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ITT I Play No Seth FE8

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Alright doyles. The last FE8 playthrough was a bomb because I fucked up too much. That and I've finished FE6. So I'm restarting the game, only this time I'm doing this Seth-less. And as usual, the start-of-LP disclaimers:


-No going to the ToLG or anything like it. Also, no support abusing.

-Hard Mode, Either Route

-Seth may not be used for anything. No attacking, no rescuing, no nothing.

-Every unit is to be recruited and alive by game's end, of course.

-Get a low turn count to the best of my ability(as in, efficiently)

-And most importantly, PLAY IT THROUGH TO THE BITTER END!

As for unit lists, I was thinking of something like this:

[spoiler=Unit List]Franz(Paladin)






Cormag(Wyvern Lord)

Tana(Falcon Knight)

Obviously, I'm still bringing healers and thieves when applicable.

Swag is defined as the following:

-Items acquired from a chest or house.

-Items dropped by enemies.

-Items stolen from enemies.

-Rare items that recruitable characters have.

Oh, and by the way, I was inspired by Salad Utensil to do this playthrough in the first place.

And if you are here to attack any 'bad' choices I made in this playthrough, or are here to mock me in general, don't.

Until I have my swag list and turn counts, this is all I have to say:

Peace out.

P.S: I'm going to be starting a Shadow Dragon playthrough as a November special, now that I'm done this game(or at least the main story. I still have Eirika's maps to do.)

Edited by darkandroid125
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Prolog: Eirika Solo 101

Units Deployed:


New Units

Eirika: She's your first lord, and a better version of Lyn. I recommend using her the whole game- oh wait, you don't have much of a choice, do ya?

Seth: Normally he's the resident game breaker, but due to reasons beyond my control, he's an NPC unit in the context of this PT.

If you are wondering why I didn't list Seth, well, let's just say he got killed by AIDS face, but Eirika can still see him, much like Zelda could see Link in that one episode of TLoZ cartoon.

Chapter Summary: Eirika has to solo this shit. It is possible to do a 2 turn clear, but a three turn is safer.

Eirika kills a fighter on turn 1, and kills the other fighter on the EP. The boss is gone by turn 2 EP. Note that I burned 3 RNs on turn 1 and 6 RNs on turn 2.

2 turns.

Eirika    	02  00  17  05  09  10  06  03  01  05  

Swag: Rapier

Edited by darkandroid125
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Chapter 1: In Soviet Russia, Lance PWNS with You

Units Deployed:


Units Acquired:

Gilliam, Franz

New Units

Franz: He's essentially Seth that needs training. So it's a fair assumption that I'm gonna use him.

Gilliam: A slow-moving turd that can tank fairly well. His speed is ultra bad, but hits hard and takes forever to die.

Chapter Summary: In a no-Seth PT, Eirika must dodge at least 1 hit in the five turns that it takes for her to hit the throne.

I have Eirika move over to the northwest, killing a fighter in the process. On turn 2, Gilliam kills a soldier, while Eirika makes another fighter die. Turns 3 and 4 are basically the same dealie. Good nite soldiers on turns 2 and 3 and Breguet on turn 4. Also, Franz and Gil grabbed EXP killing shit. I seized on turn 5.

5 turns

Eirika    	04  00  19  07  11  11  07  03  02  05   
Franz    	01  00  20  07  05  07  02  07  01  09  
Gilliam   	05  00  26  09  07  03  03  10  04  14  

Too bad Gilliam didn't get speed like last time. Otherwise, same old shit.

Swag: Zilch

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Chapter 2: Bandits Are So Cliche(Part I)

Units Deployed:

Eirika, Gilliam, Franz, Vanessa, Moulder

Units Acquired:

Ross, Garcia

New Units

Vanessa: A fail-whore on wings. Her combat is fairly bad, but at least she can ferry people across harsh terrain.

Moulder: A rather beefy priest with a lot of con. He's likely to be your main staff guy.

Ross: A big baby that needs to be babied. I'm not going to lie, but trainees are fucking HORRIBLE, but for Ross, I'll make an exception.

Garcia: His bases are manlier than Ross's but his speed growth makes him unusable after earlygame. Use Ross instead.

Chapter Summary: Your first romp. Also remember to have the fail-whore pick up the shota so he doesn't, you know, die.

I did the ol' switcheroo with Vanessa carrying Ross away from the bandit. Moulder drops him down, while Franz ferries Gil closer to the action(Gil's move is atrocious) I have Eirika talk to Ross to recruit him, then Gilliam draws in a bandit for Ross to kill(well, after Franz chips at it). I plant Gilliam on the fort on turn 3, where he was able to keep the archer, Bone, and the remaining bandits occupied, while the rest of my group kills reinforcements. Gil manages to kill the boss on turn 7 the same as when Ross finished on an enemy.

