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[FE11] Yet another FE:SD Draft

Wen Yang

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Ch. 6x: 20 turns

Meh, boss abuse.

Ch. 7: 7 turns

Forged a lance for Athena - +3 MT, -3 WT. Frey and Marth killed the boss, Athena flew around killing Cavaliers, Julian and Draug kept everything else from interfering. Ogma sat next to a fortress to get a bit of EXP, mostly.

Ch. 8: 6 turns

Recruited Roger. Radd went shopping. The boss got Armorslayer'd.

Ch. 9: 5 turns

Julian got the nearby treasures, Ogma killed some pirates. Frey critted the boss.

(I had written down stats at this point, but upon re-reading them, it's useless illegible right-handed chicken scratch, and I can't figure out anything except that Ogma had 0 Res. >_>)

Ch. 10: 13 turns

Eeeew. Maria delayed me, Frey failed to do awesome things to the boss.

Ch. 11: 9 turns

Promoted Frey. Minerva went to chat with Anna, then died as Arrowspate bait so Caeda could go yell at Jake. Ogma got to kill lots of mercenaries while he struggled to keep up.

Name    Class	Level	HP	Str	Mag	Skl	Spd	Lck	Def	Res
Marth   Lord	15.95	30	15	0	9	16	17	11	1
Frey    SM      15/2.38	36	13	1       23	23	8*	9       3
Draug   Merc    11.66   24      10      0       14      19      8       5       0
Ogma    Knight  11.97   30      13      0       8       5       7       14      0
Athena  PegKn.  13.07   35*     11      2       10      11      7       9       6
Maria   Cleric  4.70    17      0       2       2       3       0       4       8
Julian  Thief   9.96    23      8       0       11      18      11      7       1
Jake    Bal.    1.18    All base

Edited by Kay
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Chapter 17x - 20

I seem to keep forgetting Arran's stats, because he's doing a whole lot of nothing.

My goal was to get as much experience as possible in this chapter. I kinda failed at it, because my team had problems killing certain things. Luckily, Merric hit promotion range, and Roshea's really close. The Master Seal at the end of the next chapter will go to Gordin.

Tomas can now warp people. I intend on doing just that.


Name      Class     Level  HP  Str  Mag  Skl  Spd  Lck  Def  Res
Marth     Lord      17.36  29  13    0   11   18   18   14    3
Jagen     Sniper     9.37  27   9    1   16   12    2    8    3
Cain      Bishop     2.71  35   5    8   13   14   13    3   14
Gordin    Cavalier  16.39  28   9    0    9   10   10   14    0
Julian    Thief     15.61  27  10    0   14   20   18    7    0
Merric    Cavalier  20.00  38  10*   1   16   14   14   17    1
Roshea    Archer    17.82  33  11    0   12    9    6    8    0
Hardin    Drakky     5.58  36  17    0   20   23   12   16    4
Bantu     Manakete   See you in the Alterspire
Caesar    Dark Mage 11.79  24   3    5    2    7    8    6    4
Jake      Far Shot   6.13  21   8    0    2    4    6   15    0
Tomas     Sage       4.78  29   5    6    8    8    5    3    6
Arran     Swordity   Base everything

Chapter 18 - 6/116

Merric led the way, but everyone decided that Marth was a better target. He's not complaining! I had just enough time to send Julian to the arena, where he got me some money. On the last turn, warped Jake within range of Est, then introduced her to Arrowspate.

Name      Class     Level  HP  Str  Mag  Skl  Spd  Lck  Def  Res
Marth     Lord      19.67  31  13    0   12   18   19   14    3
Jagen     Sniper     9.62  27   9    1   16   12    2    8    3
Cain      Bishop     2.87  35   5    8   13   14   13    3   14
Gordin    Cavalier  16.71  28   9    0    9   10   10   14    0
Julian    Thief     15.94  27  10    0   14   20   18    7    0
Merric    Paladin    3.22  44  12*   2   20   16   15   18    7
Roshea    Archer    18.08  34  11    0   13    9    6    8    0
Hardin    Drakky     6.05  37  17    0   21   23   12   17    4
Bantu     Manakete   See you in the Alterspire
Caesar    Dark Mage 11.79  24   3    5    2    7    8    6    4
Jake      Far Shot   6.13  21   8    0    2    4    6   15    0
Tomas     Sage       5.39  30   5    7    8    9    5    3    6
Arran     Swordity   10.05 Base everything

Chapter 19 - 5/121

Promoted Roshea before the chapter began.

Thanks to two Warpers and Xane/Julian, I was able to get everything except the Speedwings and the second Master Seal. It was a fun little race~!

Name      Class     Level  HP  Str  Mag  Skl  Spd  Lck  Def  Res
Marth     Lord      20.39  32  14    0   12   18   19   14    3
Jagen     Sniper     9.62  27   9    1   16   12    2    8    3
Cain      Bishop     3.37  36   6    8   14   14   13    3   15
Gordin    Cavalier  16.80  28   9    0    9   10   10   14    0
Julian    Thief     15.94  27  10    0   14   20   18    7    0
Merric    Paladin    4.53  44  12*   2   21   16   16   18    7
Roshea    Sniper     1.32  42  13    1   18   14    6    9    3
Hardin    Drakky     7.07  37  17    0   22   23   13   17    4
Bantu     Manakete   See you in the Alterspire
Caesar    Dark Mage 12.51  24   3    5    3    8    9    6    4
Jake      Far Shot   7.94  21   8    0    3    4    7   15    0
Tomas     Sage       6.12  31   5    7    8    9    6    3    7
Arran     Swordity   10.05 Base everything


Chapter 20 - 5/126

Xane pretended he was Hardin. Merric went absolutely berserk on the unsuspecting Paladins near the bridge. Roshea and Jagen had fun with the Generals, and Julian hit the arena. Hardin killed Camus before he could even move.


