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(FE12) Another FE12 draft.

Wen Yang


9 members have voted

  1. 1. Who has the best team?

    • Emerald Yoshi
    • Naglfar
    • Blues
    • Vicious Sal
    • Kopfjager

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1. This draft is for 5 players.

2.Units free for everyone: Marth, Feena, Arran, MU(See Twist, point 4), Xane, a thief (choose one), Nagi. Palla is free for Chapter 3. Ogma/Sirius/Yubello/Yumina are free for Chapter 4. Navarre is free for Chapter 7. Merric is free for Chapter 10. Sisters are free for Chapter 24, Julian/Minerva/Merric/Sirius are free for Chapter 24 ONLY for recruiting the sisters. You can use whoever you want in the Prologue, but if you drafted any usable prologue units, you MUST use them.

3. The game will be played on Hard (H1).


1. Undrafted units may recruit characters, visit houses, trade,and shop.

2. Undrafted units may not do anything not listed above, including but not limited to opening chests/doors.

3. True ending must be acquired.

4. You are free to reclass undrafted units to whatever you want.

5. Prologue Turn counts do not count into your total turn count.

6. All Gaidens are mandatory.

7. Warp-Skipping is NOT allowed. The Warp staff may be used for other purposes though. This means that the Warp staff may not be used for: 1. Warping Marth. 2. Warping a unit that can use Rescue Staff to rescue Marth.

8. Usage of Base Arena is ALLOWED... as long as your money holds that is.


1. Wi-Fi Shop/Rainbow Potions/Clock Bonus are strictly prohibited.

2. Forges are only allowed of Iron weapons and the Fire tome and to +/- 3 MT, +/-15 Hit and +/-9 Crit. Please indicate when and how much you forge a weapon (Ex. Forged a lance for Vyland called Awful with +3 MT and -3 WT).

3. If you cannot reclass to your chosen class because that spot is being taken by an undrafted or generic unit, you must reclass the undrafted or generic unit to something else to allow your drafted unit to use that class (so you can't weasel your way out of having a dark mage).


1. Undrafted units have a 4 turn penalty, per unit per chapter.

2. Using a unit in a class other than its Chosen class (after reclassing is available for that unit) has a 44 turn penalty (as in, don't do it).

3. NOT recruiting a drafted unit has a 44 turn penalty (as in, get them all).

4. Losing drafted unit (death in combat) has a 22 turn penalty. You may however keep undesired drafted units on the bench. Free units are considered drafted for these rules.


1. When you get a turn to pick, you will first pick a unit for yourself, and then pick a second unit for the person next in line. In essence, half of each person's team will be determined by SOYO-style drafts while the other half are that person's own picks. (Since we use the usual snake-style 1234554321 picking order, the people who picks twice in a row will first pick a unit for the person on the other end of the order, then the one going after them. So for example player 5 will first pick a unit for him/herself, then a unit for player 1, then another for him/herself, then another for player 4.) The last round of picks will be a regular draft however, due to the number of draftable characters available.

*The order for the SOYO picks is 23451 and then 43215 on the other direction. The drafting is the usual snake style of 1234554321.

2. When you choose/are given a unit, you must decide which unpromoted class they will have, and which promoted class they will have. The Unit may not be reclassed into any other class than the chosen classes. This means you may pick Bantu/Tiki but not another despite Nagi being free.

3. Each player has a Wild Card. The Effect of the wild card allows the player to make an extra round of picks right then and there. This Wild card can only be used after a player has made their SECOND pick. When you use a wild card, you do not get a SOYO pick.

4. MU is allowed for use, but is limited to Curate/Cleric/Bishop/Mage/Sage/Archer/Sniper classes only.


So to be more specific each player may have at most one of each of:


Female/Class A:



Pegasus Knight:




Class B:






Dark Mage:


Female/Class A:


Falco Knight:






Female/Class B:







If someone has one of each of a class-set you may begin anew on that set.

Thiefs, Manaketes and Marth are obviously not reclassed. Because of this, you may not have two of these classes, nor give people another unit of these classes if they already have one picked.

