, per unit per chapter.

2. Using a unit in a class other than its given class (after reclassing is available for that unit) has a 44 turn penalty (as in, don't do it).

3. NOT recruiting a drafted unit has a 44 turn penalty (as in, get them all).

4. Losing drafted unit (death in combat) has a 22 turn penalty. You may however keep undesired drafted units on the bench. You do not receive this penalty if you later revive the dead unit via the Aum Staff, and yes, the Falchion trick is legal. Note: Free units count as "drafted" for the purpose of this rule.


1. When you get a turn to pick, you will first pick a unit for yourself, and then pick a second unit for the person next in line. In essence, half of each person's team will be determined by SOYO-style drafts while the other half are that person's own picks. (Since we use the usual snake-style 1234554321 picking order, the people who picks twice in a row will first pick a unit for the person on the other end of the order, then the one going after them. So for example player 5 will first pick a unit for him/herself, then a unit for player 1, then another for him/herself, then another for player 4.) The last round of picks will be a regular draft however, due to the number of draftable characters available.

*The order for the SOYO picks is 23451 and then 43215 on the other direction. The drafting is the usual snake style of 1234554321.

2. The person who receives a unit from the player before them gets to choose which class the given unit becomes, as well as which class the unit picked by the player before them for him/herself becomes. (Example: Player 1 picks Frey for himself, and gives Ymir to Player 2. Player 2 then opts to make Ymir a Berserker, while in turn making Player 1's Frey into a Dark Mage/Sorcerer.) In other words, you get to pick the class of the unit you get from SOYO drafts, while you never get to pick the class of the unit you get from your own picks. Do unto others what you wish others to do unto you people.

So to be more specific each player may have at most one of each of:

Class A / Female

Cavalier/Pegasus -> Paladin

Pegasus/Cavalier -> Draco

Archer -> Sniper

Myrmidon -> Swordmaster

Mage -> Sage

Cleric/Curate -> Bishop

Class B

Knight -> General

Mercenary -> Hero

Fighter -> Warrior

Pirate -> Berserker

Hunter -> Horseman

Dark Mage -> Sorceror

If someone has one of each of a class-set you may begin anew on that set.

Ballisticians, Thiefs, Manaketes and Marth are obviously not reclassed. Because of this, you may not have two of these classes, nor give people another unit of these classes if they already have one picked. (This means that you may pick and use one of Bantu/Tiki despite Nagi being free, but may not get another one)

In case you are still confused by the rules, here is a sample round of drafting in this method:

P1 picks Frey, gives P2 Elice

P2 chooses to make Elice a Curate/Bishop, makes P1's Frey a Mage/Sage in return.

P2 picks Caeda, gives P3 Minerva

P3 Keeps Minerva as a Draco, and chooses to be nice to P2 and lets P2 use a Cav/Pally Caeda

P3 choose Abel, gives P4 Darros.

P4 makes Darros into a Knight/General and in return makes P3's Abel a Curate/Bishop just for laughs.

P4 chooses Cain and gives P5 Ymir.

P5 turns Ymir into a berserker and gives P4 an Archer/Sniper Cain.

P5 chooses Draug, gives Villuck to P1, picks Ogma, and gives Lorenz to P4

P4 has to change Lorenz's class since he already has a General, and makes him into a Warrior. P4 gives P5 a Dark Mage!Ogma.

Player List:

1. Kopfjager

2. Kay

3. 13thShadow

4. Dokutayuu

5. Eclipse

Randomized Draft Order:

1. Kay: Mrym/SM!Frey, Sorcerer!Lorenz, Peg/Pally!Athena, Merc/Hero!Draug, Knight/General!Ogma, Cleric/Bishop!Maria, Mage/Sage!Boah, Berserker!Horace, Draco!Midia, Horseman!Astram

2. Kopfjager: Mrym/SM!Navarre, Archer/Sniper!Caeda, Peg/Pally!Est, Peg/Draco!Lena, Mage/Sage!Norne, Cleric/Curate!Wrys, Dark Mage/Sorcerer!Macellan, Knight/General!Bord, Merc/Hero!Roger, Fighter/Warrior!Dolph

3. Eclipse: Cav/Draco!Hardin, Curate/Bishop!Cain, SM!Arran, Cav/Pally!Merric, Mage/Sage!Tomas, Archer/Sniper!Roshea, lol!Bantu, Dark Mage/Sorcerer!Caesar, Cav/Pally!Gordin, Sniper!Jagen

