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ITT I Play No Seth FE8

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I don't know like 14? I mean, there have to be a lot to not promote Gilliam to GK.

Serious answer: 1? None?

Five dollars says every Sage had a Horseslayer too.

That's right, SAGES.

Also was Lute made into a Sage or Mage Knight?

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Chapter 17: The Ghosts of Grado

Units Deployed:

Ephraim, Eirika, Joshua, Franz, Ross, Artur, Lute, Natasha, Tana, Cormag, Tethys, Rennac

Units Acquired:


New Units

Syrene: She's decent enough, but her durability is worse than base Cormag's. Is ok filler, but shouldn't be used seriously if you've got other competent fliers.

Chapter Summary: Honestly, do you really need a strategy for this map. Here's one: Kill Lyon. Oh, and you can get a dracoshield and brave axe here.

[spoiler=To the guys that are complaining about my promo choices]Yeah, yeah, I heard that bill already. Now let me put this in terms you'll understand: Gil went Gen because I felt the +3 spd would be more beneficial than +2 mov. As for why Lute's a sage, I did it because I didn't want her to cap ram mag at Lv5 or something stupid like that. That and this is a CC file, so stat caps kind of matter. It had nothing to do with Horseslayers whatsoever.

The scoop was that everyone went east except Hat who basically soloed all the heroes, and Cormag, Ross, and Rennac(and soon Artur and Franz), who went north. I also recruited Syrene on turn 1 thanks to how awesome dancers are. I used Ross and Cornmug to deal with the dracoknights as well as the NW and W reinforcements while Eph and the others did the same with the druids. Rennac draws in the Dshield Berserker, and nabs the shield before Cornmug kills it, while this was happening, I kill the KE swordmaster with Eph and countless reinforcements before killing Lyon with Eirika. In order for the 6 turn to work, Eirika needed to CH 3 times with the KE and dodge one of Lyon's hits(the perfect levelup was simply icing on the cake.)

6 turns.

Ephraim   	20  02  44  22  21  22  19  19  09  10  
Eirika    	19  02  35  18  22  22  18  14  12  07   
Franz    	14  03  42  17  12  15  09  15  05  11  
Gilliam   	18  08  50  26  20  14  11  28  10  16  
Ross 		15  05  48  25  17  21  22  16  04  13  
Artur    	14  06  31  20  16  21  07  09  21  07  Lte C
Lute    	15  04  30  24  13  17  16  08  17  04  Art C
Natasha    	08  00  23  08  06  11  13  04  13  04  Hat C
Josh 		14  07  42  20  25  25  11  12  06  09  Nat C  
Tana    	12  03  38  16  14  24  15  11  13  06
Cormag    	18  05  47  24  19  17  10  23  03  12   
Gerik   	16  04  45  23  20  18  11  18  09  15 
Syrene    	00  01  27  12  13  15  12  10  12  07

Good news is that Eirika and Cornmug got WTF levels. Bad news is that Artur got a lol level.

Swag: Dracoshield, Brave axe, Guiding ring, Nosferatu, Rescue

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Yeah, you're right.

Man he's just deathly afraid of those Horseslayer-wielding Sages, isn't he?

And Horseslayer Druids. Plus Zanbato Mage Knights and Halberd Gorgons. I mean, there has to be so much of that shit, making retarded choices like promoting Gilliam to General instead of Great Knight doesn't seem so retarded after all!

As an aside: Not wanting Lute to capram magic with a 25 cap is the stupidest thing thing I ever heard. It's Creature Campaign. You fight mostly fail enemies and you have infinite stat boosters. Who honestly gives a shit about a higher cap? Nobody, that's who.

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You fight mostly fail enemies and you have infinite stat boosters. Who honestly gives a shit about a higher cap? Nobody, that's who.

Infinite stat boosters is actually the scenario in which caps MATTER.

On the other hand, 25 MAG is soooo inferior to 30 MAG when we're fighting Revenants forever. With a Bishop.

