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ITT I Play No Seth FE8

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Chapter 7: The Siege of Renvall

Units Deployed:

Eirika, Gilliam, Franz, Ross, Joshua, Lute, Artur, Natasha, Vanessa, Colm

Chapter Summary: As usual, there are a few ways of getting a low turn count on this map, all of which involve rescuing Eirika. Also, ballistae. The 3-10 range of one of these puppies is a dead zone to Vanessa(due to tripled might in this game instead of the doubled might that allowed me to stick Florina into a ballista's kill zone without her getting OHKO'd.) Just a heads up.

Gil takes out the first soldier he sees, then the rest of my group follow. After Gil takes out the second soldier on the EP, Colm and Eirika go across the river while Vanessa picks up Gil and basically does the same for him. While this is happening, Franz, Hat, and the magi go east to get some EXP. Anyway, after I nab the energy ring, I have Eirika kill the mage, then plant Gil down to deal with the two loldiers on turn 3 EP, while Franz kills two fighters. Lute kills the archer after Hat weakens it, then he(Hat) gets ferried over to the other side of the mountains to help Eirika and Gil.

Turn 6 came around, and Gil attacked the boss after weakening two archers. I killed him on turn 7, but I had to wait until turn 8 to seize as Eirika killed the archer for some LM experience.

8 turns.

Eirika    	10  00  23  10  14  15  10  05  03  05   
Franz    	06  00  24  10  07  10  04  09  03  09  
Gilliam   	15  00  36  17  11  08  07  20  05  14  
Vanessa    	02  00  17  06  07  11  05  06  05  05  
Ross 		04  00  29  15  08  12  15  10  01  08  
Artur    	06  00  21  09  09  12  04  02  09  06
Lute    	05  00  20  10  07  10  10  03  07  03
Natasha    	02  00  18  03  04  08  07  03  07  04
Josh 		09  00  28  11  16  17  08  07  03  08

No longer putting in Colm's stats because I'm not using him for combat purposes.

Swag: Pure water, Energy ring, Knight crest

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Chapter 8: IT'S A TRAP!

Units Deployed:

Eirika, Gilliam, Franz, Ross, Joshua, Natasha, Lute, Artur, Colm, Ephraim, Kyle, Forde

Chapter Summary: The final map in the first arc of the game. Beat Tirado and seize the square he's sitting on to decide your fate. Also, the first promotion of this playthrough.

Lute and Ross squared off by killing some soldiers, while Gilliam goes up to engage the AK. On turn 2, after some mooks were crushed, I had Kyle draw in some soldiers, which left the archer to Eph(Forde can't one-round it without the killer lance, and I didn't want to draw in the fighter). Turn 3 was where things get hectic; Kyle attacked a soldier, but whiffed his first shot. Colm opened the door allowing Gil to go in and sodomize the entire group of knights inside the seraph robe room on the EP. At the same time, Hat had some... things to deal with. Mostly a knight that can 2HKO him. Colm grabs the seraph robe after all the knights are dead.

As for the sothern group, I sent Kyle and Forde to block the reinforcements, while using Lute and Artur to kill them. I then pull all my units into the western corridor to deal with the enemies guarding the chest room. While this was happening, I drew out the mooks guarding Tirado, and chipped down the wall, allowing Colm to get through and nab the chests on turns 11 and 12. By turn 7 EP, Gil had torn through all the mages, and used his knight crest on turn 8. He engaged Tirado on turn 9, but withdrew so that he could trade his doorkey to Eirika so Forde could open the chest room on turn 11(he almost died, and would have had I not RNG abused my way into making him survive.) He finished the job on turn 12.

12 turns.

Eirika    	11  00  24  10  14  16  10  05  03  05   
Ephraim   	10  00  29  13  13  15  13  13  03  08  
Franz    	06  00  24  10  07  10  04  09  03  09  
Gilliam   	18  02  44  21  17  13  09  23  09  16  
Ross 		07  00  32  18  09  13  17  11  01  08  
Artur    	07  00  21  10  10  12  04  02  10  06
Lute    	07  00  22  12  09  11  11  03  08  03
Natasha    	03  00  19  04  04  09  08  03  08  04
Josh 		10  00  29  12  17  18  08  07  03  08
Kyle    	08  00  28  12  07  09  07  11  02  10  
Forde   	07  00  24  08  08  09  07  08  02  09  

Gil: I accident the game. U mad?

