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Krom For Super Smas Bros. 4?


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Hopefully Lyn won't be the only assist throphy/FE item thingy next time.

Actually, I think Fire Emblem has a cast of characters big enough to warrant its very own summoning item like the Pokemon series with the Pokeball (Rescue Staff, maybe?). It would definitely be a great way to represent every FE universe and to include important characters with little to no chance of being playable.

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A bad player being able to beat a really good player solely due to character choice isn't good balance at all

That's not what I said at all. Basically what I meant is that you can't beat people by as much in Brawl as you can in Melee. In melee some of my friends can barely touch me. In Brawl they're much more likely to get a kill, but they'll still lose because I'm the better player. It has nothing to do with choice of character. It's more of Brawl pace and overall balance that allows this.

And as for that rescue staff/summon idea, that would be great! I mean, there are hundreds of unique FE characters out there. They don't even have to pick very many of them. I'd be happy with a few.

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Maybe it would summon lords only? That still gives you Alm, Celica, Sigurd, Celice, Leaf, Roy, Eliwood, Hector, Lyn, Eirika, Ephraim, probably Ike, and possibly Krom or even Marth.

Don't forget Micaiah. It could also include plot-important characters, such as Jagen, Caeda, Tiki, Cuan, Ethlin, Diadora, Yuria, Nanna, Fin, Mareeta, Marcus, Merlinus, Ninian, Seth, L'Arachel, Titania, Soren, Elincia, Sothe and Sanaki. And who knows who else. There's tons of picks.

Merlinus could show up riding his merchant cart and wonder around the stage. He won't damage anyone, but you can hit his wagon to make it drop items.

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They could also not only take important player characters, but enemies as well. There are so many possibilities. Although, I don't know how many they would want to include. You can get about 30ish different Pokemon from pokeballs in Brawl. But it also has massive popularity and no shortage of pure numbers... There are so many Pokemon now. Anyway, even if it was about 10 or so characters to summon, that would be pretty cool.

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