And something doesn't jive with DA electing to promote Gilliam for +1 SPD - which can be fixed with infinite boosters from the shop - instead of +1 MOV when Boots aren't buyable. Oh, and to put that in terms YOU understand, sir, Gilliam only gained 1 SPD from his promotion to General. I'll let you hammer out why before I reveal it.

And while I'm at it, why do you insist on using absolutely unreadable font colors for all of your character ratings ever?

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Chapter 18: Green Eggs and Gorgons

Units Deployed:

Ephraim, Eirika, Franz, Gilliam, Ross, Joshua, Gerik, Lute, Artur, Cormag, Tana, Tethys

Chapter Summary: This chapter features some REALLY dangerous enemies. Gorgons can have up to 40 attack with Shadowshot, which will 2HKO literally EVERY unit you have up to this point. And I am not shitting you. They also have 38 atk with Demon Surge(which also plain hurts)and have Stone, which causes a unit to be VERY vulnerable to a kill if they get hit(as all attacks hit them regardless of hit/evasion and they face +30 crit NO MATTER WHAT.) There are also 24 eggs on the map that give +50 exp to any unit who kills them.

I used the dracoshield on Hat prior to his chapter, as I felt his defense to be a bit low. Also, I found out that Gilliam and Artur can survive 2 and 3 Shadowshots, respectively, if they use Pure Water/get Barrier'd. While I could argue Ross and Cornmug as well, they have absolute balls for res and get 2HKO'd even with Pure Water.

I start the battle off by killing some eggs, then doing more or less the same on turn 2. Now, the shadowshot guy was a pain in the ass in the beginning as he can 2-shot everybody even if they use Pure Water(and he one-shots Tethys regardless) I managed to kill it on turn 3, after which point I send my units forward to kill more eggs. Which basically entailed Cormag and Ross going northwest, Hat, Franz, and Tana going southeast and Gil and Eirika going northeast. Gerik took out the eggs east of the midway point. While no one cares what I did to eggs, let's just say that Eirika gets the boss kill and several people level up.

8 turns.

Ephraim   	20  04  46  23  21  23  19  19  09  10  
Eirika    	19  04  37  19  23  24  19  14  13  07   
Franz    	14  03  42  17  12  15  09  15  05  11  
Gilliam   	18  10  52  28  22  14  11  29  10  16  
Ross 		15  07  50  27  18  21  24  16  05  13  
Artur    	14  07  32  21  17  21  07  09  22  07  Lte C
Lute    	15  04  30  24  13  17  16  08  17  04  Art C
Natasha    	08  00  23  08  06  11  13  04  13  04  Hat C
Josh 		14  07  42  20  25  25  11  12  06  09  Nat C  
Tana    	12  04  39  16  15  25  15  11  13  06
Cormag    	18  08  50  27  20  19  12  24  04  12   
Gerik   	16  06  47  24  20  19  12  19  09  15 

By the way, Cornmug has the honor of being the first unit to have a capped stat in this playthrough. Gerik is close to capping str, and Ephraim is close to capping spd. Gil is also one away from capping str/def. And Artur reached A staves.

Swag: Nothing.

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Gorgons can have up to 40 attack with Shadowshot, which will 2HKO literally EVERY unit you have up to this point.

False. They will 2HKO every unit YOU have right now. Except that's not even really right, as Barrier/Water on Artur or Gilliam would let them handily survive 2x 40 atk Shadowshots.

Hell, 2x 40 atk Shadowshots would only kill a Barriered Ephraim, Eirika, Gerik, Tana and several others by less than 4HP - or the damage nullified by a single Talisman or Robe.

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False. They will 2HKO every unit YOU have right now. Except that's not even really right, as Barrier/Water on Artur or Gilliam would let them handily survive 2x 40 atk Shadowshots.

Hell, 2x 40 atk Shadowshots would only kill a Barriered Ephraim, Eirika, Gerik, Tana and several others by less than 4HP - or the damage nullified by a single Talisman or Robe.