Me: No. You only have 5 move. Your still not getting anywhere without people to fer- Oh wait. You CAN'T be carried by anyone except Franz and Forde.

Oh, by the way, Ephraim route wins by a 2:1 margain. Sorry Eirika fans. Her journey to Rausten will have to wait.

Swag: Silver sword, Elysian whip, Seraph robe

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ITP: Chapter 1-8 Character Review

Yes, you heard correctly. I always have one of these ready after I beat a significant portion of the game:


To tell the truth, my Eirika did alright for herself despite my anti-myrm and fencer rant. She doubled basically everything for good damage because her strength is blessed by like 2 points or something. Unfortunately, her durability was extremely suspect, being 2-3HKO'd by basically everything, and is actually slightly defense screwed(she is also luck screwed). Too bad she's gone until C15, so she'll have to play catch up in C16.


Either I rigged the RNG or I just got incredibly lucky, but my Ephraim is ridiculous. To give out an idea, he's blessed in every stat that matters, with defense being a full 4 points above average. Either way, he's a complete beast and will likely see extended use.


I may have been sandbagging him, but Franz is currently doing alright as well. While I can't say I'm impressed with his stats right now, he does have overall good offense and decent enough durability where I'm not worried about him dying, but he can't overexpose himself as much as, say, Ross. Also, 7 move allows him to take part in rescue chains and is one of only two units(Forde being the other) that can pick up that 16 con turd.


Well, he hits like a Kenworth and is for all intents and purposes immortal, but those two qualities do not a good unit make. His movement is so sorely lacking, and even if I had made him into a great knight, he'd still have issues keeping up(though not as many). Also, while his speed is good right now, it's going to go downhill from here. And here is around Chapter 12.


It kind of sucks I couldn't get him promoted by Chapter 5, but being a pirate has its advantages(hint: he can cross the rivers in Chapter 13). Also, he hits insanely hard and actually doubles(depending on the weapon, he loses the ability to double many enemies if he pulls out a steel axe. lol10con) He also know what durability means, which is cool as I don't have to worry about him, you know, dying.


He's basically Eirika with a stronger offense, more con, and more resilience to attack. Not getting a pony upon promotion kind of sucks, but +15 crit sure helps.


He's rather vanilla right now, but he's been growing rather well. He's faster than Lute and can buffer magic better, but does less damage than Ms. Prodigy and fails in the durability department. Hopefully, slayer and C staves will give him a necessary edge over Lute.


Again, rather vanilla, but she hits rather hard for a magic user, but doesn't double as many things as Artur(she has 2 less spd than him thanks to her 3 con bogging her AS). Also, she has a slight durability lead over him, but they are both 2HKO'd by everything and their sugar daddy anyway.

See you in Grado. Peace out, chumps.

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Chapter 9: The Schmexy

Units Deployed:

Ephraim, Gilliam, Franz, Ross, Joshua, Kyle, Forde, Natasha, Lute, Artur, Colm

Units Acquired:

Tana, Amelia

New Units

Tana: She joins WAY later than Vanessa does, but is more combat worthy. Flying utility isn't as important as it was back in C2-7, so she can make better use of her combat parameters.

Amelia: Take Ross, make him join 8 maps later at the same level, and deny him a good 1-2 range weapon to leech exp off enemies, and you get this piece of shit. An absolutely useless waste of game data IYAM.

Before I started the map, I bought three javelins, two iron lances, and a restore staff. Also, Kyle and Forde are joining us because this is a large map and I need all the mounted people I can get(can't use Seth because the rules of this LP won't allow his use.)

Chapter Summary: Long chapter. This map loves to make you take multiple u-turns to get to Gheb. Also, keep Tana where she is. While she can take hits from that mage, she can't do it indefinitely.

Lute starts by taking out an armor, while the rest of my group struggles to keep up. I march through the first corridor on turns 2-4, keeping an eye on the sleep staff guy, though no one actually got hit by it. Turn 5 was used to take out a particularly bad crowd of cavaliers and loldiers, after which I opened the gate and took out some angry soldiers and recruited Amelia. Upon getting out, which took about 4 turns to actually do, I send Eph, Gil, and Lute to charge forth to the throne room, while Colm and most of the others went up and rescued Tana(and grab the swag). I breached the throne room by turn 12, and killed Gheb by turn 14(Lute got the boss kill.)

