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[FE11] Yet another FE:SD Draft

Wen Yang

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Chapter 5: Wolfination - 6 turns!

Abel gets another +3MT Fire tome called Smellfire. I won't bother with Banban's firestones, I don't need to actually use him, just keep him alive.

Zagaro sacrifices himself, whilst the others ignore Wendell and head west. Abel gets a point of magic and Marth destroys the boss. Capture on turn 6!

Unit   Class   LV XP HP ST MG SK SP LK DF RS Notable Items
Marth  Lord    10 15 24 11 00 06 12 13 11 00 Rapier, Killing Edge, Steel Sword
Abel   Mage    14 67 27 08 04 15 09 05 04 03 Falaflame, Smellfire
Cord   Pirate  07 59 23 09 00 07 09 06 06 00 Devil Axe, Hand Axe
Julian Thief   05 67 18 06 00 08 13 09 05 00 Iron Sword
Wolf   General 03 17 30 08 00 03 04 05 15 01 Iron Bow, Steel Lance



Chapter 6: The Fire Whatchamacallit - 10 turns

Julian gets a +3 MT, +1 Hit, +9 Crit Iron Sword, known as the Tickleblade. Wolf's reclassed now. I hope he's as broken as I've heard. Hardin's gang join in order to die.

Wolf blocks off the incomig cavalry, his defense is crazy! Marth goes on ahead but has to fall back for a turn when things get a little too much for him. I get all the stuff except the Kill Sword, but I already have one! A turn 10 capture. Abel can't quite magic the boss to death. Marth gets B-rank swords!

Unit   Class   LV XP HP ST MG SK SP LK DF RS Notable Items
Marth  Lord    11 91 25 11 00 06 12 14 11 00 Rapier, Killing Edge, Steel Sword
Abel   Mage    15 61 27 08 05 15 10 06 04 03 Falaflame, Smellfire
Cord   Pirate  08 69 23 09 00 07 10 06 06 00 Devil Axe, Hand Axe
Julian Thief   07 14 20 08 00 09 13 09 05 00 Iron Sword, Tickleblade, Physic
Wolf   General 03 89 30 08 00 03 04 05 15 01 Iron Bow, Steel Lance, Master Key



Chapter 6x: What did I do to deserve this?

Hey cool, you get easy chapters for doing badly! And I can take up to 20 turns! I might kill my units more often! Wolf gets a +3 MT Iron Bow known as the Irony Bow.

Marth heads up alone, letting the others clear the castle for him. I was hoping Athena would have a cool weapon, but she has an Iron Sword! Vey just added vemselves to the sacrifice list.

Nothing special, I clear it in 12 turns, making sure Cord has that C rank in axes!

Unit   Class   LV XP HP ST MG SK SP LK DF RS Notable Items
Marth  Lord    13 23 27 12 00 06 14 15 11 00 Rapier, Killing Edge, Steel Sword
Abel   Mage    15 83 27 08 05 15 10 06 04 03 Falaflame, Smellfire
Cord   Pirate  09 53 23 09 00 08 11 06 06 00 Devil Axe, Hand Axe
Julian Thief   08 53 21 09 00 10 14 10 05 00 Iron Sword, Tickleblade, Physic
Wolf   General 04 57 32 09 00 04 05 05 16 01 Irony Bow, Steel Lance


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Chapter 15 - 6/101

Extra turn was because Marth was the only one that could reach the boss on turn 5.

The Dracos didn't like my archers, and Merric on a horse schooled a bunch of mages. I was short on generics, so on turn 5, Cain warped Julian to the chests, leveled, and gained just enough Speed to avoid being doubled by Gharnef. . .so watching Cain stand there and easily eat an Imhulu was the highlight of the map. As well as Hardin's promotion. Tee-hee~!

Also, it seems I messed up Cain's stats on Chapter 14. My bad.

Name      Class     Level  HP  Str  Mag  Skl  Spd  Lck  Def  Res
Marth     Lord      17.79  31  14    0   14   13   18   12    0
Jagen     Sniper     8.80  27   8    1   14   12    1   11    3
Cain      Curate    18.37  32   5    5   11   13    9    3   10
Gordin    Cavalier  13.58  27   7    0    8    9   10    9    0
Julian    Thief     13.41  26  10    0   11   18   15    6    0
Merric    Cavalier  14.20  31   7*   1   14   13    8   13    2
Roshea    Archer    12.40  26  10    0   12    8    6    7    0
Hardin    Paladin    1.00  34  18    1   17   19    9   12    7
Bantu     Will never, ever see combat
Caesar    Dark Mage 11.96  27   2    5    3   10    7    6    4
Tomas     Mage      11.05  25   2    3    6    4    5    2    4

Chapter 16 - 10/111

Detour for Arran.

Jagen and Roshea traded arrows with the horse guys, while Hardin took out two of the three flying annoyances and both Heroes. Julian killed off Xane, because my roster's getting really full. After that, it was a march to the boss, with Hardin eating a critical and living to tell about it.

Name      Class     Level  HP  Str  Mag  Skl  Spd  Lck  Def  Res
Marth     Lord      18.37  32  14    0   14   13   19   12    0
Jagen     Sniper     9.67  27   8    1   15   12    2   11    3
Cain      Curate    20.00  34   5    5   13   15   11    3   10
Gordin    Cavalier  14.28  28   7    0    9    9   10   10    0
Julian    Thief     13.96  26  10    0   11   18   15    6    0
Merric    Cavalier  14.82  31   7*   1   14   13    8   13    2
Roshea    Archer    13.89  26  10    0   12    8    6    7    0
Hardin    Drakky     3.87  33  20    1   18   20   10   14    4
Bantu     Will never, ever see combat
Caesar    Dark Mage 12.35  27   2    6    4   11    7    6    4
Tomas     Mage      11.27  25   2    3    6    4    5    2    4
Arran     Paladin   10.39  24   8    1    8   11    4   10    6

Edited by Clipseykitty
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Ch. 4: 6 turns

Bord died. Recruited Matthis. Didn't touch the villages.

Ch. 5: 6 turns

Forged a +3 MT, -3 WT sword for Draug. Marth and Frey charged toward the throne, while Julian mopped up leftovers. Ignored Wendell and the village. Roshea died.

Ch. 6: 12 turns

I'm not happy about the turncount here, but I got all the treasure and a few awesome level ups. Marth ran toward the throne, Ogma stayed behind to keep all the enemies he ran past from killing anyone, Frey killed thieves. Ogma finally hit D rank in lances.

Name    Class	Level	HP	Str	Mag	Skl	Spd	Lck	Def	Res
Marth   Lord	12.65	27	14	0	8	14	14	11	0
Frey    Myrm    11.99	25	9	0       20	17	7	6       0
Draug   Merc    6.77    23      7       0       11      16      4       5       0
Ogma    Knight  7.61    26      10      0       6       3       5       12      0
Julian  Thief   7.20    21      7       0       10      16      10      7       0

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Chapter 13: 4/100 turns

Marth bumrushes the boss, Norne gets warped to the boss and kills him on turn 1, marth seizes on turn 4. Lena gets to kill off Astram after he stupidly attacked Marth and lost most of his HP. Midia is killed off.