In case you are still confused by the rules, here is a sample round of drafting in this method:

P1 picks Peg/Falco!Catria, gives P2 Michalis

P2 makes Michalis a Draco, picks Peg/Falco!Palla, gives P3 Ymir

P3 makes Ymir a berserker, picks Cav/Pally Luke, Gives P4 Sheema

P4 keeps Sheema as a General, picks Cav/Pally Rody, gives P5 Bantu

P5 picks Cav/Pally!Caeda, gives P1 Leiden, picks Peg/Falco!Cecil, gives P4 Belf.

P5 chooses to use their wild card. P5 chooses Cleric/Sage!Malicia.

Player List:

1. Kopfjager

2. Naglfar

3. Vicious Sal

4. Emerald Yoshi

5. Blues

Randomized draft order:

1. Emerald: Paladin! Arran, Archer/Sniper!MU, Pegasus Knight/General!Palla, Warrior!Ymir, Mercenary/Horseman!Ogma, Mage/Bishop!Yumina, Cleric/Sage!Yubello, Mrymidon/Falcoknight!Athena, Dracoknight!Sheema, Chiki, Hero!Darros, Berserker!Horace, Swordmaster!Michalis, Sorcerer!Etzel, Swordmaster!Jeorge

2. Naglfar: Paladin!Arran, Mage/Sage!MU, Cavalier/Swordmaster!Matthis, Pegasus Knight/Falcoknight!Catria, Sniper!Midia, Mrymidon/Dracoknight!Ryan, Archer/General!Malice, Fighter/Hero!Barst, Cleric/Bishop!Wrys, Horseman!Astram, Pirate/Berserker!Castor, Cavalier/Paladin!Leiden, Mrymidon/Dracoknight!Samto, Bishop!Wendell, Mage/Sage!Elrean

3. Blues: Paladin!Arran, Archer/Sniper!MU, Bishop!Frost, Cavalier/Swordmaster!Luke, Dracoknight!Vyland, Mage/Sage!Merric, General!Sedgar, Pegasus Knight/Falcoknight!Norne, Cleric/Bishop!Linde, Dracoknight!Roshea, Mercenary/Hero!Roger, Horseman!Beck, Mrymidon/Paladin!Frey, Warrior!Dolph, Berserker!Robert

4. Sal: Paladin!Arran, Mage/Bishop!MU, Archer/Warrior!Gordin, Cleric/Sage!Mallesia, lol!Bantu, Cavalier/Dracoknight!Draug, Berserker!Sirius, Pirate/Hero!Dice, Mercenary/Swordmaster!Caesar, General!Wolf, Sniper!Jake, Horseman!Samson, Cavalier/Dracoknight!Cain, Sage!Katarina, Mrymidon/Paladin!Warren

5. Kopfjager: Dracoknight!Arran, Archer/Sniper!MU, Pirate/Berserker!Bord, Cavalier/Paladin!Rody, Cleric/Sage!Cecille, Pegasus Knight/Falcoknight!Caeda, Mrymidon/Swordmaster!Est, Bishop!Tomas, Dracoknight!Minerva, Mercenary/Hero!Cord, Mage/Swordmaster!Belf, Sorcerer!Macellan, Archer/Sniper!Radd, Cavalier/Paladin!Navarre, Bishop!Abel

Edited by Kopfjager
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Sure, why not, i'm having plenty of time right now. However, since this is semi soyo I need to check growths etc for the soyo part, takes a lot of time, and inet is limited. If i'm not around, let someone knickerbock for me. ;) Like xisrons fe11 draft.

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Since we have 5 people, I have randomized the draft order:

1. Emerald

2. Naglfar

3. Blues

4. Sal

5. Kopfjager

When you make your first pick, please also declare what class Arran and MU will be locked in. Thank you.

Emerald, it's your go.

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Arran will be his base class and MU will be an Archer/Sniper.

Palla - Pegasus Knight/General (I can do that, right)

Nagelfur gets Matthis.