15 turns.

Ephraim   	12  00  31  15  14  17  14  13  03  08  
Franz    	07  00  25  11  08  10  04  09  03  09  
Gilliam   	18  03  45  21  18  13  10  24  10  16  
Ross 		10  00  35  20  12  15  17  13  02  10  
Artur    	09  00  23  12  11  14  04  02  12  06
Lute    	12  00  24  17  12  14  13  03  10  03
Natasha    	04  00  20  05  05  09  09  04  09  04  Hat C
Josh 		11  00  30  13  18  18  08  07  03  08  Nat C
Kyle    	08  00  28  12  07  09  07  11  02  10  
Forde   	08  00  25  09  08  09  07  08  02  09  
Tana    	04  00  20  07  09  13  08  06  07  04 

Until further notice, Eirika is not on the unit scoreboard. Yeah, she's THAT busy. And I'm not adding Amelia as no one fucking cares about that useless piece of shit anyway.

I think Lute ate the rest of Gilliam's steroids and gained 5 levels as a result. And of course, Tana didn't do shit(except for killing the KE myrm so Kyle wouldn't have to.) Also, Gilliam reached C axes this map(from E rank), so he can readily use Gheb's killer axe.

Swag: Killer axe, Heavy spear, Speedwing, Ocean seal, 2.5K, Restore

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Chapter 10: The Battle of Bethroen

Units Deployed:

Ephraim, Gilliam, Franz, Joshua, Ross, Kyle, Forde, Lute, Artur, Tana, Natasha

Units Acquired:

Duessel, Cormag

New Units

Duracell: Put simply; amazing. High HP/str/def, passable spd and Triple A's make Duessel an excellent crutch for most of Ephraim's route.

Cornmug: He combines flying with Gil's durability, which is awesome. He's one of those units that can be early promoted and not really bellyache over it.

This chapter is designed to be a defense map, but you can just as easily end the map by killing the turd named Beran. If Duracell dies(not that the enemies can reasonably kill him anyway), you get a game over. Note that you will get a NiteCrt if all of Duracell's goons survive. Also, Selena leaves the first turn, so don't worry about those scary 27 atk Boltings.

I charged my units forward on turns 1 and 2, killing any turds that dared cross me. Tana went over and grabbed the torch staff, then raced back towards Cornmug. Everyone else either went for Duracell or Beran. After killing a clusterfuck of enemies on turn 3, I was able to recruit Duracell and Cornmug on turn 5. Cornmug then raced back to the main group, allowing him to grab the secret book by turn 9. While this was happening, Gil, Ross, and Josh took on the merc reinforcements while Franz and Forde tanked the pirates. As for the cavalier crowd, I sent Duracell, Kyle, and Artur after them, which took around 3 turns to clear entirely. I killed Beran on turn 10.

10 turns.

Ephraim   	12  00  31  15  14  17  14  13  03  08  
Franz    	09  00  27  12  09  12  05  09  03  09  
Gilliam   	18  04  46  22  18  13  10  25  10  16  
Ross 		12  00  37  20  13  16  18  14  02  10  
Artur    	11  00  24  14  12  16  05  05  13  06
Lute    	13  00  25  18  12  14  14  03  10  03
Natasha    	04  00  20  05  05  09  09  04  09  04  Hat C
Josh 		14  00  32  15  20  20  08  07  03  08  Nat C
Kyle    	08  00  29  13  08  10  07  12  02  10  
Forde   	08  00  25  09  08  09  07  08  02  09  
Tana    	05  00  20  08  10  14  09  06  07  04 
Duessel   	00  08  41  17  12  12  08  17  09  15
Cormag    	10  00  31  15  09  10  05  13  03  11   

That was rather long...and hard. Chapter 11 is going to be a bitch.

Oh, and Cormina is not in the game. Sorry Integ(and yes, I saw your Cormina rating in your FE8 character ratings.)

Swag: Torch staff, Killing edge, Knight killer, Hero crest, Secret book

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Oh, and Cormina is not in the game. Sorry Integ(and yes, I saw your Cormina rating in your FE8 character ratings.)