Name		Class	Level	HP	Str	Mag	Skl	Spd	Lck	Def	Res
Marth		Lord	19.90	31	16	0	10	15	20	11	1
Caeda		Sniper	16/1.13	31	13	0	16	25	20	10	3
Norne		Sage	15/1.86	35	3	11	11	17	9	4	8
Wrys		Bishop	20/1.78	26	1	7	11	9	9	3	16
Bord		Knight	10.71	24	12	0	8	0	3	19	0
Julian		Thief	11.5	22	10	0	8	16	13	8	1
Lena		Peg	13.8	18	5	3	14	17	17	9	7
Navarre		Mrym	13.42	29	10	0	15	18	12	8	0
Roger		Merc	10.22	25	8	0	12	16	6	7	0
Jake		Balst	1.0	20	5	0	1	3	3	14	0
Dolph		Fighter	5.64	25	8	0	5	13	3	5	0
Macellan	Dk.Mage	3.0	18	2	2	4	6	4	5	3

Lena recieves a forged Iron spear with +3 mt +15 hit +9 crit named Wild Flug

Chapter 14: 6/106 turns

Marth bum-rushed the throne, while Julian/Dolph/Roger/Navarre handles the right-hand side of the map. Caeda massacres the archers on the left fort, while Norne gets warped next to Jiol on turn 5, at which point she promptly ORKOed Jiol (and his knights too when they attacked her on EP). Marth seized right after Julian gets the silver card.

Name		Class	Level	HP	Str	Mag	Skl	Spd	Lck	Def	Res
Marth		Lord	20.17	32	16	0	11	16	21	11	1
Caeda		Sniper	16/1.58	31	13	0	16	25	20	10	3
Norne		Sage	15/3.26	35	3	12	12	18	9	4	10
Wrys		Bishop	20/2.34	26	1	7	11	9	9	3	16
Bord		Knight	10.90	24	12	0	8	0	3	19	0
Julian		Thief	11.57	22	10	0	8	16	13	8	1
Lena		Peg	13.32	18	5	3	14	17	17	9	7
Navarre		Mrym	14.7	30	11	0	15	18	12	8	0
Roger		Merc	11.63	25	8	0	12	16	6	7	0
Jake		Balst	1.0	20	5	0	1	3	3	14	0
Dolph		Fighter	6.78	26	9	0	5	14	3	5	0
Macellan	Dk.Mage	3.0	18	2	2	4	6	4	5	3

Chapter 15: 6/112 turns.

Marth rushes to the castle like usual. Caeda gets warped to the three dracos up top and kills them, and once Gharnef was far enough, Julian gets warped to the treasure room. Lena wiped out the mages in the desert with ease, including the two bishops. Caeda procced Str :D:

Name		Class	Level	HP	Str	Mag	Skl	Spd	Lck	Def	Res
Marth		Lord	20.17	32	16	0	11	16	21	11	1
Caeda		Sniper	16/2.79	31	16	0	18	26	21	10	3
Norne		Sage	15/3.72	35	3	12	12	18	9	4	12
Wrys		Bishop	20/3.20	26	1	7	11	9	9	3	17
Bord		Knight	10.90	24	12	0	8	0	3	19	0
Julian		Thief	11.80	22	10	0	8	16	13	8	1
Lena		Peg	14.85	18	5	3	14	17	18	9	7
Navarre		Mrym	14.7	30	11	0	15	18	12	8	0
Roger		Merc	12.23	26	9	0	12	16	8	7	0
Jake		Balst	1.0	20	5	0	1	3	3	14	0
Dolph		Fighter	7.61	27	10	0	6	14	3	5	0
Macellan	Dk.Mage	3.0	18	2	2	4	6	4	5	3

Norne recieves a talisman

Caeda recieves an energy drop

Chapter 16: 8/120 turns

Marth, Caeda, Norne, Wrys, and Julian charged down at full speed, while the rest stayed behind at the starting spot and lured the three dracos using generic meatshield baits. Norne massacred the Heroes, and Xane is recruited. I got lucky as Caeda crit-blicked the boss allowing Marth to seize on turn 8. Arran and Samson gets to stay buried in the rubble of their village.

Name		Class	Level	HP	Str	Mag	Skl	Spd	Lck	Def	Res
Marth		Lord	20.44	32	16	0	11	16	21	11	1
Caeda		Sniper	16/4.9	31	16	0	20	28	23	10	3
Norne		Sage	15/5.63	36	3	13	13	18	10	4	12
Wrys		Bishop	20/4.2	26	1	7	12	10	9	3	17
Bord		Knight	11.17	25	12	0	9	0	3	20	0
Julian		Thief	12.74	23	10	0	9	16	14	8	1
Lena		Peg	14.85	18	5	3	14	17	18	9	7
Navarre		Mrym	14.7	30	11	0	15	18	12	8	0
Roger		Merc	12.96	26	9	0	12	16	8	7	0
Jake		Balst	1.0	20	5	0	1	3	3	14	0
Dolph		Fighter	8.38	28	11	0	6	15	3	7	0
Macellan	Dk.Mage	3.0	18	2	2	4	6	4	5	3

Xane's stats will not be recorded since there is no point to it.

Dolph recieves a Dracoshield

Chapter 17: 4/124 turns

Marth charged to the throne, Norne gets warped to the treasure room and killed the sniper ASAP. Caeda gets placed in such a way that the 2 bishops and the sniper to the right will all suicide to her. On EP 1 the hero and the 2 mages in the treasure room suicides to Norne, and one thief stole a Devil Sword. Julian is warped to the treasure room next turn while Norne killed the Devil Sword thief. Julian gets the Warp, Dracoshield, and Master Seal. Marth killed the boss after Caeda weakens it on turn 3, seized the next turn. Lena went shopping to the secret shop.

Name		Class	Level	HP	Str	Mag	Skl	Spd	Lck	Def	Res
Marth		Lord	21.82	33	16	0	11	19	22	13	1
Caeda		Sniper	16/5.21	32	16	0	21	29	24	10	3
Norne		Sage	15/7.24	38	3	13	15	19	10	4	13
Wrys		Bishop	20/4.77	26	1	7	12	10	9	3	17
Bord		Knight	11.17	25	12	0	9	0	3	20	0
Julian		Thief	12.74	23	10	0	9	16	14	8	1
Lena		Peg	14.85	18	5	3	14	17	18	9	7
Navarre		Mrym	14.24	30	11	0	15	18	12	8	0
Roger		Merc	12.96	26	9	0	12	16	8	7	0
Jake		Balst	1.0	20	5	0	1	3	3	14	0
Dolph		Fighter	9.5	29	12	0	7	16	3	8	0
Macellan	Dk.Mage	3.0	18	2	2	4	6	4	5	3

Marth recieves the Dracoshield and Speedwing

Chapter 17x:

Rena procs Str. Twice. In a row. Marth and half my team charges left, the rest (with Julian) goes right. Every treasure is gotten, two waves of pallies are murdered. Plenty of Exp is enjoyed. Etzel gets to meet his wife. Marth seizes on turn 17.

Rena is promoted

Navarre is promoted

Name		Class	Level	HP	Str	Mag	Skl	Spd	Lck	Def	Res
Marth		Lord	22.12	33	17	0	11	19	23	13	1
Caeda		Sniper	16/6.51	33	16	0	22	29	25	10	3
Norne		Sage	15/8.65	38	3	14	15	20	10	4	13
Wrys		Bishop	20/6.3	26	1	8	12	10	10	3	19
Bord		Knight	12.44	25	13	0	9	0	4	20	0
Julian		Thief	14.11	25	10	0	11	18	16	8	1
Lena		Draco	17/1.0	23	11	2	15	17	20	14	4
Navarre		SM	15/1.0	37	13	1	18	21	12	10	3
Roger		Merc	15.97	29	11	0	14	18	10	7	0
Jake		Balst	1.0	20	5	0	1	3	3	14	0
Dolph		Fighter	10.71	30	12	0	7	17	4	8	0
Macellan	Dk.Mage	3.0	18	2	2	4	6	4	5	3

Lena gets a forged Iron Axe with +3 mt +15 hit and +9 crit named Treue

Chapter 18: 10/134 turns

I lost some turns due to having to wait for Est. The chapter itself was a cakewalk, with my team annihilating anything in their path. Since I had to take it slow I distributed the Exp more freely.