Name      Class     Level  HP  Str  Mag  Skl  Spd  Lck  Def  Res
Marth     Lord      21.07  33  15    0   12   18   20   14    3
Jagen     Sniper     9.81  27   9    1   16   12    2    8    3
Cain      Bishop     3.84  36   6    8   14   14   13    3   15
Gordin    Cavalier  17.39  28   9    0    9   11   10   15    0
Julian    Thief     17.91  29  11    0   14   20   18    8    0
Merric    Paladin    6.11  45  12*   2   21   16   16   18    7
Roshea    Sniper     1.99  42  13    1   18   14    6    9    3
Hardin    Drakky     8.73  37  17    0   22   23   14   17    5
Bantu     Manakete   See you in the Alterspire
Caesar    Dark Mage 12.63  24   3    5    3    8    9    6    4
Jake      Far Shot   8.36  22   8    0    4    4    7   16    0
Tomas     Sage       6.55  31   5    7    8    9    6    3    7
Arran     Swordity   10.05 Base everything

Chapter 20x - 20

I'm glad I got the extra Master Seal, or I'd be freaking out right now.

This chapter's focus was mostly on Gordin and Caesar. I intend on promoting both. Julian got a perfect level. YAY~! Xane mimicking Merric makes a very nice wall.

Name      Class     Level  HP  Str  Mag  Skl  Spd  Lck  Def  Res
Marth     Lord      21.37  33  15    0   12   18   20   14    3
Jagen     Sniper    10.13  28   9    1   17   13    3    8    3
Cain      Bishop     4.00  37   6    8   15   15   13    3   15
Gordin    Cavalier  20.00  30   9    0   11   11   11   16    0
Julian    Thief     19.38  31  13    0   15   22   20   10    0
Merric    Paladin    6.20  45  12*   2   21   16   16   18    7
Roshea    Sniper     3.27  44  13    1   19   14    6   10    3
Hardin    Drakky     8.73  37  17    0   22   23   14   17    5
Bantu     Manakete   See you in the Alterspire
Caesar    Dark Mage 18.03  29   3    8    5   12   11    6    7
Jake      Far Shot   9.93  23   8    0    5    6    8   16    0
Tomas     Sage       8.15  32   5    7    8    9    6    3    8
Arran     Swordity  10.14  Base everything

Edited by Clipseykitty
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I think I can finish tonight.

Chapter 21 - 3/129

Xane pretending to be Merric helped destroy things. Jake's Arrowspate made things most painful. Tee-hee~!

Forgot to update Hardin and Merric's stats. OOPS.

Name      Class     Level  HP  Str  Mag  Skl  Spd  Lck  Def  Res
Marth     Lord      21.37  33  15    0   12   18   20   14    3
Jagen     Sniper    10.82  28   9    1   17   13    3    8    3
Cain      Bishop     4.20  37   6    8   15   15   13    3   15
Gordin    Cavalier   1.13  34  11    1   14   12   11   17    0
Julian    Thief     19.88  31  13    0   15   22   20   10    0
Merric    Paladin    7.61  45  12*   2   21   16   16   18    7
Roshea    Sniper     4.21  45  13    1   20   14    6   10    3
Hardin    Drakky     8.73  37  17    0   22   23   14   17    5
Bantu     Manakete   See you in the Alterspire
Caesar    Sorcerer   1.29  35   5    9    6   13   11    6   10
Jake      Far Shot  10.86  23   8    0    6    6    8   16    0
Tomas     Sage       8.39  32   5    7    8    9    6    3    8
Arran     Swordity  10.54  Base everything

Chapter 22 - 7/136

Hardin, Gradivus, Starsphere, and Lightsphere are better than everything on this chapter combined.

Name      Class     Level  HP  Str  Mag  Skl  Spd  Lck  Def  Res
Marth     Lord      21.37  33  15    0   12   18   20   14    3
Jagen     Sniper    11.14  29   9    1   17   14    3    9    3
Cain      Bishop     4.20  37   6    8   15   15   13    3   15
Gordin    Cavalier   1.44  34  11    1   14   12   11   17    0
Julian    Thief     20.25  32  14    0   16   22   21   11    0
Merric    Paladin    8.85  47  12*   2   23   17   18   18    7
Roshea    Sniper     4.57  45  13    1   20   14    6   10    3
Hardin    Drakky    12.27  38  19    0   25   23   17   17    5
Bantu     Manakete   See you in the Alterspire
Caesar    Sorcerer   1.75  35   5    9    6   13   11    6   10
Jake      Far Shot  13.28  24   9    0    7    6   11   17    0
Tomas     Sage       9.10  32   5    7    8    9    6    3    8
Arran     Swordity  10.54  Base everything

Chapter 23 - 7/143

Things get real when Hardin, Merric, and Gordin team up to kill stuff. Roshea killed most of the right side, with Cain and Caesar teaming up to kill the Swarm Bishop (really). Jake murdered a Gharnef clone.

Time to get Ban-Ban back~!

Name      Class     Level  HP  Str  Mag  Skl  Spd  Lck  Def  Res
Marth     Lord      21.74  33  15    0   12   18   20   14    3
Jagen     Sniper    11.14  29   9    1   17   14    3    9    3
Cain      Bishop     4.20  37   6    8   15   15   13    3   15
Gordin    Cavalier   2.21  35  11    1   15   12   12   18    0
Julian    Thief     20.25  32  14    0   16   22   21   11    0
Merric    Paladin   10.23  48  12*   2   25   18   19   19    7
Roshea    Sniper     5.75  46  14    1   21   14    6   11    3
Hardin    Drakky    13.60  39  19    0   26   23   18   18    5
Bantu     Manakete   See you in the Alterspire
Caesar    Sorcerer   2.44  36   5    9    6   13   11    6   11
Jake      Far Shot  15.40  25   9    0    9    6   12   17    0
Tomas     Sage       9.75  32   5    7    8    9    6    3    8
Arran     Swordity  10.54  Base everything

Chapter 24 - 4/147

Merric was warped to the other end of the mountains, where he murdered a bunch of Manaketes. Hardin took on the Snipers, and won. Merric killed Xemcel, and Julian was warped to Aum on the last turn.