Just because you don't have the skills and overall good looks to recruit her doesn't mean she's not in the game.

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Chapter 11: The Ghost Ship

Units Deployed:

Ephraim, Gilliam, Franz, Joshua, Ross, Duessel, Cormag, Lute, Artur, Tana, Natasha

Units Acquired:

L'Arachel, Dozla

New Units

L'Arachel: She has some fairly nice bases, but is low leveled with only D staves. She's fairly niche in that she's mounted, but is otherwise an inferior Moulder/Natasha.

Dozla: A sluggish berserker with overall unimpressive bases and decent growths. Ross should have better stats than him even as a pirate.

Chapter Summary: To begin with, this map is a FoW map and worse, there's mogalls and gargoyles flying everywhere. Weak units are at your own risk. Trust me, I did this map in my last playthrough and I ran into a situation where either Lute or Natasha would've died had I not RNG abused to hell and back.

Before the chapter began, I promoted Hat to swordmaster and gave him the dracoshield. I also bought upgraded magic for Lute and Artur, some ranged weapons, and a mend staff for my healer.

I started by having Natasha cast a torch to the south of the boat, at which point Cornmug darted south to engage the gargoyles. Tana went north to engage the mogalls using a pure water to negate their damage. Next turn, Cornmug takes out a lone gargoyle while everybody else just sits there. I board the ship by turn 3, allowing me to decimate most of the monsters on board during turns 3 and 4. On turn 5, Eph darts over to L'Arachel's boat, where she was recruited along with the Bearded lady, and kills some mogalls while he's there.

I completed the map by turn 7, when Cornmug and Tana kill the rest of the mogalls. And in case you were wondering, Gil got the boss kill by critting the bastard with the killer axe.

7 turns.

Ephraim   	13  00  32  16  15  18  14  13  03  08  
Franz    	09  00  27  12  09  12  06  10  03  09  
Gilliam   	18  05  47  23  19  14  10  26  10  16  
Ross 		12  00  38  20  13  17  19  14  02  10  
Artur    	12  00  25  15  12  17  05  05  14  06
Lute    	14  00  25  19  12  15  14  04  11  03
Natasha    	05  00  21  06  05  10  10  04  10  04  Hat C
Josh 		14  01  37  17  20  20  08  11  04  09  Nat C
Kyle    	08  00  29  13  08  10  07  12  02  10  
Forde   	08  00  25  09  08  09  07  08  02  09  
Tana    	08  00  23  10  11  17  11  06  09  05
Duessel   	00  08  41  17  12  12  08  17  09  15
Cormag    	13  00  34  17  11  11  06  15  03  11   
Larachel   	03  00  18  06  06  10  12  05  08  05  
Dozla   	00  01  43  16  11  09  04  11  06  16

Eh. I need to fix a few typos, but nothing too special. Kind of like how Ross's defense is almost as high as Duessel's.

Swag: Short spear, White gem, Battle axe

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Chapter 12: Invasion of Taizel

Units Deployed:

Ephraim, Gilliam, Franz, Kyle, Forde, Cormag, Joshua, Ross, Tana, Lute, Artur, Natasha

Units Acquired:

Ewan, Marisa

New Units

Ewan: Like Amelia, he's one of the worst units in this game. He's literally one-shot by everything, has atrocious bases, and his growths are worse than Lute's.

Marisa: A late joining myrm with mediocre bases and growths that fail to impress. Her durability is just horrid, as is her damage unless she uses a Shamshir.

Chapter Summary: This chapter is piss ass easy. Kill the big, scary cyclops to end the map. Note that Marisa can be recruited if you recruit Ewan and she lives the chapter.

I shoved all my units up on turns 1 and 2, minding the pirate swarm near my starting point. I had all my units charge forward towards the twon area, except for Ross who stayed behind to deal with the gargoyle reinforcements. I also dealt with the usual clusterfuck of enemies on turn 4, managing to kill everything except for a mauthe doog. Some monster and shaman reinforcements arrive, but by this stage, I had removed most of the enemies in the area where I was working and I had Gil and Hat head for the boss. I recruited Ewan on turn 7, and ended the map on turn 8. Ross and Lute promote over the course of the chapter.

8 turns.