4. Dokutayuu: Pirate/Berserker!Cord, Mage/Sage!Abel, Sorcerer!Samson, General!Wolf, Tiki, Cleric/Bishop!Katua, Cav!Draco/Radd, Sniper!Minerva, Mrym/SM!Linde, Peg/Pally!Palla

5. 13thshadow: Archer/Sniper!Jeorge, Dark Mage/Sorcerer!Barst, Warrior!Sedgar, Horseman!Etzel, Cav/Pally!Matthis, Knight/General!Castor, SM!Wendell, Hero!Ymir, Curate/Bishop!Vyland, Pirate/Berserker!Darros

List of Available Units:


Edited by Tangerine
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I'm up for it, normal sounds nice compared to H2. From what I gather, this is a semi-SOYO. Where you can choose half your units but not their class, but you can choose the class of what you're given.

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Precisely. By my count since we have 55 draftable characters (11 each) and the last round is a normal draft, you will have 6 people of your choice with a class that is someone else's choice, as well as 5 people someone else chose for you with a class of your choice.

I'm hoping the double-picking would be able to cut down on the time spent drafting units too, since this way we'd finish drafting in 6 rounds instead of 11.

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I have one question. Based on Drafting Rule 2

Marth, Julian, and Nagi are free for all to use.

And the second twist's ending

Ballisticians, Thiefs, Manaketes and Marth are obviously not reclassed. Because of this, you may not have two of these classes, nor give people another unit of these classes if they already have one.

You cannot Legally recruit and use Rickard.

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I noticed a few mistakes, and as such, am making corrections and changes to the rules at the moment. We also have 5 people, so I'll randomize the draft order in a bit.

Randomized Draft Order:

1. Kay

2. Kopfjager

3. Eclipse

4. Dokutayuu

5. 13thshadow

Edited by Kopfjager
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Why how nice of you! :)

Frey can be a Mrym->SM

I'll keep Navarre as a Mrym->SM myself.

I hereby choose little lovely Caeda, and give Eclipse... hmm...

I'll be nice and grant you Hardin.

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*facewall, facewall, facewall that puts the facewall below seem like it's into a pillow.*


EDIT: Thanks to DualSilverGunner's sig for photo.

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Hmmmm. . .that lance rank. . .calls to me. . .Hardin's my Cav/Draco. And I'll be nice and make Caeda an archer.

Doku gets to figure out what to do with Cord. Meanwhile, I'm taking Cain.

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I see everyone's being nice so far.

I can't wait till the backstabbings and betrayals happen. gee_wiz_emoticon.gif

Oh yeah, when you start the draft, please specify which ballistician and which thief you're using.

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I'm not going to lie, If I were in this, I would be much more sadistic than you guys.

Wish granted!

Cain is now a mighty... Curate/Bishop! Gotta love that base magic!

Cord shall be a Pirate/Berserker! And I'm also taking Abel for myself. 13thshadow can have Jeorge.

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I see the backstabbings have begun. :)

13thshadow, it's your turn. First decide the classes of Doku's Abel and your Jeorge, then pick a person for yourself and another for Kay (Kay gets to reclass these), then pick another one for yourself and one for Doku (Doku reclasses these).

Warning: 13th, you have 18 hours to make your pick, or else I'll turn to random.org to decide what you get.

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Picking for 13th because Wen says I can.

Doku, you get Mage-> Sage Abel |D

For Jeorge, staying at Archer -> Sniper.

Pick Barst for myself and give Kay Lorenz.

And then after that I take Sedgar for myself and give Doku Samson.

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Yeah, 13th. I PMed you. You even picked in the OTHER draft. It's been 24 hours since doku's pick.

Be glad that JB picked for you since I was about to give you Ymir and Etzel otherwise.

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Zagaro Sedgar can be a Warrior! He's tough to ruin!

Samson becomes my Sorcerer! DIdn't see that coming, did you? I'll choose Wolf for myself.

Eclipse can have the delight which we all know as Arran.

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I was gone yesterday, and forgot about this one BECAUSE of the other.

EDIT: Because I'm leaving this weekend, I will PM somebody, probably Doku or Kay, my priorities for Me picks and Them Picks.

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