7 turns.

Eirika    	05  00  19  08  11  11  08  03  02  05   
Franz    	02  00  21  08  06  07  02  07  01  09  
Gilliam   	06  00  27  10  07  04  03  11  04  14  
Moulder  	03  00  20  04  06  09  01  02  05  09  
Vanessa    	01  00  17  05  07  11  04  06  05  05  
Ross 		-07 00  17  06  02  05  09  04  00  08  
Garcia   	04  00  28  08  07  07  03  05  01  14

Nice to see that Ross got str/spd twice, but I'm worried about his skill. Also, Gilliam finally gets the speed level he needs, which is all and good.

Vanessa, of course, did absolutely nothing in terms of combat. She was too busy grabbing shit.

Swag: Red gem, Elixir, Pure water

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Chapter 3: Bandits Are So Cliche(Part II)

Units Deployed:

Eirika, Gilliam, Franz, Moulder, Vanessa, Ross, Garcia, Neimi

Units Acquired:


New Units

Neimi: As we've learned from Rebecca, bow lock+shitty stats=BAD. She recruits Colm and chips a wall, but that's it. To the bench with ye.

Colm: Thieves are useful to have around, but Colm's combat is almost as bad as Gilliam's AS. And saying that is being extremely generous.

Chapter Summary: The goal is simply to beat Bazba and cap the throne. Simple, rite?

Anyway, I had Neimi and Garcia bust down the wall so somebody could weaken the guy behind it for Ross. Vanessa also picked up Eirika so that I could ferry her there faster. I talk to Colm on turn 2, while Gil and Garcia take down the wall binding the rest of the group from the main room. I start chest collecting while Eirika heads for the throne, with Gilliam and Franz aiding her. Oh, and by the way, Colm's combat really does suck. He does like 6-7 damage to the first bandit and can't double, while being 2HKO'd at a somewhat dicey hit rate.

Anyway, I breached the throne room on turn 6, allowing EFG to kill Bazba on turn 7 with Gilliam Bojangles getting the kill.

8 turns.

Eirika    	06  00  20  08  12  12  08  03  02  05   
Franz    	03  00  21  08  06  08  02  07  01  09  
Gilliam   	07  00  28  11  07  04  03  12  04  14  
Moulder  	03  00  20  04  06  09  01  02  05  09  
Vanessa    	01  00  17  05  07  11  04  06  05  05  
Ross 		-05 00  19  09  03  05  10  04  00  08  
Garcia   	04  00  28  08  07  07  03  05  01  14
Neimi    	01  00  17  04  05  06  04  03  02  05
Colm    	02  00  18  04  04  10  08  03  01  06

Eirika is slightly defense screwed, and Ross still has 5 levels left to go before he's out of trainee status, but everyone is doing good so far. Except for Neimi and Colm. No one gives a rat's shit about them. I also still don't give two shits about Vanessa and Garcia and never will.

Swag: Iron sword, Hand axe, Javelin, Iron lance

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Good luck playing efficiently with that team. Franz and Cormag are your only particularly good units. But it could be worse.

I have never had Colm be unable to double that bandit. Huh.

And I'm gonna need it. And to be fair, I chose this team knowing full well what their weaknesses are, and like you said, it could be worse. It's prolly gonna get so post promotion when that 16 con weight can't be carried by any promoted person. Don't worry, I'll still play efficiently, but I'm aiming to do it to the best of my ability using the team I chose.

I remember that bandit being able to have either 6 or 7 spd. In my playthrough(and dondon's), Colm's bandit had 7 speed.

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Chapter 4: No One Kills Monsters Like Gilliam

Units Deployed:

Eirika, Gilliam, Franz, Ross, Garcia, Vanessa, Moulder, Colm, Artur

Units Acquired:


New Units

Artur: A very unmanly monk who looks like Kyle Broflovski without the hat. He's worth using because of access to Bishop, though E Light sucks.

Lute: A snobby bitch who's a better version of Lilina. Still, she's one of the better magic users out there.

Chapter Summary: Another romp. I'm going to let you know right now: Every map that consists entirely of monsters are romp missions. Just reminding you for a later chapter on a ghost ship.

While nothing much happened on the first turn, I had Ross and Gil kill zombies, and Franz chips at a skeleton. As soon as the reinforcements showed up on either side, I had Eirika and Artur tagteam the skeleton reinforcements while Ross soloed the zombies. Franz went down to save Lute's village, while Vanessa visited the village itself. As for Gil, he ramboed into a large mob of enemies and cleared everything by turn 5, including the mummy boss.

5 turns.