Ephraim   	14  00  33  17  15  19  15  13  03  08  
Franz    	11  00  27  13  09  12  06  11  04  09  
Gilliam   	18  06  48  24  20  14  10  26  10  16  
Ross 		15  01  44  21  15  19  21  16  04  13  
Artur    	13  00  25  16  13  17  05  05  15  06
Lute    	15  01  28  21  13  15  14  08  15  04
Natasha    	06  00  21  06  06  11  11  04  11  04  Hat C
Josh 		14  03  39  18  21  22  09  12  05  09  Nat C
Kyle    	10  00  30  14  08  11  07  13  02  10  
Forde   	09  00  26  10  08  10  08  08  03  09  
Tana    	10  00  25  12  12  18  11  07  09  05
Duessel   	00  08  41  17  12  12  08  17  09  15
Cormag    	14  00  35  18  12  12  06  16  03  11   
Marisa    	05  00  23  07  12  13  09  04  03  05

Again, not adding Ewan because he just fails oh so badly. Also thought about not adding Marisa, but I wanted to show you how much she fails compared to the rest of my party(for starters, base Cormag has double her str and triple her def. He loses skl/spd by 3 each but has 24 atk with a killer lance to Marisa's 15 with a shamshir.)

Expect more promotions in Chapters 13 and 14.

Swag: Swordslayer, Dracoshield, Short bow, Shamshir.

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Chapter 13: Selena's Last Stand

Units Deployed:

Ephraim, Gilliam, Franz, Joshua, Ross, Lute, Artur, Tana, Cormag, Natasha, Colm

Units Acquired:

Gerik, Tethys

New Units

Gerik: A mercenary with awesome bases. He comes with his own hero crest, so you can promote him basically whenever. He hits hard, is durable for a merc, and is generally fast enough to double shit.

Tethys: Dancer. Nuff said. Dancers are obviously useful to have around.

Chapter Summary: Another romp. Oh, and do mind Selena's Bolting. 26 atk hitting resistance hurts. Also, there's some interesting swag in the map, as well.

I moved my group west, except for Hat and Franz, who moved east. Ross and Cornmug moved south to take out the crowd of cavaliers that were next to Selena. Gerik simply turtled near his start point until Hat and Franz showed up, then went on the offensive, gaining several levels in the process. The main danger here is Selena's Bolting, but once you get rid of it, the map is fairly smooth. I sent Gilliam to get the west village while Hat went to the east one. I managed to clear the map of enemies on turn 8, with Ephraim getting the kill on Selena. Artur promotes at the end of the map.

8 turns.

Ephraim   	16  00  35  19  16  19  16  14  03  08  
Franz    	11  00  27  13  09  12  06  11  04  09  
Gilliam   	18  06  48  24  20  14  10  26  10  16  
Ross 		15  01  45  22  15  19  22  16  04  13  
Artur    	14  01  29  18  15  18  05  08  18  07
Lute    	15  01  28  21  13  15  14  08  15  04
Natasha    	06  00  21  06  06  11  11  04  11  04  Hat C
Josh 		14  03  39  18  21  22  09  12  05  09  Nat C  
Tana    	11  00  26  13  13  19  13  07  09  05
Cormag    	16  00  37  19  12  13  07  18  03  11   
Gerik   	13  00  35  17  15  14  10  12  05  13 

Not adding Tethys because I don't feel like adding dancer stats.

My Gerik is so strength blessed right now. He's well balanced everywhere else, though.

Say, liking my playthrough so far? Told you I could pull some low T's with a generally inferior team. Not that it matters.

All that's left now is Gerik, Franz, Tana, and Cormag and we're set for promotions. And Natasha, but nobody cares about her.

Swag: Talisman, Hero crest, Goddess icon, Barrier, Dragonpike

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Chapter 14: Manifestation of my Hatred

A.K.A It's a Promotion Party and Everybody's Invited!

Units Deployed:

Ephraim, Franz, Ross, Joshua, Gerik, Cormag, Tana, Natasha, Artur, Lute, Tethys, L'Arachel

Units Acquired:


New Units

Rennac: He's good for thief utility but that's about it. His combat is just awful against anything that isn't a mage.

Chapter Summary: I fucking hate this chapter.

To begin with, your party is split up, and you have to collect chests and get to the boss, while having to dodge status staves and catch Rennac before he leaves the map with valuable swag. If you are either patient or masochistic enough to get this far, good luck soldier. Oh, and don't forget to bring L'Arachel unless you want to flush 9980G down the shitter. Just saiyan.