I did mention that Artur and Gil could live two Shadowshot hits with Pure water. It didn't occur to me until after I did this map that I could've used my talismans on Ephraim or Tana so (s)he could survive two Shadowshots with Barrier applied. Ross and Cormag would still be 2HKO'd even with both talismans(Ross takes 24/48 damage from Shadowshot(he spawned with 39 atk)and Cornmug takes 25/47.)

Edited by darkandroid125
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Chapter Summary: This chapter features some REALLY dangerous enemies. Gorgons can have up to 40 attack with Shadowshot, which will 2HKO literally EVERY unit you have up to this point.

I thought FE8 was supposed to be the easiest FE game in the series so far...

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I did mention that Artur and Gil could live two Shadowshot hits with Pure water. It didn't occur to me until after I did this map that I could've used my talismans on Ephraim or Tana so (s)he could survive two Shadowshots with Barrier applied. Ross and Cormag would still be 2HKO'd even with both talismans(Ross takes 24/48 damage from Shadowshot(he spawned with 39 atk)and Cornmug takes 25/47.)

So you did, my mistake. Some slight apologies, in that instance.

Still, what a generalization :P

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I thought FE8 was supposed to be the easiest FE game in the series so far...

It is. Chapter 18 isn't too bad if you just grab a bunch of fliers or even just mounts and kill all the eggs. Shadowshot and Stone aren't particularly accurate, after all. Dangerous, yes, but there shouldn't be a place where two Shadowshots can even hit you at once if you clear the eggs quickly.

...Just stone has a tendency to hit some really really low hitrates. like 7. :/ Of course, PEMN. It's not actually a difficult chapter if you go about it right.

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Chapter 19: Rausten Castle Defense

Units Deployed:

Ephraim, Eirika, Gilliam, Franz, Ross, Joshua, Gerik, Lute, Artur, Tana, Cormag, Natasha, Rennac, Colm

Chapter Summary: As usual, it is dark in this castle. Also, some swag, but you need to kill Riev to end the map prematurely. The NPC's here are absurdly retarded and die faster than Yamcha against a Saibaman. You can get a prism sword if enough of these bastards survive, but they are, once again, as brain-dead as the NPC paladins from FE4 Chapter 2 and are as weak as the farmer with the shotgun.

I had Artur warp my thieves into the chest rooms while my other units did some complementary killing. Since there were three chests per room, this had to drag out for 3 turns. I had Ross, Gerik, and Franz charge into the northern corridor to nick the brave bow guy. I took out most of the enemies in the southern corridor on turn 2, and killed Riev on turn 3, right after I grabbed the last of the swag and got my units a little more exp. Mansel's knights, of course, didn't do shit.

3 turns.

Ephraim   	20  05  47  24  22  23  19  20  10  10  
Eirika    	19  04  37  19  23  24  19  14  13  07   
Franz    	14  03  42  17  12  15  09  15  05  11  
Gilliam   	18  11  53  29  22  15  12  30  10  16  
Ross 		15  07  50  27  18  21  24  16  05  13  
Artur    	14  08  32  22  17  21  07  09  23  07  Lte C
Lute    	15  05  30  25  14  17  16  08  18  04  Art C
Natasha    	08  00  23  08  06  11  13  04  13  04  Hat C
Josh 		14  08  43  21  25  26  12  14  07  09  Nat C  
Tana    	12  05  40  16  15  26  16  12  14  06
Cormag    	18  08  50  27  20  19  12  24  04  12   
Gerik   	16  06  47  24  20  19  12  19  09  15 

Gilliam capped his str/def so he's basically packaged and ready for delivery. All he needs now is a speed proc and a speedwing and he can double the Goat Demon with Garm.

Woot 2 chapters in 1 day. Man I'm good. You will be glad to know I will be doing Eirika mode coverage soon.