Name      Class     Level  HP  Str  Mag  Skl  Spd  Lck  Def  Res
Marth     Lord      21.74  33  15    0   12   18   20   14    3
Jagen     Sniper    11.21  29   9    1   17   14    3    9    3
Cain      Bishop     4.56  37   6    8   15   15   13    3   15
Gordin    Cavalier   2.21  35  11    1   15   12   12   18    0
Julian    Thief     20.25  32  14    0   16   22   21   11    0
Merric    Paladin   12.68  49  12*   2   27   19   19   20    8
Roshea    Sniper     6.49  47  15    1   22   14    6   11    3
Hardin    Drakky    16.24  40  20    0   26   23   18   19    6
Bantu     Manakete   See you in the Alterspire
Caesar    Sorcerer   2.52  36   5    9    6   13   11    6   11
Jake      Far Shot  15.74  25   9    0    9    6   12   17    0
Tomas     Sage      10.27  32   5    7    9    9    6    3    9
Arran     Swordity  10.54  Base everything
Elice     Cleric    12.01  20   0    3    6    7    4    3    8

Edited by Clipseykitty
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Chapter 9: The Pie Dragon - 5 turns

Radd gets the +3 MT +10 Hit Baton lance. Radd goes off to pretent to save Jeorge, nettins some nice XP. Meanwhile, Julian steals stuff, Marth and Cord team up to kill the Pie Dragon, letting Marth capture on turn 5!

Unit   Class	LV XP HP ST MG SK SP LK DF RS Notable Items
Marth  Lord	14 27 36 11 00 09 16 15 10 00 Levin Sword
Abel   Mage	17 57 29 05 06 15 12 07 04 05 Cigar
Cord   Pirate   13 71 27 16 00 07 15 09 08 00 Camel Axe, Hand Axe
Julian Thief	10 32 24 08 00 09 15 14 08 00 Iron Sword, Breadstick 
Wolf   General  06 88 36 11 00 06 06 07 17 01 Steel Bow, Steel Lance
Radd   Cav  	02 40 21 06 00 02 05 02 09 00 Baton, Steel Sword



Chapter 10: Sniper Minerva - 14 turns

Yuck, another chapter where I take forever! Radd forgets how to fight and ends up leaving the guys outside to Wolf. Maria recruited, Minerva recruited, yay. Capture on turn 14. Wolf got some nice levels. Abel got a horrible one, he only got one point of magic! Radd gets the Speedwings as well as the Goddess icon and Minerva class changes!

Unit   Class	LV XP HP ST MG SK SP LK DF RS Notable Items
Marth  Lord	15 05 37 11 00 09 16 16 10 00 Rapier, Killing Edge
Abel   Mage	18 51 29 05 07 15 12 07 04 05 Cigar
Cord   Pirate   14 39 27 16 00 07 15 09 08 00 Camel Axe, Hand Axe
Julian Thief	11 81 24 08 00 10 16 15 08 00 Iron Sword, Breadstick 
Wolf   General  09 56 41 14 00 07 08 08 20 01 Steel Bow, Steel Lance
Radd   Cav  	03 76 21 07 00 02 07 04 10 00 Baton, Steel Sword
Miny   Sniper   01 39 28 08 00 09 14 06 09 03 Hauteclere



Chapter 11: The Benchwarmer - 13 turns

Linde isn't going to be used, that strength won't be going up. Abel's also promoting. I need him to get at least a C in staves! Abel also get the +3 MT Bellfire.

Radd and Marth go get Linde, she's not seeing much use though. The others keep the castle warm for him. Wolf obliterates the dragon. Marth turns up on turn 13 to capture. Radd and Linde also have a little go in the arena.

Unit   Class	LV XP HP ST MG SK SP LK DF RS Notable Items
Marth  Lord	15 34 37 11 00 09 16 16 10 00 Rapier
Abel   Sage	01 83 35 08 08 16 13 07 05 07 Cigar, Bellfire, Heal
Cord   Pirate   15 48 28 17 00 08 15 09 08 00 Camel Axe, Hand Axe
Julian Thief	13 67 26 09 00 12 17 16 10 00 Killing Edge
Wolf   General  09 86 41 14 00 07 08 08 20 01 Steel Bow, Steel Lance
Radd   Cav  	06 11 22 08 00 05 07 06 10 00 Baton, Steel Sword
Miny   Sniper   01 95 28 08 00 09 14 06 09 03 Steel Bow
Linde  Myrm 	01 89 18 03 00 12 15 07 05 01 Aura



Chapter 12: Midia's sacrifice - 10 turns

They're dying, deal with it. Linde is benched, she's not going to be able to do anything. Abel gets some dust. Radd gets the thieves whilst Cord hangs back to kill the horsies that come later.

Tomas is the last one to hold out but he dies too. Julian, Marth and Abel steal stuff and get the boss. I choose to capture a little later for those boots! Turn 10 capture!

Unit   Class	LV XP HP ST MG SK SP LK DF RS Notable Items
Marth  Lord	16 84 37 12 00 09 16 17 10 00 Rapier
Abel   Sage	02 89 35 08 10 16 14 07 05 07 Cigar, Bellfire, Heal, Blizzard
Cord   Pirate   16 44 29 18 00 08 15 10 08 00 Camel Axe, Hand Axe
Julian Thief	14 10 27 10 00 13 17 17 10 00 Killing Edge, Levin Sword
Wolf   General  10 77 43 15 00 08 09 08 21 01 Steel Bow, Steel Lance
Radd   Cav  	07 64 23 09 00 05 08 06 10 00 Baton, Steel Sword
Miny   Sniper   02 44 28 08 00 10 14 07 09 03 Steel Bow
Linde  Myrm 	01 89 18 03 00 12 15 07 05 01 Bench



Chapter 12x: More Super Happy Fun Time

I love these chapters, they're so easy! Marth puts on his boots and they all go! Marth gets the villages, the others kill the traitor, everyone's happy. Well, except for Horace.

Radd takes advantage of the boss, he fails to get the kill on the last turn so Wolf takes it. Cord caps strength, how scary!