Eirika    	06  00  20  08  12  12  08  03  02  05   
Franz    	03  00  21  08  06  08  02  07  01  09  
Gilliam   	10  00  31  13  08  06  04  15  05  14  
Moulder  	03  00  20  04  06  09  01  02  05  09  
Vanessa    	01  00  17  05  07  11  04  06  05  05  
Ross 		-02 00  22  10  04  07  11  05  01  08  
Garcia   	04  00  28  08  07  07  03  05  01  14
Colm    	02  00  18  04  04  10  08  03  01  06
Artur    	03  00  19  07  07  09  02  02  06  06
Lute    	02  00  17  07  06  06  08  03  06  03

Only the new characters, the shota, and Bojangles got level ups, and Ross only needs two levels.

Swag: Iron axe

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Because DA125 does not fantasize about Lute being his lover while he fantasizes that way about Lilina, Lute is clearly worse than Lilina in our humble playlogger's eyes.

In other words, he has no idea what he is talking about. Keep in mind, he was hyping up Bors and gave the Boots to him so...

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How is Lute a worse version of Lilina?

The only thing I can think of for that line of reasoning is the -10% MAG growth, but that's a bad reason anyways when that 10% is moved into SPD, a stat that helps power mages more. Hilariously enough, MAG is the only area that Lilina wins in, as she loses every non-HP (tied) stat by 5-10%.

... Maybe it's the personality?

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Chapter 5: Crossing Into Grado

Units Deployed:

Eirika, Franz, Gilliam, Ross, Vanessa, Lute, Artur, Moulder, Natasha

Units Acquired:


New Units

Natasha: In regards to efficiency, she's a poor man's Moulder, but staffbots are useful, so both of them will see use.

Joshua: While he's not going to hold a candle to Rutgar anytime soon, he is at least better than that pansy Guy. Watch out for strength screwage. I'm just... Saiyan.

This chapter is likely the hardest you've seen so far, but that's mostly due to me not being able to use Seth to 3-turn it. My Franz is too weak to handle more than 2 guys at once and everybody else's movement is shit.

I moved all my units east, using Vanessa to grab the dracoshield house. Ross kills a soldier on turn 2 and Gil pretty much does the same to a fighter(Artur couldn't reach him as Ross was in the way) Franz also grabbed the armorslayer house while L+A blocked off the bandit party. On turn 3, I took out the remaining enemies near the AC house, while Gil drew in Josh. Thankfully nothing happened, so I was able to recruit Josh on turn 4, and took out the bandit as well as chip down a rat on turn 4 EP. While Vanessa was grabbing houses, Gil was duking it out with the boss, chipping him down enough so that Hat could kill him on turn 7.

7 turns

Eirika    	07  00  21  09  13  13  08  04  02  05   
Franz    	04  00  22  09  06  08  02  08  02  09  
Gilliam   	11  00  32  14  08  06  05  16  05  14  
Moulder  	03  00  20  04  06  09  01  02  05  09  
Vanessa    	01  00  17  05  07  11  04  06  05  05  
Ross 		-00 00  24  11  04  09  12  07  01  08  
Artur    	04  00  20  08  07  10  03  02  07  06
Lute    	03  00  18  08  06  07  09  03  07  03
Natasha    	01  00  18  02  04  08  06  02  06  04
Josh 		06  00  25  09  14  14  08  06  02  08

Eirika finally got her first defense point in 6 levels. Also loving that defense and speed on Ross.

Swag: Dracoshield, Secret book, Armorslayer, Torch, Guiding ring

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Chapter 5x: He Doesn't Pick Fights He Can't Win

Units Deployed:

Ephraim, Kyle, Stan Forde, Orson

New Units

Ephraim: Broken, just broken. Great bases, good enough growths to keep him good, an awesome Prf weapon, and a pony makes Eph awesome. His only drawback is his piss availability in Eirika's route, but I doubt he cares either way.

Kyle: He's more strengthy and defensey than the other two cavaliers, but that's a stretch considering his speed and skill are only average.

Forde: He's faster than Kyle, but slower than Franz and doesn't hit very hard. He's still exceedingly well balanced, if that means anything.

Orson: He can 1RKO basically everything on the map, but he's not staying in your group for very long.

Chapter Summary: This is a fairly long chapter, but you have 3 guys with 7 or more movement, so you can just have them carry Ephraim if he's not needed for something.

I start by having Eph and Kyle kill the first two soldiers on the map, while having Kyle and Stan Forde trade swords(Kyle can use a steel sword without AS loss). Next turn, Eph kills a knight while Stan Forde opens the door, giving Eph his javelin, and having Kyle kill the archer. After Eph chips the mage, he and Kyle double back and kill a mercenary, while Stan Forde finishes off the mage(he needs a steel lance to KO after Eph uses a javelin. Orson puts him back on the sword)

While K+SF were getting the chests, Eph was tearing the enemies up left and right, healing occasionally as his durability isn't what I'd like it to be. I made it inside the western corridor by turn 10, using Eph to smite both enemy magic units in his path. I breached the throne room by turn 12, killed the boss on turn 13, and was out by turn 14.