Swag: Brave sword, Brave lance, Brave bow, 5000G, Fortify, Bolting, Speedwing, Runesword, Fenrir, Aura

Edited by darkandroid125
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Chapter 20: Battle of Monstergeddon Part I

Units Deployed:

Ephraim, Eirika, Gilliam, Franz, Ross, Joshua, Gerik, Lute, Artur, Tana, Cormag, Natasha, Duessel, Syrene, Innes, Saleh, Myrrh

Chapter Summary: Unless you are good with a warp staff, this map can take a long time. The enemies here aren't horribly strong, well except Morva. But even he can be felled by dragon-killing weapons, bows, and Sacred twins. Also note that Morva's weapon ignores defense, so use high HP units to take him out. Riev's back, but he's still pathetic compared to your dudes.

[spoiler=Reply to Mekkah]

I just came in here to say I don't care about this playthrough.

If you didn't care about this playthrough, or me for that matter, then why did you even post here?

[spoiler=Item Allocation]

Before I started the map, I used my speedwings on Gilliam, Lute, and Franz. My energy ring went to Hat. I decided not to use the talismans right away as I did not need them.

I proceeded as normal, killing monsters while my fliers went west to deal with the shadowshot mogalls. I also had Myrrh pick up some kills(she OHKO's most of the enemies here at base) By around turn 6, I had reached the midway point after killing a huge amount of cyclopes(Gil critblicked all of them) and Cornmug destroyed some deathgoyles, though he had to retreat due to not packing any elixirs on him(Innes had one, so Cornmug's retreat was short lived.) Innes was busy dealing with gargoyles, while Artur and Gerik dealt with the NW deathgoyles. As for Riev, I killed him on turn 8, then rushed towards the gate. After I got my fill of EXP and WEXP, I killed Morva on turn 11, and seized on the same turn.

11 turns.

Ephraim   	20  06  48  25  23  24  19  20  10  10  
Eirika    	19  05  38  19  24  25  20  14  14  07   
Franz    	14  04  43  17  12  18  09  16  05  11  
Gilliam   	18  12  54  29  22  18  12  30  10  16  
Ross 		15  08  51  27  19  22  25  16  05  13  
Artur    	14  11  34  24  19  23  07  10  26  07  Lte C
Lute    	15  07  31  27  14  21  17  08  19  04  Art C
Natasha    	10  01  28  12  07  13  15  06  17  06  Hat C
Josh 		14  09  43  24  26  27  12  14  07  09  Nat C  
Tana    	12  07  41  17  17  28  17  12  14  06
Cormag    	18  10  52  27  21  20  13  25  04  12   
Gerik   	16  07  48  25  20  20  13  19  09  15 

Not putting in anyone else because IDC.

Swag: Steel blade, Steel sword, Elixir, Swordslayer

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Gimme five.

EDIT: A small sampling from Lagdou 1, since I have to get to school.




Besides Dracozombies it's pretty indicative of the whole CC.

EDIT: That final image is not a joke. You do still fight REVENANTS.

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K, these work for now. Thanks man.

So in order to ORKO an Elder Bael, Lute would have to be a Sage with Fimbulvetr... then again it's a pretty expensive tome, and IIRC most of the time you want to use Iron weapons as much as possible. Even then, both MageKnight Lute and Sage Lute 2RKO Elder Bael. Sage Lute can ORKO Wights with Fire while it takes Thunder to ORKO them. Still, considering Lute is pretty frail (even at 20/20, 37 HP | 11.7 Def is pretty terrible).

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Yeah, I'll push through to Lagdou 7 and Valni 8 and give some better ideas later today.

That said, remember the CC has all the shops for Steels/Silvers ever, and Steels are pretty cheap with the Silver Card, so assuming Steels/Thunders/poor lonely dark magic :( for anything that you can 1RKO with them isn't unreasonable IMO.

And remember that this is FE8 and you have SO MUCH MONEY.

But yeah, I'll throw some real numbers out when I get home.

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Screenshots can go die, here's text and shit:

Everything taken from Ephraim Hard Mode, post-game, Lagdou 6. I could have gone on, but I deigned not to because this one has a good enemy density and is pretty indicative of CC's worst (minus dracozombies, granted). Stats'll be the first one I see. ATK will be the worst and best ones I see.