Edited by Emerald Yoshi
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Arran will stay a Paladin. My Unit will be Mage/Sage. Em, you meant Archer/Sniper, right?

Matthis can be Cavalier/Swordmaster.

I'll take pegafalco Catria.

Blues gets... Frost.

So when do we reclass our units? Say I had a pegasus knight I drafted as an archer, is that pegasus knight fine to use as is until I get an opportunity to reclass her? What about my cav/SM Matthis, too? Should he promote to paladin, is it fine to use him until I can make him a swordmaster? Or should I reclass him to myrmidon before promoting him?

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Ick bord, you turn-costing creep. You can be a Knight -> General and rot in the depths of my bench.

Arran shall be a Dracoknight for his entire existence. MU will be the Archer/Sniper of DOOM.

For myself, I choose Rody, as a Cavalier ->Paladin, and grant Emerald the wonderful and magnificent Ymir!

After that, I choose Cecil, as a Cleric-->Sage, and grant Sal the wondrous, one and only, BANTU!

I also choose to use my Wild Card. With it, I choose Caeda as a Pegasus Knight-->Falco Knight.

I end my Turn. ;):

Edit: On second thought, I guess Bord would be ok as a Pirate-->Zerk instead. I forgot this is FE12 and not FE11 where he has 0% personal Spd growth. Guess you're not benched after all Bord. Still hate you for costing turns.

Edited by Kopfjager
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Nags, you are to reclass your unit on the earliest possible opportunity. So using Catria as an example, say you draft her as an archer, you may still use her as the peg she is in chapter 2 since she joins AFTER the chapter starts, but MUST reclass her before the next chapter. Basically, if you get a unit that joins in a chapter (no chance to reclass), they're good to go. As for promotion, do it at base, duh. Base arena is allowed so I see zero point of promoting in-chapter.

Sal, please clarify which of MU and Mallesia is your Sage, and what the promoted class of the other is. For now I'm assuming you meant Bishop Mallesia.

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Oh, you may just restart the chapter without penalty.

I'm not THAT evil.

At least not in THIS draft. :3:

That rule simply means that you either go through the game keeping your entire drafted team alive, or take the 22-turn hit if someone dies and you're not feeling like restarting the chapter.

Edited by Kopfjager
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Sal, you must be psychich or something. I was going to pick Draug next, and THEN USE WILD CARD FOR SIRIUS, AND I THOUGHT OF GIVING VYLAND TO SOMEONE! >.<

I keep Vyland as a Dracoknight(sigh)

Mage--> Sage Merric, let's go!

Next person gets Midia.

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I'll take Yumina and make her a Mage/Bishop. I'll give Est to Wehn.

While I'm at it I'll take Yubello too and make him a Curate/Sage. And Naglefur can get Malice.

I'll play my Wild Card and pick Athena and make her Myrmidon/Falcoknight(if I can, if not, her base)

Ogma will be a Mercenary/Horseman.

Edited by Emerald Yoshi
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Archer/General Malice. That's going to be funny.

Um, Fighter/Hero Barst.

Eclipse says to give away Star Wolf fast, so Blues, you get Sedgar.

WILD CARD! Should have done it before. Oh well. Let's get Curate/Bishop Wrys out of the way.

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Sorry for not being around today. OP updated.

Sal has till 24 hours after Blues made his last pick to get his choice in.

While I'm at it, I hereby make Est my Mrym-->SM

And all your class picks are legal, so no issues.

Just keep in mind that ANYONE that promotes to falco cannot promote till they get the chapter 11 Elysian Whip.

Edited by Kopfjager
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I assume you mean Merc --> SM?

And thanks for allowing me to use up that useless bishop Spot. Tomas gets that.

I choose Minerva for myself, and since my A/Female promoted set is full she can get to be a second Draco. :D:

In return for Est, Emerald may have his beloved Sheema!

Next I choose Cord to keep Bord from getting bored, as a Mercenary-->Hero.

And Sal, in return for Tomas you can have Wolf!

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