Moved my two groups forward, killing the two magic dudes on turn 1, and working on each squad on turn 2. I made it to the armor squads by turn 3 each, though Eph's side needed the enemy phase because Gerik didn't ORKO his knight. As usual, I killed the two bishops before they could cause my units harm, though Hat forwent killing the bishop in favor of killing a knight. After I got past the doorways leading to the upper half of the castle, I recruited Rennac and brought my party back together, except for Franz, Cornmug, and Tana, who had recently promoted. Rennac and Ross went for the northwestern chest(Ross went because Rennac needed a babysitter), while I stormed the throne room and defeated Vigarde on turn 10. I seized on turn 11 because I wanted to get all the swag(the body ring was a lost cause as I would've had to waste turns getting Rennac back to retrieve the Seraph robe.), though I could have had Tethys dance Eph so he could seize on T10. I also wasted basically all my money on the secret shoppe. I mostly wanted some Battle axes and Blades. Also bought two Barriers and a Physic. Oh yeah, Gerik, Tana, and Cornmug promoted this chapter.

11 turns.

Ephraim   	18  00  37  20  17  19  17  16  04  08  
Franz    	14  00  31  15  11  14  07  11  04  09  
Gilliam   	18  06  48  24  20  14  10  26  10  16  
Ross 		15  02  45  22  15  19  22  16  04  13  
Artur    	14  03  30  19  15  20  05  08  20  07
Lute    	15  02  29  22  13  15  15  08  16  04
Natasha    	07  00  23  07  06  11  12  04  12  04  Hat C
Josh 		14  04  40  19  22  22  09  12  05  09  Nat C  
Tana    	12  01  31  15  13  22  13  07  09  06
Cormag    	18  01  43  22  14  15  07  22  03  12   
Gerik   	16  01  42  21  19  17  10  16  08  15 

What you see is who I care about. Not putting in Rennac because he's useless as a combatant.

Swag: Spear, Seraph robe, Hammerne, Guiding ring, 10000G, Knight crest, VIP card

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I really do have to ask why the hell you would ever promote Gilliam into a General. Not only is it -1 Mov from Great Knight, there's lack of Canto and (recalling off the top of my head since I lack resources atm) better weapon rank bonuses. You probably wouldn't have to lug him around as much as it sounds if you just did the right thing and made him a Great Knight.

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Chapter 15: That One Desert Map

Units Deployed:

Ephraim, Gilliam, Ross, Joshua, Gerik, Cormag, Tana, Lute, Artur, Tethys, Colm, Rennac, Eirika

Units Acquired:

Innes, Saleh

New Units

Innes: Probably the only good bow user in this game(not counting Warrior Ross as Berserker>Hero>Warrior). He has good bases and A Bows, so I'd suggest you check him out.

Saleh: He's Pent if you dropped his base stats, stripped him of his A staves and Louise support, but gave him B Light.

Before I started the chapter, I made Franz into a paladin and fed him the C14 Seraph robe. This allows him to achieve being 4HKO'd by WK's regardless of weapon, even though I'm not bringing him to C15. It also lets him survive Shadowshot without a Pure Water/Barrier boost. Tana also takes a robe to at least get 3HKO'd by everything except the two 'Zerkers and the bosses.

Chapter Summary: Desert map. Bringing mounted and/or armored units is not recommended. Also, bring thieves because there's swag in this map. Note that Tiger Eye and AIDS face have items that prevent crits and effective bonuses, respectively.

Hat and the mages went forward, while Gil and the others went east to take on AIDS face. Tana was charged with dragging Colm around to grab swag. I took out most of the eastern enemies on turns 1 EP and 2 PP, while killing the mercs and fighters near Eirika's start point on turns 1 and 2. I eventually made it down to AIDS face, and killed him with Cornmug on turn 4. Hat had also made it to Caellach and killed him on turn 5. While this was happening, my units were combating reinforcements(with Artur dodging a ~45 hit peg that would've killed him at the HP level he was at.)and Colm was getting swag in the far east of the map. I ended the map on turn 9 because I wanted the Metis' tome, the silver card, and the silence staff(Could've ended on turn 7 because I did get the swiftsoles and Warp.)