Unit   Class	LV XP HP ST MG SK SP LK DF RS Notable Items
Marth  Lord	17 94 38 12 00 09 17 17 10 00 Rapier
Abel   Sage	04 41 35 09 11 16 15 08 05 07 Cigar, Bellfire, Heal, Blizzard
Cord   Pirate   19 16 32 20 00 09 17 12 08 00 Camel Axe, Hand Axe
Julian Thief	15 40 28 11 00 14 17 17 11 00 Killing Edge, Levin Sword
Wolf   General  11 49 44 16 00 09 09 08 22 01 Steel Bow, Steel Lance
Radd   Cav  	09 93 25 09 00 07 08 06 11 00 Baton, Steel Sword, Javelin
Miny   Sniper   03 02 29 09 00 11 15 07 09 03 Steel Bow
Linde  Myrm 	01 89 18 03 00 12 15 07 05 01 Bench

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Someone hit me with a Sleep staff in the middle of 24x.

Chapter 24x - 19

I hate this chapter. It's sooo boring. At least Tomas hit A staves, and Roshea finally remembered how to gain Speed.

I decided to level Julian for giggles. After doing a bit of Endgame testing, I'm positive he'll be necessary for my one-turn deal.


Name      Class     Level  HP  Str  Mag  Skl  Spd  Lck  Def  Res
Marth     Lord      22.17  34  15    0   13   19   21   14    3
Jagen     Sniper    11.49  29   9    1   17   14    3    9    3
Cain      Bishop     5.28  37   6    9   15   16   13    3   16
Gordin    Cavalier   3.59  36  12    1   16   12   12   18    0
Julian    Thief     22.35  34  15    0   18   23   23   11    0
Merric    Paladin   13.33  49  13*   2   28   19   20   20    8
Roshea    Sniper     8.23  49  16    1   23   15    6   11    3
Hardin    Drakky    16.24  40  20    0   26   23   18   19    6
Bantu     Manakete   Base everything and then some
Caesar    Sorcerer   3.11  36   6   10    6   13   12    6   11
Jake      Far Shot  18.15  25  10    0   11    7   13   17    0
Tomas     Sage      10.98  32   5    7    9    9    6    3    9
Arran     Swordity  10.54  Base everything
Elice     Bishop     4.02  28   1    7   10    9    7    5    9

Endgame - 1/148

Stat boosters:

Julian - Arms Scroll (Sword damage +1), Speedwings

How To Beat Medeus In Three Easy Steps:

1. Elice warped Julian in front of Medeus' guard, and ORKO'd him.

2. Tomas warped Hardin in Gradivus range, and Hardin hit.

3. Cain warped Nagi in front of Medeus, and she finished.


(since the only people that gained levels were Tomas's Speed and Luck, and Nagi's HP, Strength, Skill, Speed, and Luck, no chart for you)

Team thoughts:

Marth - Was able to keep up, and gained a lot of Defense. This made Chapters 18 and 19 much easier.

Cain - He gained quite a bit of Magic, surprisingly. He didn't see much combat, but when he did, it was most amusing. His high HP was useful when I was using him as bait, and staves are amazing in this kind of run.

Jagen - Useful as chip, and was a decent critblicker. Once he hit B bows, flying units didn't stand a chance.

Gordin - Despite his meh stats, he was able to contribute enough. Ridersbane hurts, no matter what's wielding it.

Julian - He got scary-fast quickly, then gained Strength. The minute he got Armorslayer, he became extremely useful.

Merric - Gained a little bit of Strength, and a lot of everything else. He was durable enough were I could have him tank Ridersbane units, and he'd live to tell about it. In drafts, this is my favorite class to put him in.

Hardin - MVP and then some. Gained a ton of Speed, with decent Strength to back it up. Things died quickly, indeed. Probably could've gone solo on Chapter 24, but Merric was bored.

Roshea - He was damn accurate chip, which is what I needed. Those times he did double resulted in a lot of pain.

Bantu - Thanks for making me take extra turns

Caesar - Did pretty well as a unit. Too bad Dark Mages are terrible on this kind of run.

Jake - Ballista are very powerful in this kind of run. You might not want to make them mandatory. . .as I was able to recruit Jake with no turn penalty.

Tomas - I'm glad I promoted him early, because I needed a second staffer. Didn't gain too much, but then again, he didn't need it.

Arran - Helped clear a couple of armors, and that's about it.

Elice - Warper number 3 was very much welcome.

Nagi - Couldn't have done Endgame without you, missy~!

Edited by Clipseykitty
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How To Beat Medeus In Three Easy Steps:

1. Elice warped Julian in front of Medeus' guard, and ORKO'd him.

2. Tomas warped Hardin in Gradivus range, and Hardin hit.

3. Cain warped Nagi in front of Medeus, and she finished.


(since the only people that gained levels were Tomas's Speed and Luck, and Nagi's HP, Strength, Skill, Speed, and Luck, no chart for you)

I think that classifies as "Warp Skipping." It may say no Marth Warping, but as most maps are seize thrones, this means no warping up to the throne to seize. But as this is a defeat boss, I would think you can't warp to fight the boss.

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To clarify: The final chapter is the only boss defeat chapter in the game.

The warp-skip rule I implement for this draft ONLY forbids warping marth.

Ergo, Warping folks to rape Medeus on turn 1 is actually what I expected out of everyone.

(Heck, I did it myself. In my case it took me one warper only, since Est crit-blicks Medeus on her first hit)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Found some time!

Chapter 13: Plywood Cavalry - 5 turns

We're joined by Unil this chapter. The level 15 Myrm with 4 strength. Surely even Linde's better than him! However, he's kind enough to give us his sword then use him as bait. He doesn't even last one enemy phase, but he proved to be a nice distraction.

Marth gets Beck, who blows a few other ballistae up. Astram then falls to Cord and Marth. Minerva and Wolf are just clearing up at this stage. Cord crits the boss and I get a 5 turn capture!

Unit   Class	LV XP HP ST MG SK SP LK DF RS Notable Items
Marth  Lord	18 24 39 13 00 09 18 18 11 00 Rapier
Abel   Sage	04 80 35 09 11 16 15 08 05 07 Cigar, Bellfire, Mend
Cord   Pirate   19 61 32 20 00 09 17 12 08 00 Camel Axe, Hand Axe
Julian Thief	15 83 28 11 00 14 17 17 11 00 Killing Edge, Levin Sword
Wolf   General  11 58 44 16 00 09 09 08 22 01 Steel Bow, Steel Lance
Radd   Cav  	10 57 26 10 00 07 08 07 12 00 Baton, Steel Sword, Javelin
Miny   Sniper   03 19 29 09 00 11 15 07 09 03 Steel Bow
Linde  Myrm 	01 89 18 03 00 12 15 07 05 01 Bench
Beck   Shooty   02 78 20 06 00 04 04 05 14 00 Thunderbolt



Chapter 14: The Pegasus Bimbo's - 8 turns

Wolf now has B-rank lances. Hi ho, Silver! His C in bows isn't bad either. I'm getting too many units, Draug, Zagaro and Jeigan sign up to die. The two horsies explode, Draug survives.