Roger is promoted

Name		Class	Level	HP	Str	Mag	Skl	Spd	Lck	Def	Res
Marth		Lord	23.16	34	18	0	11	20	23	13	1
Caeda		Sniper	16/7.25	34	16	0	22	29	26	10	3
Norne		Sage	15/9.3	39	3	14	16	21	11	4	14
Wrys		Bishop	20/6.35	26	1	8	12	10	10	3	19
Bord		Knight	13.6	26	14	0	10	0	4	20	0
Julian		Thief	14.51	25	10	0	11	18	16	8	1
Lena		Draco	17/2.17	23	11	2	16	17	20	14	4
Navarre		SM	15/1.40	37	13	1	18	21	12	10	3
Roger		Merc	17/1.0	37	14	0	17	20	11	9	3
Jake		Balst	1.0	20	5	0	1	3	3	14	0
Dolph		Fighter	12.54	32	13	0	8	18	4	8	0
Macellan	Dk.Mage	3.0	18	2	2	4	6	4	5	3
Est		Peg	3.97	19	5	2	6	12	11	7	6

Est receives a forged Iron Spear with +3 mt +15 hit +9 crit named Trombe

Chapter 19: 12/146 turns

I hate this chapter's layout. So many treasures waiting, so hard to get them fast >_<. In the end, I grabbed most of the treasures, and got Est some kills too, including Tiki.

Name		Class	Level	HP	Str	Mag	Skl	Spd	Lck	Def	Res
Marth		Lord	23.16	34	18	0	11	20	23	13	1
Caeda		Sniper	16/7.25	34	16	0	22	29	26	10	3
Norne		Sage	15/9.3	39	3	16	16	21	11	4	14
Wrys		Bishop	20/6.35	26	1	8	12	10	10	3	19
Bord		Knight	13.6	26	14	0	10	0	4	20	0
Julian		Thief	14.51	25	10	0	11	18	16	8	1
Lena		Draco	17/2.17	23	11	2	16	17	20	14	4
Navarre		SM	15/1.40	37	13	1	18	21	12	10	3
Roger		Merc	17/1.0	37	14	0	17	20	11	9	3
Jake		Balst	1.0	20	5	0	1	3	3	14	0
Dolph		Fighter	12.54	32	13	0	8	18	4	8	0
Macellan	Dk.Mage	3.0	18	2	2	4	6	4	5	3
Est		Peg	6.65	26	7	2	7	16	14	8/	6

Norne recieves the Spirit Dust

Est recieves the Seraph Robe and speedwing

Chapter 20: 6/152 turns

Marth and everyone else who can cross the river charges straight to the castle. I left Roger, Dolph, Bord, and Wrys to handle the pallies at the lower side. Camus got crit-blicked by Caeda, while Marth killed Lorenz in EP5, allowing him to seize next turn.

Name		Class	Level	HP	Str	Mag	Skl	Spd	Lck	Def	Res
Marth		Lord	23.87	34	18	0	11	20	23	13	1
Caeda		Sniper	16/9.36	36	16	0	23	29	28	12	3
Norne		Sage	15/9.60	39	3	16	16	21	11	4	14
Wrys		Bishop	20/8.10	27	1	9	12	10	10	3	20
Bord		Knight	14.12	26	14	0	10	0	5	20	0
Julian		Thief	14.51	25	10	0	11	18	16	8	1
Lena		Draco	17/3.57	24	11	2	16	17	21	14	5
Navarre		SM	15/2.25	38	14	1	19	22	12	10	3
Roger		Merc	17/2.60	38	14	1	17	21	12	9	3
Jake		Balst	1.0	20	5	0	1	3	3	14	0
Dolph		Fighter	14.72	34	14	0	8	20	4	8	0
Macellan	Dk.Mage	3.0	18	2	2	4	6	4	5	3
Est		Peg	10.0	29	8	2	10	20	17	8	6

Chapter 20x:

Time to level Dolph and Est! Needless to say, most of the rest of my team did little more than facilitate Dolph and Est's Exp gain. In the end I managed to get Dolph to 17 and Est to 16, ending the map on turn 17. Ymir is naturally killed off for Exp. :3:

Dolph is promoted

Est is promoted

Name		Class	Level	HP	Str	Mag	Skl	Spd	Lck	Def	Res
Marth		Lord	23.99	34	18	0	11	20	23	13	1
Caeda		Sniper	16/9.36	36	16	0	23	29	28	12	3
Norne		Sage	15/10.6	39	3	16	16	22	11	4	14
Wrys		Bishop	20/10.5	28	1	9	12	11	11	3	20
Bord		Knight	14.72	26	14	0	10	0	5	20	0
Julian		Thief	14.51	25	10	0	11	18	16	8	1
Lena		Draco	17/3.57	24	11	2	16	17	21	14	5
Navarre		SM	15/3.40	38	14	1	20	22	13	10	3
Roger		Merc	17/3.44	39	15	1	18	21	12	10	3
Jake		Balst	1.0	20	5	0	1	3	3	14	0
Dolph		Warrior	17/1.0	42	18	0	10	21	5	11	1
Macellan	Dk.Mage	3.0	18	2	2	4	6	4	5	3
Est		Paladin	16/1.0	39	14	1	14	20	20	14	6

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Chapter 16 - 10/111

Detour for Arran.

Jagen and Roshea traded arrows with the horse guys, while Hardin took out two of the three flying annoyances and both Heroes. Julian killed off Xane, because my roster's getting really full. After that, it was a march to the boss, with Hardin eating a critical and living to tell about it.


Free units count as drafted units for penalty purposes. I hope you have that Aum staff ready for him... or else that's a 22 turn penalty.

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You can if you kill off every generic you have actually.

Of course, since you didn't draft Tiki, you can just kill him off and Aum him in 24x, so that's not a big issue either way, just putting that as a reminder.

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Due to the fact that I've been keeping Bantu around. . .I'll restart this run. On the bright side, Merric might gain Strength, and Marth may stop sucking. On the not-so-bright side, Hardin and Cain were set to murder everything. Ugh. . .

Anyway, I need two extra slots because of a little trick in Chapter 20 I want to pull which involves Caeda and a generic female unit with horrible stats.

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AND START! (again)

Prologue - who cares?

I guess Marth having worse Strength means that there's more experience to go 'round.

Name      Class     Level  HP  Str  Mag  Skl  Spd  Lck  Def  Res
Marth     Lord       5.97  20   7    0    6   11   10    8    1
Jagen     Paladin    2.10  Base everything
Cain      Cavalier   3.50  22   8    0    5    7    3    7    0
Gordin    Archer     2.20  18   5    0    3    4    5    7    0

Chapter 1 - 6/6

Extra turn, but there is NO WAY I'm getting this lucky with Marth again.

Name      Class     Level  HP  Str  Mag  Skl  Spd  Lck  Def  Res
Marth     Lord       7.06  22   9    0    7   13   12    9    1
Jagen     Paladin    2.78  Base everything
Cain      Cavalier   5.24  23   8    0    7    7    4    7    0
Gordin    Archer     2.80  18   5    0    3    4    5    7    0

Chapter 2 - 4/10

Gazzack: Any last words?