14 turns.

Ephraim   	09  00  28  12  12  15  12  12  03  08  
Kyle    	07  00  27  11  06  08  06  11  02  10  
Forde   	07  00  24  08  08  09  07  08  02  09  

No one cares about Orson. Just like no one cares about Anthony in DotF.

Ephraim... wow. Just wow. 12 in everything except speed, which is 15 and res, which is crap. I'm really lovin' that defense, especially. At least he's better than his failure of a sister.

As for the others, Kyle's more durable than usual and Forde is rather vanilla.

Swag: Killer lance, Elixir

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Ephraim: Broken, just broken. Great bases, good enough growths to keep him good, an awesome Prf weapon, and a pony makes Eph awesome. His only drawback is his piss availability in Eirika's route, but I doubt he cares either way.

Of course he doesn't care. He's a piece of game data. He doesn't have feelings.

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Chapter 6: Itsy Bitsy Spider, Climbing Down The Mountain...

'Then came Eirika, who killed the boss before the spider could touch the people at the bottom of the mountain.'

Units Deployed:

Eirika, Gilliam, Franz, Ross, Lute, Artur, Natasha, Joshua, Vanessa, Colm

Chapter Summary: Your first FoW map. To beat the map, kill the turd named Novala. And don't let the villagers die. You'll get an Orion bolt if all three of them live(not that Neimi is any good.)

Before I started the map, Ross promotes to pirate and is fed a secret book. Colm is brought because of extended vision in FoW.

Colm uses a torch, exposing most of the enemy fleet. Ross moves forward with his hatchet(he can't DA the archer with a hand axe. lol10con) and Gilliam is ferried in the outer range of the forest. I use turn 2 to clear any debris while Ross gets into a position where he can take out the halberd fighter. I of course had to surround Ross as he couldn't survive the IB guy and the other two cavs at the same time. After the cav party was killed, which took most of my party to remove because there was a mage near Novala who attacked Franz.

On turn 5, I had Gil stand in Novala's range after he took out the soldier standing next to him, while Josh draws out the shaman and soldier to the SE of the map. I kill the boss on turn 6 after the rest of my party grabs some last minute level ups.

6 turns.

Eirika    	08  00  22  09  13  14  09  04  02  05   
Franz    	05  00  23  10  07  09  03  09  02  09  
Gilliam   	13  00  34  16  09  07  05  18  05  14  
Moulder  	03  00  20  04  06  09  01  02  05  09  
Vanessa    	02  00  17  06  07  11  05  06  05  05  
Ross 		03  00  28  15  07  11  15  09  01  08  
Colm    	02  00  18  04  04  10  08  03  01  06
Artur    	05  00  20  08  08  11  04  02  08  06
Lute    	05  00  20  10  07  10  10  03  07  03
Natasha    	02  00  18  03  04  08  07  03  07  04
Josh 		08  00  27  10  16  16  08  07  03  08

I kind of wish Eirika had more strength and defense. Being fast doesn't mean shit when your damage is poor and you can't take a hit to save your own life. And it doesn't help that she's not going to be seen again until Chapter 15.

Swag: Iron blade, Orion bolt, Halberd

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Being fast doesn't mean shit when your damage is poor and you can't take a hit to save your own life.

This I officially christen The Myrmidon's Fallacy.

It's also why I don't like lords like Lyn, or most Myrmidons for that matter. Obviously if they CAN do good damage, then welcome aboard!

As for Eirika, I find she rejoins with acceptable bases, so don't worry about her now. At least she's better than Lyn...

Also, when you're listing the stats you should only list the units you're actually using, so people reading this don't have to sort through unused filler like Neimi every time you show stats.

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Eirika is slightly more durable than Lyn. Like, +1 base defense and +10% growth, I think.

In addition, Eirika gets to fight lots of easy Bandits early on, while Lyn's situation is a little muddier.

The only thing I can think of for that line of reasoning is the -10% MAG growth, but that's a bad reason anyways when that 10% is moved into SPD, a stat that helps power mages more. Hilariously enough, MAG is the only area that Lilina wins in, as she loses every non-HP (tied) stat by 5-10%.

... Maybe it's the personality?

Lute also wins every base stat except resistance, and has a far better promotion that gives her a horse and D Staves instead of the useless E Staves that Lilina gets; which isn't helped by staff rank being very, very slow to build in FE6. In the number of turns that it takes Lilina just to get to D Rank, Lute can reach A.

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