Katua and Palla actually talk to Marth if he's in range, yay! Cord promotes midmap and gets the Silver Card. Capture on turn 8! Reclass time for Katua... oh dear.

Unit   Class	LV XP HP ST MG SK SP LK DF RS Notable Items
Marth  Lord	18 24 39 13 00 09 18 18 11 00 Rapier
Abel   Sage	05 72 36 09 11 16 15 08 05 07 Bellfire, Mend
Cord   Zerker   01 64 39 22 00 10 19 13 10 00 Camel Axe, Hand Axe
Julian Thief	16 17 29 12 00 15 18 17 11 00 Killing Edge, Levin Sword
Wolf   General  11 99 44 16 00 09 09 08 22 01 Steel Bow, Steel Lance
Radd   Cav  	11 34 27 10 00 08 09 08 13 00 Baton, Steel Sword, Javelin
Miny   Sniper   03 63 29 09 00 11 15 07 09 03 Steel Bow
Linde  Myrm 	01 89 18 03 00 12 15 07 05 01 Bench
Beck   Shooty   04 43 21 07 00 04 05 06 15 00 Thunderbolt
Katua  Cleric   05 00 20 02 01 03 09 07 04 08
Palla  Peg  	08 00 22 07 02 08 13 05 08 06 Dragonpike



Chapter 15: Raidin' in Khadein - 7 turns

Poor Katua! Marth and Cord cross the river, Palla flies off to steal the goodies. The two new faceless guys die to Gharnef. Not much else happened, turn 7 capture!

Unit   Class	LV XP HP ST MG SK SP LK DF RS Notable Items
Marth  Lord	18 75 39 13 00 09 18 18 11 00 Rapier
Abel   Sage	06 32 37 09 11 16 16 08 05 07 Bellfire, Mend
Cord   Zerker   02 15 40 22 00 11 19 13 10 00 Camel Axe, Hand Axe
Julian Thief	16 17 29 12 00 15 18 17 11 00 Killing Edge, Levin Sword
Wolf   General  12 34 46 17 00 10 10 09 23 01 Steel Bow, Steel Lance
Radd   Cav  	11 87 27 10 00 08 09 08 13 00 Baton, Steel Sword, Javelin
Miny   Sniper   04 07 29 09 00 11 15 07 09 03 Steel Bow
Linde  Myrm 	01 89 18 03 00 12 15 07 05 01 Bench
Beck   Shooty   06 06 22 08 00 04 06 07 15 00 Thunderbolt
Katua  Cleric   05 68 20 02 01 03 09 07 04 08 Mend
Palla  Peg  	08 90 22 07 02 08 13 05 08 06 Dragonpike



Chapter 16: Samson the Librarian - 12 turns

Samson's going to be a pain to recruit! Marth goes after him whilst the others head through prison. Xaney gets stabbed once for XP. Now Radd's got a C in lances, those horses don't stand a chance. Cord crosses the water and kills the boss. Katua desperately heals anything she can get her hands on. Marth takes a little while so Radd and Palla do a little in the arena. Turn 12 capture!

Poor Katua, now I know how Cain feels! Samson gets an even worse deal. Healbot?

Unit   Class	LV XP HP ST MG SK SP LK DF RS Notable Items
Marth  Lord	18 75 39 13 00 09 18 18 11 00 Rapier
Abel   Sage	06 62 37 09 11 16 16 08 05 07 Bellfire, Mend
Cord   Zerker   05 09 42 24 00 11 20 14 11 00 Silver Axe, Hand Axe
Julian Thief	16 36 29 12 00 15 18 17 11 00 Killing Edge, Levin Sword
Wolf   General  12 66 46 17 00 10 10 09 23 01 Steel Bow, Steel Lance
Radd   Cav  	13 27 28 11 00 09 09 09 14 00 Ridersbane, Killer Lance
Miny   Sniper   04 74 29 09 00 11 15 07 09 03 Steel Bow
Linde  Myrm 	01 89 18 03 00 12 15 07 05 01 Bench
Beck   Shooty   06 75 22 08 00 04 06 07 15 00 Thunderbolt
Katua  Cleric   07 14 20 03 01 04 09 08 04 08 Mend
Palla  Peg  	11 14 24 08 02 10 14 05 08 06 Dragonpike, Silver Lance
Xaney  Fake 	01 20 18 02 01 02 08 09 04 10
Samson Wizard   10 13 24 06 03 06 08 06 06 06



Chapter 17: Strength in (lack of) numbers - 4 turns

I need to kill off my last two undrafted units, Draug and Maria to get 17x. Fairwell! Marth gets an Energy drop and the Dracoshield, Minerva gets the Talisman and Palla gets the other drop.

Maria gets eaten by the Mamkute and Draug gets swarmed. Marth and Julian head to the boss, Cord getting that VIP card. The others take on the thieves, getting some of the swag. Turn 4 capture, I'm not greedy!

Unit   Class	LV XP HP ST MG SK SP LK DF RS Notable Items
Marth  Lord	19 90 40 16 00 10 18 19 13 00 Rapier, Silver Sword
Abel   Sage	07 02 37 09 12 17 17 08 05 07 Bellfire, Mend, Excalibur
Cord   Zerker   06 36 43 25 00 12 21 14 11 00 Silver Axe, Hand Axe, Hauteclere
Julian Thief	16 98 29 12 00 15 18 17 11 00 Killing Edge, Levin Sword
Wolf   General  13 18 48 18 00 11 11 09 24 01 Steel Bow, Silver Lance
Radd   Cav  	14 49 29 11 00 10 10 09 14 00 Ridersbane, Killer Lance
Miny   Sniper   04 94 29 09 00 11 15 07 09 05 Steel Bow
Linde  Myrm 	01 89 18 03 00 12 15 07 05 01 Bench
Beck   Shooty   07 76 23 08 00 04 06 07 15 00 Thunderbolt
Katua  Cleric   07 67 20 03 01 04 09 08 04 08 Mend
Palla  Peg  	12 01 24 11 02 10 14 05 08 07 Dragonpike, Silver Lance
Xaney  Fake 	01 20 18 02 01 02 08 09 04 10
Samson Wizard   10 13 24 06 03 06 08 06 06 06



Chapter 17x: I killed everyone else?