Jagen: Your mom. *critblicks*

Things got hairy when Caeda came under fire, but she dodged to save her life. . .and my Killing Edge.

Name      Class     Level  HP  Str  Mag  Skl  Spd  Lck  Def  Res
Marth     Lord       7.57  22   9    0    7   13   12    9    1
Jagen     Paladin    3.28  22   7    1   11    8    1    9    6
Cain      Cavalier   5.88  23   8    0    7    7    4    7    0
Gordin    Archer     3.00  18   5    0    3    4    5    7    0

Chapter 3 - 6/16

Jagen charged ahead, with Marth killing off everything he could. Gordin went north to help level with Julian. I had Marth attack on turn 5, the boss got hit again on enemy phase, then Jagen finished with the Silver Lance on turn 6. Missed the vulnerary; hope this doesn't bite me later.

Name      Class     Level  HP  Str  Mag  Skl  Spd  Lck  Def  Res
Marth     Lord       7.94  22   9    0    7   13   12    9    1
Jagen     Paladin    3.84  22   7    1   11    8    1    9    6
Cain      Cavalier   6.69  23   9    0    7    7    5    7    0
Gordin    Archer     3.60  18   5    0    3    4    5    7    0
Julian    Thief      4.37  18   5    0    7   13    8    4    0

Chapter 4 - 7/23

Now. . .let the madness begin.

Jagen makes things cry, as does Merric, once he joins. Turn 6 saw me killing both horsemen, while using Lena as bait. On turn 7, a single Excaliblick clears the throne (Jagen was standing by to clean up). I have problems killing stuff on this map!

Name      Class     Level  HP  Str  Mag  Skl  Spd  Lck  Def  Res
Marth     Lord       8.68  23   9    0    7   14   13   10    1
Jagen     Sniper     4.47  25   8    1   14   10    1    8    3
Cain      Curate     7.01  21   4    1    6    6    6    3    7
Gordin    Cavalier   4.21  20   5    0    4    6    5    8    0
Julian    Thief      5.20  19   5    0    7   13    9    4    0
Merric    Mage       2.38  21   0    3    4    7    4    4    3

Chapter 5 - 5/28


Caeda ferried some items to Hardin and Roshea, and the resulting carnage was most amusing. Jagen managed to critical the boss, which put him in Rapier range. Merric recruited Wendell, because I really wanted his items (and yes, Merric was a Cavalier. . .I forgot to record his changed stats).

I must kill at least five units to reach 6x. FML.

Name      Class     Level  HP  Str  Mag  Skl  Spd  Lck  Def  Res
Marth     Lord       9.30  24   9    0    7   15   13   11    2
Jagen     Sniper     4.65  25   8    1   14   10    1    8    3
Cain      Curate     7.33  21   4    1    6    6    6    3    7
Gordin    Cavalier   5.05  21   5    0    5    6    5    9    0
Julian    Thief      6.39  19   5    0    8   14   10    4    0
Merric    Cavalier   2.78  forgot to record
Roshea    Cavalier   4.00  23   6    0    5    7    4    7    0
Hardin    Cavalier   7.03  24   9    0    8    9    3    8    1

Chapter 6 - 8/36

Hey, I improved!

Hardin got some sword work in, while everyone else charged. When given the choice to kill the curate or archer, I chose curate. I had Roshea and Jagen sniping the northern guys, while killing off as many as possible. The only survivor of the massacre was Navarre.

My team has decided to be more amusing than last time.

Name      Class     Level  HP  Str  Mag  Skl  Spd  Lck  Def  Res
Marth     Lord      10.28  24   9    0    7   15   13   11    3
Jagen     Sniper     5.22  25   9    1   14   10    1    8    3
Cain      Curate     8.29  22   4    1    6    7    6    3    7
Gordin    Cavalier   6.28  22   6    0    5    6    6   10    0
Julian    Thief      6.59  19   5    0    8   14   10    4    0
Merric    Cavalier   3.39  24   5    1    6   10    5    9    0
Roshea    Archer     4.70  21   6    0    6    5    4    6    0
Hardin    Cavalier   9.68  25  10    0   10   11    5    8    1

Chapter 6x - 20

Here were the chapter goals:

Raise weapon levels - almost check (had problems with Hardin killing everything with an Iron Sword)

Shove experience down my newer unit's throats - check

Get a good chuckle off of it - CHECK.


Name      Class     Level  HP  Str  Mag  Skl  Spd  Lck  Def  Res
Marth     Lord      10.28  24   9    0    7   15   13   11    3
Jagen     Sniper     5.22  25   9    1   14   10    1    8    3
Cain      Curate    10.89  23   4    3    7    7    6    3    8
Gordin    Cavalier   7.13  23   6    0    5    7    7   10    0
Julian    Thief      7.38  20   6    0    9   15   10    4    0
Merric    Cavalier   5.68  26   6    1    8   11    5   10    0
Roshea    Archer     7.42  24   8    0    8    6    4    7    0
Hardin    Cavalier  11.21  27  11    0   11   13    6    9    1

Chapter 7 - 10/46

Went to fetch Ban-ban, then had fun stomping/blocking things. Hardin got to the boss on turn 9, and did just enough to 2RKO him. Cain healed just enough so that Hardin didn't die. Merric's a lot better than last time, and Gordin. . .is Gordin.

Name      Class     Level  HP  Str  Mag  Skl  Spd  Lck  Def  Res
Marth     Lord      10.93  24   9    0    7   15   13   11    3
Jagen     Sniper     5.97  25   9    1   14   10    1    8    3
Cain      Curate    11.79  24   4    3    8    8    7    3    8
Gordin    Cavalier   7.73  23   6    0    5    7    7   10    0
Julian    Thief      8.41  21   7    0    9   16   11    4    0
Merric    Cavalier   7.60  28   6    1    9   12    5   11    0
Roshea    Archer     7.95  24   8    0    8    6    4    7    0
Hardin    Cavalier  12.67  28  11    0   11   13    6   10    1
Bantu     I'll kill/revive him later

Chapter 8 - 5/51

Hardin hit C swords on his way to the boss, so he poked twice with the Silver Lance, then once more with the Armorslayer to finish. This saved a turn. Everyone else chewed through reinforcements. Caesar went to the arena to do stuff. Cool stuff.

Name      Class     Level  HP  Str  Mag  Skl  Spd  Lck  Def  Res
Marth     Lord      10.93  24   9    0    7   15   13   11    3
Jagen     Sniper     6.09  25   9    1   15   10    1    8    3
Cain      Curate    12.37  25   4    3    9    8    8    3    9
Gordin    Cavalier   8.16  23   6    0    5    7    7   10    0
Julian    Thief      9.08  22   7    0    9   17   12    4    0
Merric    Cavalier   8.56  29   6    1    9   13    6   12    0
Roshea    Archer     8.27  24   8    0    8    6    4    7    0
Hardin    Cavalier  13.76  29  12    0   11   14    6   10    1
Bantu     I'll kill/revive him later
Caesar    Mercenary  4.27  21   6    0    8   12    6    7    0

Chapter 9 - 5/56

Three mobile sword units and a sword lord made this chapter very fun. The Devil Axe dude smacked himself over the head, much to Hardin's amusement. Hardin ORKO'd the boss, while everyone else mopped up what experience they could.