9 turns.

Ephraim   	19  00  38  20  17  20  17  16  04  08  
Eirika    	16  00  27  14  16  19  15  09  05  05   
Franz    	14  01  40  16  12  15  07  13  05  11  
Gilliam   	18  08  50  26  20  14  11  28  10  16  
Ross 		15  03  46  23  16  20  22  16  04  13  
Artur    	14  04  31  19  15  21  06  08  20  07
Lute    	15  02  29  22  13  15  15  08  16  04
Natasha    	07  00  23  07  06  11  12  04  12  04  Hat C
Josh 		14  06  41  20  24  24  11  12  06  09  Nat C  
Tana    	12  01  31  15  13  22  13  11  12  06
Cormag    	18  02  44  23  17  15  08  22  03  12   
Gerik   	16  01  42  21  19  17  10  16  08  15 
Innes    	00  03  32  15  14  16  15  10  10  09
Saleh    	00  04  32  17  19  16  07  10  14  11

Sorry Innes and Saleh. I have WAY too may teammates, and I'm not including the guys who are there for utility purposes(Rennac, Natasha, Tethys)

Swag: Master seal, Swiftsoles, Warp, Wyrmslayer, Metis' Tome, Silence, Mend, Devil axe, Dragon axe, Silver card, Fili shield, Hoplon guard

Edited by darkandroid125
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  • 2 weeks later...

Is this going to be finished any time soon or has this thread breathed its last?

I promised this is going to be finished, and I will deliver, even though I'm currently playing something else.

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Chapter 16: Usurper King Orson

*Insert obvious Twilight Princess reference here*

Units Deployed:

Ephraim, Eirika, Ross, Gerik, Cormag, Tana, Franz, Lute, Artur, Tethys, Natasha, Rennac

New Units

Myrrh: An underleveled dragon loli whose attacks smite monsters. Powerful, but unfortunately, quite slow. Also, she only has 50 attacks before she's basically cannon fodder.

Chapter Summary: Just move your scrawny asses towards the throne. Just remember that goons show up next to your starting position and thieves show up. Orson really isn't that difficult to defeat, but he does have a runesword. Note that this map takes longer to complete on Ephraim's route as your posse starts at the southwest corner of the map in his version.

Before I started the map, I fed Gil the swiftsoles to patch his movement. He's still not going to see play this map as he's excessively overleveled. Same with Hat.

Anyway, I decided to send most of my group east, as there was fewer shrubbery in the way. Cornmug took the west path because he could, and Tana went with him. I managed to breach the inner castle by the time the cavalier reinforcements arrived on turn 4, so I was making good speed. I then formed a rescue chain on turns 4 through 6 because it was apparent my 5 move units were having issues with keeping up while Cornmug grabbed the tomahawk. While this was happening, Gerik stayed behind to deal with the reinforcements. Note that on around turn 8, I could've easily saved a turn by charging all my units towards the throne, but that would've resulted in casualties(Lute is doubled by the swordmaster unless she is carrying Fire and while she's 2RKO'd at full HP, any prior damage means she is ORKO'd, and Tethys dies in one shot to Purge, forcing me to use an emergency barrier, which would've prevented me from using Artur to heal Franz or having him attack. Not to mention that Franz can't take multiple magic hits even with Barrier and Rennac can't take a hit to save himself, much less my other units.), so I let the swordmasters and druids come to me instead by blockading the doorway with Ross and Eph. After I killed the three druids blocking the throne, I killed Orson with Eirika, grabbed the rest of the loot, and seized on turn 13.

13 turns.

Ephraim   	20  01  43  22  20  22  18  18  09  10  
Eirika    	19  01  34  17  21  21  17  13  11  07   
Franz    	14  02  41  17  12  15  08  14  05  11  
Gilliam   	18  08  50  26  20  14  11  28  10  16  
Ross 		15  05  48  25  17  21  22  16  04  13  
Artur    	14  05  31  20  16  21  07  09  20  07
Lute    	15  03  30  23  13  16  15  08  16  04
Natasha    	08  00  23  08  06  11  13  04  13  04  Hat C
Josh 		14  06  41  20  24  24  11  12  06  09  Nat C  
Tana    	12  02  38  16  13  23  13  11  12  06
Cormag    	18  04  46  24  18  16  09  22  03  12   
Gerik   	16  04  45  23  20  18  11  18  09  15 

That Ephraim's a pretty cool guy. Eh solos maps and doesn't afraid of anything.