Banban is my last living undrafted unit. How could I kill all of them? Oh wait, I practically did it for fun. Wolf, Samson and Julian take the three rooms on the right.

Not much happens, Radd and Palla try to get as many kills as possible. Katua also desperately heals everyone for XP. Radd, Palla and Minerva play with the boss. Poor Etzel!

Unit   Class	LV XP HP ST MG SK SP LK DF RS Notable Items
Marth  Lord	20 88 41 16 00 10 19 20 13 00 Rapier, Silver Sword
Abel   Sage	08 34 38 09 13 18 18 08 05 07 Bellfire, Mend, Excalibur, Warp
Cord   Zerker   06 76 43 25 00 12 21 14 11 00 Silver Axe, Hand Axe, Hauteclere
Julian Thief	18 38 31 13 00 15 19 19 11 00 Killing Edge, Levin Sword
Wolf   General  15 08 52 20 00 13 11 10 25 01 Steel Bow, Silver Lance
Radd   Cav  	18 46 33 13 00 13 14 10 14 00 Ridersbane, Killer Lance
Miny   Sniper   05 84 30 10 00 12 15 08 09 05 Steel Bow
Linde  Myrm 	01 89 18 03 00 12 15 07 05 01 Bench
Beck   Shooty   08 54 24 08 00 05 07 08 15 00 Thunderbolt
Katua  Cleric   10 74 22 03 01 07 12 10 04 10 Mend
Palla  Peg  	13 88 24 12 02 11 14 05 08 08 Dragonpike, Silver Lance
Xaney  Fake 	01 60 18 02 01 02 08 09 04 10 Silver Sword
Samson Wizard   10 80 24 06 03 06 08 06 06 06 Blizzard, Heal

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Chapter 18: Camus' Black Knights - 7 turns

Xaney turns into Marth, the pair of them storm ahead. All goes well, Cord is warped to kill the boss. Est appears and I decide to give her a turn to get closer. She heads the wrong so Minerva is warped to murder her. After I did that, I realised I could have warped one of the Peg sisters. Oops! Capture on turn 7!

Unit   Class	LV XP HP ST MG SK SP LK DF RS Notable Items
Marth  Lord	22 00 43 18 00 10 20 22 13 00 Rapier, Silver Sword
Abel   Sage	09 30 38 10 13 18 19 08 05 08 Bellfire, Mend, Excalibur, Warp
Cord   Zerker   07 67 44 26 00 13 21 14 11 00 Silver Axe, Hand Axe, Hauteclere
Julian Thief	18 38 31 13 00 15 19 19 11 00 Killing Edge, Levin Sword
Wolf   General  15 16 52 20 00 13 11 10 25 01 Steel Bow, Silver Lance
Radd   Cav  	19 93 34 14 00 13 14 10 14 00 Ridersbane, Killer Lance
Miny   Sniper   06 24 30 10 00 13 16 09 10 05 Silver Bow
Linde  Myrm 	01 89 18 03 00 12 15 07 05 01 Bench
Beck   Shooty   08 54 24 08 00 05 07 08 15 00 Thunderbolt
Katua  Cleric   11 49 23 03 01 08 13 11 04 11 Heal
Palla  Peg  	14 74 25 12 02 11 14 05 08 08 Dragonpike, Silver Lance
Xaney  Fake 	02 60 19 02 01 03 08 09 04 10 Silver Sword
Samson Wizard   10 96 24 06 03 06 08 06 06 06 Blizzard, Heal



Chapter 19: It's Chiki time! - 5 turns

Banban comes along and is warped to Chiki. He then gets murdered. Marth strolls with Xaney to the throne. I don't get much swag, a crest and the Geosphere. Capture on turn 5! Radd also promotes!

Unit   Class	LV XP HP ST MG SK SP LK DF RS Notable Items
Marth  Lord	23 02 44 18 00 11 20 23 13 00 Rapier
Abel   Sage	09 78 38 10 13 18 19 08 05 08 Bellfire, Mend, Excalibur, Warp
Cord   Zerker   07 94 44 26 00 13 21 14 11 00 Silver Axe, Hand Axe, Hauteclere
Julian Thief	18 48 31 13 00 15 19 19 11 00 Killing Edge, Levin Sword
Wolf   General  15 16 52 20 00 13 11 10 25 01 Steel Bow, Silver Lance
Radd   Dragon   01 00 37 18 01 16 16 10 18 03 Ridersbane, Killer Lance
Miny   Sniper   06 72 30 10 00 13 16 09 10 05 Silver Bow
Linde  Myrm 	01 89 18 03 00 12 15 07 05 01 Bench
Beck   Shooty   08 54 24 08 00 05 07 08 15 00 Thunderbolt
Katua  Cleric   11 94 23 03 01 08 13 11 04 11 Heal
Palla  Peg  	15 12 26 13 02 12 14 06 09 08 Dragonpike, Silver Lance
Xaney  Fake 	02 93 19 02 01 03 08 09 04 10 Silver Sword
Samson Wizard   11 10 25 06 04 06 09 07 06 06 Blizzard, Heal
Chiki  Mam  	03 98 20 03 00 05 05 14 04 10 Divinestone



Chapter 20: Death to Camus - 6 turns

Marth and the fliers head up, letting the others clean up the Paladins. Camus dies at the hands of Radd. Chiki is warped to Lorenz and kills him. Marth captures on turn 6!