Name      Class     Level  HP  Str  Mag  Skl  Spd  Lck  Def  Res
Marth     Lord      11.13  25  10    0    8   15   14   12    3
Jagen     Sniper     6.45  25   9    1   15   10    1    8    3
Cain      Curate    12.65  25   4    3    9    8    8    3    9
Gordin    Cavalier   8.54  23   6    0    5    7    7   10    0
Julian    Thief      9.08  22   7    0    9   17   12    4    0
Merric    Cavalier   9.18  30   6    1   10   13    7   12    0
Roshea    Archer     8.27  24   8    0    8    6    4    7    0
Hardin    Cavalier  14.69  30  12    0   11   15    7   11    1
Bantu     I'll kill/revive him later
Caesar    Dark Mage  4.27  21   2    2    1    5    6    6    3


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Prologue (again!)

All done within the turn limity thing. Marth and Abel actually came out better as well. Gordin is sent to his doom.

Unit   Class	LV XP HP ST MG SK SP LK DF RS Notable Items
Marth  Lord	06 67 22 07 00 06 12 10 09 00 Rapier, Silver Lance
Abel   Cav 	05 41 23 08 00 08 11 04 09 00 Javelin

Chapter 1: Greed is for fools! - 6 turns

I decide not to be greedy and ignore the village. Last time, I didn't need the money anyway. Sheeda sells her lance, Marth and Abel charge. I do a lot better due to a lucky critical and capture on turn 6.

Unit   Class	LV XP HP ST MG SK SP LK DF RS Notable Items
Marth  Lord	07 68 23 07 00 07 12 10 09 00 Rapier, Silver Lance
Abel   Cav 	07 40 25 09 00 09 12 04 09 00 Javelin



Chapter 2: Death to all pirates! - 5 turns

Cord takes on the entire east brigade and wins. Marth and Abel do their thing. Abel javelins everything to death. I actually have time to get the village. The pair get a turn 5 capture. Darros also eats Cord's axe.

Unit   Class	LV XP HP ST MG SK SP LK DF RS Notable Items
Marth  Lord	08 42 23 07 00 08 13 10 09 00 Rapier, Silver Lance
Abel   Cav 	09 36 27 10 00 11 12 05 09 00 Javelin
Cord   Fighter  04 00 22 07 00 05 10 05 05 00 Iron Axe



Chapter 3: Faster than expected! - 6 turns

I use my old strategy, sending Cord right and the others to capture. However, I ignore the Devil Axe, saving two turns! I never used it much anway! Capture on turn 6!

It's reclass time, let's see what I get!

Unit   Class	LV XP HP ST MG SK SP LK DF RS Notable Items
Marth  Lord	08 42 23 07 00 08 13 10 09 00 Rapier, Silver Lance
Abel   Mage	10 89 25 05 03 11 10 06 04 03 Javelin
Cord   Pirate   05 21 21 08 00 05 10 06 06 00 Iron Axe
Julian Thief	04 20 18 05 00 06 12 08 04 00 Iron Sword

Great, Abel's defense still stinks!


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Chapter 10 - 8/64

Marth was frustrated with my turn counts, so he blicked the boss on turn 7, and took no damage from the generic knight on enemy phase. Hardin snagged the Hero Crest, Gordin hit the save point, Bantu went shopping, Roshea didn't do much, and everyone else got the Levin Sword/Silver Bow/Physic.

Name      Class     Level  HP  Str  Mag  Skl  Spd  Lck  Def  Res
Marth     Lord      12.42  25  11    0    9   16   15   13    3
Jagen     Sniper     7.02  26   9    1   15   11    2    8    3
Cain      Curate    13.35  25   4    3   10    9    9    3   10
Gordin    Cavalier   8.64  23   6    0    5    7    7   10    0
Julian    Thief     10.23  22   7    0   10   18   13    5    0
Merric    Cavalier   9.88  30   6    1   10   13    7   12    0
Roshea    Archer     8.81  24   8    0    8    6    4    7    0
Hardin    Cavalier  15.72  31  13    0   11   16    8   11    1
Bantu     You need to die
Caesar    Dark Mage  5.39  21   2    3    1    6    7    6    3

Chapter 11 - 9/73

See that rule about visiting houses? Wendell the Dracoknight spoke with Anna, then Caeda and a very bad Peggy generic flew towards him. The AI targeted the generic, which left Caeda free to talk to Jake. Meanwhile, Hardin and Merric went nuts on the guys in the center. Khozen ate two Silver Lances and went belly-up. Everyone else harried the guys in the south, and Gordin had time to nab another Silver Lance from the store. Bantu died (and will stay that way until 24x). Yay.

Name      Class     Level  HP  Str  Mag  Skl  Spd  Lck  Def  Res
Marth     Lord      12.42  25  11    0    9   16   15   13    3
Jagen     Sniper     7.14  26   9    1   15   11    2    8    3
Cain      Curate    13.91  25   4    3   10    9    9    3   10
Gordin    Cavalier   9.51  23   6    0    5    8    8   10    0
Julian    Thief     11.16  23   7    0   10   19   14    5    0
Merric    Cavalier  10.14  31   6    1   10   13    8   12    0
Roshea    Archer    10.22  26   9    0    9    6    5    7    0
Hardin    Cavalier  17.78  31  13    0   12   17    9   12    1
Bantu     See you in the Alterspire
Caesar    Dark Mage  6.12  21   2    3    1    6    7    6    3
Jake      Far Shot   Base everything and then some

Chapter 12 - 7/80

This should've been 6, but Jagen missed an 80% shot. However, the extra turn allowed me to get the Dragonpike, so whee. Gave the Energy Drop to Merric.

Hardin killed the Sniper with a Javelin, then the General with the Armorslayer. Since Jagen missed, Marth blicked the boss with a certain Killing Edge. Julian was warped to the Boots chest on turn 7. Both thieves were killed, as was the poor soul who killed Dolph and Macellan.

Name      Class     Level  HP  Str  Mag  Skl  Spd  Lck  Def  Res
Marth     Lord      13.05  26  11    0    9   17   15   13    3
Jagen     Sniper     7.34  26   9    1   15   11    2    8    3
Cain      Curate    15.12  25   4    4   10   10   10    3   10
Gordin    Cavalier  10.24  23   7    0    5    8    9   10    0
Julian    Thief     11.16  23   7    0   10   19   14    5    0
Merric    Cavalier  12.08  33   9*   1   12   13    9   13    0
Roshea    Archer    10.98  26   9    0    9    6    5    7    0
Hardin    Cavalier  18.55  32  13    0   12   18    9   13    1
Bantu     Manakete   See you in the Alterspire
Caesar    Dark Mage  6.45  21   2    3    1    6    7    6    3
Jake      Far Shot   Base everything and then some
Tomas     Archer     You were very useful indeed

Chapter 12x - 20

Things got hairy when I somehow got the Sniper, Manakete, and a bunch of pirates on my case. I survived, and. . .


Name      Class     Level  HP  Str  Mag  Skl  Spd  Lck  Def  Res
Marth     Lord      13.50  26  11    0    9   17   15   13    3
Jagen     Sniper     7.67  26   9    1   15   11    2    8    3
Cain      Curate    17.61  27   4    5   10   11   10    3   11
Gordin    Cavalier  11.79  23   8    0    5    8   10   11    0
Julian    Thief     12.49  24   8    0   11   19   15    6    0
Merric    Cavalier  13.10  33  10*   1   12   13   10   14    0
Roshea    Archer    12.87  28  10    0   10    8    5    7    0
Hardin    Cavalier  18.55  32  13    0   12   18    9   13    1
Bantu     Manakete   See you in the Alterspire
Caesar    Dark Mage  8.44  22   3    4    2    7    7    6    4
Jake      Far Shot   Base everything and then some
Tomas     Sage       1.40  28   5    6    6    6    4    3    5

Chapter 13 - 4/84

Extra turn for Hoistflamme. If I have to use Jake, I'm gonna make him useful!