              LV  HP|ST|SK|SP|LK|DF|RS  ATK
1x Wight     16  35|12|10|11| 2| 9| 7   17
2x Wight     17  34|13|11| 9| 3| 9| 8  ~19-24
11x Wight     18  36|13|11|10| 3| 9| 8  ~17-23
5x Wight     19  38|13|12|10| 2| 8| 6  ~18-23
3x Wight     20  39|14|11|11| 2|10| 8  ~21-24

1x E. Bael   16  56|19|10|10| 2|14| 8   29
9x E. Bael   17  57|18|11|10| 2|14| 9  ~25-33
4x E. Bael   18  56|19|12|10| 3|14| 7  ~27-32
1x E. Bael   19  64|22|14|11| 3|15|10   32

1x Cyclops   18  61|16|13|13| 2|19| 6   29
1x A.Mogall  18  27|19|10| 9| 4| 5|13   32 w/Shadowshot
3x Gorgon    18  30|22|11|10| 8| 7|17   Stone


So a successful 1RKO on the toughest Wight around (we'll call it an even 40HP, 8RES) would require doubling (utterly trivial) with 28ATK per shot. Fire has a MT of 5. Lute can 1RKO any Wight (ignoring her own durability) without even capramming MAG as a MK with any tome ever.

The Baels have a larger HP buffer. The toughest bastard there is 64HP, 10RES. To 1RKO him would require doubling (again) at 42ATK per shot.

A capped MK!Lute is looking at 30 ATK with Fire (3HKO) or 35 with Elfire (also 3HKO). I'll ignore Sacred Twins because she'd 1RKO anything ever with X-Cal MK or Sage.

A capped Sage!Lute, gaining 5 MAG, is still not 1RKOing with either of these tomes, as Elfire would leave her just shy of the requisite 42.

The ONLY difference on the Bael is that a Sage would be able to 1RKO with Fimbulvetr (because that's helpful) while a MK would not.

EDIT: The midgrade Baels, actually, would get 1RKOed by Fire!Sage and Elfire!MK. So there's that.

The one Cyclops is in almost the same boat as the Bael statistically, with the major difference being an Elfired Sage could 1RKO him while an Elfired MK could not. The Mogall would get 1RKOed by either Lute with no problems, and the Gorgons would get 1RKOed by the Sage but not the MK with Fire and by both with Elfire.

Lute's durability!

37/10 or 37/11 for MK and Sage, respectively, with not-great evade. The MANRIEST of the MANRY of the Wights (ignoring Killers) are looking at a rather horrible 3HKO on the poor girl. Baels make this even worse by turning it into a 2HKO. Even if she's facing hitrates hovering around 30, this isn't an optimal situation by any means.


A capped Bishop!Artur with Lightning has 37 ATK, which lets him 1RKO everything Elfire!Sage!Lute can for cheaper. Throwing Shine on him (analogous price-wise to Elfire but a bit cheaper) brings him to a MANRY 43 - which handily 1RKOs everything here. We can even buy Divines (unlike Fimbulvetrs) to boost his attack to an overkillicious 49, which would 1RKO everything ever except MAYBE Dracozombies, which Lute isn't 1RKOing either.

Anything else, M?

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A level 14 one in Lagdou 2 already has 19 SPD, so I suspect Lute wouldn't be able to double the proper leveled ones at SPD 24 (average). He also already has 36 HP and 5 RES, which makes the 1HKO point 41. And he seems to be on the low end of RES, judging by the level 13 one in Lagou 2.

Add onto that their attacks of 23 and 24 and - more notably - their HITS of ~120 and Lute isn't dodging them reliably.


If you're really curious, I can buy a whole shitload of hand axes and have Gerik chew though EVEN MORE Lagdou to get concrete data on real leveled Gangrene (and, incidentally, centaurs and maybe bonewalkers. cause they matter. EDIT2: and by that point, dracozombies for shits and giggles), but that's your call.

I have it in my head that units hovering around 18 SPD GET doubled by Gwyglis once the latter reach their upper teens, for the personal experience side.

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