Unit   Class	LV XP HP ST MG SK SP LK DF RS Notable Items
Marth  Lord	24 18 45 19 00 11 21 24 13 00 Rapier, Mercurius
Abel   Sage	10 78 38 10 13 18 19 08 05 08 Bellfire, Mend, Excalibur, Warp
Cord   Zerker   07 94 44 26 00 13 21 14 11 00 Silver Axe, Hand Axe, Hauteclere
Julian Thief	18 69 31 13 00 15 19 19 11 00 Killing Edge, Levin Sword
Wolf   General  15 40 52 20 00 13 11 10 25 01 Steel Bow, Silver Lance
Radd   Dragon   03 15 38 19 01 17 17 11 18 03 Ridersbane, Killer Lance
Miny   Sniper   07 92 31 11 00 14 16 09 10 05 Silver Bow
Linde  Myrm 	01 89 18 03 00 12 15 07 05 01 Bench
Beck   Shooty   09 29 24 08 00 05 07 09 15 00 Thunderbolt
Katua  Cleric   13 94 24 04 01 09 14 12 04 11 Heal, Warp, Physic
Palla  Peg  	16 26 27 14 02 13 15 06 09 08 Dragonpike, Silver Lance
Xaney  Fake 	03 13 20 02 01 03 09 09 04 10 Silver Sword
Samson Wizard   11 31 25 06 04 06 09 07 06 06 Blizzard, Heal
Chiki  Mam  	06 08 23 05 00 07 08 17 04 10 Divinestone



Chapter 20x: Durandal?

Not much happened, that ugly guy got killed. I healspammed to help Katua and Samson. Katua got a point of magic, ha!

Unit   Class	LV XP HP ST MG SK SP LK DF RS Notable Items
Marth  Lord	24 97 45 19 00 11 21 24 13 00 Mercurius, Levin Sword
Abel   Sage	10 99 38 10 13 18 19 08 05 08 Bellfire, Mend, Excalibur, Warp
Cord   Zerker   09 01 46 27 00 14 23 15 11 00 Silver Axe, Hand Axe, Hauteclere
Julian Thief	18 81 31 13 00 15 19 19 11 00 Killing Edge, Levin Sword
Wolf   General  15 62 52 20 00 13 11 10 25 01 Steel Bow, Silver Lance
Radd   Dragon   03 66 38 19 01 17 17 11 18 03 Ridersbane, Killer Lance
Miny   Sniper   08 32 31 12 00 15 16 10 10 05 Silver Bow
Linde  Myrm 	01 89 18 03 00 12 15 07 05 01 Bench
Beck   Shooty   11 22 26 08 00 07 08 10 16 00 Thunderbolt
Katua  Cleric   16 14 27 06 02 11 15 14 05 11 Heal, Warp, Physic
Palla  Peg  	19 66 29 16 02 14 15 06 10 08 Dragonpike, Silver Lance
Xaney  Fake 	03 81 20 02 01 03 09 09 04 10 Silver Sword
Samson Wizard   12 12 26 06 04 06 10 08 06 07 Blizzard, Heal
Chiki  Mam  	06 08 23 05 00 07 08 17 04 10 Divinestone


Chapter 21: Easy as Pie! - 4 turns

Marth runs up the middle, a faceless unit dies. These short chapters aren't really interesting. Palla hits 20 so it's time to promote and give her a horsie! Not bad, she's a little slow though.

Unit   Class	LV XP HP ST MG SK SP LK DF RS Notable Items
Marth  Lord	26 49 47 21 00 13 22 25 14 00 Mercurius, Levin Sword
Abel   Sage	11 27 39 10 13 19 20 08 05 08 Bellfire, Mend, Excalibur, Warp
Cord   Zerker   10 24 46 28 00 14 24 16 11 00 Silver Axe, Hand Axe, Hauteclere
Julian Thief	19 37 32 13 00 15 19 20 11 00 Killing Edge, Levin Sword, Wo Dao
Wolf   General  15 78 52 20 00 13 11 10 25 01 Steel Bow, Silver Lance
Radd   Dragon   04 10 38 19 01 18 17 11 18 03 Ridersbane, Killer Lance
Miny   Sniper   08 81 31 12 00 15 16 10 10 05 Silver Bow
Linde  Myrm 	01 89 18 03 00 12 15 07 05 01 Bench
Beck   Shooty   11 81 26 08 00 07 08 10 16 00 Thunderbolt
Katua  Cleric   16 89 27 06 02 11 15 14 05 11 Heal, Warp, Physic
Palla  Paladin  01 00 35 20 01 14 15 06 14 08 Dragonpike, Silver Lance
Xaney  Fake 	04 18 20 02 01 03 10 09 04 10 Silver Sword
Samson Wizard   12 21 26 06 04 06 10 08 06 07 Blizzard, Heal
Chiki  Mam  	07 44 24 06 00 08 09 18 04 10 Divinestone



Chapter 22: Hey! He's not flying! - 8 turns

Michalis is lazy, he actually attacked in FE3! Marth gets Starlight, Wolf is warped to shop. It's funny when armourslayers do 3 damage. Radd gets Michalis, the end! Turn 8 capture!

Unit   Class	LV XP HP ST MG SK SP LK DF RS Notable Items
Marth  Lord	26 79 47 21 00 13 22 25 14 00 Mercurius, Levin Sword
Abel   Sage	11 65 39 10 13 19 20 08 05 08 Bellfire, Mend, Excalibur, Warp
Cord   Zerker   10 54 46 28 00 14 24 16 11 00 Silver Axe, Hand Axe, Hauteclere
Julian Thief	20 28 32 14 00 15 20 21 11 00 Levin Sword, Wo Dao
Wolf   General  17 83 52 22 00 13 11 10 25 01 Steel Bow, Silver Lance
Radd   Dragon   05 88 38 19 01 19 17 12 19 03 Ridersbane, Killer Lance
Miny   Sniper   09 22 32 13 00 15 17 10 11 05 Silver Bow
Linde  Myrm 	01 89 18 03 00 .15 07 05 01 Bench
Beck   Shooty   13 35 27 08 00 07 09 11 17 00 Thunderbolt
Katua  Cleric   17 94 27 06 02 12 16 15 05 12 Heal, Warp, Physic
Palla  Paladin  02 06 36 21 01 15 16 06 14 08 Dragonpike, Silver Lance
Xaney  Fake 	04 28 20 02 01 03 10 09 04 10 Silver Sword
Samson Wizard   12 49 26 06 04 06 10 08 06 07 Blizzard, Heal
Chiki  Mam  	07 44 24 06 00 08 09 18 04 10 Divinestone



Chapter 23: A New Hope - 7 turns

Julian goes to steal, Palla goes to kill stuff. Marth and Xaney waltz up and get to Gharnef. Abel is warped up to help. Turn 7 capture! Magic for Abel, woo!