Recruited and killed Astram. Used Cain and Tomas for bait, and watched amusing things happen. Got all the cool stuff on this level, so I'm not complaining.

Three more Speed, and Marth will be able to more-or-less solo Chapter 19.


Name      Class     Level  HP  Str  Mag  Skl  Spd  Lck  Def  Res
Marth     Lord      14.00  27  12    0   10   17   16   13    3
Jagen     Sniper     7.78  26   9    1   15   11    2    8    3
Cain      Curate    18.10  27   4    6   10   12   11    3   12
Gordin    Cavalier  12.48  24   8    0    6    8   10   12    0
Julian    Thief     12.80  24   8    0   11   19   15    6    0
Merric    Cavalier  13.72  33  10*   1   12   13   10   14    0
Roshea    Archer    12.94  28  10    0   10    8    5    7    0
Hardin    Cavalier  18.87  32  13    0   12   18    9   13    1
Bantu     Manakete   See you in the Alterspire
Caesar    Dark Mage  8.74  22   3    4    2    7    7    6    4
Jake      Far Shot   2.51  20   5    0    2    4    4   14    0
Tomas     Sage       1.53  28   5    6    6    6    4    3    5

Chapter 14 - 7/91

Extra turn because Hardin didn't quite have enough to ORKO.

Got the Silver Card, got a couple more Ridersbane, and am broke again. Here goes nothing!

Name      Class     Level  HP  Str  Mag  Skl  Spd  Lck  Def  Res
Marth     Lord      14.72  27  12    0   10   17   16   13    3
Jagen     Sniper     8.10  26   9    1   16   11    2    8    3
Cain      Curate    18.58  27   4    6   10   12   11    3   12
Gordin    Cavalier  13.33  25   8    0    7    9   10   13    0
Julian    Thief     13.64  25   8    0   12   19   16    7    0
Merric    Cavalier  14.26  33  10*   1   13   13   10   14    0
Roshea    Archer    13.34  29  10    0   11    8    5    7    0
Hardin    Cavalier  19.96  33  13    0   13   19    9   13    1
Bantu     Manakete   See you in the Alterspire
Caesar    Dark Mage  9.89  22   3    5    2    7    7    6    4
Jake      Far Shot   4.31  20   7    0    2    4    5   15    0
Tomas     Sage       1.77  28   5    6    6    6    4    3    5

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Poor Cain! I bet he's jealous of Abel now!

Chapter 4: Altean Suicide Squad - 8 turns

Because I can, I send Cain, Frey, Barst and Navarre to die. Abel gains the +3MT +9 crit Curry Ball tome.

Julian uses the idiots as shields so he can get some XP. Matthis dies, Marich is recruited only to die, ironically, Frey survives. Capture on turn 8!

Unit   Class	LV XP HP ST MG SK SP LK DF RS Notable Items
Marth  Lord	09 49 24 08 00 09 13 11 09 00 Rapier, Silver Lance
Abel   Mage	11 98 26 05 03 11 10 06 04 03 Curry Ball
Cord   Pirate   07 69 23 10 00 05 11 06 06 00 Iron Axe
Julian Thief	05 55 19 06 00 07 12 09 04 00 Iron Sword



Chapter 5: Wolfination II - 5 turns

Julian gets the +3 MT, +9 crit Breadstick. Bord is sacrificed, Cord takes on the cavaliers. Marth, Abel and Julian clear the way for a lovely turn 5 capture. Wolf's here, he did a little chipping but that was it.

Unit   Class	LV XP HP ST MG SK SP LK DF RS Notable Items
Marth  Lord	10 09 25 08 00 09 13 12 09 00 Rapier, Silver Lance
Abel   Mage	12 54 26 05 04 11 10 07 04 04 Curry Ball
Cord   Pirate   08 18 24 11 00 05 12 07 06 00 Iron Axe, Hand Axe
Julian Thief	06 35 20 06 00 08 13 10 05 00 Iron Sword, Breadstick 
Wolf   General  03 40 30 08 00 03 04 05 15 01 Iron Bow



Chapter 6: The Fire Thingy - 8 turns

Hardin and Roshe tag along, Hardin doesn't survive. Does that mean I stoppped FE3? More rushing from Marth and Abel. Julian darts about getting the swag. Wolf tanks the cavaliers, I'm really liking him. Abel gets another point of magic, yay!

Capture on turn 8. Abel might not have made it, thankfully the AI decided the unarmed Roshe was a better target.

Unit   Class	LV XP HP ST MG SK SP LK DF RS Notable Items
Marth  Lord	11 57 26 09 00 09 14 13 10 00 Rapier, Silver Lance
Abel   Mage	13 67 27 05 05 11 10 07 04 05 Curry Ball
Cord   Pirate   09 36 24 12 00 06 12 07 06 00 Iron Axe, Hand Axe
Julian Thief	07 41 21 07 00 08 13 11 06 00 Iron Sword, Breadstick 
Wolf   General  04 16 32 09 00 04 04 06 16 01 Iron Bow, Steel Lance



Chapter 6x: Boss Abuse ahoy!

Abel gets the +3MT PK Fire! Marth uses the Seraph robe, and they're off! Marth gets Athena by himself, the others sorta hang around. All done within 20 turns, it's really difficult to use the boss when he's so weak!

Unit   Class	LV XP HP ST MG SK SP LK DF RS Notable Items
Marth  Lord	13 18 35 10 00 09 15 14 10 00 Rapier, Silver Lance
Abel   Mage	14 23 27 05 05 13 10 07 04 05 Curry Ball, PK Fire
Cord   Pirate   10 06 25 13 00 06 12 08 06 00 Iron Axe, Hand Axe
Julian Thief	08 56 22 07 00 09 14 12 07 00 Iron Sword, Breadstick 
Wolf   General  04 63 32 09 00 04 04 06 16 01 Iron Bow, Steel Lance


Chapter 7: Uncle Banban's Tower of Terror - 10 turns

Cord gets a +3 MT, +8 hit axe called the Camel Axe. Frey and Roshe join us once more, and we're off. Banban's going to cost a couple of turns.

Marth and Julian rescue Banban, the others head down to beat the boss. Roshe manages to die but a lucky crit from Abel means that Marth can capture on the turn he arrives. 10!

Unit   Class	LV XP HP ST MG SK SP LK DF RS Notable Items
Marth  Lord	13 32 35 10 00 09 15 14 10 00 Rapier, Silver Lance
Abel   Mage	16 51 29 05 05 14 11 07 04 05 Curry Ball, PK Fire
Cord   Pirate   11 35 26 14 00 06 13 08 07 00 Camel Axe, Hand Axe
Julian Thief	09 44 23 08 00 09 15 13 08 00 Iron Sword, Breadstick 
Wolf   General  05 18 34 10 00 05 05 07 17 01 Steel Bow, Steel Lance



Chapter 8: Radd-ical - 7 turns

Heyo, it's Radd! He's not too bad, but he'll need a little babying first! Abel gets another +3 MT tome known as the Cigar. Radd is left to do the shopping, the others head out. Oguma and Biraku sacrifice themselves, but Abel gets another point of magic. Marth doesn't quite finish the boss off so takes an extra turn. Still, turn 7 isn't too bad!

