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Confused about editing battle animation palettes


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This is for FE8, by the way. I'm pretty sure that's important information.

Anyway, I am replacing an existing character with a new character, and I cannot for the life of me figure out how to change his battle animation palette (mercenary, btw). I've looked through tutorials that show me how to insert palettes and change them, but what's confusing me is...

How do I point this new character's battle palette to a new one? Am I just crazy and this is some completely non-existant or unnecessary step? I mean, if I edited the generic mercenary palette, wouldn't all generic mercenaries have that new color? So I can't edit the class animation palette, right?

Let's say I switched around Seth and Marisa; I have completely no idea how to assign new Seth-Marisa her Marisa colors. She remains with generic female myrmidon colors. What I did was merely edit Seth so that he was basically Marisa, however, I didn't really do anything with events and recruitment. If that's what I should have done, please tell me.

Of course, that doesn't solve my new character problem. This is causing me endless amounts of grief because I feel like this is something really easy or I'm just being really stupid about this. What I did with new character, like in the Marisa example, was just change an existing character, Garcia in this case, to basically be a completely new character; new portrait, stats, class, ect.

I looked up Garcia's palettes via Nightmare 2, but since he had multiple palettes for his different classes, I didn't know what to choose. In the end, I picked his fighter palette.

I edited the palette via APE following a tutorial on here, and I can confirm that it saved the new colors. I wasn't sure if the colors were going to be in the right SPOTS or anything, but I at least wanted to know if it worked so I saved and tried it out. In the end, though, still no custom palette. The new character still has generic mercenary colors.

If you could tell me what on earth I'm doing wrong to prevent my head from exploding, I'd really appreciate it. If you need me to elaborate on anything, just ask. I don't really know what else to elaborate on, though.

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You have to edit both palette modules, Palette association editor 1 and 2.

1 is the class(s) that the palettes will be assigned to. IE Seth's would be paladin.

2 is the palette that is used. IE Seth's paladin palette(0x3C)

It took me until just now to think, "Hm, maybe I just don't have the right nightmare modules or all the modules I need..."

And, well, as it turns out I was, indeed, missing the battle palette editor module.

Now I just feel silly.

Thanks, though, it was your post that helped me realize this. Otherwise I might've gone crazy ┐('~`;)┌

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