On a side note, Artur reached B staves, and Natasha reached A rank. Artur only needs 13-15 barrier uses to reach A staves.

If anyone wants me to do Chapters 9-16 of Eirika's path, all you have to do is ask.

Swag: Physic, Tomahawk, 5000G, Knight crest, Talisman, Divine, Hero crest

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What is it with you and never finishing a playthrough in one sitting? Take some ADD medication.

You remember when I bothered him for like two months to finish FE6 the second time after not finishing the first time?

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ITP: Chapter 9-16 Character Review

Another one of these, because we've reached the 'twins united' milestone.


He's still ridiculous, even more so now that he has a pony, which means that he can kind of keep up with Franz, Tana, and Cornmug. Also, having his own S rank weapon helps, and he can still use Reginleif to hurt(read: ORKO)ponies/tin cans with.


Well, she's gotten much better thanks to her free levels being generous towards her defense. Still, her HP sucks and her str is only average(granted she's still 2 above her average after counting the C7 energy ring.). Like Ephraim, the pony and Prf S-rank help out a lot.


Well, he's much better now thanks to his promotion, but he still fails at taking magic damage, and has low enough luck that he can be critted if the enemy has a crit boosting weapon(I'm talking about things like Thunder and Light magic, not things like Killer weapons or swordmasters, which have crit on everybody). Still, his offense is pretty good and his physical durability is high enough to get 4HKO'd by most enemies.


He's mostly the same old shit that he was 8 chapters ago, still 2HKOing everything and never dying, and despite his low movement, was able to help me get out of tough situations in some of the more hectic maps. These days, he's mostly relegated to auxiliary roles as I've got people with better offense than him while having around the same durability(Cormag, Gerik, Ross). If he had movement issues before, the swiftsoles have solved that issue for the most part.


Likely the most surprising unit of this run. While I knew that he'd get high HP and strength, he completely surprised me by getting heavily speed and defense blessed. Basically, he ORKO's everything he touches, and is very hard to kill(he also has liek 64 avoid.) I guess his only real weakness is that he takes magic hits like a little girl, but that's to be expected.


While I like the fact that he can double swordmasters, his biggest problem is a lack of 2 range. In a game where you can literally kill hordes of enemies with a javelin or hand axe, Josh unfortunately has to deal with getting mugged by archers and mages, and his durability isn't the best in the world either. Still, he can basically nuke everything he touches since he doubles everything and has significant crit.


She's a lot better than what some people give her credit for, but I had issues getting her some proper EXP in her first two maps due to the two fleets in C10(she wasn't doing much in C9 anyway.), and she has issues with offense even with 7str/13spd(either she uses slim/iron and doubles, or she uses steel and loses the double.) She only started truly showing her worth in C11, where she could easily kill the mogalls with no damage after a Barrier use(Cormag still takes 3-5 damage), and her durability didn't really get anywhere until I gave her a robe and shield.


He's basically Tana with more HP/str/def, but less spd and res, and even his spd is decent. And like Ross and Franz, he takes magic like a pansy. Thankfully, he bests those two in raw def, and also has better offense than Franz. He's basically FE8's Millie, except that he isn't a red-headed woman.


He's Hat with less spd/skl, but more HP/str/def and has 1-2 range outside of runeswords and the C19 Prism sword(assuming the entire Rausten Redshirt army survives). He does have one weakness, that being his late join time in Eph's route, so he either has to get EXP fast or early promote.


Pound for pound, she does more damage than Artur(28 atk w/ Fire vs 24 atk w/ Lightning), but she doesn't double as often as he does(even if she had the same spd as him, her con is 3 lower than his), and has worse durability(both physical and magical). Also, she's limited to lower ranked staves, driving overall usefulness in Artur's favor.


I'm not going to lie; he's far more useful than Lute, given that he doubles more things on average, and has access to C staves and Slayer on promotion. Also, in this playthrough, his durability is slightly better than Lute's(significantly in the case of his res), but he has the same issues as Franz when it comes to getting CH'd(though he could care little about getting hit by magic as he has quadruple Franz's res.)

Peace out, doyles.

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