Unit   Class	LV XP HP ST MG SK SP LK DF RS Notable Items
Marth  Lord	14 13 36 11 00 09 16 15 10 00 Levin Sword, Silver Lance
Abel   Mage	17 30 29 05 06 15 12 07 04 05 Cigar, PK Fire
Cord   Pirate   12 20 27 15 00 07 14 08 07 00 Camel Axe, Hand Axe
Julian Thief	10 32 24 08 00 09 15 14 08 00 Iron Sword, Breadstick 
Wolf   General  06 49 36 11 00 06 06 07 17 01 Steel Bow, Steel Lance
Radd   Cav  	01 37 20 06 00 01 05 01 09 00


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My Julian is jealous of your Julian.

Chapter 15 - 6/97

I decided to give Hardin that final level, because of what I intend on doing later in the game. He didn't disappoint. Marth was a square short of the seize on turn 5, but everyone else more-or-less cooperated (including the myrmidon generic dude who refused to die to Gharnef), so I'll take the extra turn. Got both the Energy Drop and Talisman. Yay Warp.

Name      Class     Level  HP  Str  Mag  Skl  Spd  Lck  Def  Res
Marth     Lord      14.72  27  12    0   10   17   16   13    3
Jagen     Sniper     8.32  26   9    1   16   11    2    8    3
Cain      Curate    19.53  28   4    6   11   13   11    3   12
Gordin    Cavalier  13.83  25   8    0    7    9   10   13    0
Julian    Thief     13.87  25   8    0   12   19   16    7    0
Merric    Cavalier  15.00  34  10*   1   13   13   11   14    0
Roshea    Archer    14.10  30  10    0   11    8    5    8    0
Hardin    Paladin    1.00  38  16    0   17   21    9   14    7
Bantu     Manakete   See you in the Alterspire
Caesar    Dark Mage 10.49  23   3    5    2    7    7    6    4
Jake      Far Shot   4.31  20   7    0    2    4    5   15    0
Tomas     Sage       2.17  29   5    6    6    7    5    3    5

Chapter 16 - 10/107

Detoured for Arran (again), and let Xane out on turn 2. Xane reached Marth on turn 8 or so. Merric had time to go to the arena, where his opponent was equipped with a Silver Lance. Cain promoted off of lots of healing and Barrier spam. I was very lucky Roshea didn't eat a blick from the Killer Bow guy. Tomas got a good amount of staff spam experience. He might hit C staves yet! I'm aiming for A, though.


Name      Class     Level  HP  Str  Mag  Skl  Spd  Lck  Def  Res
Marth     Lord      15.15  28  12    0   11   17   17   13    3
Jagen     Sniper     8.74  26   9    1   16   11    2    8    3
Cain      Bishop     1.08  35   5    8   13   14   12    3   14
Gordin    Cavalier  14.66  26   8    0    8   10   10   14    0
Julian    Thief     14.68  26   9    0   13   19   17    7    0
Merric    Cavalier  15.55  34  10*   1   13   13   11   14    0
Roshea    Archer    15.80  31  10    0   11    8    5    8    0
Hardin    Drakky     4.72  36  17    0   19   23   11   16    4
Bantu     Manakete   See you in the Alterspire
Caesar    Dark Mage 10.49  23   3    5    2    7    7    6    4
Jake      Far Shot   4.79  20   7    0    2    4    5   15    0
Tomas     Sage       2.89  29   5    6    6    7    5    3    5

Chapter 17 - 3/110

Warp 1: Merric (to get rid of the mages)

Warp 2: Julian (to help kill thieves and get the Master Seal, which I desperately need)

Marth killed the boss, and Gaggles/Jagen got the Bishop items. Made it to the Secret Shop, and bought some cool stuff, like Longbows.

Name      Class     Level  HP  Str  Mag  Skl  Spd  Lck  Def  Res
Marth     Lord      16.15  29  13    0   11   17   18   14    3
Jagen     Sniper     9.02  27   9    1   16   12    2    8    3
Cain      Bishop     1.66  35   5    8   13   14   12    3   14
Gordin    Cavalier  15.25  27   8    0    9   10   10   14    0
Julian    Thief     15.15  27  10    0   14   20   18    7    0
Merric    Cavalier  17.23  36  10*   1   14   14   12   16    0
Roshea    Archer    15.80  31  10    0   11    8    5    8    0
Hardin    Drakky     5.44  36  17    0   20   23   12   16    4
Bantu     Manakete   See you in the Alterspire
Caesar    Dark Mage 10.49  23   3    5    2    7    7    6    4
Jake      Far Shot   6.13  21   8    0    2    4    6   15    0
Tomas     Sage       3.14  29   5    6    7    8    5    3    5

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Chapter 21: 4/156 turns

Forgetting that gate costs 2 move to get onto, I ended up with Marth 1 square short of a turn-3 clear. Lena emptied the secret shop, every enemy on the map is killed.

Bord is promoted

Name		Class	Level		HP	Str	Mag	Skl	Spd	Lck	Def	Res
Marth		Lord	24.29		35	19	0	12	24	24	13	1
Caeda		Sniper	16/10.11	37	16	0	23	29	29	12	3
Norne		Sage	15/11.10	39	3	23	17	25	11	4	14
Wrys		Bishop	20/10.39	28	1	9	12	11	11	3	20
Bord		General	14/1.0		36	14	1	11	4	5	24	3
Julian		Thief	15.16		26	10	0	11	19	17	8	1
Lena		Draco	17/3.97		24	11	2	16	17	21	14	5
Navarre		SM	15/4.87		39	14	1	20	23	14	10	3
Roger		Hero	17/4.9		40	15	1	18	22	13	10	3
Jake		Balst	1.0		20	5	0	1	3	3	14	0
Dolph		Warrior	17/1.90		42	18	0	10	21	5	11	1
Macellan	Dk.Mage	3.0		18	2	2	4	6	4	5	3
Est		Paladin	16/2.87		40	21	1	20	21	25	15	6

Est recieves 3x Energy Drop, 3x Secret Book, 3x Goddess Icon

Norn recieves 3x Spirit Dust, 1x Speedwing

Marth recieves 2x Speedwing

Chapter 22: 7/163 turns

Est gets warped onto a fort in the middle of the enemies on turn 1, and killed the Riderbane wielding pally. Every single enemy other than the thief, healers, and Michalis suicided on her on EP1 since she ORKOed all of them with a regular javelin. She also capped Str and gained A lances, which allows her to user Gradivus. She killed the thief on Turn 2, a healer on turn 3, let Michalis suicide on her on EP 3, and offed the other healer on turn 4. Marth Seized on turn 7.

Name		Class	Level		HP	Str	Mag	Skl	Spd	Lck	Def	Res
Marth		Lord	24.29		35	19	0	12	24	24	13	1
Caeda		Sniper	16/10.11	37	16	0	23	29	29	12	3
Norne		Sage	15/11.42	39	3	23	17	25	11	4	14
Wrys		Bishop	20/10.82	28	1	9	12	11	11	3	20
Bord		General	14/1.0		36	14	1	11	4	5	24	3
Julian		Thief	15.16		26	10	0	11	19	17	8	1
Lena		Draco	17/3.97		24	11	2	16	17	21	14	5
Navarre		SM	15/4.87		39	14	1	20	23	14	10	3
Roger		Hero	17/4.9		40	15	1	18	22	13	10	3
Jake		Balst	1.0		20	5	0	1	3	3	14	0
Dolph		Warrior	17/1.90		42	18	0	10	21	5	11	1
Macellan	Dk.Mage	3.0		18	2	2	4	6	4	5	3
Est		Paladin	16/10.1		44	25	1	25	24	25	17	7

Chapter 23: 7/170 turns

Est it warped near the seize point, and kills the boss guarding it on turn 1. The sniper and heroes suicided on her on EP 1, along with one of the fake Ghanef (the top left one is real). Norne massacres the lower right corner by herself with ease, while Marth goes for the throne with the shortest possible route. Julian gets the treasures, and Marth seized on turn 7.