Unit   Class	LV XP HP ST MG SK SP LK DF RS Notable Items
Marth  Lord	27 23 48 21 00 13 22 26 15 00 Mercurius, Levin Sword
Abel   Sage	13 02 40 10 14 21 21 08 05 09 Starlight, Heal, Excalibur, Warp
Cord   Zerker   10 54 46 28 00 14 24 16 11 00 Silver Axe, Hand Axe, Hauteclere
Julian Thief	20 28 32 14 00 15 20 21 11 00 Levin Sword, Wo Dao
Wolf   General  17 98 52 22 00 13 11 10 25 01 Steel Bow, Silver Lance
Radd   Dragon   06 43 39 19 01 19 17 13 20 03 Ridersbane, Killer Lance
Miny   Sniper   09 32 32 13 00 15 17 10 11 05 Silver Bow
Linde  Myrm 	01 89 18 03 00 .15 07 05 01 Bench
Beck   Shooty   14 53 27 08 00 07 09 11 17 00 Thunderbolt
Katua  Cleric   19 87 29 06 02 13 17 17 05 13 Heal, Warp, Physic
Palla  Paladin  04 78 36 22 01 17 16 08 15 08 Dragonpike, Silver Lance
Xaney  Fake 	04 61 20 02 01 03 10 09 04 10 Silver Sword
Samson Wizard   12 94 26 06 04 06 10 08 06 07 Blizzard, Heal
Chiki  Mam  	07 44 24 06 00 08 09 18 04 10 Divinestone



Chapter 24: It all goes wrong! - 4 turns

Katua warps Chiki to die. Radd gets the boss, Abel sends Wolf to the secret shop. Not very interesting, I warp Julian to get the Aum staff and capture on turn 4. Katua promotes! Chapter 24x went well, Chiki came back to life but that was it.

Unit   Class	LV XP HP ST MG SK SP LK DF RS Notable Items
Marth  Lord	28 89 49 21 00 14 22 27 15 00 Mercurius, Levin Sword
Abel   Sage	13 52 40 10 14 21 21 08 05 09 Starlight, Mend, Excalibur, Warp
Cord   Zerker   12 67 48 29 00 14 24 18 11 00 Silver Axe, Hand Axe, Hauteclere
Julian Thief	21 28 34 15 00 16 21 22 11 00 Levin Sword, Wo Dao
Wolf   General  18 33 60 23 00 13 11 10 25 01 Steel Bow, Silver Lance
Radd   Dragon   11 18 42 20 01 20 20 15 21 03 Ridersbane, Killer Lance, Gradivus
Miny   Sniper   10 50 39 14 00 16 18 10 11 05 Silver Bow, Parthia
Linde  Myrm 	01 89 18 03 00 .15 07 05 01 Bench
Beck   Shooty   15 89 28 08 00 07 10 12 17 00 Thunderbolt
Katua  Bishop   02 43 36 08 04 16 19 19 09 14 Aura, Warp, Barrier
Palla  Paladin  06 24 38 22 01 19 19 08 15 08 Dragonpike, Silver Lance
Xaney  Fake 	05 42 20 02 01 04 11 09 04 10 Silver Sword
Samson Wizard   13 15 27 06 05 07 10 09 06 07 Blizzard, Heal
Chiki  Mam  	10 04 27 07 00 11 10 20 04 10 Divinestone
Elice  Cleric   12 64 19 00 02 05 07 04 03 09 Recover


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Chapter 25: Warpalicious - 1 turn!

Elice promotes because she can. Linde also gets a -3 MT/-15 hit/+3 WT Iron Sword called "I am useless". Elice warps Chiki, who kills the guard. Abel warps Nagi to hurt Medeus. Katua then warps Radd to finish him off. That's a wrap!

175 turns

Marth, Pantsless Protagonist - 103 kills


A little shakey with his strength initially, however, he soon picked up and kill anything in his way.

Abel, Marich's replacement 97 kills


Initially, trolled quite hard. His HP made up for his lack of defense in the end, and his magic wasn't too bad either.

Cord, Captain Cord - 115 kills


Pretty good stuff. He was the muscle of the group, crossing rivers and cutting things in half.

Julian, The chest fairy - 55 kills


He was like a little Marth. Not quite strong enough to kill the later enemies but I'm pretty proud of him.

Wolf, Man of Compressed Neutrons 63 kills


Invincible from the word go. His speed wasn't fantastic but he was still doubling most stuff. His move slowed him down too.

Radd, Slow startter - 68 kills


He took a lot of babying, but it was worth it in the end!

Minerva, Ironic Archer 31 kills


Not fantastic but she held out. Recruiting her was a pain, and cost a lot of turns.

Linde, Dead Weight - 2 kills


Completely unusable. After I had to start again, I didn't even both training her.

Beck, Behind the scenes - 16 kills


He didn't do much, but he provided chip damage on tougher enemies and got those annoying Swarm and Fortify people.

Palla, Somewhat helpful - 38 kills


She came in quite late but she didn't need much help. Overtaken by Radd upon promotion but not too bad.

Katua, Healbot - 0 kills


A horribly assigned class, she did do some good healing but I didn't need her too much.

Samson, Even worse healbot - 3 kills


Barely breaking into double digits, he could only really provide chip damage. He cost a tonne of turns too!

Xaney, Funky crossdresser - 9 kills


He spent most of his free time as Marth, clearing the path for him. Also provided some XP before he was recruited.

Chiki, Little turn magnet - 14 kills


Also cost me a good number of turns. She did help clear some dragons, so I suppose it's OK.

Elice, Thanks for reviving Chiki - 0 kills


Woo! No penalties!

Nagi, Thanks for the one attack - 0 kills


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