Name		Class	Level		HP	Str	Mag	Skl	Spd	Lck	Def	Res
Marth		Lord	24.29		35	19	0	12	24	24	13	1
Caeda		Sniper	16/10.24	37	16	0	23	29	29	12	3
Norne		Sage	15/12.62	39	3	23	17	25	12	4	14
Wrys		Bishop	20/11.27	28	1	9	13	11	11	3	21
Bord		General	14/1.19		36	14	1	11	4	5	24	3
Julian		Thief	15.16		26	10	0	11	19	17	8	1
Lena		Draco	17/4.9		24	12	2	16	17	21	14	5
Navarre		SM	15/5.37		40	14	1	20	24	14	10	3
Roger		Hero	17/4.9		40	15	1	18	22	13	10	3
Jake		Balst	1.0		20	5	0	1	3	3	14	0
Dolph		Warrior	17/3.27		43	19	0	10	23	5	11	1
Macellan	Dk.Mage	3.0		18	2	2	4	6	4	5	3
Est		Paladin	16/12.68	46	25	1	26	25	25	18	9
Elice		Cleric	10.0		18	0	2	5	6	3	3	8

Est recieves a Talisman

Chapter 24: 4/174 turns

Est is warped to the right of the boss in turn 1, while Marth & co takes the shortcut through the mountain. Enemies suicide on Est, Lena gets warped to the secret shop on turn 2, and marth continues the trek through the mountain. Caeda crit-blicked the boss with Parthia and Marth seized on turn 4. Aum is ignored.

Name		Class	Level		HP	Str	Mag	Skl	Spd	Lck	Def	Res
Marth		Lord	24.29		35	19	0	12	24	24	13	1
Caeda		Sniper	16/11.33	37	16	0	24	29	30	12	3
Norne		Sage	15/12.62	53	3	23	17	25	12	4	14
Wrys		Bishop	20/11.75	28	1	9	13	11	11	3	21
Bord		General	14/1.19		36	14	1	11	4	5	24	3
Julian		Thief	15.16		26	10	0	11	19	17	8	1
Lena		Draco	17/4.66		24	12	2	16	17	21	14	5
Navarre		SM	15/6.0		41	14	1	20	25	15	11	3
Roger		Hero	17/4.18		40	15	1	18	22	13	10	3
Jake		Balst	1.0		20	5	0	1	3	3	14	0
Dolph		Warrior	17/4.8		44	19	0	11	23	5	11	1
Macellan	Dk.Mage	3.0		18	2	2	4	6	4	5	3
Est		Paladin	16/16.47	55	25	1	28	25	25	26	15
Elice		Cleric	10.0		18	0	2	5	6	3	3	8

Est recieves Dracoshield x3, Talisman x3, Seraph Robe

Norne recieves Seraph Robe x2

Dolph recieves Arms Scroll

Roger recieves Arms Scroll x2

Chapter 24x:

Julian is warped to the Aura chest on turn 1, and killed the bishop there. Est massacres the entire right side of the map while Marth makes his way on the left side. Marth seized on turn 6 with every enemy dead.

Name		Class	Level		HP	Str	Mag	Skl	Spd	Lck	Def	Res
Marth		Lord	24.97		35	19	0	12	24	24	13	1
Caeda		Sniper	16/12.38	38	16	0	25	29	30	12	3
Norne		Sage	15/12.93	53	3	23	17	25	12	4	14
Wrys		Bishop	20/12.46	28	1	9	13	11	12	3	21
Bord		General	14/1.19		36	14	1	11	4	5	24	3
Julian		Thief	15.69		26	10	0	11	19	17	8	1
Lena		Draco	17/5.87		24	12	2	16	17	21	14	6
Navarre		SM	15/6.27		41	14	1	20	25	15	11	3
Roger		Hero	17/5.27		41	15	1	19	23	14	10	3
Jake		Balst	1.0		20	5	0	1	3	3	14	0
Dolph		Warrior	17/4.41		44	19	0	11	23	5	11	1
Macellan	Dk.Mage	3.0		18	2	2	4	6	4	5	3
Est		Paladin	16/17.96	56	25	1	28	25	25	26	15
Elice		Cleric	10.0		18	0	2	5	6	3	3	8

Endgame: 1/175 turns

Elice warps Est 2 squares away from Medeus, and she crit-blicked him ASAP, ending the final chapter in the first strike dealt - which was unnecessary since even without the critblick I'd have 1-turned it (Caeda was ready to be warped by Wrys and she'd take off the remaining 18 HP that Medeus would have had if Est did you OHKO him).

Name		Class	Level		HP	Str	Mag	Skl	Spd	Lck	Def	Res
Marth		Lord	24.97		35	19	0	12	24	24	13	1
Caeda		Sniper	16/12.38	38	16	0	25	29	30	12	3
Norne		Sage	15/12.93	53	3	23	17	25	12	4	14
Wrys		Bishop	20/12.46	28	1	9	13	11	12	3	21
Bord		General	14/1.19		36	14	1	11	4	5	24	3
Julian		Thief	15.69		26	10	0	11	19	17	8	1
Lena		Draco	17/5.87		24	12	2	16	17	21	14	6
Navarre		SM	15/6.27		41	14	1	20	25	15	11	3
Roger		Hero	17/5.27		41	15	1	19	23	14	10	3
Jake		Balst	1.0		20	5	0	1	3	3	14	0
Dolph		Warrior	17/4.41		44	19	0	11	23	5	11	1
Macellan	Dk.Mage	3.0		18	2	2	4	6	4	5	3
Est		Paladin	16/18.96	57	25	1	28	25	25	26	15
Elice		Cleric	10.0		18	0	2	5	6	3	3	8

Post-game Impressions:

Marth: Was str-blessed and def-blessed early on, which allowed him to practically solo early chapters with ease. His spd growth was a little shaky however, and he peters out a bit later on, though he's still a ORKO machine.

Caeda: Got a ridiculous 6 str proc in her first 7 level ups, which turns her into a ORKO machine with her Spd. Her str growth never really picked up after that, but those early procs were all she needed to consistently ORKO things all game long.

Norne: Needed extreme care early on, but turned into another nasty ORKOing machine late game. If I had chosen to fight Gharnef she'd have ORKOed him with ease.

Wrys: Staffbot. Him being able to use Warp/Physic/Fortify whenever I feel like it is why I took him, and he did his job.

Bord: I'm pleasantly surprised by him. Despite his 0 base/0% spd growth, he ended up proccing enough Def to tank most anything, and served well in that role.

Julian: Didn't get enough chance to get levels since he's usually busy running off after a chest, but a pretty good combatant all around, if a bit fragile.

Lena: UGH str, mostly there for chip utility and flier utility. As a Draco she's much more useful though.

Navarre: He was a bit underwhelming this playthrough, in part because his str rarely grows. Still helped significantly early on.

Roger: Another pleasant surprise. He grew str and spd well, and after promotion is just as useful - if not more - than Navarre.

Jake: Benchwarmer. Need I say more?

Dolph: Kicks butt, but usually has problem getting to things before the stage is over due to his 7 move.

Macellan: Benched permanently. His bases should speak for itself.

Est: Starts out pathetically weak, but after 20x, she turns into an OMGWTFROFLstomp machine. Practically soloed most of the last five chapters with Gradivus + Starsphere in hand.

Elice: She warped Est in Endgame, and that's all she did all game.

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